Upon joining the STARS program, an Amadeus User ID, Password and reservation area Sine-in code was assigned to you for your access to the Amadeus Central Reservation System. These series of numbers and letters are identified only to you and ITH staff and should not be shared with any other persons.

The airlines use very sophisticated software to monitor the input from agency users. Therefore your knowledge of Amadeus formats and use of Macro’s and Wizards are very important to your success in finding the proper fare and rules for your clients.

Your working knowledge of Amadeus is also very important to ITH. The agency will receive debit memos (BILLS) from the airlines if you had not adhered to the rules in booking the airline or travel vendor. These same debit memo charges would then be passed on to you for payment as per the Independent Contractor Agreement.

Therefore, please ask for assistance with any of the transactions you may need help with by either calling the Amadeus Help Desk (305-468-3501), checking the Amadeus Help screens or calling ITH. The Amadeus System is a wonderful tool in which to book airline, car rental, hotels, rail travel, tours and cruises. By increasing your working knowledge of the systems’ many uses, your sales productivity will also increase.

You will use the same User ID, Password and Sine-in letter/numbers whether you access Amadeus from your home computer are if you visit ITH and use the agency’s workstations.


Reservation sales on behalf of your client can be created by calling the vendor directly or by booking through either one of the agency (ITH) computers or computers at ITH When booking reservations directly with the vendors, STARS participants should always use ITH’S ARC number (45-674263).

A PNR must be created for all bookings (air, hotel, rental car, cruises, tours, rail, insurance, etc.). An address field, detailed fare quote, account number, etc. must be in the PNR.

The ITH itinerary/invoice four-part paper stock is a generic type that allows the STARS participant to identify his/her own company name. Therefore, it is mandatory that you use your business address and also your client’s in completing your address field input.


There are two mandatory address fields in the PNR – AB and AM. The AB field prints on the left side of the itinerary/invoice and is the address to which you want the tickets mailed. When making entries on the AB line, Amadeus automatically places and prints your customer’s address in the correct place for a window envelope. However, Only 5 lines are allowed and NO punctuation. For example, your three lines of AB entry would be as follows:




The AM field prints on the right side of the itinerary/invoice and unless the tickets are being mailed to you directly, it should be your agency address. The last line of the field should be your delivery instructions. (See page 22 for delivery options) (Use no commas)







To insure that you receive commissions on your sales via ITH’s ARC number, an account number (AN) is assigned to identify your sales activities. For ITH to track commission received from the travel vendors for your sales activities via ITH, you must enter your account number twice in each PNR you create. Once in the PNR AI line ie. AI AN123 and second in the RM line ie. RM*AN123. Both entries are format sensitive.


Commission percentages and dollar amounts vary from vendor to vendor. Therefore a thorough search of that vendor’s commission structure is imperative at time of booking. Many travel vendors periodically announce Bonus Commission Sales specials from time to time and may add 5 to 10 percent extra commission for bookings made at certain times of the year or particular sailings. Don’t assume the standard – check your sources (see below).

Claiming and inserting in the PNR the full or correct commission on your travel sale is your responsibility. ITH back office accounting system attempts to monitor the commissions being claimed, but the systems cannot be updated as quickly as the vendors change commission amounts. Therefore it is important that you research, verify and claim the correct amount. By under-collecting, you and ITH are both losing income. By over-collecting for example, the airlines’ software will catch the overage and immediately issue a debit memo to the agency for the over-collected commission amount.

ITH accounting personnel must then collect the overage commission amount from you, report the debit memo and pay the airlines within thirty-days of debit memo notice. This process requires an inordinate amount of needless work by ITH accounting personnel and yourself! So, CHECK for the allowable commission percentage or dollar amount at time of sale!

Approximately Mid - March 2002, most major U. S. airlines (Refer to Section 3 for a commission recap) moved to “0” percent commissions paid to travel agents. ITH instituted a minimum service charge of $10 per ticket for Domestic and $30 per ticket for Int’l Airlines, for any airline not paying a commission. Agents on the STARS program routinely charge a minimum of $20 to $30 per ticket for domestic travel and up to $50 for international tickets, thereby making a minimum of $10 to $20 per ticket

ARC provides an automated MCO for processing this transaction or service fee (Refer to Section 7 for Macro examples on the procedure for issuing these MCO’S). The 70/30 split of commission would not apply for those tickets in which the $10 fee is applied.

There are airline exceptions – ie. Southwest Airlines pays an 8% commission capped at $60 roundtrip. So check the chart in Section 3 or via the following Amadeus entries for current commission levels.

To determine the proper commission for the validating carrier, you should check:

1. AMADEUS AIS pages GG AIR XX (XX is the airline code)

2. On international tickets, if an IT (inclusive tour) number exists for the carrier, please obtain this number directly from the carrier and enter it in the PNR as in the following example: FTIT6LH1TOUR02

3. Refer to the enclosed airline, car rental, cruise and rail commission sheets in

Section 3.


All PNR’S must have a phone contact for the STARS member is who booking the PNR, and a client’s telephone contact..

APIAH-713 123-4567-ABC Travel (Your Star DBA)-A/(Your Name)

APIAH-713 123-4567-H/P1 H is for Home

APIAH-713 123-5555-B/P1 B is for Business

NOTE: Due to airline schedule changes, weather delays and flight cancellations; it is imperative that you obtain and enter in the PNR your client’s home phone number (unless otherwise instructed by client).


All penalty fares must have a notation to that effect in the endorsement box on the ticket.

For example: FENONREF. (Note: when you store your fare (FXP) the FE entry will automatically be appended to the PNR). Penalty information must also be in an itinerary remark line (RII). A list of these and other suggested itinerary remarks lines are stored in a profile accessed by the format PDN/RMK.


In order for you to be paid commission on car and hotel bookings a PNR must be created and invoiced. This is true even if there are no flights and/or the booking is made by phone. NOTE: if the PNR is for hotel and/or car only (no air) there must be only one name in the name field.

1. When the car and/or hotel is sold via telephone you must follow the MACRO formats found in the Section 7 – Macros.

3. When a car or hotel is sold after the tickets have already been issued, add the car or hotel segment to the original PNR. Then queue to ITH so that the car/hotel invoice can be run. Note: if the car/hotel were sold via telephone, don’t forget to run the Macro prior to queuing.

REMEMBER: Car and hotel commissions often produce more commission revenue than airline ticket commissions. Earn more commission by tracking your car and hotel bookings.


ITH will issue the ticket at the fare autopriced by the computer. Please insert your ticketing instructions in the remarks field. (RMA …………..) When you have completed the PNR enter: FXX to price as booked , than FXP to store the fare or FXB to auto. rebook the lowest available fare and store the fare (store the fare right before you queue for ticketing). All PNRs with air must have a stored fare before they are queued for ticketing. If the computer does not give you the price you are expecting, you have a problem. Make certain that the flights are booked in the correct class of service, etc… ITH cannot ticket a PNR that does not price!

If the price is what you and your client have agreed upon, then a Fare Quote line is inserted in the PNR. RM*FQ base fare/tax us/tax xf/tax zp/ttl cost PP. This verifies the fare you quoted and the fare that prints on the ticket is the same.

If you have confirmed a fare with the airline that is different than the one at which the PNR prices, you must build a TST. In order to do this you will need the complete fare breakdown, fare basis codes, and breakdown of applicable taxes.

SEATS AND SCHEDULE CHANGES (segment status change)

Seats, once confirmed by the airline, often return as KK status. When this response appears, end the record by entering: RFHH(Airline code)#ERK. By placing the K at the end of the format, you are placing the airline’s response into history and updating the status code to HK.

When schedule changes occur, the airlines most often advise that a change has occurred through the status codes in your PNR. For example, UC may appear on the original flight and TK on the new flight. To update, the format is the same as it is for updating seats. Simply enter the format RFHH(Airline code)#ERK.

It is your responsibility to notify your client of any schedule changes. Be sure to include your clients home and business contact for schedule changes.


The OSI and SSR lines are often used to advise the airlines of special information or requests pertinent to your passengers. Once the information has been acknowledged by the airlines, they will send the appropriate response. If the reply did not return as HK (i.e. KK, UC, NO), then update the response by entering: RFHH(Airline code)#ERK.

Note: Airlines, car rental companies and hotels also communicate with you via OSI lines.


You must manually send the PNR to ITH for ticketing when ready. To do this, with the PNR in your work area, type QE91.

The Amadeus computer response should be “ON QUEUE”

To ascertain if your PNR has been ticketed, re-display your record. The FA lines of the PNR will list the ticket number and the FI lines will list the invoice number.



Airlines offer frequent flier and other types of discount promotions that require a coupon or voucher in order for ITH to ticket. Only the airlines can ticket completely free tickets claimed from frequent flier mileage.

If your client requests a fare requiring a discount coupon, ask to see the coupon. All restrictions for eligibility as well as travel agents instructions for ticketing are printed on the coupon. Make certain your client qualifies for the discount, i.e. travel is within the validity dates of the coupon, Saturday night stay requirement is filled, etc. If a discount ticket is issued and your client was not eligible, the airline will debit ITH, who in return will debit you. If a TST is required, you must build the TST prior to queuing the PNR for ticketing.

ITH staff will not issue tickets without the actual discount coupon (or faxed copy) in the agency. You may store your client’s discounted coupons for future use at ITH. For security reasons, all - coupons and exchange tickets will be signed for and entered in a logbook. These coupons are then readily available by the ITH staff when you authorize the coupons use for ticketing.


During your agency orientation, you will be shown the location of the following items:

A. The Ticket and Itinerary/Invoice processing area and explanation of daily work routine for disseminating incoming phone messages, mail, email and your clients’ ticket or documents acknowledgement and dispersal.

B. Brochures are in the black file cabinets in the agency. If you should order any brochures, make certain you have the supplier send them to ITH to your attention using your first and last name, or directly to your home is the supplier will permit.

Office hours are: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Monday through Friday. Closed Weekends.

In order to gain access to the agency after hours, weekends or on holidays, you will be assigned an access card to enter the building upon request. There is a $15.00 charge to replace the access card, if lost. The agency entry door will be accessible via a keypad lock. The access code will be given to you at orientation. In the event that the access code is changed, you will be advised of the new access code. You will be advised only if your account status with ITH is current.


If you have any problems with the equipment or formats, use the following phone numbers to resolve the problem.

AMADEUS Formats ……………………………….………………… ..305-468-5301

AMADEUS Tech Desk…………………………………………………..800-327-3618

(Problems with hardware & software – just not format questions)

HomePro Tech Desk (trouble connecting/logging in)

Identify yourself as a HomePro user…………………………….…….800-327-3618

Monthly statement/commission questions………………………………...713-785-2682 Vanessa Arriola/Bente Rawson

Ticketing questions……………………………………..…………………713-785-2682

Vanessa Arriola/Bente Rawson/Jennifer Kornas

ITH Policy/Contractual/Amadeus format questions……...……………….713-785-2682

Vanessa Arriola/Bente Rawson/Jennifer Kornas

HomePro billing questions………………………………………………..713-785-2682

Vanessa Arriola/Bente Rawson

Marketing and Promotional ………………………………………………713-785-2682

Ron Sanders

Co-op Advertising/Leisure Sales …………………………………………713-785-2682

Jennifer Kornas

Vanessa Arriola Ext 112

Jennifer Kornas Ext 119

Bente Rawson Ext 113

Ron Sanders Ext.110

FAX – 713-268-2626

Office email: ittours@ Web site:


ITH staff controls all invoicing and ticketing. New STAR users will be given an orientation on the procedures for queuing their PNR records to ITH for completion. A quality control (QC) macro must be used when queuing PNR records.

All PNRs for which money is collected or credit cards are billed must be invoiced (air, tours, cruises, etc.) showing the amount collected or credit cards billed (rental cars, hotels, etc.). Please refer to Section 7 – Macros for a “how to”.


ITH prefers to ticket whenever possible for the sake of quality control and ease of internal procedures. However, increasing your industry knowledge is important to us. If you are authorized by the agency manager to ticket, please observe the following guidelines:

1. Regular ticket for 1 person TTP/INV

2. Regular ticket for more than 1 person TTP/INVJ

For Paper Tickets, simply append the above entries with /PT

3. Tour/Cruise/Hotel/Car Invoice w/no air INVJ

4. Tour/Cruise/Hotel/Car Invoice w/air INVJ/S4

Select only those segments you want invoiced

5. Itinerary only IBPJ

6. Ticketless INVJ/NOFARE

Ticketing options are posted next to each workstation in the agency.


International Tours will call your PTA in to the airline and will complete the PTA document at no charge to you.

1. You must complete the PNR with all necessary information (as shown below), run the PTA Macro and queue to ITH.

2. ITH will call the airline and complete the PTA document.

3. ITH will invoice your PTA.

4. ITH will mail the invoice to your client, leave in your mailbox, etc. as per your AM instructions.



Always, when possible, obtain advance seat selection for your clients. If your client’s seat preference (usually window or aisle) is not available, assign another seat (window or aisle) and advise your client to request a change of seat at check-in. What you want to prevent is your client getting stuck in a middle seat. Note: if your client wants a seat in a specific area of an aircraft, you must assign specific seats – not generic ones.

Airline advance seat reservation policy and correct seat selection formats can be found in:

GGAIRXX (XX = airline code)

HESEATS (all airlines)


If your client cancels a trip involving refundable airline tickets, display your PNR and cancel the reservation (ITH staff will not cancel your clients reservations). Obtain the tickets from your client, write “REFUNDED” across the tickets and submit to ITH accounting office. If paid by credit card, a credit will be issued to the account. If form of payment was check, you must complete a “check request” form to the accounting department in order to receive your client’ s refund. All refunds must be issued only to the original form of payment.


Beginning with tickets issued on Monday, June 2, 2003 the GDS (Amadeus) will allow voids until 11:59 pm the next business day. For example, tickets issued on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will have a GDS void window of 11:59 pm Monday. The 24 hour GDS voiding window applies to all transactions. Therefore, straight sales become non-modifiable after the void window closes. However, modifications can be made to the following transactions until the reporting deadline: Exchanges, Refunds, MCOs, AADs, and Adjustment Memos. Agents should continue to void GDS transactions (tickets) in the GDS. Voiding in IAR is for accounting/reconciliation purposes only.

Voided tickets to be voided must be in the agency by the close of business (5:00pm) Monday. No tickets will be voided unless the documents are in the agency. (Direct any questions to Vanessa Arriola)

VOIDS (Credit Card Sales)

Under ARC’S Daily Credit Card billing procedures, you must void invalid or cancelled credit sales by MIDNIGHT of the DAY of SALE to preclude your client from being billed for the transaction. All non-voided credit sales are invoiced to the credit card contractor(s) the DAY after the day of sale. If you fail to void a sale by MIDNIGHT of the DAY of SALE, YOUR CLIENT WILL BE BILLED.

ARC will reverse the void if the void transaction occurs after 11:59 pm of the next business day (meaning the your client’s credit card will be charged the ticket amount). ARC issues a REVERSAL CREDIT to your client’s credit card contractor. After the 24- hour deadline, transactions can either be refunded (if the fare permits) or exchanged using a REN.

REMINDER: Do not forget to cancel the reservation. Note: Please do not cancel the passenger’s itinerary in Amadeus until you see response documentation that the ticket has been voided. If you need something voided immediately, please call ITH processing department. Queue voids to Q28.


Each STARS agent is responsible for collection of monies on all tickets issued on their behalf. According to your contract, if payment is by cash or check, these monies are due in the agency at time of ticket issuance. Realizing this is not always possible, ITH allows you to submit the monies within the same weekly reporting period. For any ticket issued between Monday and Sunday, payment is then due in the agency that same week.

1. Cash

a. Deposit the cash into your business account and then issue your business check for the full invoice amount to International Tours of Houston, referencing the invoice number. Or you may advise your client to visit ITH’S office address for payment in person.

2. Check, Travelers Check

a. When form of payment is check, have your client make it payable to your DBA. Deposit the check into your account and issue a check to ITH for services. The invoice number must be recorded on the face of all checks. It is strongly recommended that you obtain a driver’s license number or other appropriate identification from the client.

It is also recommended that you verify funds are available prior to releasing tickets or documents if you are working with new or unknown clients.

b. ITH will accept checks from your client if it is made payable to ITH and appropriate verification has been made.

c. Any and all charges associated with the collection of funds for NSF transactions will be billed back to your DBA.

***NOTE*** ITH will temporarily hold all tickets and documents in the safe until payment is received from the STAR. If payment is not received by Monday (of the report week) by 3:00 PM, cash tickets will be VOIDED.

3. Credit Card

a. Every credit card transaction must have an approval code.

b. The Amadeus system will electronically contact your client’s credit card contractor to request an approval code for automated tickets when you use this format: FPCCAX 371388090441001/0998 (Note you would of course substitute your client’s credit card number and expiration date in lieu of the example shown above). If a client refuses payment on a credit card transaction, especially after travel has been completed, and you did not obtain a credit card imprint and signature, the STARS agent is responsible for collection of monies even if an approval code is generated. You must obtain a signature from your client acknowledging their acceptance of the charge!

c. If issuing a Manual ticket, MCO, or PTA, this format generates an approval code: DECCAX371388090441001/0998/USD600/CO (USD600 is the total amount being charged to the card, /CO is the airline of validation). If an approval is not given, see PDN/CHARGE for the number to call for approval. When you call you will need the credit card number, expiration date, and credit card mailing address along with the total amount of the charge and the validating carrier.


On all credit card transactions, it is imperative to have the signature of the credit card owner. This can be obtained by having:

1. A Credit Card Authorization form signed.


2. A Limited Power of Attorney form signed.

3. Remarks printed on each invoice that the client will read and sign.

See PDN/ INV then PD2.

4. A Traveler Profile completed and signed by the credit card owner.

Form examples may be found in Section 10 or you may contact ITH and a staff member will fax or supply you with additional samples and information regarding credit card acceptance procedures from the ARC agency manual.

SPLIT PAYMENT (Handled direct with the airlines)

ITH will not process a split payment for purchase of an airline ticket i.e. credit card for part of a purchase and a different credit card or check for the remaining portion of the sale. This process calls for excessive paper completion using multiple ARC forms and very, very time consuming for all parties.


Determine form of payment at time of booking, which will be one of the following.

1. Check: Some operators will want a check number over the phone immediately. Call ITH for check number. Build your PNR with the miscellaneous segment and check as form of payment. Complete a check request form. The check request form must be accompanied by payment for the requested amount and submitted to ITH accounting. ITH will then forward payment to the operator. Please inform ITH on the check request of any special delivery instructions, such as certified mail or Airborne.

No commission is deducted on the deposit. At time of final payment full commission is pre-deducted and a net check is sent to the operator. Determine their procedure. ITH must receive the amount of the total package. Your commission will be paid on your monthly commission check.

2. Credit Card: Some vendors will take a credit card number via the phone and not require paperwork. Others will require that a Universal Credit Card Charge Form be submitted that has been validated through the agency. You must inquire if they are going to obtain the approval code, or if you need to obtain the approval code. Build your PNR with the miscellaneous segment and the credit card number as form of payment. When payment is completed in this manner, the operator sends ITH the commission check after your clients have completed their travel. Often, payment is several months later. ITH will not pay you the commission due until we have received payment from the tour operator. In other words, this is a less desirable way of payment to the tour operator if given several options.

3. Miscellaneous Charge Order: If the tour operator accepts credit cards, ask if they also accept MCOs. An MCO can be payment by check or credit card. In either case, an MCO must be completed and a PNR built. Inquire from the reservation agent exactly what is to be done with the exchange coupon of the MCO. In most cases it is sent to the vendor’s accounting office. In some rare instances it is given to the client. Inform ITH in the PNR of any special delivery instructions such as Airborne.

Some operators may request an MCO number from you over the phone. Call ITH and we will give you the MCO number. The MCO will be held for you until the PNR has been queued over for invoicing the same or next day.


A check request form is to be used for all deposits and final payments where form of payment is check or cash. Also, if your client is due a cash refund (ticket was paid with check or cash) you must complete a refund check request and submit it to ITH accounting in order for the refund to be processed.

In order to request a check to be issued you must submit payment with the check request, or in the case of document refunds, the invoice number to be refunded.

Check requests for payments to vendors must be accompanied by you previously generating an invoice against the check to be issued. Checks will not be issued against open invoices.

The Check Memo Data area consists of additional remarks, to the vendor, that you would like included on the check stub with payment. Always include the confirmation number of the reservation.

A check request form is found in Section 10. You may use photocopies of the form to submit to ITH accounting.


International Tours of Houston is affiliated with IT Group, a travel consortium with a corporate office in Reno, NV and a cruise center in Fort Lauderdale FL. IT Group negotiates with certain “preferred vendors” based on total volume of business generated by International Tours agencies and associates. These preferred vendors include cruise lines, tour wholesalers, airlines, and many other vendors of travel services.

STARS Agents are encouraged to book through these preferred suppliers. Increased commission levels are the benefit to you, when you identify yourself as a member of International Tours of Houston or IT Group organization to the travel vendor. In addition, you have the assurance that these vendors are reputable businesses with which to transact travel arrangements on behalf of your clients.

Preferred Supplier lists are made available in both printed form and via IT Group’s web site ITH also provides a list of suppliers via Amadeus Profiles – PDN/ (type in name of supplier). These profiles provide you the suppliers’ addresses, phone numbers, commissions paid, and forms of payment accepted. You will receive any updates or additions/deletions to the preferred supplier list as they are made.

Travel insurance should be encouraged to all clients purchasing leisure travel or non-refundable/penalty inclusive airline tickets. If you sell this insurance you must run the Insurance Macro for the purpose of invoicing and commission tracking. Any complaint you have regarding preferred suppliers should be addressed to TBU, 5250 Neil Road, #301, Reno NV 89502. The phone number is: 800-657-9618. Fax number is 775-824-9555.


MAIL: Upon delivery to the agency, the mail is opened and a cursory inspection is completed to determine disposition and timeliness of actions. Request any brochures or literature be sent to ITH. Ask the vendor to address it to your attention (using full name). If brochures arrive with no identification, the package is opened and placed in the agency brochure files. If you have not received expected brochures, check with ITH staff for recent delivery information.

MAILBOX You will be assigned a mailbox in the agency. Confirmations, brochures, memos, and correspondence not needing immediate attention will be placed in your mailbox. Accounting Personnel will notify you when documents arrive from tour or cruise operators. After accounting verifies invoices have been generated, you will need to determine the mode of document delivery. Unless otherwise instructed, all tickets and documents will be locked up when agency personnel are not present.

EMAIL\FAXES: ITH communicates almost on a daily basis with the STARS members via email. Confirmations, vendor specials, information regarding agent discount trips and invitations to product seminar and meetings are sent, upon request, by FAX and Email to the STARS participants.

SEMINAR/FAM ANNOUNCEMENTS: Listings of upcoming seminars and fams are accessed by:



ITH will mail your customers airline tickets and/or travel documents at the regular first class rate unless otherwise instructed. If the tickets are to be sent by any other means (Airborne, Courier, etc.) it will be at the expense of the Independent Contractor. It is the responsibility of the Independent Contractor to advise ITH of the preferred method of delivery.

Insert your delivery or mailing instructions code on the last AM line so that it will print on the invoice (see page 1). Six lines of AM remarks are available for your use. If the instructions are too extensive to fit in one line, use that line to direct the ticketing agent to look at instructions, which you will enter in RM lines of the PNR.

EXAMPLES: AM 1 Hold for pickup (tickets/documents locked in safe)

AM 4 Put in Mailbox (not locked up at night)

AM 3R Regular mail to AB lines (3C for certified mail)

AM 2A Airborne to AB lines (also 3p,12n or 2nd Day directions)

AM 2T TEC to AB lines (also directions re time of day)

AM 2F Fedex to AB lines

AM See instructions in RM lines

If you want the invoice/itinerary faxed: AM distribution code then F followed by fax number. Example: AM 4F 713 222-2222 - the ticketing agent will fax to 713 222-2222 and then put in your mailbox.

If the Independent Contractor wishes to have brochures or other information sent to the client, the postage expense is borne by the Independent Contractor.

After being mailed from ITH, it is your responsibility to determine that your client has received their documents. You are also responsible for follow up on anything lost in the mail.


Amadeus E-Mail has been designed to:

• Improve your office productivity by communicating quickly and efficiently with your

clients and suppliers

• Send an updated copy of an invoice or itinerary

• Increase the speed in which your customers receive their travel information

• Improve your clients understanding of their travel arrangements by sending an electronic copy to them

• Reduce phone calls, postage, and faxing costs associated with providing travel details

This E-Mail product is available to all Amadeus customers at no cost. Information is available to you in the following Amadeus AIS page:


Before sending your first E-Mail in Amadeus, you must register your PC terminal ID into the Amadeus system by entering the following:


You will need to do this only once, but cannot use the E-Mail product until you have done so. The second command you need to enter to set-up your Amadeus email parameters is the following:

WM/ADD/RPY/xxxxxxx (where x is your own email address)

This command instructs the Amadeus Email system to use your email address in lieu of ITH’S email address for your clients’ replies.


How do you send an itinerary or invoice document to an E-Mail address?


IEP……………………………………. denotes sending extended itinerary

EML………………………………….. format to send the E-Mail

Jsmith@ ………………customers E-Mail address

You may also combine this format with other document formats to send invoices, for example:


In the first phase of this E-Mail program, no delivery confirmation or error message will be sent to the sender. Please make sure the E-Mail address is accurate before sending.

When your customers receive the E-Mail the *From* name is INT’L TOURS. Your individual agency name is also listed in the E-Mail. The title of your E-Mail automatically defaults to *your travel information.

More information is available at:




International Tours has negotiated a favorable rate with Airborne Express for overnight delivery; See PDN/AIRBORNE for rates. Airborne does not deliver to as extensive an area as Federal Express. You can call Airborne at 713-443-8510 or 800-833-8524 to find out if they deliver to a particular area. Put instructions in the PNR (AM lines). Airborne will not deliver to a P.O. Box Number or Rural Route Number. If we are sending the tickets from the agency, we will call to schedule pickup. If you are having tickets picked up from your agency, call 713-443-8510 or 800-833-8524 to schedule pickup.


Upon request, ITH will send your documents Certified, which allows a trace if they are lost in the mail. Post office will charge for this in addition to standard postage. You may also request Certified/Return Receipt, which must be signed for at the delivery point. There is also a charge for this in addition to standard postage. These charges are deducted directly from your commission check.

Note: Certified mail is considerably slower than regular mail and the Post Office has not been particularly cooperative in tracing lost certified documents. A trace can take months. ITH recommends that you do not use this method of document delivery. Our recommendation is Airborne, FedEx , courier, or best of all, if a local delivery, deliver the tickets and/or other documents personally. Many agents have developed a loyal following because they went the “extra mile” and delivered in-person.


ITH uses a ticket delivery service for same day, in town delivery. Charges vary depending on area of town, and whether the delivery is one, two, or four-hour delivery. See PDN/TEC for rates. These charges are deducted directly from your commission check.

If you prefer to use your own delivery service and be billed directly, just annotate the PNR as to when the delivery is scheduled for pickup.


It is your responsibility to obtain a lost ticket application from the appropriate airline sales office and either complete it for your client or have your client complete it and return to the airline. All airlines charge for this service, approximately $100.00 and some airlines (i.e. Southwest) DO NOT refund lost or stolen tickets.

If the airline is to forward the refund to the agency, and payment was cash/check, complete a check request for refund to your client and submit it to ITH accounting.




You should ALWAYS inform your clients of cancellation penalties. It should be input in the endorsement box of the ticket and also in the invoice/itinerary remarks (RII) field. It is your responsibility to advise your clients of any and all penalties, charges, restrictions, etc. that apply to the fare your book on your client’s behalf.




Some airlines will refund due to death or illness of passenger or immediate family member. This must be taken up directly with the airline and supporting documentation such as death certificate or doctor’s letter must be submitted directly to the carrier with the tickets. Call the airline or reservation number to determine the procedure for you/your client to follow.

If the payment was by check/cash and the airline is to forward any refund to ITH, submit a check request to the accounting department so the refund can be associated when it arrives in the mail.

If your client has purchased insurance, call the insurance company to determine the procedure to follow.


Documents to be refunded must be submitted to the accounting department with written instructions to refund. If payment was by cash or check, a check request must also be submitted with the document. All refunds will be issued to the DBA. Credit card refunds are credited directly to the client’s credit card.


Commissions, which are paid to Independent Contractors monthly per the terms of their individual contracts, state that when the booking is completed solely by the independent contractor for airline tickets and other travel accommodations, ITH will pay up to 70% of the earned commission to the independent contractor. If, however, ITH has predominated in the travel booking, a payment of 30% of the earned commission will be paid to the IC.

This policy was recently amended on March 18th, 2002 in response to those airlines paying zero commission: ITH charges a $10 per ticket service charge on all airlines tickets validated on those airlines paying zero commissions. The IC should then collect a service charge over the $10 ITH charges to receive income for that sale. Most transaction or service fees range from a minimum of $20 up to $35 per ticket.

Depending on receipt of the “Last of the Month” ARC report, commission checks are primarily issued on the 15th of the following month. These commissions are tracked through the automated accounting system. Any reservation for which you want commission paid, must be invoiced through AMADEUS. It is the individual STARS agent’s responsibility to keep supporting documents to settle any commission disputes. It is recommended that the goldenrod copies of the itinerary/invoices be used for this purpose.

In order to facilitate commission tracking it is MANDATORY that each PNR contain two account number lines. In the account number lines, input the account number assigned to you as an independent contractor:

Example: First of your two entries: AI AN 014 (Account Interface Account Number)

The second entry would be: RM*AN 014 (you would of course use your own account number)

• AIRLINE TICKETS AND PREPAID TICKETS - Because airline tickets are processed weekly through the Area Bank, you will be paid commission promptly except in the event that ITH has not yet received payment for the ticket.

• TOURS AND CRUISES - Payment made by MCO or Tour Order for tours and cruises are processed through the Area Bank via the weekly sales report and are therefore paid promptly. Commissions for these transactions, which are pre-deducted when paid by agency check, are also paid to you promptly, in the next reporting period. However, when form of payment is credit card, either given over the phone or the charge form sent directly to the vendor, you will not be paid commission by ITH until the commission is received from the vendor. Usually, the vendor does not pay commission until well after your client’s return date. Upon receipt of the check from the vendor, ITH will include the commission on your monthly check.

• HOTEL AND CAR RENTALS - Hotel chains and major car rental companies normally pay commissions once a month. Individual owned hotels and some lesser-known car rental companies are notorious for not paying commissions on a timely basis. ITH does not track unpaid commissions. Therefore you must monitor your monthly commission reports and review your goldenrod copies of invoices for commission follow-up with these vendors.

• If cars or hotels are added to a PNR after the tickets have been issued, on the same PNR, sell the car and/or hotel and issue an invoice with segment select i.e. (INVJ/S3).

If you have a question regarding commission payment, contact ITH accounting department to verify if payment has been received. If payment has not been received, it is your responsibility to follow up directly with the vendor. If the vendor shows that payment has been made, obtain the vendor check number of the commission payment and the date it was issued. ITH accounting department maintains copies of all checks for a period of one year in order that payments can be researched.

Please note: if you have not generated an invoice prior to the time ITH receives the commission, the ITH accounting department will be unable to identify to whom the commission belongs. All unidentified commissions are posted to an ITH House Account and become the monies of ITH.

It is, therefore, vitally important that you invoice all transactions for the purpose of commission tracking.


Debit memos are sent by the airlines demanding payment in addition to amounts already collected, i.e. if an incorrect fare was collected on a ticket or recalling commission on an airline refunded ticket direct to your passenger. ITH accounting department will mail or fax you a copy of the debit memo if the original ticket(s) involves one of your clients.

It is your responsibility to either accept the debit memo and pay what is required, or dispute the debit memo, by sending supporting documentation and a letter of explanation to ITH accounting. If you dispute the debit memo and the airline refuses to honor your dispute claim, you then must pay the memo or ITH will withhold the amount from your commission check and pay the airline on your behalf as per the IC Agreement.


Your commission check will be mailed separately to you with a computer printout listing all sales invoice numbers for which you are being paid and the commission amounts. There will be a commission worksheet enclosed, which lists any deductions from your commission check.

These deductions may include:

1) Certified mail or delivery charges.

2) Recall commissions received from the airlines for refunded tickets.

3) Unresolved debit memos

4) ATT Easylink faxing charges (if applicable).


Your commission check may be withheld for the following reasons:

1) Non-payment of accountable travel documents already issued.

2) Delinquent monthly contractor fees.

3) Delinquent monthly Home-Pro fees.

4) Delinquent E&O Insurance dues.


ITH realizes paying commissions on a timely basis is an important issue with each IC. However, ITH cannot control when the vendor actually pays the commission for your sale. So, please first review your monthly commission report carefully, and if you believe the commission should have arrived at ITH based on your client’s travel date, then contact ITH accounting department by fax (713-268-2626) or email (ittours@) listing in writing any missing commissions based on your invoiced sales.

ITH accounting personnel will research the TRAMS back-office accounting system to verify commission receipt. ITH accounting personnel will advise you of their findings and if the invoice should have been listed in the commission report in question, a check will be expedited to the IC. If the commission was received after the month end date for that commission report, then the commission will be included on the following monthly report.


Tax liability reporting on commission income earned is the responsibility of the IC. Commissions are reported to the agent on an IRS form 1099 “Statement of Miscellaneous Income.” You will receive your form 1099 at least by the 31st of January of the following year.


Some ITH agency profiles you may find helpful are:


CHARGE List of charge card approval numbers

CONTINENTAL (Any airline name) phone numbers, commission information, etc.

FUNJET (Any vendor name) phone numbers, vendor number, etc.

RMK Miscellaneous remarks for PNRs

XYX (XY = Your agent sine) Information on yourself

SEMINAR Updated list of seminar dates

FAM Updated list of familiarization trips

NEWS Marketing/education updates between STARS

MACRO How to access macros

INV Receipt and credit card signature remarks

Access entry example: PDN/CARNIVAL


It is extremely important that you monitor your queues. Your queues are the primary link between all suppliers, ITH, and yourself. PNRs appear on your different queue numbers depending upon the action you need to take. Schedule changes, confirmation numbers, and PNRs returned to you by ITH ticketing agents(s) for corrections/additions prior to ticketing appear on your queues.


QTQ Display active queues

QS20 Sign into queue

QS20C1D2 Sign into queue, category 1 date range 2

QD Page through PNRS on queue

QN Remove PNR from queue

QI Ignore PNR and exit from queue mode

QE91 Send PNR to ITH queue 91

To add queues, contact agency manager.

*ITH will queue PNRs that are missing necessary fields, do not autoprice, etc. to your QUEUE for correction.

Your QUEUE Number is: ________

Airlines will send PNRs to ITH with schedule changes, confirmations, etc. Monitoring your queue will allow you to inform your client of schedule changes, or in some cases, re-route your client in the event of flight cancellations.

Use your computer to your advantage . . . to organize your work. You can also assign all sales follow-up PNRs to your queue for use as an automated “tickle” file.


Many suppliers offer their own insurance when clients purchase a package. In this situation, the price of the insurance is generally added in the total amount of the package, and paid for as one transaction. You will then receive the same commission rate as is paid on the package, and the supplier will handle the paperwork. However, the disadvantage to this type of coverage is that if the tour or cruise company goes out of business, the insurance that was purchased via the vendor, may no longer be valid.

International Tours also offers several travel insurance vendors with whom the IC may work with. These independent travel insurance companies pay commissions of 20% up to 35%. Insurance applications for your clients are distributed with this manual and are kept in the agency. You can order a supply to be shipped directly to you. Your client may pay by check or credit card.

It is good business practice to make a habit of offering travel insurance to your clients, and if they decline, you should have them sign a waiver form. Making a habit of this will protect both you and your clients. If a trip is canceled due to death or illness, your clients deal directly with the insurance company and they will need supporting documentation such as a death certificate or doctor’s letter. Offering insurance will give you some liability protection if your client decides to bring a lawsuit against you, and you are able to produce the insurance application or waiver in a court of law. The sale of insurance is also a quick and easy additional revenue stream.

An example of the application and a copy of the Waiver are included in this manual.

If your clients have any specific questions regarding the insurance coverage, such as pre-existing conditions, have them call the toll free number or call on their behalf.

GROUP INSURANCE POLICY – In the event you are operating a group and would like to issue a group travel policy and build the premium into the final sales price to the group, several of the travel insurance companies offer Group Insurance Policies. Additional details may be obtained directly from the insurance vendors.

***Note*** A PNR must be built and the Insurance Macro run in order to invoice the insurance and track your commission. The Vendor Code for Travelex is 460 and for Travel Safe is 226.


Your eligibility to receive and participate in the travel benefits offered by the many travel industry vendors is governed by the eligibility rules established by these vendors and not ITH.

Information regarding eligibility for reduced rate travel benefits is listed below:

REGISTRATION FORM - IATAN: STARS members interested in eligibility for reduced rate travel benefits for both domestic and international travel must first complete, and return to the ITH agency manager, the IATAN - PERSONNEL REGISTRATION FORM (found in the back of this section).

Upon receipt of the partially completed form, the ITH agency manager will complete the remaining sections as stipulated by IATAN, and forward the registration form to IATAN for processing. A thirty (30) day time frame should be allowed for processing.

Please be advised that you may still not be eligible for reduced rate travel even with receipt of the completed form from IATAN, as additional requirements must be met.

THE IATAN TRAVEL AGENT ID CARD: You may also wish to purchase an IATAN Travel Agent ID Card. This card is a picture ID, which many of the airlines and car and hotel companies are requesting as proof of your employment in the travel industry. The current price is $15.00. To request this card; check the applicable box on your IATAN Personnel Registration Form and attach your check for $15.00. In order to qualify you must earn at least $5000.00 per year in commissions and work a minimum of 20 hours per week in the business of selling travel. Be certain that you have checked the appropriate boxes of your IATAN Personnel Registration Form.

MIINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - WORK EXPERIENCE IN THE INDUSTRY: The minimum general eligibility rules for ARC and IATAN are as follows:

All ARC airlines require the agent to have a minimum of six (6) months industry work experience prior to receiving travel benefits. Some ARC carriers require a full year (12 Months) of work experience.

IATAN airlines require a minimum of twelve (12) months industry work experience for reduced rate air benefits. The normal workweek would consist of a minimum of 20 hours.

The above work experience rules will normally apply to all agents who request to use the reduced rate (75% off Y class fares) AD75 vouchers. ARC and IATAN furnish these vouchers (mainly for International travel) to each fully appointed travel agency.

The number of vouchers received is based on the air travel volume produced the prior calendar year.

The vouchers are not tickets and cannot be used as flight coupons. The vouchers are either: (1) forwarded with payment to the air carrier of origination for their ticket issuance; or (2) the voucher is attached to the auditors coupon of the reduced rate ticket issued in the agency, but with written authority from the originating air carrier.

ITH personnel will assist in directing you for ticketing compliance with your air carrier of choice.

Exceptions to the rule: Experience has shown us that tour operator, some airline, and/or government sponsored familiarization programs allow agency personnel to travel without meeting the full six or twelve month work experience qualification. If the agency is producing sufficient revenue for that supplier, minor eligibility questions are often waived and policies modified.

SALES VOLUME: Your STARS agreement does not require you to meet any sales goals to be eligible to participate in the STARS program. However, ARC and IATAN airlines reserve the right to limit or deny reduced rate travel benefits for those individuals not earning minimum annual commissions or salary of $5,000 (Refer to Question 2 on the IATAN REGISTRATION FORM).

ARC and IATAN have the right to request either a W-2 or a 1099-MISC form from the reduced rate traveler, to verify the income the traveler received for sales activity.

GENERAL INFORMATION: If you have a specific destination that you would like to visit, contact ITH. ITH personnel may have some suggestions on which suppliers you could call to inquire about upcoming familiarization tips.

It is virtually impossible to obtain any type of discount during holiday and peak travel time; most discount travel is stand-by, not confirmed space.

As a general rule, any seminar or fam trip that ITH sponsors will be open to all STARS participants with the following exceptions: (1) fam sponsor or airline imposes restrictions and/or requirements thereby disqualifying some STARS participants, i.e. “top 5 producers only”, (2) fam sponsor or airline offers only a limited number of slots, (3) the STARS participant’s account with ITH is not current.


For hotel and rental car travel agent discounts, call the hotel or car companies direct. Be certain to inquire what type of documentation they need.


The purpose of reduced rate/Fam trips is to give the travel agent an opportunity to experience a vendor’s specific travel product and/or travel destination. This experience will afford the agent first-hand knowledge and should result in increased sales. Fams are a privilege and a benefit that will not be abused by any agency staff or independent contractor of International Tours of Houston.

Professional dress and conduct of all participants is expected, and prompt attendance at all required functions is mandatory. If any one participant should not adhere to the above policy, they may be excluded from participating in any future agency/Fam trips.

All reduced rate air/cruise requests must have management approval, and are subject to the regulations set forth by the vendor. International Tours of Houston is not responsible for any possible damages/losses incurred while participants are involved in familiarization trips. Refer to the sample waiver on the next page.

The following guidelines are for all ITH STARS who wish to participate on reduced rate or familiarization trips:

• STARS participants must be current on monthly HOMEPRO and contractor service fees.

• STARS participants must make good on any insufficient checks, and may not have any outstanding Accounts Receivable with the agency.

• Deposits and final payments towards FAM trips must be paid by their deadlines. In the event of participant cancellation, any refunds will be subject to the policies of each individual trip.

• A valid IATAN travel agent ID card may be required by the vendor/airline in order to travel.



In today’s litigious society, disgruntled clients are suing their travel agents for real or imaginary errors and omissions sometimes caused by the negligence of the travel vendor’s employees. Mistakes can and do occur, and certainly not every client sues as a result.

Common scenarios for E&O claims involve dissatisfaction with travel arrangements, alleged failure to advise of needed travel documents, and, yes, actual booking errors; for example, ticketing a traveler to Portland, ME when he wanted to go to Portland, OR.

“Errors & Omissions” (E&O) claims do not necessarily involve an actual error on the part of a travel agent. Simply the perception of an error or omission by a client can give rise to a claim.


This coverage protects against the most catastrophic types of losses: those, which involve injury to, or even death of, a client, which occurs during travel, arranged by you. Allegations of negligence may cite the failure to properly advise clients of possible hazardous conditions, or negligence in the selection of a travel supplier, such as an airline, cruise line, tour operator, motorcoach operator, or hotel.


This coverage protects against charges of libel and slander. For example, the failure to advise of the proper documentation needed to enter a country results in claims alleging false arrest, detention or imprisonment. Or, a heated disagreement with a client may result in a suit alleging defamation of character.


ITH has made arrangements to provide the Professional Liability Insurance Policy for Travel Agents with the Interstate Insurance Group via Chicago Insurance Company.

The policy period is from: June 01, 2002 to: June 01, 2003.

The limits of liability for each incident: $1,000,000 with the aggregate also at $1,000,000.

The deductible for each claim: $500.00.The deductible amount specified above applies to both damages and defense costs.

The premium for this annual coverage for the above policy period for ITH is $1896.00, plus an additional $50.00 per each Independent Contractor per year.

Each STAR is required to participate in the coverage and premium payment. ITH accounting personnel bills each member in June of each year for their respective $50.00 premium. STARS members may provide their own Professional Liability Insurance, and by providing ITH management with a copy of their policy and naming ITH as co-insured, then the $50.00 premium is waived.

A copy of the policy number and salient points of the policy are provided for your reference on the following pages.



With the Amadeus APS Macros application, you can automate repetitive or complex Host (format) transactions. Instead of manually entering each transaction, you can run a macro. Amadeus established a series of macros identified within Amadeus by the designation 1A.

At the present time, if you use or run an Amadeus macro (from the 1A list), the macro will not interface with ITH’S back office accounting system without additional MS accounting lines of input. This is an important issue, as your sale may not be identified for commission tracking and sales activity credit. Therefore if you use the 1A macros, please queue the PNR to ITH’S queue 91 for review and processing by ITH staff.

The more preferred alternative is for you to use ITH’S macros’ listed immediately after the 1A macros and identified by letters - ITH. The ITH macros already have the MS accounting lines in-bedded within the macros to interface with the TRAMS back office accounting system. The ITH macros may be run by any STARS user, as the macro asks a series of questions, with you supplying the reservations or tour or cruise type of answers for completion.


You can run a macro from the Macro List, Reservations, the APS Toolbar, or your Personal Toolbar. To access all ITH macros enter &MINDEX.


To suspend a macro, click on the “suspend macro” icon on the toolbar. To cancel a macro, click on the “terminate macro” icon on the toolbar.


Vendors have an ID number assigned to them for tracking purposes. Many of the macros will ask for this number within the format sequence. To determine the specific vendor number, access the correct profile as follows:


If no profile exists for a particular vendor, call ITH accounting department for a vendor number or choose – other tour - other air - other hotel …etc.


1. Deposit

A. Amount of deposit.

B. Are you using a MCO or other form of payment?

C. The validating airline code if using a MCO.

D. The vendor code.

2. Final payment

To add a final payment:

A. The final payment amount.

B. The commission amount.

C. Is the form of payment the same as in the deposit?

3. Car

To add a car segment to the PNR that was confirmed with the car company directly.

A. Car company code.

B. Rental city code.

C. Pick up date.

D. Return date.

E. Arrival time/Return time.

F. Vehicle type code.

G. Daily rate quote

H. Total cost of car rental – not the daily rate.

I. Commission amount

J. Confirmation number.

K. Special information (optional)

L. Vendor code.

M. Name of car-rental company

4. Hotel

To add a hotel reservation to the PNR that was confirmed with the hotel directly.

A. Is the hotel in Amadeus?

B. The two-letter hotel chain designator.

C. Hotel city code.

D. Check in date.

E. Check out date.

F. Rate quote.

G. Confirmation number.

H. Hotel vendor code.

I. Total cost of stay

J. Commission amount

5. Tour or Cruise

To add:

A. Inputting cruise-tour-rail info.

B. Deposit has been sent/this is final payment

C. Deposit has been sent/this is additional payment

D. Inputting Travelex C.D. Benefit Insurance Info

E. Inputting Travel Safe Insurance

F. Inputting information for the Senior Citizen Coupon Booklet

A. Inputting cruise-tour-rail information.

1. How many names are in the PNR?

2. Airport code.

3. Departure/Return date.

4. Name of vendor.

5. Brief description.

6. Payment Information

7. Total due now.

8. Dollar amount of commission.

9. Vendor code number.

10. Confirmation number.

11. Total cost of package, etc.

B. Deposit has been sent / this is final payment.

C. Deposit has been sent / this is additional payment.

1. Amount of payment.

2. Commission due now.

D. Inputting TravelEX Insurance Information

1. Airport code.

2. Departure date.

3. Total due to the insurance company.

4. Payment Information.

5. Commission percentage.

6. Policy number.

E. Inputting Travel Safe Insurance Info.

1. Airport code.

2. Departure date.

3. Total due to the insurance company.

4. Payment information.

5. Policy number.

F. Inputting information for the Senior Citizen Coupon Booklet

1. Date of invoicing.

2. Name of validating carrier.

3. Airline code.

4. MCO number.

5. Total amount due.

6. Commission due.

6. Ticketless:

To add required information for all ticket-less travel:


A. Total due

B. B. Confirmation number.

C. Credit card number.


Example of: Car

Example of: Car deposit with MCO number

Example of: Car deposit without a MCO number

Example of: Senior Citizen Booklet

Example of: Hotel listed in Amadeus

Example of: Hotel not listed in Amadeus

Example of: Southwest Airlines ticketless

Example of: Tour Segment

Example of: Deposit sent/this is final payment

Example of: Cruise Segment

Example of: Rail Segment

Example of: – Travelex Insurance



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