Antigone Projects - Quia

Antigone Projects

Directions: Choose one of the following assignments to complete with your group.

Project Due Date: _______________________________________

Choice 1 Doing the Right Thing (Honors)

For this assignment, you will write a case study of a person or small group that is admired for standing up to authority, especially governmental authority, and “doing the right thing.” Select someone who lived, or is living, during the twentieth century. An example would be Nelson Mandela, who endured many years as a political prisoner before becoming the leader of South Africa. In your case study, describe the background and motivations of this person or group and the environmental, economic, or political factors that shaped his or her life and actions.

Choose someone who interests you, and for whom you can find enough information to write a case study. Teacher approval of your individual is a must before you state your research. Be sure to answer the following questions in your case study:

A. When and where did this person live?

B. What was this person’s family life like?

C. What was this person’s education or training?

D. What gave this person courage?

E. Why did this person oppose some type of authority?

F. What were the short and long term results of this opposition, for this person and others?

Your presentation will be formatted as a PowerPoint presentation for the class, lasting approximately five minutes. Be sure to use a pleasant format. Do not overdo it with “bells and whistles.” You should use multiple formats for each slide and at least three relevant pictures (not cartoons). Part of your evaluation will be from your audience, so remember to capture and hold their attention!

Choice 3 Biographical Sketch (Honors)

One purpose of writing is to inform-to give information or to explain something to readers. One type of informative writing is a biographical sketch. To write a brief account of a person’s life, use narration as a strategy for developing a main idea. Arrange the information in chronological order, the order in which the events in the person’s life took place.

Answer the following questions about our playwright, Sophocles:

A. When and where did he live?

B. What is known about his plays? Include names, dates, and subjects.

C. What were his noteworthy accomplishments or achievements?

D. What are some interesting details about his personality or life?

The last part of this assignment will not be arranged with his biographical information. Research the Dionysos Theater. Locate pictures to present to the class as to the size of the stage, parts of the stage area, scenery used on the skene, etc. Demonstrate your knowledge of the theater by explaining where the action and scenes of Antigone would have been acted out. Be sure to have accurate visuals to accompany your presentation. All of your research will be presented in a five minute PowerPoint presentation to the class. Be sure to use a pleasant format. Do not overdo it with “bells and whistles.” You should use multiple formats for each slide and at least three relevant pictures (not cartoons). Part of your evaluation will be from your audience, so remember to capture and hold their attention!

Choice 4 Updating Antigone – (Honors)

Think about how you might update Antigone in a modern setting, either in the United States or some other part of the world. What king or figure would Creon be: an elected politician, a dictator, a business leader, a head of a family? Who would Antigone be? What would Creon’s conflict with Antigone be about? Write a brief summary of your modern version. Then prepare an in-class dramatization of one of your scenes (this scene obviously will not be a summary, but completely scripted out, which must be approved by the teacher). Working in a small group of four, assign each member a role, produce and perform the scene. Will you need a narrator, or will the actions of the characters alone tell the story? Will you need costumes or props? Rehearse your play. Part of your performance evaluation will be from your audience, so remember to capture and hold their attention!

Regular classes will be doing individual projects. These are not group projects! Please choose one.

Choice 5 Playbill (Regular)

Design a playbill, or printed announcement, for a production of Antigone. Provide information about the cast of characters, the play’s structure, and the author, as well as any other relevant details. Create an appealing design that conveys a particular mood or idea about Antigone. ( Must be typed)

Choice 5 Alternate Ending (Regular)

Write an alternate ending for Antigone starting with Scene 5 and ending in the Exodos. You might want to invent an ending that lessens or increases the tragedy, or one that adds a further complication to the story. You may need to add additional scenes between Scene 5 and the Exodos. (Minimum length – 3 full pages. Must be typed.)


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