Word Cell #7 - Weebly

Name: __________________ UNIT 7

Date: _________________

Period: _________________

Teacher: _________________

METER a measure; a measurement; that by which a thing is measured; 39.37 inches

alti/meter (n) an instrument used for measuring heights or altitudes

audio/meter (n) an instrument that measures how well one hears

chrono/meter (n) a very accurate instrument for measuring time, as is the chronometer at the U.S.

Observatory in Washington, D.C.

meter (n) the basic unit of length used in the metric system; 39.37 inches, or 3.37 inches

longer than a yard; volume is measured in terms of liters; weight is measured in

terms of grams

deci/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one-tenth of a meter; 3.937”

centi/meter (n) “ “ “ “ “ “ one-hundredth of a meter; 0.3937”

milli/meter (n) “ “ “ “ “ “ one-thousandth of a meter; 0.03937”

deca/meter (n) “ “ “ “ “ “ ten meters

hecto/meter (n) “ “ “ “ “ “ one hundred meters

kilo/meter (n) “ “ “ “ “ “ one thousand meters, or about five-eighths of a mile

pedo/meter (n) an instrument that records the distance a walker covers

peri/meter (n) the outer boundary of a figure; compare with circumference

thermo/meter (n) an instrument for measuring temperature; compare centigrade and Fahrenheit


dia/meter (n), micro/meter (n)


MILL, MILLI a thousand; a thousandth part (L – R)

mill/ennium (n) a period of one thousand years; as, when we arrived at the year 2000 A.D., it was

two millenniums since Christ was born (A.D. stands for anno Domini – in the year of the Lord, and NOT, after death)

milli/meter (n) see METER (above)

milli/pede (n) a small crawling animal having many pairs of legs, but definitely not one

thousand; a decapod is ten-footed, whereas a centipede has considerably less than

one hundred legs

milli/on (n) the number named by a unit with six zeros after it; one thousand taken one

thousand times; 1,000,000; (a) consisting of a thousand thousands; as, a million dollars

milli/on/aire (n), multi/milli/on/aire (n)

NAUT navigation; sailor; ship (Gr – R)

naut/ical (a) of or pertaining to seamen, navigation, or ships; as, rowing and astronavigation

are examples of nautical skills

naut/ical / mile (n) a measurement of 6080.27 feet, as compared with the land or statute mile which

measures 5280 feet

astro/naut (n) the pilot of a spaceship, literally, one who travels amongst the stars

cosmo/naut (n) Russian word for one who travels in space; literally, one who travels throughout

the universe

UNIT 7 Name:__________________

EXERCISE 1: MATCHING: In the spaces provided, supply each word-cell in Column A with the number of its proper definition from Column B.


audio (1) universe

cosmo (2) 100

hecto (3) height; high; tall

naut (4) one who

mill/milli (5) navigator/sailor

alti (6) time

chrono (7) sound

pedo (8) 1000/1000th

______ aire (9) across

______ dia (10) foot

EXERCISE 2: DEFINITIONS: In the spaces provided, supply the words being defined. Use the correct form of the word, as necessary.

(1) _____________________ of or pertaining to seamen, navigation, ships

(2) _____________________ Russian who travels in space

(3) _____________________ an instrument for measuring temperature

(4) _____________________ a very accurate instrument for measuring time

(5) _____________________ ten meters

EXERCISE 3: GOOFY WORDS: Use word cell definitions to find definitions for made-up words.

(1) _____ perinaut a. feet of time

(2) _____ chronopede b. tall/high sailor

(3) _____ hectoaudio c. a measure of the universe

(4) _____ cosmometer d. around sailors

(5) _____ altinaut e. one-hundred sounds

Unit 7 NAME: ______________________

EXERCISE 4: WORD SCRAMBLE: Unscramble the groups of letters so that they correctly spell out words

which match their definitions.

1. RTMHERTMEOE _______________________ an instrument which measures temperature

2. EMICEEDRT _______________________ one-tenth of a meter

3. USTONCAMO _______________________ Russian word for a space traveler

4. MODEPRTEE _______________________ an instrument that records distance walked

5. EIMELILMRT _______________________ one-thousandth of a meter

6. CIUANTAL _______________________ rowing and tying knots; sailing

7. ORCHNMEOETR _______________________ a very accurate instrument for measuring time

8. CUANTILA MLIE _______________________ a measurement of 6080.27 feet

9. SMARG _______________________ that by which metric weight is measured

10. EMTILATER _______________________ an instrument used for measuring heights

11. IMNILLO _______________________ one thousand thousands equal a _________

12. EETMR _______________________ basic measure of length used in metric system

13. TUADOIMEER _______________________ an instrument that measures how well one hears

14. TIPEDCENE _______________________ a crawling animal supposedly having 100 feet

15. MILOKETRE _______________________ metric measure of about five-eighths of a mile

EXERCISE 5: WORD-CELL SCRAMBLE: Unscramble the groups of letters so that they correctly spell

out word-cells which match their definitions.

1. REMTHO ____________________ warm; hot; heat

2. IKLO ____________________ a thousand

3. ORCIM _____________________ small

4. AID _____________________ across; through

5. HTCEO _____________________ a hundred

6. IREP _____________________ around; about; near; encircling

7. EDPO _____________________ foot or feet

8. OMSCO _____________________ world; universe

9. IIMLL _____________________ a thousand; a thousand part

10. IUMNNE _____________________ year or years

UNIT 7 NAME: ____________________________

|1 | | | |2 | |3 | | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | | | | | | | |5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |6 | | |7 | | |8 | | | | |9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |10 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |11 | | | | | |12 | | | | | |13 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |14 | | | | |15 | | | | | | | | | |16 | | | | | | | | | | | |17 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |18 | | | | | | | | | |19 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |20 | | | | | | | | | |21 | | | | | | | ACROSS DOWN

4. A measure of length equal to one thousand meters 1. A “thousand-footed” crawling animal

7. Root meaning “ten” 2. Root meaning “a tenth part”

11. Root meaning “a measure; a measurement; that 3. A measure of length equal to one-

by which a thing is measured” hundredth of a meter

12. Root meaning “a hundred; a hundredth part” 5. The abbreviation of anno Domini

13. Root meaning “foot or feet” 6. Root meaning “to hear”

16. A period of one thousand years 8. Root meaning “star or stars”

18. Root meaning “navigation; sailor; ship” 9. A measure of length equal to one hundred


19. Metric volume is measured in _________

10. A measure of length equal to ten meters

20. One who travels “amongst the stars”

14. Root meaning “high; height”

21. Root meaning “time”

15. Root meaning “a thousand; a thousandth


17. Root meaning “world; universe”

Lesson 7 Roots:

-aire (one who)

alti (height; high; tall)

astro (star/stars)

audio (sound)

cent/centi (100; 100th)

chrono (time)

cosmo (universe)

deca/deci (ten/tenth)

dia (across)

-ennium (year or years)

hecto (a hundred)

kilo (a thousand)

meter (measure; measurement)

micro (small)

mill/milli (1000; 1000th)

multi (many; much)

naut (navigator/sailor)

pedo (foot)

peri (around; about; near; encircling)

thermo (warm; hot; heat)

-able |capable/worthy | |ed- |eat | |odont |tooth | |-aire |one who/that which | |ennial |years | |-onym |word | |-al |of or relating to | |-er |that which | |orth |correct | |amphi |both | |-et |group | |-ory |place | |-an |one who/that which | |fact |make/form | |-ous |possessing | |an- |not/without | |flect |bend | |paci- |peace | |-anean |one who/that which | |flex |bend | |ped |feet | |angle |corner | |flex |bend | |pede |feet | |annu |year | |flor |flower | |pent |five | |ant- |against/opposite | |fract |break | |per- |part | |ante- |before | |frag |break | |pesti |pest | |anti- |against/opposite | |-fy |make/form | |petri |stone | |arch |main | |geno |race | |plane |wing | |-archy |rule | |genu |knee | |-ple |thickness/fold | |-arian |one who/that which | |gon |angle/corner | |pod |foot | |athlon |contest | |grade |degree | |port |carry | |-ation |action/process | |hemi- |half | |preci |valuable | |aud |hear | |homi |man | |quadr/quart |four | |bene |good/benefit | |-ible |capable/worthy | |quint |five | |bi- |two | |-ile |of or relating to | |re- |back/again | |carn/carni |mean | |in- |not | |sect |cut | |cent |one hundred | |-ist |one who/that which | |semi- |half | |centi- |100/100th | |lat |side | |sept |seven | |-cide |kill | |libr |book | |sext |six | |circ |around | |lingu |language | |sphere |ball | |corn |horn | |lov |love | |sub |under | |cred |believe | |manu |hand | |sui |self | |cycle |circle | |medi |middle | |syn |same | |de- |away from | |-ment |action/process | |terr |land | |dent/denti |tooth | |meri |middle | |tri |three | |di |day | |meter |measure | |a- |without/not | |dorm/dormit |sleep | |milli |1000/1000th | |-ar |of/relating to | |duo |two | |mon |one | |archeo |ancient/old | |astro |star | |biblio |book | |bio |life | |chrono |time | |circum |around/about | |col- |together | |dipso |alcohol | |eco |environment | |geo |earth | |hydro |water | |-ician |one who | |klepto |steal | |lab/laborat |work | |-logy |science/study of | |lun |moon | |mania |craving/madness | |mort |death | |-or |one that performs an action | |poly |many | |psycho |mind/mental | |pyro |fire | |the/theo |god | |zoo |animal | | | | |


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