Curriculum Vitae

Judith Axonovitz M.S. L.C.S.W


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1972 M.S., Simmons College Boston, Massachusetts

Thesis: Short Term Treatment in a Private Psychiatric Hospital: An Expanding Service

(McLean Hospital, Psychiatric Division of Massachusetts General Hospital, Teaching Unit of Harvard University Medical School)

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for M.S. Thesis Advisor: Professor Mollie Grob

Student Participant in Core City Curriculum, requiring additional courses addressing the issues of underserved ethnic communities in Boston with placements in agencies serving these neighborhoods.

1968 B.A. University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin

Major: Sociology and Social Work


2001 Certificate, Non Profit Management 2001, California State University Los Angeles, California

Nationally recognized nine month certificate program taught by Dr. Gary Bess

1999 Certificate, Advanced Management Development Program, University of Southern California Marshall School of Business Los Angeles, California

Four month certificate course taught by Marshall Faculty utilizing MBA course content to strengthen managerial skills and strategic decision making skills.

1998 Certificate, Management Development Program, University of Southern California Marshall School of Business Los Angeles, California

Four-month certificate program taught by Marshall Faculty addressing all facets of management based on MBA curriculum and addressing management and leadership skills in team based environments with USC community

Summer 1994 Matriculated Student for Rabbinical Studies 1994, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Jerusalem, Israel

Summer immersion in Jerusalem

1982 Two-Year Program, Certificate in Health and the Family University of California San Francisco, California

Eight 16-hour modules exploring families of diverse cultures faced with health issues; clinical and experiential courses through lens of medical sociology and medical anthropology, taught by academicians from many departments and disciplines at UCSF Medical School including physicians, nurses, social workers, psychotherapists and professionals in community-based agencies.


5/1978 State of California LCSW 6446

Active Licensed Clinical Social Worker

2/1982 Commonwealth of Massachusetts LICSW 10366

Inactive Licensed Independent Clinical Social Work

Professional Experience

5/2016-Present Clinical Professor, UPC, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Member Adult and Healthy Aging Department

• Field Faculty AHA

• Teaching Faculty AHA

• Member Faculty Council

• GSWEC Project representative from USC

• International Student Advisor

• Faculty Consultant to Admissions and Recruitment Office

• Inter-professional Geriatric Curriculum Faculty, School of Social Work co-rep IPGC

• Student Senior Partners Program Faculty, School of Social Work co-rep SSPP

• Member Special Stipends Committee

• Arts and Social Work Incubator

• Homelessness Project

• Primary Integrative Care Project for CSWEpresentation

8/2004-5/2016 Director, Skirball Academic Center (SAC), University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Designed, developed, implemented and launched this academic center

• ˙office, Skirball expansion plan matrix, outcome based evaluation plan

• Serve on Dean’s Council, Vice Dean’s Council, Curriculum Council, Field Education Faculty Council (2011-2013)

• Collaborated with Vice President of Skirball Cultural Center to promote growth of this center from initial 25 students to 40 ongoing full and part time students

• Implemented yearly ‘Lunch with the Deans’

• Developed survey assessing student and faculty satisfaction to determine the outcomes of this center through quantitative and qualitative measurements

• Designed and launched instituted Skirball Communicator, the first e-zine in the School of Social Work

8/2004-5/2016 Field Faculty, Skirball Academic Center, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Developed field placements to serve the evening schedule of this site

• Mentor all new faculty at SAC

8/2004-9/2015 Academic Advisor, Skirball Academic Center, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Developed a model of monthly group academic advisement to all part time students

• Established Skirball Caucus and served as advisor, receiving two awards in 2009 for Outstanding Caucus and Most Dedicated Caucus

8/2004-5/2016 Clinical Professor, Skirball Academic Center, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Taught three new courses field related to new CYF curriculum for first year students

• Augment course delivery to this learner center site, moving from initial 9 sections of classes for fall and spring to current 13 with successful attendance of fully subscribed summer session classes for all USC-SSW students.

• Expand its accessibility to all students with summer curriculum electives

• Create additional use of this academic center for future course delivery for students in concentration year courses

8/2004-Present Admission and Recruitment Team, Skirball Academic Center, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Plan and deliver all recruitment and information events at Skirball that include biannual informational meetings and open houses

• Review 10% of all applicants to the USC-SSW and all applicants to SAC

• Interviewed over 50 applicants when personal meeting required for admission decision

1984-Present Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Private Practice, Consultation and Psychotherapy, Office in Los Angeles, California 90066

• On-going LCSW practitioner with a culturally diverse client population

• Provide consultation and evaluation and therapy utilizing all treatment modalities; short term, long term, crisis intervention with individuals, couples, families and groups

• Identified clinician providing low cost treatment for MSW social work students referrals from UCLA, CSU Long Beach

7/2002-1/2008 Social Work Consultant, Daylight Adult Day Health Care Centers, Glendale, California

• Provided bio-psychosocial evaluations of clients at their many adult day treatment centers

• Serviced a diverse patient population (Latino, Armenian and Korean with sensitivity to cultural awareness to issues of aging and being differently-able, with physical and cognitive challenges)

• Provided in-service education to diverse, multi-disciplinary staff (nutrition, nursing, physical therapy, recreational therapy, occupational therapy, social service providers) with regard to aspects of aging, disability treatment and employing current trends in patient care

4/1983-6/2006 Diabetes Support Group Facilitator, American Diabetes Association, Los Angeles, California

• After the initial launch of this program and its success, I continued to work with a group who actively pursued this support system and participated monthly for 23 years, serving as facilitator with members, 2 of whom were from the initial pilot project.

1995-2005 GSWEC Founding Member, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Member of the original steering committees that secured funding from Archstone and Hartford Foundation for the GSWEC initiative, the significant gerontology social work program in the School of Social Work that has sustained its presence and importance in training MSW students in this field of practice

• Initiated the model by facilitating focus groups that explored efficacy and need of such a program

• Established competencies for social work students in gero social work

8/1983-8/2004 Field Education Coordinator and Academic Advisor, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Designed, developed and implemented the Health Concentration field component at the start of the concentration year model.

• Responsible for development and implementation of the foundation field placement experience for full and part time students at UPC

o Evaluated agency appropriateness in meeting field education standards for foundation year and health concentration moving to approval of these organizations to serve as internship sites

o Developed over 110 health concentration internships (see Index 4, pp. 36-40)

• Collaborated with Health Concentration faculty in creating a dynamic learning experience integrating classroom courses and field experience

o Created initial course syllabus for the developing Field Seminar that was launched in 1996 for all foundation year students in first year placement (see Index 8, pp. 1-4)

o Created field syllabus for 686a/b that presents goals and objectives for the clinical micro, mezzo and macro experiences within this arena of health practice

• Served as Academic Advisor to all students assigned to me

• Created and implemented a protocol for part time student that has served a model for this cohort of students

• Explored financial resources through stipends and scholarships from our partnering agency.

• Designed field education experiences and protocols to meet the needs of those affected and infected by HIV-AIDS

• Developed series of “Brown-Bag” speakers for concentration students

• Member for 20 years of the Society for Social Work Leaders in Health Care that worked collaboratively and supportively with me and the concentration in placement development

• Provided mentorship to newly hired field faculty

• Served as Interim Field Faculty for COPA, Mental Health and Family and Childrens concentrations during transitional periods

• Provided multi disciplinary training to third year medical students from the Keck School of Medicine

• Served as representative from School of Social Work at the Norris Cancer Center in developing the notion of Patient Navigation Systems, a gold standard identifying comprehensive cancer centers in the United States

• Developed programming and participated in trainings for field instructors, preceptors and agency directors.

9/1995-Present Admissions Reviewer and Student Recruitment, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• Reviewed applications and personally interviewed applicants seeking admission where this format indicated

• Recruited applicant nationally and locally at graduate fairs and other venues with presentations on USC-SSW MSW programs

2000-2003 Clinical Social Work Consultant and Therapist, CHAI Life Line, Los Angeles, California

• Provided pro-bono social work services to families dealing with the crisis and challenge of serious pediatric illness, addressing emotional, social and financial needs

7/1998-9/2001 Social Work Consultant, Rehab Health Care Network Inc., Los Angeles, California

• Provided comprehensive bio-psychosocial evaluations of patients and family members receiving out-patient service at this center

• Taught modules on patient care to multi-disciplinary staff (physical therapy, occupational therapy, recreational therapy) to enhance quality provided by this organization’s delivery of care

1/1997-10/1999 Licensed Clinical Social Work Consultant, Angeles Home Health Care, Los Angeles, California

• Provided bio-psychosocial evaluations and developed treatment plans

• Established post hospitalization resources and referrals for patients in the community

3/1998-4/1999 Social Work Consultant, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, University of Southern California University Hospital Home Health Care Department, Los Angeles, California

• Provided bio-psychosocial evaluations and developed treatment plans

• Established post hospitalization resources and referrals for patients in the community

1985-1988 Social Work Consultant, Assistance League Family Services, Los Angeles, California

• Provided individual and group supervision and in-service educational programs to the professional social work staff of this agency

4/1983-5/1984 Group Facilitator and Program Planner, American Diabetes Association, Los Angeles, California

• As a member of the Psycho Social Committee, created an outreach program for adults with diabetes and their significant others

• Designed a group treatment protocol that initially established four groups

4/1977-8/1983 Chair and Clinical Social Worker, Field Instructor, Southern California Regional Social Work Continuing Education, Veterans Administration Hospital (WLAVAMC), Los Angeles, California

• Provided clinical social work services to veterans and their families on a variety of medical units in this UCLA teaching hospital

• Member of interdisciplinary teams on the internal medical, cardiology, pulmonary and infectious disease units

• Developed social work protocols for working with first identified AIDS/HIV+ patients in the hospital

• Social worker on pulmonary unit when Legionnaire’s disease identified

• Served as Field Instructor to USC-SSW MSW students

• As chair of regional social work education in southern California, developed continuing education program for 5 years with in-service programming to all 8 social work staff in the region

11/1976-2/1977 Clinical Social Worker , University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado

• Provided clinical social work services to patients and their families who required dialysis post liver transplantation

• Served as a member of this transplantation team, a unique and globally recognized program established by Dr. Thomas Starzl, a leader in the field of organ transplantation

5/1975-6/1976 Social Work Consultant, Hospital Home Health Care Agency, Torrance, California

• Provided bio-psychosocial evaluations and treatment plans to patients who were recently discharged from in-patient hospitalization requiring comprehensive home health services establish continuity of care from hospital to home

4/1975-6/1976 Director of Social Services, Hawthorne Community Hospital (currently Robert Kennedy Medical Center), Hawthorne, California

• Designed, implemented and directed this full service social work department with multidisciplinary staff of six (nursing and MSW social workers) serving patients and families in hospital with in-patient medical and psychiatric units

• Created departmental manual to establish policies and procedures for the medical center’s social work department

• Attended American Hospital Association conference in Chicago that supported newly developing full service social work department and social service directors

• Active member of the AHA’s Society for Hospital Social Work Directors and local consortium of hospital social work directors of the South Bay

12/1972-7/1974 Medical Social Worker, Boston City Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

• Provided long and short term social work treatment (individual, family and group) to this major teaching hospital

• Served as social worker on Harvard University medical and surgical teams

• Group facilitator for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

• Served as Field Instructor for second year MSW intern from Boston University School of Social Work

2/1973-5/1974 Social Work Consultant, Idak Corporation and Brittany Towers Convalescent Center, Natick, Massachusetts

• Provided MSW consultation and in-service education to staff members of the various older adult facilities managed by this organization, addressing needs of older adults residing in-patient facilities who required various levels of care

• Created bio-psychosocial care plan, a foundation for evaluation of each individual and family

6/1970-9/1970 Social Worker, North Shore Convalescent Center, Saugus, Massachusetts

• Designed and implemented a social work department at this skilled nursing facility

• Provided intake, evaluation and assessments through ongoing support services and discharge planning for patients and their families

2/1969-6/1970 Social Worker, Star of David Convalescent Center, West Roxbury, Massachusetts

• Provided intake, ongoing support services and discharge planning for patients and their families in this Medicare-certified skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility

Summers 1966, 1968 Social Worker, Lucas County Child Welfare Board, Toledo, Ohio

• Served as social worker for this public agency that received all reports for child protective services, completing evaluations and treatment plans for suspected child abuse, neglect and dependency

• Placed children in foster care following assessment for their safety

• Worked with local courts and county jail providing evaluation of parents of children in protective custody

USC Related Professional Activities

2016-2018 Faculty Council (eLECTED pOSITION)

2015-present Arts and Social Work Incubator

2013 Promoted To Full Professor, Field Faculty

2012 Submission of Dossier for Promotion from

Associate to Full Professor

2011-2013 Faculty Council (Elected Position)

• Governance for VAC faculty sub committee

• Leave for Clinical Faculty sub committee

2006-2011 Curriculum Council

2005-present Dean’s Council

2004- present Vice Dean’s Council

2004-present Faculty Advisor, Skirball Caucus

2004-present Member, Community Immersion and Orientation Committee

2004-present Member, Student Review Committee

1996- present Office of Admissions and Scholarship

• Admission’s Reviewer and Applicant Interviewer

• Local, Regional and National Recruiter

1985-present Field Liaison, Joint Degree Program USC-SSW Hebrew Union College (HUC) School of Jewish Non Profit Management

• Admissions Committee Reviewer for dual degree applicants

• Consultant to Faculty and Staff of HUC

• Developed competencies for MSW and HUC Dual Degree Students in Health Concentration

1983-present Member, Field Sequence

• Member Foundation Year Field Placement Committee

• Member of Curricular Design for Foundation Year Internship

• Member of Behavior Sequence Representing Field

• Member of End of Year Luncheon for Field Instructors

1983-present Member, Field Education Committee

2012 Consultant to USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, Hollywood, Health and Society

2009-2011 Member, Diversity Committee

2003-2011 Consultant to Faculty Members Advising Graduate Students

• USC-Keck School of Medicine

• USC Pharmacy School

• USC Marshall School of Business

1998-2011 Member, Student Awards Committee

2008, 2010 Participant, Tech Camp Summer

1988, 1995, 2002, 2009 Member, Reaccreditation Committee

5/2008 Attendee, USC All Day Technology Conference

3/2008 Attendee, Vice Provost Advancement Seminar, “From Associate to Full”

1994-2009 Member Field Seminar Curriculum Design Committee (see Index 8, pp. 1-4)

1999-2005 Founding Member and Project Design Committee of GSWEC Initiative (see Index 5)

1997-2004 Academic Advisor to Majority of Part Time Students at UPC

1984-2004 Founding Member, Health Concentration (see Index 4)

• Created Field and Course Objectives in Development of Health Concentration

• Designed Health Concentration Field Objectives

• Designed AIDS-HIV Social Work Practice Skills Component for Health Concentration Students

• Designed Goals and Objectives for Health Concentration Agencies working with USC Students

1986-2004 USC–SSW Field Liaison Rep to Leonard Davis Gerontology School overseeing dual degree students in conc. year

2000-2003 Member of Design Team for USC Norris Cancer Hospital Patient Navigation System

2000-2001 Interim Field Faculty Coordinator, Mental Health Concentration

1985-2000 Co Founder, Joint Field Consortium

• USC rep and Co- Chair of Planning Annual Event

• Member Foundation Year Placement Committee of Joint School Consortium

1999 Interim Field Faculty Coordinator, Family and Children’s Concentration

1998-1999 Consultant to University Hospital

1993-1998 Faculty Mentor, USC Hillel

1997 Member, Practice Committee

1996 Designed and Implemented Group Advisement Curriculum (see Index 8, pp. 5-10)

1985-1996 Member, Behavior Committee

1995 Designed Academic Advisement Procedures for Part Time Students

1994 Designed and Implemented Initial 587a/b Syllabus and Curriculum (see Index 2)

1994 Interim Field Faculty Coordinator, COPA Concentration

1990 Faculty Advisor, Jewish Students Caucus

1986-1990 Consultant to LAC USC Medical Center

2005-2008 Attended the Following Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET) Courses

• Engaging Students in Learner Centered Classroom

• Diversity in the Classroom

• Creative Collaboration in Teaching Across Discipline

• Technology Enhanced Learning

1999 Member, All School Day Committee

Teaching Experience

1983- Present Instructor, Field Practicum 586 A and 586 B

2004-present Classroom Instructor, Integrative Field Seminar 587a and b, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

2011- Present Facilitator/ Table Trainer, EBP Training in Motivational Interviewing, Problem Solving Therapy (PST), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

2007, 2011, 2012 Guest Lecturer, Graduate Social Work Courses, University of Southern California

• Social Work and Spirituality, Dr. Helen Land

• Clinical Practice in Health Settings

Summer 2011 Instructor USC School of Social Work, Global Immersion-Israel, Los Angeles, California and Tel Aviv, Israel

• Co-led two day pre-immersion session (USC) and fifteen days in Israel

• Assisted lead instructor and course designer : Dr. Michal Sela Amit

• Co-Instructor for this intensive summer immersion “Social Conflict, Empowerment and Creative Problem Solving in Israel”

• Facilitated student debriefings, provided individual student advisement and support for the students, assisted with project logistics and collaborated with faculty from Tel Aviv University Department of Theatre Arts and Graduate School of Social Work

• Interfaced with community and agency leaders throughout the country as group explored organizations and service to the multi-cultural groups living in Israel recognizing the need for innovative practice in a land of diverse population

• Presented selective educational overviews related to diversity issues of this country.

2004, 2011 Provide Continuing Education Series to Professional Staff, Jewish Family Service, Los Angeles, CA

• ‘Baby Boomer Therapists: Countertransference, Working with Older Adults’

• ‘Making the Most of the Match: Successful and Productive Work with MSW Interns’

• ‘Enhancing Your Supervision of Graduate Students’

Summer 2010 Instructor USC School of Social Work, Global Immersion- Philippines, Los Angeles California and Manila, Philippines

• Led two day pre immersions session (USC) and fifteen days in the Philippines

• Assisted Lead Instructor and Course Designer: Dr. Annalisa Enrile

• Co Instructor for this intensive summer immersion addressing “Violence Against Women: Feminist Theory, Social Action and Social Work in the Philippines”

• Facilitated daily student debriefings, provided individual student advisement and support for the students, assisted with program logistics, and collaborated with faculty from the UP Diliman School of Social Work and Community Development and community and agency leaders presenting to our students

• Presented a lecture to UP Diliman faculty, “Perspective on Clinical Social Work”

2007-2008 Guest Lecturer, Undergraduate Social Work Courses, University of Southern California

• ‘Institutional Inequality in American Social and Political Policy’

• ‘Crisis in Human Development’

1984-2004 Interviewing Workshops Health Concentration, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• ‘Engaging in the Interviewing Process for your Field Placement’

• ‘Everything You Wanted to Know about the Process of Securing your First Post MSW Position’

• ‘Beginning of Academic Year: Launching Your Health Concentration Placement’

2004-Present Series of Brown Bag for Skirball Academic Students, University of Southern California, School of Social Work, Los Angeles , California

∙ Professional Development

∙ Interviewing with Agencies

∙ Immersion Considerations

1984-2004 Series of Brown Bags for Health Concentration, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

• ‘Understanding Medications as a Social Worker in Health Care Settings’

• ‘Working on an Interdisciplinary Team: The Role of the Social Worker and MSW Social Work Intern’

• ‘Working with HIV/AIDS Patients and Families: Our Work When Stigma Exists Related to a Diagnosis’

• ‘Self-Care: A Necessary Care Plan for Ourselves’

• ‘Case Management: The Clinical Facets of This Social Work Skill’

• ‘The Collaboration of Social Workers with Nursing Professionals’

• ‘How to Educate the Interdisciplinary Team about the Depth and Breadth of Social Work’

• ‘The Role of a Preceptor for Interns in Health Care Settings: Rotations in Specialized Areas’

• ‘Integrating Input from Preceptor and Field Instructor in Health Care Settings’

• ‘Making the Most of Your Internship: Tapping into Unique Experiences Previously Unexplored’

• ‘Counter-Transference: How We Respond to Challenges that Trigger Personal Reactions’

• ‘How We View our Work in a Host Setting: Asserting the Social Work Perspective’

• ‘Facing Our Own Fears as We Work with Health Challenges of our Clients’

• ‘The Demands Created by Managed Care: How to do the Most with Time Constraints’

• ‘Understanding DRGs: Everything Social Workers Need to Know Vis a Vis This System’

• ‘How to Incorporate a Cultural Diversity Lens to Social Work Practice in a Health Arena Settings’

2003 Instructor, Approved by California Board of Behavioral Science CEU in Clinical Supervision, Wellness Community, Santa Monica, California

2002 Instructor and Facilitator, Clinical Medicine, Interdisciplinary Team Modules to Third Year Students, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California

1984- 1997 Instructor, Field Learning Labs, 3 day pre-placement module for foundation year students entering internship

1996 Instructor, Death and Dying, Assisting the Patients and Caregivers, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

1985 to 1991 Instructor and Director of Curriculum Design, Group Advisement Field Seminars, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California September

1985 Instructor, Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Health Concentration (606), University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

1979-1983 Clinical Associate, Field Instructor, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Los Angeles, California

1977-1983 Guest Lecturer, Social Work in Health Care Delivery Systems, California State University, Long Beach, California

1978, 1979 Supervisor, Graduate Student Summer Workers, West Los Angeles Veterans, Administration Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

1973-1974 Field Instruction Faculty, Boston University Graduate School of Social Work, Boston, Massachusetts

Volunteer, Consultation Experience AND cOMMUNITY sERVICE

2007-present Invited Member, Founding Partner in Collaborative Program, Hebrew Union College, Kalsman Institute of Health, Los Angeles, California

Developed and continue to cultivate a network that extends to North America and Israel that now includes over 3,000 professional and lay leaders impacting our communities through work in Judaism, health and healing

1999-present Board Member, Jewish Family Service, Los Angeles, California

Serve as board member and have worked on a variety of sub committees developing programs for underserved as well as creating community collaborations related to the 60 + programs of this dynamic organization

Fall 2012 Consultant, USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center , Hollywood, Health and Society

Beverly Hills, California

Invited as clinical mental health practitioner to advise writers in media about accurate portrayal of issues around health, chronic illness, disability, and end of life issues

Fall 2010 Clinical Social Work Consultant, Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation, Tenafly, New Jersey

Invited as clinical professional to facilitate online discussion group utilizing technology to connect in a virtual format to address the bio

-psychosocial impact of this life threatening disease and provide educational and psychological support to families with children diagnosed with cardiomyopathy

12/2007 Member, Cuban Relief Mission, B’nai Brith International, Havana, Cienfuegos, Santa Clara and Camaguey Cuba

Select group of 30 meeting with communities in Cuba and addressing health and mental health needs of Cubans

Fall 2007 Certified Crisis Counselor and Mental Health Worker, American Red Cross, Los Angeles, California, Training - Certified Mental Health Responder

2005-2007 Member, Los Angeles- Tel Aviv Partnership, Los Angeles California Jewish Federation

Participated in Health Committee of globally recognized collaboration that sought to establish creative programs through models of “people to people” connection in institutions from the Los Angeles area to Israel

2005-2006 Co-Collaboration with Sister Amila Quinta, Professor of Social Work, Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, Iloilo City the Philippines

Assisted Sister Amila and her School of Social Work in expanding their library, providing unused and recycled texts; created professional network for this college to connect with Los Angeles agencies and institutions to send social work teaching material and texts that were no longer utilized

9/2005 Psychotherapist and Crisis Counselor for Hurricane Katrina, Harris County Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Houston Astrodome and Convention Center Rescue Crisis Relocation Program, Houston, Texas

Provided mental health services to survivors of Hurricane Katrina as part of Houston’s well coordinated outreach to survivors arriving in Houston for relocation

9/2005 Mental Health Crisis Responder, Interfaith Coalition for Homeless – Hurricane Katrina Relief, Kingwood United Methodist Church, Humble, Texas

Provided mental health services on crisis intervention basis to individuals and families from New Orleans housed at this church in suburban Houston.

6/2004 Member, International Relief Mission to Baltics, Joint Distribution Committee and Jewish Federation of Los Angeles

Select group of 18 forging collaborative efforts for creative program development and delivery of support services to communities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with partner in Stockholm, Sweden

1995-1998 Scholarship Committee, Religious Worship Committee, Membership Committee, Temple Emanuel, Beverly Hills, California

Active member seeking to develop programs of assistance and support along with clergy to provide outreach to members and families support and resources

1987-1996 Board Member, Nechama (Jewish AIDS Services), Los Angeles, California

Developed programs of outreach and support for those affected by AIDS/HIV

1983-1993 Social Work Consultant, Diabetes Center at St. Vincent's Hospital, Los Angeles, California

Provided pro bono bio-psychosocial services to underserved populations receiving medical services at this center with diagnosis of diabetes; this included evaluation, assessment, treatment and resources-referrals in the larger community

1988-1991 Board Member, KIRA Foundation, Los Angeles, California

Provided support and services to young adult patients with life threatening illnesses and their families through creative bio-psychosocial programming and community networks

1985-1988 Board Member and Program Planner, Psycho-Social Services, American Diabetes Association, Los Angeles, California

Working member of multidisciplinary professionals including physicians and nurses in the field of diabetes, designing educational and support programs in the community to enhance health and well being about this chronic medical condition through bio-psycho learning opportunities

1985-1988 Clinical Social Work Consultant, American Diabetes Association, Los Angeles

Designed, implemented, coordinated and facilitated a system of group support–gold standard programs of ongoing treatment for those affected and impacted by this diagnosis.

1980-1983 Founding Member Clinical Component, GRECC Geriatric Research and Education Clinical Centers, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Greater Los Angeles Health Care System

Served on steering committee that explored “telecare” options for homebound veterans in Southern California region




4/2014 Tenth Anniversary Celebration, USC-SSW at Skirball, Presentation

2007- Present Invited As Founding Member and Consultant to Jewish Bereavement Project

1/2011 Making the Most of the Match: Effectively Using Supervision to Address Challenging Situation in the Field Jewish Family Services, Los Angeles, California

8/2010 ‘Success in MSW Training Experience,’ Keiro Senior Healthcare

7/2010 ‘Clinical Social Work Perspective,’ University of the Philippines, Dilaman, Quezon City, The Philippines

7/2010 ‘Perspectives on Clinical Practice,’ University of Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, The Philippines

2006-2010 ‘Careers in Social Work: Opportunities in Pursuing an MSW Education,’ Mount Saint Mary’s College

2006-2010 ‘Why Social Work: Choosing MSW Education as a Prelude to Working in Health and Aging,’ Mount St. Mary’s College (undergraduate day program and specialized weekend program)

2004-2010 ‘Diversity in the Work Place,’ Daylight Adult Day Health Care, Glendale, California

2004-2010 ‘Interdisciplinary Teams: We Are All in It Together,’ Daylight Adult Day Health Care, Glendale, California

2004-2010 ‘Sensitivity to Cultural Differences,’ Daylight Adult Day Health Care, Glendale,


2003 & 2009 ‘Rabbis and Social Work; Professional Considerations and Collaboration,’ HUC and the USC –SSW

3/2008 ‘Building on Strengths,’ Keynote Speaker, Social Work Month, Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, CA

2004-2008 ‘Careers in Social Work: Pursuing an MSW Education,’ Undergraduate Psychology class, CSUN

5/2007 ‘It’s Not Resistance: Our Understanding Clients Seeking Assistance with Extraordinary Life Challenges,’ Public Counsel (Lawyers and Social Workers)

2007 Presentations Representing USC School of Social Work, California Diversity Forum for Graduate Education, CSU Channel Islands

9/2005 ‘Hurricanes and Helping: Post Katrina Reflections,’ Temple Emanuel, Beverly Hills, CA

11/2005 ‘Help, Hope and Hurricanes,’ Christian Caucus, USC SSW, Los Angeles, CA

2004-2005 Presentation of models of collaboration of the two professions; Exploration of certificate program for Rabbis. Working Committee Member of Rabbi and the Social Worker for Jewish Family Services, Los Angeles. Presentation to Dr. Richard Levy, Dean Rabbinical School, HUC, Los Angeles, California

10/2004 ‘Older Adults: Countertransference Dealing with Their Own Aging,’ Jewish Family Service, 150th Anniversary Symposium: The Future of Social Work, Los Angeles, CA

2004 ‘Providing Better Patient Care: Increasing Our Cultural Awareness as it Relates to Health Care,’ Rehab Health Care, Los Angeles, California

2004 Presentation Representing USC School of Social Work, California Diversity Forum for Graduate Education, UCSC

1985-2004 Concentration Interviewing Workshops, Job Fair, USC-SSW

11/2000 ‘Competencies in Geriatric Social Work: The Voice of Stakeholders,’ Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA) 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, D.C., Naito-Chan, E., Damron-Rodriguez, J.A., Axonovitz, J., & Simmons, W. J. Defining

2000 ‘Creating New Models of Social Work Internships,’ Asian Pacific Counseling Center

1988-2000 ‘Expanding Social Work Programming for Patients and Families,’ American Cancer Society

1985-2000 Advanced Field Instructors Seminar, USC SSW

• ‘Teaching from Recordings’

• ‘Utilizing Consultation and Education from Field Faculty’

• ‘Working with Problem Students’

2000 ‘New Generation of Professionals: Partnering with USC School of Social Work in Training Interns in the Health Concentration,’ Society for Hospital Social Work Directors (now known as Social Work Leaders in Healthcare)

2000 ‘Social Work Internships in Geriatric Settings: Creative Internship Experiences,’ Jewish Home for the Aging, Los Angeles, California

1998-2000 ‘Understanding and Application of the Bio-Psychosocial Model for Home Health Care Workers,’ Angeles Home Health Care, Los Angeles, California

1999 ‘Developing Career Ladders for Social Workers in Health Care Settings,’ St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

1998 ‘How Social Work Interns Can Effectively be Part of the Programming for Patients with HIV/AIDS,’ LAC USC Med Center Oncology Unit, AIDS HIV Outpatient Clinic

5/1998 ‘Working with Families: Providing Community Support & Programming,’ Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, California

1997 ‘Social Worker Students—Partners in Community Team Building,’ Gardena Senior Citizens Center, Gardena, California

1995 ‘Development of a Social Work Internship Program in a Community Hospital,’ Midway Hospital, Los Angeles, California

1995 ‘Strategies for Career Ladder Advancement of Social Workers in the Health Arena,’ Verdugo Hills Hospital, Glendale, California

1995 ‘Expanding Programs for Patients with HIV/Aids; Utilizing Social Work Interns Skill Sets,’ St. Mary’s Hospital, Long Beach, California

1994 ‘Merging Social Work Value & Practice,’ presentation to Rabbinical Students at Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles and Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem

1993 ‘Continuing the Journey of Professional Growth: Creative Social Work Programs in Hospital Settings,’ Queen of the Valley Medical Center, West Covina, California

1990 ‘Designing Creative Social Work Programming in a Rehab Program,’ Casa Colina, Pomona, California

1987-1990 Provided group and individual supervision as well as series of bi-weekly in-service seminars to Assistance League Family Service, Los Angeles, California

1986-1990 ‘Creative Rotational Placements for Social Workers & Utilizing Multi-Disciplinary Models in a USC Teacher Hospital,’ Los Angeles County Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

1985-1990 ‘Creating Ongoing Social Support Networks for Patients and Their Families,’ American Diabetes Association, Los Angeles, California

1986 ‘Creative Opportunities in Training Social Work Interns,’ LA Child Guidance, Los Angeles, California

1980 Expanding the Opportunities in Social Work Internships: Innovative Assignments in the Hospital and in the Community,’ Beverly Hospital, Montebello, California


2000 Naito-Chan, E., Damron-Rodriguez, J.A., Axonovitz, J., & Simmons, W. J. Defining competencies in geriatric social work: The voice of stakeholders [Abstract]. The Gerontologist, 40, (Special Issue I), 295.


9/1971-5/1972 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Nine month internship; 24 hours per week; working in out-patient psychiatry, walk-in clinic and in-patient spinal cord injury unit

9/1970-5/1971 Parents’ and Children’s Services, Boston, Massachusetts

Provided outpatient treatment to individuals and families, collaborating with Children’s Hospital Developmental Evaluation Clinic; weekly group supervision with Dr. T. Barry Brazelton

9/1970-5/1971 St. James Educational Center, Roxbury, Massachusetts

Nine month internship; 20 Hours per week, divided between 2 agencies; provided outreach to African American families through supportive treatment for children and their families in underserved area

9/1967-6/1968 Dane County Department of Social Services, Madison, Wisconsin

Two-semester undergraduate internship working in the public social service sector with families and children doing evaluation and ongoing casework

Post Graduate Educational Programs

1978-present On-Going Continuing Education Courses for California Licensure

Minimum 36 hours CEU every 2-year renewal period for LCSW

1996 Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute

1994 Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute

1981-1982 University of California, San Francisco Two Year Certificate Health & Family


10/2015 Problem Solving Therapy, The University of Southern California, 8.0 professional development hours

10/2015 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, The University of Southern California, 8.0 professional development hours

9/2015 LCSW Ethics Course for LCSW License Renewal in the State of California CE4 , 6.0 professional development hours

9/2015 SBIRT -- Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment, The University of Southern California, 2.0 professional development hours

9/2014 Motivational Interviewing, The University of Southern California 8.0 professional

Development hours

6/2014 DSM V Training, Maple Center and Idell Natterson PhD Seminars, Beverly Hills , California 3.0 professional development hours

5/2014 SBIRT -- Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment, The University of Southern California, 2.0 professional development hours

12/2013 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, The University of Southern California, 8.0 professional development hours

10/2013 Problem Solving Therapy, The University of Southern California, 8.0 professional development hours

9/2013 LCSW Ethics Course for LCSW License Renewal in the State of California CE4 , 6.0 professional development hours

8/2012 Motivational Interviewing, The University of Southern California, 4.0 professional development hours

5/2012 Emerging Trends in Aging Issue, The University of Southern California, 2.5 professional development hours

5/2012 Difficult Conversations in Field Instruction, California State University, Fullerton, 2.5 professional development hours

2/2012 Spotlight on Students: Challenging Students and Situations, Joint Field Symposium at the California Endowment, 2.5 professional development hours

1/2012 Compassion Fatigue and Empathy Burnout, Jewish Family Services, Los Angeles, 2.0 professional development hours

5/2011 The Social Enterprise- Pathway to Sustainability and Growth, The University of Southern California, 2.5 professional development hours

2/2011 Joint Field Symposium, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 2.5 professional development hours

2/2011 First Love: A Case Presentation, Maple Center and Idell Natterson PHD Seminars, Beverly Hills, California, 2.0 professional development hours

1/2011 Making the Most of the Match: Supervision in Field Instruction, Jewish Family Services, Los Angeles, 2.0 professional development hours

5/2010 The Successful Aging: An East/West Perspective, The University of Southern California

2/2010 25th Anniversary Lecture, Joint Field Symposium at the California Endowment, 3.0 professional development hours

7/2009 Third Annual International Social Work Conference, National Association of Deans and Directors, Schools of Social Work, Jersey City, NJ, 20 professional development hours

5/2009 Combat Stress, The University of Southern California, 2.0 professional development hours

5/2009 2 Law and Ethics Courses for Social Workers, Continuing Ed Courses. Net Poway, California, 6.0 professional development hours

3/2009 NACADA Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, 15.0 professional development hours

2/2009 Beyond the New Millennium: Teaching SW Ethics in an Ever-Changing Society, California State University, Long Beach, 3.0 professional development hours

1/2009 Managing Conflict and Difficult Communication in Field Work Settings, Jewish Family Services, Los Angeles, 2.0 professional development hours

1/2009 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy, California Psychoanalytic Society and Idell Natterson’s PhD Seminars Beverly Hills, California, 2.0 professional development hours

10/2008 Attachment Theory Applied to Supervision and Field Instruction, University of California, Los Angeles, 1.0 professional development hours

8/2008 Cognitive Therapy, The University of Southern California, 6.0 professional development hours

5/2008 Gang Awareness: Prevention Strategies Workshop, The University of Southern California, 2.0 professional development hours

4/2008 CalSWEC Mental Health Initiative Curriculum Infusion Seminar, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Program, Los Angeles, 6.0 professional development hours

2/2008 CalSWEC MH Initiative-Zellerbach Training: Focus on Recovery-Transforming Mental Health, Mental Health of America, Oakland, California

2/2008 Social Workers Talk about Sex: Addressing Sex/Sexuality in SW Field Education, California State University, Northridge, 2.0 professional development hours

10/2007 Can You Die of a Broken Heart, Maple Center and Idell Natterson PHD Seminars, Beverly Hills, California, 2.0 professional development hours

9/2007 Social Work Values and Ethics, , Butte, Montana, 6.0 professional development hours

6/2007 Fourth Multicultural Counseling Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada, 15.0 professional development hours

5/2007 Couples Counseling: Effective Techniques to Create Harmony/Strengthen Relshp, Cross Country Education, Sherman Oaks, California, 7.2 professional development hours

5/2007 The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection, The University of Southern California, 2.0 professional development hours

4/2007 Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Maple Center and Idell Natterson PHD Seminars, Beverly Hills, California, 2.0 professional development hours

3/2007 Group Psycho Therapy conference: The Promise of Group Therapy, American Group Psychotherapy Association, Austin, Texas, 17.25 professional development hours

2/2007 Psychotropic Drugs: A Therapist’s Field Guide, Maple Center and Idell Natterson PHD Seminars, Beverly Hills, California, 2.0 professional development hours

2/2007 Conflict: The World, Our Profession and Ourselves, University of California, Los Angeles, 2.5 professional development hours

1/2007 Kalsman Institute Partner Gathering Institute on Judaism and Health, Hebrew Union College, Brandeis Bardin Institute, Brandeis California, 6.0 professional development hours

2/2006 Trauma and Field Education, California State University, Los Angeles, 2.5 professional development hours

12/2005 Legal and Ethical Fundamentals for the Advanced Clinician, Maple Center and Idell Natterson PHD Seminars, Beverly Hills, California, 6.0 professional development hours

10/2004 Domestic Violence, Gerry Grossman Seminars, Los Angeles, California, 3.0 professional development hours

4/2004 Coaching: Utilizing Life Skills with Clients, Dr. Jeffrey Auerbach, Executive College of Coaching, 6.0 professional development hours

2004 Assessment, Detection and Intervention of Spousal / Partner Abuse, County of Los Angeles Department of Mental Health, 15.0 professional development training

4/2003 Step by Step: How to become Media Savvy, University of California, Los Angeles, 2.0 professional development hours

4/2003 HIPAA and the Impact on Your Practice: Full Compliance Training, California Society for Clinical Social Work, Anaheim, California, 6.0 professional development hours

3/2003 Flowers are not Enough: Domestic Violence Explored, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, 1.0 professional development hours

The following courses were taken but certificates not available:

2004 Substance Abuse Training, Dr. Margaret Fetting, The University of Southern California, 15.0 professional development hours

2000 AIDS/HIV Training, Dr. Linda Poverny, The University of Southern California, 7.0 professional development hours

2004 Clinical Supervision Training, The University of Southern California, 15.0 professional development hours

1986 Child Abuse Assessment and Evaluation Training, Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, 8.0 professional development hours

1999 Aging, Long Term Care with Older Adults Adult Protective Services Training, VA Medical Center, Los Angeles, 3.0 professional development hours

1986 Child Abuse Assessment and Evaluation Training, Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, 8.0 professional development hours

1983 Use of DSM, Dr. Ramzi Kiriakos, VA Medical Center, Los Angeles, 7.0 professional development hours

1983 Human Sexuality, VA Medical Center, La Jolla , California, 15.0 professional development hours


Council on Social Work Education

Society for Social Work Leaders in Health Care

Society for Clinical Social Work

National Association of Social Workers


Honors and Awards

2013 Promotion to Full Professor, University of Southern California School of Social Work

2009 Outstanding Co Caucus, Skirball Caucus Advisor

2009 Most Dedicated Caucus, Skirball Caucus Advisor

1984- 2004 Hebrew Union College Field Faculty Appreciation Award


Since 1996, I have traveled extensively, recruiting applicants through participation at Graduate Fairs and Professional Forums. The following is a partial list of universities and professional meetings I have personally attended as a representative of the USC-SSW.

2015 University of California, Davis

2015 California State University, Sacramento

2015 University of Texas, Austin

2004-2010, 2012-2014 University of California Los Angeles

2004-2014 California State University Northridge

2009-2011 Idealist, University of Southern California

2011 University of California Santa Cruz

2011 University of California Merced

2011 California State University Monterey Bay

2007-2011 California Lutheran University

2005-2010 Mount Saint Mary’s College

2009 Arizona State University

10/2008 Idealist, Portland

10/2008 Idealist, Seattle University

2007 California Diversity Forum for Graduate Education UCSC

11/2007 Idealist, University of Texas

2006 Whittier College

2004 California Diversity Forum for Graduate Education CSU Channel Islands

2003 University of California Berkeley

2003 University of San Francisco

2003 California State University East Bay

2003 California State University San Francisco

2003 California State University Sonoma

2000, 2002 University of Michigan

2000, 2002 Michigan State University


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