Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie

The Eighth Tuesday—The Ninth Tuesday, pp. 123-141


Definition Synonym

a cappella (124)

stagnated (130)

ironies (131)

engender (141)

Discussion Questions

1. Compare the quote from Ted Turner, “I don’t want my tombstone to read, ‘I never owned a network,’” with what Morrie wants engraved on his tombstone, “A Teacher to the Last.”

2. Examine Morrie’s philosophy about money. Compare/contrast with Mitch’s value system.

3. Analyze the statement by Mahatma Gandi on page 129 of the novel.

4. Analyze the significance of Morrie’s aphorism, “When you’re in bed, you’re dead,” on page 131 of the novel.

5. Correlate what Morrie wants engraved on his tombstone, “A Teacher to the Last,” with his discourse on how love goes on.

6. Examine Morrie and Mitch’s conversation about slowing down and listening. Discuss Morrie’s suggestions about making people more important than things.

7. Examine the flashback about the death of Morrie’s father and why Mitch includes this in the book.


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