Columbia University in the City of New York


• What is HYGIENE? – keeping yourself healthy and clean!

o Puberty causes many changes in your body, and it’s important you know how to keep yourself clean and fresh with all of these changes taking place


o During puberty, hormones cause your glands produce more oil

o You should wash your hair every day or every other day to help control oily hair

▪ Use warm water and a small amount of shampoo

▪ Don’t scrub too hard, or you may irritate your scalp

o You can look for shampoos at the store that are specially designed for oily hair

o Don’t use lots of styling gels or lotions that may make your hair extra greasy


o During puberty, hormones make you sweat more and make your body produce new and sometimes strong smells, or body odor

o You can control sweat and body odor by making sure to:

o Bathe or shower every day, use a mild soap and warm water

o Wear clean clothes, socks, and underwear every day

▪ Cotton shirts, socks, and underwear can help absorb sweat more than some other materials

o Make sure to keep your feet clean and smelling fresh

▪ Your feet sweat also – make sure you wash your feet, change your socks every day, and have your mom or dad wash your sneakers when they get smelly!

o Start using deodorant with antiperspirant

▪ Deodorant will help control smells

▪ Antiperspirant will help control sweat

▪ Pick a product that says BOTH deodorant and antiperspirant



• Keep your mouth and teeth clean to stay healthy and prevent bad breath

• Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes at a time, twice a day

o Make sure you brush on the outside and inside of every tooth, and also on your tongue!

• Floss between your teeth once a day

• Try to avoid too much sugar, and rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash if you do eat a sugary treat

• See your dentist once or twice a year



• Acne (Pimples) occurs because your skin gets clogged with oil produced by hormones during puberty

• Teenagers most often get acne on their foreheads, noses, and chins because this is where the most oil is produced

• To help prevent acne OR make it clear up as fast as possible:

o Wash your face gently twice a day with warm water and mild soap

▪ DON’T wash more than twice a day

▪ DON’T scrub too hard

o You can also use creams or soaps containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid

▪ You can get these medicines over-the-counter, you do not need a prescription from a doctor

o DON’T pop pimples

o Try not to touch your face a lot

o Wash off your makeup before you go to bed

o If all of this does not help, talk to your doctor


• Pads

o Rectangles of absorbent material that attach to the inside of a girl’s underwear to catch menstrual blood

o Some come with “wings” – extra material on the sides that fold over the edges of a girl’s underwear to help hold the pad in place and prevent leaking

o Come in many different thicknesses

o Change pads at least every 3-4 hours, even when your flow isn’t heavy

• Tampons

• Tiny tubes of absorbent material that are inserted into a girl’s vagina to catch menstrual blood

• Come in many different sizes

• Talk to someone you trust, and read the instructions on the box when you are learning to use tampons

• A tampon CANNOT get lost inside of you


• Change tampons at least every 6 hours, or sooner if you notice leakage on your underwear

o do NOT leave a tampon for longer than 6-8 hours, or you may get a serious infection

** when changing pads OR tampons, be sure to wrap the used one in toilet paper and throw it in the trash can – do NOT flush it down the toilet

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