Doing The Right Thing the Wrong Way

Motivated To Worship—Matthew 20:20-23

Introduction: it’s important that we go after and achieve our dreams. To just exist is just a waste of days. Every day God gives you is an opportunity to manifest the dream He’s placed inside of you. No matter how diverse the placing is you need to bring out every creative gift He has placed inside of you. I want to be motivational because it has taken motivation to move me from where I was to where I am now. From the struggles and chaos and the many wounding’s of life and the many odious remarks that have been said against me from childhood on up to now I had to rise up above a depressed, deflated mentality and build upon what God placed in my spirit. You see God can’t move you if He can’t motivate you. He motivates you by giving you hope against hope. You begin to realize that you can do more than what you’ve done, be more than what you are, and experience greater what you have.

Monitor Your Motives: Beyond the word motivate is the root word motive. I find that you cannot move people beyond their motives. Motives require that you have the audacity to confront yourself. Examine yourself and ask yourself why do I do what I do. Ask yourself are my motives in the right place, am I doing the right thing for the wrong reason. I’m convinced that we spend too much time trying to examine the motives of other people in so much that we don’t examine ourselves. We spend a lot of our lives trying to change the minds of people about us. Our goals in life become tainted by the need to prove ourselves to people who have tried to assassinate our character. When in reality people are going to think about you whatever they want to think. You have to become comfortable that there are going to be adverse opinions about you in your life. So stop trying to change somebody’s mind about you. Just know that God will bless you in the midst of your enemies. Instead of being destroyed by negative responses to you, use them as Motivation, understanding that it’s all working for your good.

Wash Yourself In Worship: This woman came to Jesus with her two sons. They were the sons of Zebedee. He was fluent in the community and he was the CEO of a fishing company. She was the first lady of the corporation and she still had to come to Jesus. I don’t care who you are you still have to come to Jesus. She came to Jesus because she realized that there are some things that money can’t buy.

This woman knew something about Jesus and what it took to tap into His miracle working power. God loves a worshipper, He seeks a worshipper. God loves worshippers so much so that when Hezekiah’s time had come to die and Isaiah the prophet came to pronounce judgment on his life. Hezekiah began to talk about all of the works he had done and how he kept the law but the judgment was still decreed. But then he turned his face to the wall and said Lord the grave can’t praise you. God said if you’re going to praise me I’ll add 15 years to your life. If you worship God He will restore you.

Watch Out For Manipulators: It’s dangerous for people to think they know what you need. They begin to manipulate their way around. They will do the right thing but for the wrong reason. They will placate you and give you what they think you want or need for a season. They won’t do it long because their motives aren’t pure. Sooner or later their hidden agenda comes out. So she worshipped Him but she couldn’t do it long before she said now you see them two boys over there….. She said to him, grant that these my sons may sit one on your right and one on your left hand in your kingdom. Likewise we move with motives. Some of you won’t do anything unless you can get something in return [control issues—even try to control God].

(Real worship will make a weak man act strong, sick man act well, rich man forget his riches). You can tell some people don’t worship because they complain about everything. If they would just worship they would see things as God sees them. Worship thanks God for who He is. If I don’t have any of the things I praise you for I worship you for who you are. You don’t have to perform or impress me. Just because you’re God you mean so much to me. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect for me to worship you. I’ll tear up my face, shake down my hair, and mess up my suit. Because your presence, love, joy, peace, is so valuable I just want to be in your presence.

There Are No Shortcuts: Jesus said can you stand to be baptized with the baptism I’m baptized with. He’s not talking about water. He’s talking about what water is a picture of. It is a metaphorical illustration of the death, burial, resurrection of our Lord. There is a process to reigning with Christ that you can’t bypass [your go through—no short cuts—press through it]. Even while you’re going through, start worshipping God because He’s worthy, a way maker, deliverer, a healer, and mighty. Stop trying to short cut and jimmy the lock but press your way through it. God can’t bless you till you learn how to press your way through it. Presses through it don’t stop in it. You’ve got to learn to praise Him even in the middle of a press. Even if help don’t come I will bless the Lord at all times. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Don’t panic or be hysterical. He may not come when you want Him but He’s right on time. He knows what He’s doing.

Where Are The Worshippers: For the Lord saw a woman at the well and He told her the Lord is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. There are a whole lot of people here but only a few worshippers. If the true worshippers would stand up and give God some real worship for being a wonder in their soul we could change this atmosphere. The power of God would enter into this room and the Shekinah glory will fall heavy in here.

Worship Him for staying with you when everybody else left, for keeping your children, for keeping me from losing my mind, for your salvation, for His plans, for He never left me, He is God all by Himself. I’ve fallen in love with Jesus. I love Him, His word, His name, touch, voice, who He is. He rides to work with me, kept my secrets. Lifted my mind, healed my body. Worship Him with no hidden agendas, just let go and let God.


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