A Guide to Commonly Used OWCP Forms - EEO 21

A Guide to Commonly Used OWCP Forms


Form CA-1

FORM TITLE: Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation

PURPOSE: Notifies supervisor of a traumatic injury and serves as the report to OWCP when:

        (1) the employee has sustained a traumatic injury which is likely to result in a medical charge against the compensation fund;

        (2) the employee loses time from work on any day after the injury date, whether the time is charged to leave or to continuation of pay;

        (3) disability for work may subsequently occur;

        (4) permanent impairment appears likely; or

        (5) serious disfigurement of the face, head, or neck is likely to result

PREPARED BY: Employee or someone acting in employee's behalf-, witness (if any); supervisor, family member…

WHEN SUBMITTED: By employee within 30 days (but will meet statutory time requirements if filed no later than three years after the injury); by supervisor within 10 work days ollowing receipt of the form from the employee

COMPLETED FORMS SENT TO: Supervisor, by employee or someone acting on the employee's behalf; then to appropriate ICPA (HRO) office by supervisor


Form CA-2

FORM TITLE: Federal Employee's Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation

PURPOSE: Notifies supervisor of an occupational disease and serves as the report to OWCP when:

        (1) the disease is likely to result in a medical charge against the compensation fund;

        (2) the employee loses time from work because of the disease, whether the time is charged to leave or the employee claims injury compensation;

        (3) disability for work may subsequently occur,

        (4) permanent impairment appears likely; or

        (5) serious disfigurement of the face, head, or neck is likely to result

PREPARED BY: Employee or someone acting in employee's behalf-, witness (if any); supervisor, family member…NOTE: Burden of proof is on the employee. Should accompany CA 35

WHEN SUBMITTED: By employee within 30 days (but will meet statutory time requirements if filed no later than three years after the injury); by supervisor within 10 work days after receipt of the form from the employee

COMPLETED FORMS SENT TO: Supervisor, by employee or someone acting on employee's behalf; then to appropriate ICPA (HRO) office by supervisor


Form CA-2a

FORM TITLE: Notice of Employee's Recurrence of Disability and Claim for Pay/ Compensation

PURPOSE: Notifies OWCP that an employee, after returning to work, is again disabled due to a prior injury or occupational disease (recurrence). It also serves as a claim for continuation of pay or for compensation based on the recurrence of a previously reported disability


WHEN SUBMITTED: Immediately upon receiving notice that the employee has suffered a recurrence. An employee who stops work as a result of recurring disability shall advise the supervisor whether he or she wishes to continue receiving regular pay (if eligible) or charge the absence to sick or annual leave

COMPLETED FORMS SENT TO: Supervisor, by employee or someone acting on employee's behalf, then to appropriate ICPA (HRO) office. **An employee no longer employed by the Federal government should complete Parts A and C and submit all materials directly to appropriate OWCP office.


Form CA-3

FORM TITLE: Report of Termination of Disability and/or Payment

PURPOSE: Notifies OWCP that disability from injury has terminated and/or that continuation of pay has terminated and/or that employee has returned to work

PREPARED BY: Supervisor

WHEN SUBMITTED: Immediately after disability or continuation of pay terminates, or the employee returns to work



Form CA-7

Must be accompanied by a physicians note or CA 20!!!

FORM TITLE: Claim for Compensation on Account of Traumatic Injury or Occupational Disease

PURPOSE: Claims compensation if

(1) medical evidence shows disability is expected (and is not covered by COP in traumatic cases);

(2) the injury has resulted in permanent impairment involving the total or partial loss, or loss of use, of certain parts of the body or serious disfigurement of the face, head or neck;

(3) loss of wage-earning capacity has resulted

PREPARED BY: Employee or someone acting on employee's behalf; supervisor, and attending physician

WHEN SUBMITTED: In traumatic injury cases, the form must be completed and filed with OWCP not more than five work days before the termination of the 45 days of COP, or within 10 days following termination of pay. In occupational disease cases, the form should be submitted as soon as pay stops

COMPLETED FORMS SENT TO: Supervisor, by employee or someone acting on employee's behalf; then to appropriate ICPA (HRO) office by the supervisor


Form CA-16


FORM TITLE: Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment

PURPOSE: Authorizes an injured employee to obtain examination and/or treatment for up to 60 days and provides OWCP with initial medical report. Treatment may be obtained from a local hospital or physician (who may be a surgeon, osteopath, podiatrist, dentist, clinical psychologist, optometrist, or, under certain circumstances, a chiropractor), or from a U. S. medical facility, if available. The employee may initially select the medical provider of his or her choice but must request any change from OWCP

PREPARED BY: Part A - ICPA Part B - Attending Physician

WHEN SUBMITTED: Part A - By ICPA, in duplicate, within 48 hours following first examination and/or treatment Part B - By attending physician or MTF as promptly as possible after initial examination

COMPLETED FORMS SENT TO: Part A - Physician or medical facility Part B - Appropriate ICPA (HRO)


Form CA-17

FORM TITLE: Duty Status Report

PURPOSE: In traumatic injury cases, provides supervisor and OWCP with interim medical report containing information as to employee's ability to return to any type of work

PREPARED BY: Supervisor and attending physician

WHEN SUBMITTED: Promptly upon completion of examination or most recent treatment

COMPLETED FORMS SENT TO: Original to employing agency, which should send copy to appropriate ICPA (HRO) office


Form CA-20

FORM TITLE: Attending Physician's Report

PURPOSE: Provides medical support for claim and is attached to Form CA-7; provides OWCP with medical information

PREPARED BY: Attending physician

WHEN SUBMITTED: Promptly upon completion of examination or most recent treatment



 Form CA-35

FORM TITLE: Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Occupational Disease

PURPOSE: Provides medical support for claim and is attached to Form CA-2; provides OWCP with medical information to support the occupational disease claim. Provide pages as listed below:

• Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Occupational Disease (general) 1-2

• Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Work-Related Hearing Loss 3-4

• Evidence Required in Support of A Claim for Asbestos-Related Illness 5-8

• Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Work-Related Coronary/Vascular Condition 9-10

• Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Work-Related Skin Disease 10-11

• Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Work-Related Pulmonary Illness 12-13

• Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Work-Related Psychiatric Illness 14-15

• Evidence Required in Support of A Claim for Work-Related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 16-17

PREPARED BY: Employee in conjunction with CA 2

WHEN SUBMITTED: By employee within 30 days (but will meet statutory time requirements if filed no later than three years after the injury); by supervisor within 10 work days after receipt of the form from the employee

COMPLETED FORMS SENT TO: Supervisor, by employee or someone acting on employee's behalf; then to appropriate ICPA (HRO) office by supervisor


Link to the OWCP Questions & Answers Page

Link to the What to If Injured at Work Page

Some links to the Department of Labor Web Site








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