Pingry School

How to Write an IntroductionWhat does an introduction do?Draws your reader into your essay – captures their attentionSets the scene and provides context for the essayStates your argument – what exactly will your essay be about?Remember! The introduction is a movie preview – it does not give away the ending!Ideally, an introduction should be about 3-4 sentences….here’s the breakdown.Sentence 1: This is your attention-getting sentence. Don’t start off your readerwith something boring. Make them excited to read your essay. Also, provide some context for what you will be talking about (HINT: for this project you will probably want to mention the Renaissance or art/science in your first sentence).Sentence 2-3:These sentences narrow down your topic. Your reader knows from the first sentence that you will be talking about the Renaissance, butexactly what will you be discussing? For this project, this is where you should mention the person you are researching.Thesis Sentence: This is the final sentence of your introduction, and the most important! It says what you will be trying to prove in your essay. Thisis the movie preview – your reader should be able to tell what big themes will be discussed and should have an idea on where you’re going. Broad Opening SentenceNarrowing DownSentencesThesis StatementSample IntroductionQuestion: Why was the Black Death important during the Middle Ages?What NOT to do:The Black Death was important because it killed a lot of people in Europe and caused the end of feudalism. Almost half of Europe’s population died, and they couldn’t even bury the bodies! It was a really terrible disease that made people very sick and caused big boils to appear on their body.What TO do:During the Middle Ages, society was based on a system of exchange known as feudalism. Despite the difficult life for the serfs at the bottom of the social ladder, they trusted that those above them would protect them. However, in the mid-1300’s Europe was rocked by the devastation of the Black Death, which claimed nearly half of Europe’s population. The horror of the Black Death contributed to the decline of feudalism as it caused many peasants to question the feudal system and led to higher wages for the lucky few who survived.How to Write Body Paragraphs in an EssayWhat does a body paragraph do?Body paragraphs are the core of your paperThey use specific details and examples to prove your argumentMust relate to the thesis!For this project you will have at least three body paragraphs (you may have more!). Follow the same guidelines for writing a paragraph, but this time, your topic sentence must in some way refer to your thesis. Furthermore, the last sentence must easily flow into the following paragraph.The Break DownTopic Sentence: Statement that proves part of the thesis.Supporting Details: Statements that prove the topic sentence of the paragraph.Closing Sentence: Sums up the main ideas of the paragraph and leads into the next.What NOT to do:Topic Sentence: People usually died within 3-5 days after catching the Bubonic Plague.Supporting Details: Boils broke out all over their body.People thought the disease spread through the air.Cities were hardest hit because of overcrowding.Closing Sentence: The Bubonic Plague was actually carried by fleas on rats.What TO do:Topic Sentence: The Bubonic Plague caused many peasants to doubt whether they were truly protected under the feudal system.Supporting Details:Many wealthy nobles fled to avoid the Plague – peasants didn’t have that optionPriests refused to perform Last RitesPeasants could not rely on their landlords like they had always done beforeClosing Sentence: Due to the lack of support from nobles and the Church, the peasants lost faith in the feudal system after the Plague and they were finally in position to change their lowly status in society.How to Write a ConclusionWhat does a conclusion do?Brings together all of the main ideas of the paragraphRe-states (but not exactly!) the thesisShows why all of this information is important Proves to the reader that the essay was worth reading!The conclusion follows the same pattern of the introduction except in reverse. You want to start with the big ideas that relate to your thesis, and then broaden your topic to more general themes.Refer back tothesis.Sum up main ideas Introducebiggerthemes What NOT to do:Even though the Bubonic Plague was really awful, there were some advancements in science. Still, many people died and it changed Europe forever. As clearly shown above, the Bubonic Plague led to the end of feudalism.What TO do:After the Plague, the peasants found themselves in a very different society than they knew before. They no longer trusted the usual authority figures, and they had the opportunity to bargain and improve their situations. The trauma of the Bubonic Plague and its effects weakened feudal society and led to Europe’s emergence from the Dark Ages.Putting it all Together!Topic SentenceSupporting DetailSupporting DetailSupporting DetailTransition SentenceTopic SentenceSupporting DetailSupporting DetailSupporting DetailTransition SentenceTopic SentenceSupporting DetailSupporting DetailSupporting DetailTransition SentenceIntroductionThesis StatementBody Paragraph #1Body Paragraph #2Body Paragraph #3Refer back toThesisSum up MainIdeasConclusion ................

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