

June, 25-28, 2012

Estrel Hotel & Convention Center

Berlin, Germany

These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

Monday, June 25, 2012 to Thursday, June 28, 2012


1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Nondestructive Testing Task Group (NDTTG) was called to order at 9:02 a.m., 25-Jun-12.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


| | | | | |

| |Olaf |Adam |Premium | |

| |Peter |Bartsch |Premium Aerotec | |

|* |Philippe |Beck |Eurocopter | |

|* |Alain |Bouchet |SAFRAN Group | |

| |Mark |Cathey |Spirit AeroSystems | |

|* |Massimo |Colombo |AVIO S.p.A. | |

|* |Richard |Costantino |Goodrich Corporation | |

| |Luigi |DiMartino |The Boeing Company | |

| |Antonio |Eiliberto |Alenia | |

| |Leny |Franfei |Comac | |

| |Jeff |Fromemtin |SAFRAN Group | |

| |Steven |Garner |Eaton Aerospace/MA | |

|* |Greg |Hall |Cessna Aircraft Company | |

| |Martin |Hauf |Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH | |

| |Christoph |Heukel |AMAG Rolling GmbH | |

|* |Robert |Hogan |Honeywell Aerospace | |

| |Jill |Hogan |Rolls Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG | |

| |Marcos |Jaguaribe |Embraer S.A. | |

| |Milan |Jakubec |Honeywell Aerospace/Czech Republic | |

|* |Phil |Keown |GE Aviation |Chairman |

| |Hermann |Kopp |MTU Aero Engines | |

|* |Serge |Labbé |Heroux-Devtek, Inc. | |

| |Tomasz |Ludian |Rolls Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG | |

|* |Donald |Maclean |Raytheon Company | |

| |Jose |Martinez |LIEBHERR AEROSPACE | |

|* |Luigi |Merletti |AgustaWestland | |

|* |Michael |Mitchell |Hamilton Sundstrand | |

| |Earl |Pruett |Lockheed Martin | |

|* |Robert |Rainone |Goodrich Corporation | |

| |Rainer |Ricken |Premium Aerotec | |

|* |Carl |Roche |Textron Systems | |

|* |David |Royce |Pratt & Whitney |Secretary |

| |John |Sauders |Hamilton Sundstrand | |

|* |Bobby |Scott |Bombardier Inc. |Vice Chairperson |

|* |Victor |Schonberger |Israel Aerospace Industries | |

| |Chzng |Sheny |Comac | |

| |Katharina |Sigge |Airbus Operations GmbH | |

| |Tovoten |Sprado |Airbus | |

|* |Chris |Stevenson |Rolls-Royce PLC | |

|* |Terho |Sulkupuro |Volvo Aero Corporation | |

|* |Scott |Sullivan |Honeywell Aerospace | |

| |Larrouy |Thibaut |SAFRAN Group | |

|* |Peter |Torelli |The Boeing Company | |

|* |Tony |Warren |Airbus | |

| |Sean |Wood |Triumph | |

| |Gregory |Wryk |Goodrich | |

| |Jinqiu |Zhou |Comac | |

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


| | | | | |

| |Tomohiko |Ashikaga |Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd | |

|* |Andy |Bakewell |E. M. Inspection Co. Ltd. | |

| |Dorian |Barthez |Praxair Surface Technologies Ltd | |

| |Victor |Batyrev |Kamensk Uralsky Metallurgical Works | |

| |Deniz Alexander |Becerik | | |

| | | |ur Metal Hassas Dokum San. Tic. Ltd | |

|* |Mario Franco |Bianchi |Bytest S.r.l. | |

| |Tugba |Blylky |Tai-Turkish Aerospace Ind | |

| |Sergey |Bodrov |Hydromash JSC | |

| |Marc |Breit |RIL-CHEMIE | |

| |Graham |Buswell |Bromford Industries | |

|* |Claude |Chambon |Aubert et Duval | |

| |Dwayne |Cooper |RTI International Metals, Inc. | |

| |Nathalie |Crozat-Vigier |SKF Aerospace France | |

| |Vitaly |Davydov |Kamensk Uralsky Metallurgical Works | |

| |Fabienne |DuFour |Sherwin Babb Co | |

|* |Paul |Evans |James Fisher IMS Ltd | |

| |Markus |Fuchsmann |Otto Fuchs KG | |

|* |David |Gray |Mitchell Labs | |

| |Stephan |Greimers |ThyssenKrupp VDM | |

| |Yepim |Gultekin Atep |ur Metal Hassas Dokum San. Tic. Ltd | |

| |Johanna |Harrer |Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG | |

| |Hirohiko |Hattori |Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd | |

| |Valentina |Jennarelli |PRECICAST SA | |

| |Paul |Johnson |Firth Rixson Forgings Ltd | |

| |Michael |Kocka |Arrow Gear | |

| |Josef |Maier |Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG | |

| |Stephen |Marsh |Timet UK | |

|* |Patrick |O’Leary |NuPro Limited | |

| |Mark |Pennington |Firth Rixson Forgings Ltd | |

|* |Cindy |Roth |Team Industrial Services | |

| |Dariusz |Stepien |ZKMSp Z.o.o. Ladish Group | |

| |Uri |Sternberg |CAAI | |

| |Yoshiomi |Sukesada |Asahi Kinzoku Kogyo Company Ltd | |

| |Pavel |Tigunov |Hydromash JSC | |

| |Mauricio |Trombini |Villares Metals S/A | |

|* |Gary |White |Orbit Industries Inc. | |

PRI Staff Present

|James |Bennett |

|Phil |Ford |

|Andy |Statham |

|Mark |Aubele |

1.2 The Chair gave the Introduction presentation that addressed conflict of interest, code of ethics / conduct. This was given at the beginning of the Open and Closed sessions.


1.3 The Nadcap criteria for Open vs. Closed meetings were presented during the Open and Closed sessions.


1.4 The New Members Presentation was given by Jim Bennett.


ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to include reference to NOP-001 in the New Members presentation (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

1.5 Review and Acceptance of minutes - It was noted that an individual was listed in the attendance under both Subscriber and Supplier.

Motion made by Mike Mitchell & seconded by Andy Bakewell to accept the February 2012 minutes as amended. Motion Passed

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to modify the February NDT minutes from the San Diego meeting to reflect changes as identified during the Berlin meeting, and posted accordingly. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

1.6 The agenda for the June 2012 meeting was reviewed.

1.7 Phil Keown announced that the October 2012 meeting will be his last as the NDT TG Chairperson.

Motion made Scott Sullivan and seconded by Pete Torelli to approve Bobby Scott as the Chairperson of the NDT TG after the October 2012 meeting. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to notify PRI management of decision and to ensure that Bobby Scott is brought forward for approval by the NMC Chair. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

Dave Royce agreed to serve as Vice Chair and Tony Warren has agreed to serve as Secretary after the October 2012 meeting.

1.8 Jim Bennett presented the new members that are eligible to become voting members.

Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Pete Torelli to make Luis Grijalva of Lockheed Martin Corp, Steve Garner of Eaton Aerospace, Sean Wood of Triumph, and Victor Schonberger of Israel Aerospace Industries, Subscriber Voting Members. Motion Passed.

Motion made by Bob Hogan and seconded by Gary White to make Patrick O’Leary of Nu-Pro Limited, Mike Kocka of Arrow Gear, and Josef Maier of Bohler Edelstahl, Suppler Voting Members. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to update records accordingly to include the new voting members voted in at the Berlin Task Group meeting. (Due Date: 1-Oct-12)

1.9 Mike Clark of Sikorsky was not in attendance as a result of travel issues. Task Group Chair agreed following discussion with PRI Staff to maintain Mike’s voting rights based on his active participation in Task Group teleconference calls.


There were 11 Auditor Observations performed since October 2011.

#148090 – Observed by Chu Fangmei (Honeywell Aerospace)

#148123 – Observed by Chu Fangmei (Honeywell Aerospace)

#145149 – Observed by Steve Leachman (Rolls-Royce plc)

#141051 – Observed by Hervé Courreges (Airbus)

#144974 – Observed by Hervé Courreges (Airbus)

#142422 – Observed by Mario Ilisevic (The Boeing Company)

#144765 – Observed by Hong Ping Zhao (Bombardier)

#148564 – Observed by Randy Miller (Rolls-Royce Corporation)

#139454 – Observed by Bud Dunn (The Boeing Company)

#142224 – Observed by Lou Truckley (The Boeing Company)

#146566 – Observed by Lou Truckley (The Boeing Company)

Staff Engineer’s (SE) continue to perform audits in an effort for continuous improvement of the program and the auditors.

Three scope extension audits as a result of ‘missed’ supplements were conducted since February 2012. SE asked if this information was still necessary as part of the presentation. It was agreed the information will no longer be presented during the meeting. SE’s and Subscriber’s will continue to be in communication when an audit is identified as having any supplements missing.

One accreditation extension request was received and approved since February 2012. This was due to an auditor scheduling issue.

Three Auditor Advisories were issued since February: 12-02 NDT, 12-03 NDT, 12-04 NDT.

Six Supplier Advisories were issued since February.

Four NDT audits were failed per Nadcap Operating Procedure NOP-011. There were no audit failures that were over turned as a result of appeals, since February.

Out of 1011 NDT audits, only 5 had a lapsed accreditation.

Staff Delegation - Audit report review by the Nadcap Subscribers (by quorum) is at 41%; 10% is required for SE’s to maintain delegation.


No requests for TG resolution received.


No appeals received.


Auditor Consistency was discussed in terms of the action taken by the SE’s.

SE clarification required for non-conformances written due to the Specific Examination not in compliance with AC7114 and NAS410/EN4179. Is a full Specific Examination to be re-administered or is it acceptable for a company to administer a supplemental examination for those questions found to be unacceptable?

Motion made by Scott Sullivan and seconded by Mike Mitchell that if NCR’s are issued on exam questions that are inadequate only the number of questions deemed inadequate need to be given during re-testing and the exam re-scored, keeping the original certification date. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to issue Auditor Advisory (and Supplier Alert) to ensure the auditor identifies which questions in the examination paper were found not to be compliant with the standard when reviewing examination packages. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

Discussion ensued regarding the reviewing of certification packages. Scott Sullivan was under the impression that only the latest examinations administered since the last Nadcap audit were reviewed. From a PRI Staff perspective this is not the case.

Motion made Scott Sullivan and seconded by Bob Rainone that the auditor only review certification exams administered since the last audit. Motion Passed.

This will need to be added as a Compliance Assessment Guidance in the checklist.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add to the proposed checklist changes reviewing only of the certification examination packages that were administered since the last audit. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

Motion made by Bob Hogan and seconded by Bobby Scott that the auditor review 1 certification package for each method at each level administered since the last audit. It was commented that should be discussed and voted during the open meeting. Motion Tabled.

Andy Statham requested clarification regarding timeline implementation requirements of the ASTM’s. From a Nadcap Subscriber perspective, it will depend on the contractual requirements

Phil Ford presented the process for approving the auditor base for Eddy Current testing. The process was previously agreed during the NDT Teleconference calls.


Scott Sullivan asked if it was possible to reduce the amount of time in the ballot system for checklist supplements.

ACTION ITEM: Chair to investigate possibility of reducing the amount of time in the ballot system for checklist supplements. (Due Date: 31-Oct-12)

7. Method Sub-Team / Adhoc Team – Breakout Sessions - OPEN

Sub-teams met and discussed issues applicable to their group.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to review methodology for breakout sessions to maintain effectiveness due to the number of people in attendance and the interest in certain Sub-Team / Ad-hoc Teams. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

8. Supplier Symposium - OPEN

The symposium centered on the responsibilities of the NDT Responsible Level 3.

ACTION ITEM: Supplier Symposium Ad-hoc Team to meet and discuss any proposed changes necessary for the Supplier Symposium scheduled for October. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

ACTION ITEM: Supplier Symposium Ad-hoc Team to ensure that presentations explain acronyms and have removed terms that may not be understood by non-native speaking representatives. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

9. PRI Report / RAIL / NMC Metrics - OPEN

Jim Bennett presented the PRI Report / RAIL / NMC Metrics


Following discussions with Andy Bakewell, Phil Keown and Dave Royce, it was agreed that all action items closed since the last Task Group Meeting shall be reviewed. While the Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) is posted on the 15th of every month, it is not guaranteed that individuals will review the RAIL online.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to ensure that the agenda includes a statement that all RAIL items closed since the last Task Group meeting, shall be reviewed. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

10. Clarification Database - OPEN

Andy Bakewell provided an update on the clarification database. This database is located in eAuditNet and is used to support clarifications to issues associated with the Nadcap NDT checklists.

11. Supplier Report & Discussion - OPEN

Gary White presented the Supplier Report.


12. Method Sub-Team / Adhoc Team Report Outs - OPEN

The Adhoc Teams presented their 2 square reports to the Task Group on the work conducted. It was decided that the Method Sub-Teams would report out during the proposed checklist changes review agenda.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to schedule teleconference calls for sub-teams and ad-hoc teams in advance to maximize participation. Set up a minimum of two as they can be canceled if not necessary to meet. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

13. SSC Report Out - OPEN

Gary White provided an update from the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) meeting.

• The meeting was well attended.

• Metrics – Supplier member participation, Auditor Consistency between all TG’s were addressed, as well as an overview of the Supplier Support Committee.

• All attendees need to sign the attendance roster for meeting logistics.

• Mentoring program needs more mentors, there are currently 13 mentors, but none in Germany; volunteers are needed – see Gary White.

• Questions and clarifications need to be formally brought forward through emails, etc. The group needs a record of them and also to track them accordingly.

• 2011 Supplier Survey results reviewed. These are available in the Nadcap website.

14. Nadcap and NDT Procedure Review - OPEN

Phil Ford presented the changes to the Nadcap procedures since the last Task Group Meeting.


Phil Ford discussed the proposed changes to NTGOP-001 Appendix I for NDT were presented and discussed (information contained in the proposed checklist changes spreadsheet dated 27 June. In addition to editorial changes, the proposal concerns the number of Supplier Voting Members (SVM) able to vote, the current requirement is a maximum of 8 SVM’s (para 5.2.1). The change removes the 8 max number and changes the wording to read “At no time shall the number of Supplier Voting Members outnumber the Subscriber Voting Members”.

Motion made by Scott Sullivan and seconded by Dave Royce to accept the proposed changes to NTGOP-001 Appendix I for NDT as written Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to make changes accordingly to NTGOP-001 Appendix NDT following the vote during the Berlin meeting. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

Jim Bennett presented the Nadcap Internal Procedure NIP 6-01 Appendix NDT revision to address the selection of auditor candidates. In section 1, it was proposed to add the following verbiage to the NDT appendix as it is currently more restrictive than the base NIP 6-01. “PRI is responsible for the maintenance of the certification program utilized for the examination of audit personnel. Any or all criteria may be waived at the discretion of the Task Group. This must be documented on a-frm-27”

Motion made by Serge Labbe and seconded by Mike Mitchell to accept the proposed changes to NIP 6-01 App NDT as written Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to make changes accordingly to NIP 6-01 App NDT following the vote during the Berlin meeting. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

15. Technical Issues and Open Discussion Items - OPEN

Scott Sullivan presented a proposal to the Etch Accreditation Program in relation to the Etch Inspection process. Should these audits be performed by NDT Auditors? A new checklist would need to be created to cover the blue etch anodize, nital etch, temper etch and macro etch inspections.


Scott Sullivan reviewed the Etch Inspection proposal also with the Chemical Processing Group. They unanimously endorsed the transfer of these etch audits pertaining to inspection to the NDT TG.

Motion made by Sean Wood and seconded by Bob Rainone to continue with the proposal for the implementation of the Etch Inspection process improvement initiative.

A number of questions and concerns were brought to the attention of the group.

Motion amended by Sean Wood and seconded by Bob Rainone to add that the Ad-hoc group develop and present a business case to the NMC. Four abstentions noted. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: Etch Inspection Ad-hoc Group to develop and present a business case to the NMC before this initiative continues. (Due Date: 31-Oct-12)

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add Chris Stevenson and Jim Bennett to the existing Etch Inspection Ad-hoc Group. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)


Marc Breit of RIL-CHEMIE gave a presentation on LED technology v UV inspection lamps. Marc’s presentation will be made available on eAuditNet.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to post the LED Technology v UV inspection lamps presentation given during the Berlin meeting on eAuditNet. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

Jim Bennett presented the need to have volunteers to translate the current checklists into the various languages such as French, German, Spanish, Chinese, etc. Checklist translations: There are 12 checklists to translate. Alain Bouchet and Philippe Beck will coordinate this effort for French. Jinqiu Zhou will coordinate the effort for Chinese. Chris Stevenson indicated a possibility of translating checklists to German but will verify first. Note that a minimum of two Nadcap Subscribing Users are needed for each language.

ACTION ITEM: Alain Bouchet and Philippe Beck to coordinate the current translations of the NDT Checklists to French. (Due Date: 31-Oct-12)

ACTION ITEM: Jinqiu Zhou to coordinate the current translations of the NDT Checklists to Chinese. (Due Date: 31-Oct-12)

ACTION ITEM: Chris Stevenson to investigate the possibility of translating the NDT checklists to German. (Due Date: 31-Oct-12)

Reviewing of examination packages during the audit. Chair gave a brief report on what was being discussed earlier in the closed session associated with the amount of examination documentation that needs to be reviewed. Issue was reopened after it was tabled for further discussion in the open session.

PRI expressed concern that the specific examinations is one of the most common nonconformances recorded for NDT and as such will result in a drop in NCR’s. While a drop in NCR’s is positive, the fact remains that these nonconformances will still exist, not being identified at the current audit but identified by a later audit when the recertification examination tests are reviewed. This could have an effect on supplier merit.

Motion made by Bob Hogan and seconded by Bobby Scott that the auditor review 1 certification package for each method at each level administered since the last audit; this is not applicable to examinations when administered through the NANDTB. Motion Passed

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to issue Auditor Advisory / Supplier Alert to address the need to only review 1 package of certification / recertification per method per level since the last audit; this is not applicable to examinations when administered through the NANDTB. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

17. NDT Checklist Review - OPEN

The method sub-groups presented their 2 square charts.

The proposed checklist changes spreadsheet was reviewed, discussed and voted on accordingly based on the recommendations of the Method Sub-Groups. Refer to attached spreadsheet for details.


ACTION ITEM: Chair to obtain clarification from the NAS410 custodians (AIA) regarding the term ‘testing’ and what it means for AC7114/1, paragraph 6.17.3. (Due Date: 31-Oct-12)

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to update the proposed checklist changes spreadsheet following the discussions and agreements from the Berlin Task Group Meeting. Spreadsheet to be made available on eAuditNet. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

18. Chair Report Out on the Roundtable - OPEN

The Chair reported out on issues brought up at the Roundtable

• NMC to investigate audit observations and any affect that may have on NCR count due to the Observer present.

• A number of TG’s voiced that the work is being completed by fewer members and having trouble finding officers, especially secretaries, creating difficulty when addressing succession plans.

19. Report Out on the Planning & Operations Meeting - OPEN

The Chair reported out on issues brought up at the P&O meeting, topics included:

• Task Groups to complete an expanded version of the NMC report outs providing information on:

o Attendance

o Checklist strength

o Over-site

o Metrics results of audits and observations

o etc

20. Auditor Conference - OPEN

The Auditor Conference sub-team has developed a proposal for the October conference. The conference will be 2 days, with PRI Staff taking Saturday morning leaving a day and half for the TG. The sub-team will consider suggests generated by the group.

Bob Hogan asked that if anyone had any images of defective parts to forward them on for use at this conference.

ACTION ITEM: NDT Task Group to provide Bob Hogan any images of defective parts to be used for the October conference. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

Scott Sullivan had mentioned bringing up scenario training again that was used a few years ago.

A suggestion was also made to develop videos for RT and UT similar to those made in 2011 for PT & MT.

ACTION ITEM: Auditor Conference Ad-hoc Team to look into possible ideas brought forward during the Berlin Task Group meeting at the next scheduled teleconference call. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)

21. DEVELOP AGENDA FOR October 2012 - OPEN

PRI Staff recommended a 3 day meeting (Mon – Wed), however based on the items that would be discussed and the Nadcap Management meetings, the NDT Group would meet up until Thursday lunchtime.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to develop agenda for October Task group meeting from October 22, 2012 thru October 25, 2012, closing at noon. (Due Date: 20-Jul-12)


Jim Bennett presented the RAIL captured during this meeting.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to review minutes and ensure that all action items have been captured and included in the RAIL. (Due Date: 13-Jul-12)


Andy Bakewell presented the clarification database updates captured during this meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Andy Bakewell to make changes to the clarification database, discuss with Andy Statham and provide a copy to PRI Staff for filing. (Due Date: 31-Aug-12)

There were concerns regarding the clarification database to be more apparent in the system so people would use it.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to investigate anything that could be used to make the clarification database more apparent in the system. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)


The hotel facilities were excellent, recommend a return in the future.

At this meeting 3 microphones were available. 1 or 2 more would be helpful, as there was “running” around trying to get a microphone with 100 attendees.

Bob Hogan asked the Chair if his concern was addressed during Management Council meetings in regard to multiple Supplier Advisories on a supplier. What action should Nadcap take?

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to notify John Barrett regarding a topic for the Task Group round table. The item being, multiple Supplier Advisories on a Supplier. How should this be addressed from a Nadcap stand point? (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)

ADJOURNMENT – 28-Jun-12 – Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by:

David N. Royce

Pratt & Whitney

400 Main Street M/S 114-01

East Hartford CT 06108



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