Come, Enter the Mikvah

LAMENTATIONS 2020 THE HEART OF YAHUWAH I put this article on hold from September 2020. Now Abba wants it to get to you regarding what is on His heart to end the confusion of man’s “spirituality.” Most of you are not religiously segregated, but you allow the Spirit to teach you from the whole Word. So, I write to you as those who desire to know Yahuwah and Yahushua so personally that you walk with Them as Adam and Eve did in the Garden. We sure do not want to follow religious beliefs of man that separates us into divisions from each other by dogma, doctrine, theology, or eschatology. The Word is quite clear to those who are Spirit-taught, and He is uniting this remnant. There are definitely two very different voices that are coming at believers right now from Christians, and from non-religious watchmen who have followed Yahuwah’s progressive unfolding events of His Word that align to His nature, ways, and thinking outside the Greco-Roman box. Yesterday a research-friend in England sent me a prophecy from a man who had a spiritual experience and saw a lion roaring. He asked me to “weigh” the prophecy against the Word. I have been e-mail friends of this man for quite a few years, being introduced to him by a dear Jewish Messianic lady in Australia. I never met either one face to face. Irene has passed away. We were going to share an apartment in Israel at one point. This man in England is a faithful watchman - giving out truth almost daily from his own observations and from the chief of American and British watchmen, also. What is going on in the British Isles is horrendous, as well as in Australia, and Canada, as the world is being drawn tightly into the “trap of the fowler.” Here is what I wrote back to him, with some amplification: There is rising a deluge of “prophetic” words from Christians that mix politics with God – i.e. God wanting what evangelical Christians want in their thinking. On the other hand, we have Steve Quayle, Steven Ben Nun, Doug Hagmann, Dave Hodges, Mike Adams, Byron Searle prophecies, etc., saying the opposite - that God is moving in judgement as in the days of Noah, so we must “prepare our ark.” The Christian side of God being a Republican who favors Trump is growing in its “words from God.” Dominion Theologists like Mark Taylor, Lance Wallnau, Rick Joyner, etc. mix American politics into the Bible. I don’t doubt that many are having spiritual experiences, even from God, like the one you sent me to “weight,” however, most are twisting their spiritual experiences to make them say what they want Him to say – that God is fighting for Donald Trump. Yet, the prophecies of men like Byron Searle have Messiah saying that Trump was elected because of the million or so Christians who prayed for Trump in 2016. He and His Father gave them what they wanted, extending 4 years of mercy. However, during the four years, great apostasy arose and has continued. The Dominion Theology backing of that million-praying group was basically to make America great again so that America could pave the way for Jesus to return. During the last four years, Christians have turned against faith in the Word to a high degree. On the Steve Quayle side of hard-core realists, yet who know the Word and hear the heart of Yahuwah as He is, are saying “pray for Trump” because his life is in danger, hard times and great tribulation are coming. Of course, these men who understand “the days of Noah,” the Isaiah 52 watchmen, stand spiritually on the wall blowing the shofar that our enemies are at the gate of our nation and the world. These have contacts in military and government high places of America, and also some other countries. They speak to a remnant who hears from Yahuwah and faces reality by preparing in all ways. There is nothing sissy about the God of the Bible! From my over 50 years of studying and teaching end-time prophecy, I believe we’re on a fast-track into great tribulation. He compacts events to shorten the time for our sake! I do pray for Trump. But, then, “Mike from around the world” has had a dream that has made him “very nervous” he said, about an assassination in Washington, D.C., and though he won’t tell who it is, to me he is talking about Trump. Recently, Trump had to feign having Covid-19 to be removed to Walter Reed Hospital for protection, because there were four assassination attempts in the works. Having been an ordained minister, having my own 501-Ccorporation, being the Director, I was deeply involved with. and friends with, some of the biggest names of American Evangelical/Charismatic Christianity. I understand that to that religious world, knowing and seeing things realistically, if it is “bad for the church,” is not part of the mentality. Most disregard the slaughtering of Christians in other countries who are in deep tribulation already. The word “tribulation” simply comes from the Latin “tribulum,” which is an ancient farm instrument that put pressure on the wheat to break off the chaff and separate out the tares so that the wheat could be winnowed and gathered into barns for milling. (Matthew 13) Our Abba has great plans for His remnant (Daniel 11:32), at the time of the reign of the Beast, but the Western Greco-Roman “Church” has no idea what the requirements for discipleship are by Abba’s ancient standards. It’s more of a “bless me” club than reality. Then there are the fence straddlers who try to appease both sides by delicately walking a tight-rope. Some of what they say is wise and accurate, some is obviously trying to appease both camps. American Christians, especially very vocal evangelical-charismatic fundamental Christianity, are hugging tight to getting out of here in a pre-7-year “rapture” before anything “bad” happens, even though the foundation and structure of that doctrine is not at all Scriptural, nor even close to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah, but built on a verse here and there of man’s interpretation, and also the events of the end times are not chronological but layered and compacted. Going back to my writing of September 3, 2020, continuing on, I write from the whole Word, and the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah, outside of any religious box or my own opinion: Folks, this is a hard article for me to send out – yet last night about 3:30 AM, He gave me this title. He began talking to me from His heart and I began crying. I wrote what is below from compassion and love, from His heart, though it may sound to the defiant and rebellious religious as one big hunk of criticism. The worst of the defiant, tragically, are among His people who have a form of godliness but do not know Him. This morning, after I finished writing this, I went to my e-mails and found a new letter-update from Steve Quayle (). It was a letter sent to those on his list. He shares his heart, which matches in many ways what I just wrote. I’ve heard Dr. Michael Lake, a Torah-guarding believer, lament also about the Messianic Movement as I do here. His watchmen are grieved because Yahuwah is grieved. Here is part of what Steve Quayle wrote: Steve Quayle, September 3, 2020: “BOTHERS & SISTERS, ONE OF THE HARDEST ISSUES FOR (WHAT CALLS ITSELF) ‘THE CHURCH’ TO GRASP IS THAT ALMIGHTY GOD HAS A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THE NATIONS THAT FORGET HIM, SPECIFICALLY THOSE NATIONS WHO ONCE WALKED IN HIS WAYS, HONORED & OBEYED HIM. JUDGEMENTS AGAINST EVIL RULERS AND KINGDOMS ARE HISTORIC REMINDERS THAT THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO OUR ACTIONS, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO REBELLION, WHICH IS THE SIN OF WITCHCRAFT! FRIENDSHIP WITH THE WORLD PUTS ‘DECEIVED CHRISTENDOM’ AT WAR WITH THE LIVING GOD. SIMPLY DEFINED: GOD’S HOLY JUDGEMENTS ARE THE ACTIONS HE TAKES TO DEFEND AND PROTECT HIS WORD, AND PUNISH WICKED NATIONS AND THEIR RULERS. AMERICA’S LARGEST COASTAL CITIES HAVE BECOME A HABITATION OF DEVILS, WITH IT'S MAYORS AND GOVERNORS UNDER THE END TIMES SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL. EVIL NO LONGER LURKS IN THE SHADOWS!?THE FOLLOWING SCRIPTURE CAME TO MY HEART THIS MORNING:JEREMIAH 18:7-12 “At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them. Now therefore go to, speak to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a device against you: return ye now everyone from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good. And they said, There is no hope: but we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart.” NOW IS THE TIME TO REPENT & GET RIGHT WITH JESUS, AS HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN LEAD AND GUIDE US THROUGH THESE EVIL TIMES. THERE IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION TO A SPIRITUAL PROBLEM… SIN & REBELLION AGAINST THE LIVING GOD, WITH WITCHCRAFT AND ALL OF ITS EXPRESSIONS, IS NOW MANIFESTING IN THE OPEN, PREPARING THE USA FOR ULTIMATE DESTRUCTIONYahuwah laments for nations that once taught the Bible in schools, once prayed openly and witnessed in public places, once manifested the power of Yahuwah’s Spirit in great revivals of salvation, the baptism infilling of the Spirit, and healing. America was a land where the Bible was honored in the churches, where sermons of repentance were preached, and submission to the Spirit as a lifestyle. A massive turning began in the 1960s among the people, and now we have a godless nation. Prayer is not allowed in school, or Bibles, or witnessing on the streets, or singing in public and preaching – as I used to do in California. It is now illegal. The Bible is considered a hate-crime book worldwide because it teaches against homosexuality. But, the worst of all is the turning away from the Word by His people simply because they don’t believe it anymore. Colleges in America were founded to teach the Word, now they are cesspools of satanism and hate for the Bible. Police arrest people praying on the streets, and heaps of Bibles are burned by Antifa in Portland.” Continuing on with my writing: Why is it that with all the access to Bibles, Concordances, assembles of meeting, and volumes of teaching, are the people of affluent western nations so ignorant of what the Word says? Why do they live with such carnal thinking, live such a low-spiritual life, reject the teaching and empowering of the Spirit of Yahuwah Himself, are so apathetic about sharing the good news of salvation with the lost, take so little time hear from Yahuwah to even get to know Him? “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” We are almost at the end of the allotted time for the human race under the fallen angels and their offspring. Yahuwah is sending His Son to take over. Transhumanism, the changing of human DNA to create another species, and the destruction of the human mind and spirit is rising to a maximum. We know that the “mark of the Beast” contains DNA-changing components that destroys what Yahuwah created and creates an entity that pleases Satan. Once the mark is taken, a person is a total slave to the fallen angels, to Satan, and his son-Beast. Examples are in Revelation 9:20-21, Revelation 14:9-12, and Revelation 16. I would say 85% at least of all my articles and podcast contain instructions about empowering life in the Spirit of Yahuwah for the truly re-born by faith in Messiah, from all angles, covering the subject from the heart of Yahuwah, who is the Spirit. Because I’ve known His Presence for most of my life, I can speak on a personal level. Yet, because the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the mind, the lusts of the body, and the pride of life (I John 2:15-17) are too alluring to obey the Father they say they believe in – this very apathetic mass of people numbering near 1.2 billion, say they have eternal life and will go to heaven when they die because they believe in someone they do not even have time to get to know? This is called “religion,” a mental belief-system adopted for advantage - a man-made belief system that depends on man’s teaching, man’s control, man’s grouping, and man’s carnal thinking about what “God” said. There is the Roman Catholic Church with its 1.1 billion. There are Orthodox Churches and other “high churches,” like the Anglican Church of England, yet in Protestant Christianity of the West there are over 43,000 denominations and organizations calling themselves “Christian.” However, one of them speaks for Yahuwah and Yahushua! Not one is aligned to the whole of the Word and the early Natsarim of the first century, taught by the Spirit and the Apostles. The attempted offshoot of the early assemblies known as the modern-day Messianic movement and/or Hebrew Roots Movement has almost all been taken over by Rabbinic Judaism. Judaism goes only by the teachings of Rabbis, not Yahuwah nor His Torah. It is based on the satanic and polytheistic Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah. In fact, rabbis say we do not need the Spirit anymore because we have rabbinical teachings the Talmud and Kaballah. Rabbinic Judaism came out of Phariseeism, founded by Rabbi Akiva in 133 CE. Akiva proclaimed that rabbis had supremacy over Yahuwah, reducing Him to a laughable buffoon. Please read the well-documented article: “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and It’s Link to Rome”/Mikvah of Present Reality. Christianity as a modern religion is rejecting the need for the Spirit since He was only relative to the days of the Apostles. The book of Acts is spurned and considered not for today. In Christianity, the Spirit is disconnected from the Father and made to be a third part of a trinity. However, the concept of a spirit associated with a dove goes back to Semaramis, wife/mother of the sun god Nimrod. Religion began with the worship of the gods – the fallen angels and Nephilim. After the flood, Nimrod wanted to be worshipped as a god. He made himself a Nephilim by DNA changing. He became a giant. His spirit is in the now-rising Beast. As in Genesis 11, he wanted to rule the world. And incarnating as antichrist, he will for a while because the people of earth will bow to him either under threat of death or because they adore him. He was also known as Gilgamesh, Osiris, Horus, and Apollo, i.e. Apollyon of Revelation 9:11. The true new birth can only be accomplished as the Spirit of Yahuwah convicts a person of sin. Repentance is a gift. Repentance was not extended to Esau, for he was a Nephilim, part human, part fallen angel. He could not repent though he tried. (Ya’cob/James 5) In the book of Enoch I the fallen angels went to Enoch asking him to go to Yahuwah for them and ask Him if they could repent and not be thrown into eternal damnation. Enoch went to Yahuwah on their behalf. Yahuwah said “no” there is no repentance for them. Enoch brought the message back to the fearful fallen ones. They were greatly horrified, then they turned angry and vengeful on humanity. Once the gift of repentance is given to someone, if not acted on, it is not a guaranteed thing that He will come again with the gift. It is all dependent on what Yahuwah and Yahushua wrote in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Once repentant, and putting faith in the shed blood of the Lamb of Yahuwah, Yahushua/Jesus, the Spirit sovereignly does 40 things so a person is totally a new creation in a true new birth. (I Corinthians 5:17) Please refer to: “The True New Birth”/Mikvah of Eternal Salvation] Then, as was natural in the early assemblies, the truly born again were baptized in water and baptized into the Spirit of Yahuwah by Yahushua Messiah, as He said He would do, and they spoke in the languages of the people gathered there in Jerusalem for Shavu’ot. That was normal. With the baptism in the Spirit they went on to receive a prayer language of angels by which they could do warfare in the spirit, build themselves up in faith, and pray for others in the will of Yahuwah. It was normal. It was naturally understood in Hebrew culture, as we see with Sha’ul in Acts 9. He was born again, healed of blindness, and filled and empowered by the Spirit – all within a single day. Today the churches have thrown out Yahuwah’s normal by man saying it is not for us in this modern world. The Messianic congregations have thrown out His normal. Many have turned completely to rabbinic Judaism, even denying the Messiah who bought them with His blood. Many assemblies have become centers of eternal damnation – the perpetuators of Hebrews 6:4-6. I know, I’ve seen it happen to too many of my once-saved friends as they listened to satanic Judaism through trusted rabbis or messianic teachers. Without the Spirit of Yahuwah – a person cannot repent and be born again by His standards, neither filled with His Spirit for the gifts, the empowerment, the counsel, comfort, guidance, conviction, and empowerment of the Spirit. They are left as an empty vessel at best to be taught by man, led by the nose into captivity to their own lusts, and left ignorant of the power that is rightful theirs to live in the Presence of Yahuwah. Some of these same people think they’re going to be “raptured” off earth and leave the world to Satan and his “kid.” Talk about insanity. In the last days, raging insanity will be the norm. Yermiyahu/Jeremiah wrote the Lamentations that we have in our Bible. In it he shared his grief over the rebellion and attitudes of the people who were killed or taken to Babylon because they would not listen to the Word of Yahuwah and thus save their lives. Yahuwah had to send Nebuchadnezzar to fulfill His justice against His own people. Up until 70 CE, His people continued to offer animal sacrifices in a temple, while the priesthood, as in Solomon’s temple, were corrupt and evil to the core. Note how King Josiah treated them in II Kings 22-23. This rabbinic lineage participated in the death of the Son of Yahuwah. They denied His death as the Lamb of Yahuwah, and thus continued on with their religion – not even the Torah, but the fallacious Oral Law that became the Babylonian Talmud. Isaiah 2 tells us what He thinks of those who do the rituals of His teachings, yet do not know Him. Leviticus 17:11 tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no atonement for sin. There is no forgiveness of sin. As in Genesis 3, the blood of the innocent must be shed for the sin of the guilty. Messiah killed a clean animal and made coats to clothed the sin-laden naked bodies of Adam and Eve, knowing that because of what they did, He would have to die on the tree to redeem mankind. He also said that people could say what they wanted against Him, but if they spoke against the Spirit of Yahuwah there would be no forgiveness. Yet, in rejecting the Spirit, they reject Yahuwah Himself as well as His Son.All of this rejection of the infilling of the Spirit of Yahuwah because of the religious reasoning of men, or the assumed lack of need for Him nowadays because we have rabbis, is satanic teaching. No one can be born again without Him. No one can know Yahuwah and Yahushua, or be properly taught the Word, without Him. No one can be directed, led, spoken to personally by the Spirit without Him on the inside, dwelling in our re-born spirit. No one guards the Torah who rejects the Spirit! The Spirit is Yahuwah Himself. No one guards the Torah who rejects Messiah. Messiah spoke the Torah into existence on Sinai – He is the eternal Word of Yahuwah embodied. The Torah is all about Messiah from start to finish! I began studying and learning about this in 1963. The Torah is simply His teachings and instructions for our right ruling in His Father’s Kingdom - it is not for salvation; it is not a god. I’ve met very, very few Messianics who personally know Yahuwah, even less Yahushua. The Torah is their god, not Yahuwah. They say they love Him, but they reject His Son – His Word made flesh who dwelt among us. (John 1:1-14) Yahushua is the Lamb of Yahuwah who fulfilled all blood sacrifice requirements of animals. (John 1:29) He gave us the Shabbat. He gave us the Festivals – the outline of the plan of salvation. He appeared many times before His incarnation in 03 BCE. The whole Word points to the Son! We cannot approach the Father without the Son! It is the way it was planned before the foundation of the world. In Acts 5, we see that the Son was found worthy to open the scroll. I wrote recently “Revelation 5: Being Found Worthy”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. The Father has given all authority and judgment for Him to the Son. The Son is returning! Whole denominations base their rejection of the book of Acts baptism into the Spirit upon demonic tongues. All the fallen ones can do is counterfeit. If there is a counterfeit, there has been a genuine to counterfeit. So, these denominations teach a partial gospel, i.e. how to get out of hell but not empowered to know Yahuwah and Yahushua as Persons, nor given power to overcome sin, nor to be transformed into Their nature, ways, and thinking. “You shall receive power after the Set-Apart Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me.” The baptism into the Spirit is not a badge of spirituality to be misused. When He comes, He comes to take over, control, and transform. If we do not allow Him 100% freedom within our re-born spirit (which resides behind our naval), He may leave. Tongues is for our faith-building and our protection, not a badge of spirituality. Without the Spirit dwelling within, no one can be transformed and prepared for what’s ahead, or be ready for the coming of Messiah. He will not let carnality into His Kingdom! Without the Spirit on the inside, dwelling in our re-born spirit, there is no growth, only a dead religious intellectual boring nothing. I was raised in a major Christian denomination. As a young teen, I asked my mother, a really born-again lady, if all there was to the Christian life was being saved, being a good person in this life, and going to heaven. She thought a minute and said “yes.” I knew something was not right. At about age 9, one Sunday morning, my pastor said that we don’t have to have the baptism into the Spirit like in the book of Acts anymore because now we have the Bible. I recoiled at that, thinking the people in the days of Messiah and the book of Acts got to see the power and reality of God. That bothered me so much that it angered me. I knew something was not right. How did I know? The Spirit was preparing me to receive Him. The first article under the Mikvah of the Spirit is my testimony of my baptism into the Spirit. A young couple from Life Bible College in Los Angeles came up to me after one of our Open Air Campaigner meetings on a street in Los Angeles. They asked me what Sha’ul asked those men in Acts 19: “Have you received the Set-Apart Spirit since you believed?” They said “no, we have not heard that there was a Spirit, we were only baptized into repentance by John.” They were gloriously introduced to the salvation of Yahushua and baptized into the Spirit. I said to this young couple: “No, but I sure do want Him.” I went to their apartment on the college campus. You can read my story – it is quite dramatic. It changed my life. Immediately, Yahuwah began talking to me; Yahushua began talking to me. I had all sorts of manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit as in I Corinthians 12:1-11. I also had many manifestations of the enemy who got very upset at my empowerment. The whole realm of the heavenly Kingdom was opened up to me. I went on to live a life of incredible miracles, and bold preaching even in dangerous places. Those truly baptized in the Spirit allow Him to lead them in the Acts 1:8 pattern. Here is Yahuwah’s lamentation. Here is our lamentation. His great gift of Himself to us, giving Him the right to enter into us as He did over the Ark in Solomon’s Temple when asked is symbolized in I Kings 8. Now it is limited to a few denominations, and rejected by almost all of those in the Western Christian world. It is rejected in Judaism for to have the Spirit of Yahuwah, you must first have Messiah Yahushua as Savior and Master. In fact, His Spirit is almost non-existent in the Messianic world that rejects His Son. This is why the end-time remnant is so FEW. (Matthew 7:13-14) Those of this remnant are in no denomination, under no teaching of men - except as led by the Spirit to others who are speaking for Him. He is transforming a remnant of those that know Him, and are 100% submitted to Him who is Spirit (John 4), who is THE SPIRIT (II Corinthians 3:17-18). Yahuwah, the Spirit, is omnipresent. He can be in us and not leave His throne. His grief is very great, and His anger even greater – not at the world’s people, but at His people who rejected Him along with the world’s people. Let me share something that you will understand hopefully. Our Prayer and Training Center is a small fellowship of non-religious people. We are a multi-race group of people who are born again, filled with the Spirit, and united in the whole Word in love and obedience to it, in prayer and praise and proclamation, in reaching the lost, and building the faith of believers. Healing, prophecy, and miracles are natural to us. We are like the early Natsarim, followers of the Nazarene, followers of the Way (Acts 24). Our unity is around Father and Son, and thus He can bring us into John 17 unity. No, we’re humans, not perfect, but we are being purified together. Two Shabbats ago, our meeting was very special. No meeting is the same for the Spirit is free to lead us – as in I Corinthians 14. It is like a family gathering, which it really is. Everyone is important. Our meetings are around 2 hours each, beginning at 3:00 on Shabbat. That day started off, as usual, with praise and worship. This meeting was especially to prepare us for prayer and fasting during the month of Elul in preparation for the “days of awe” and the Fall Festivals. My son had selected the worship songs for our video screen. The first one showed my 9-year old granddaughter being baptized in a river in Montana. While she was being baptized, the video played a song by the church’s worship team: “HalleluYah for the Cross.” The anointing on that song was intense. The “anointing” is the Presence of the Spirit of Yahuwah that breaks the yoke of sin’s power off of us (Isaiah 10:27). The anointing is the Presence of Yahuwah! Without the Spirit, symbolized by oil, water, wine, and wind, there is no Presence of Yahuwah – only a dead singing of songs and a worship team or band livening it up so that people feel emotion and call that “God’s presence.” For the real Spirit to manifest, one must be in deep worship. It is there that real joy comes. The song “HalleluYah for the Cross” sung by their worship team was so powerful that we were praising and in tears. The video showed others being baptized in the river, and we all rejoiced. Then various worship songs followed as we entered deeper into His Presence. Interspersed among the songs were videos of the blowing of shofars. As we worshipped, His Presence entered into the room. We could feel Him tangibly. It is such a powerful feeling that causes His Presence in our spirit to rise. We might cry, we might smile, laugh with joy, or clap. We might get down on our knees with head to the floor. But we are in unity as the Spirit unites each of us. He is inside each of us. Therefore, we are unified. He can only unify those joined together by the Spirit. This particular meeting was to welcome Elul and begin our time of fasting and praying during this month of Preparation. This worship part of the meeting ended with about 10 minutes of shofar blowing. People had their hands in the air in worship, or their knees bent and faces on the ground before Yahuwah. It was perhaps the most “Messianic” meeting I have attended there in the two years I’ve been back in Fort Worth! The worship went on for 1? hours. Then Pastor got up and slowly read Genesis 1. Then we had prayer, my son gave the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew, and the meeting closed with testimonies and fellowship. We had a meal together to honor Pastor’s husband’s birthday. I have invited quite a few people to come visit us and more than I expected have come. Most have told me they were blessed by the meeting. On this particular Shabbat, a messianic man who lived in the area whom I invited, came a speck late. I saw him sit down. I was directly across the room from him. I had never met him, but I invited him to come because an e-mail friend had told him about me and he had contacted me. Without any criticism at all, just observation, for nearly an hour and a half this man just sat there in the chair. He never raised his hands. He never bowed his head; he never got down on his knees. He just watched us as if we were a show with no expression obvious. Pastor asked if he’d like to say something; he said “no.” He ate with us after the meeting and then left. He did not come back. I was disturbed in spirit about that. Being a Messianic, I thought he probably would have loved all the songs with Yahweh in them, and the shofar blowing etc., but he showed no reaction at all. Yet, he commented that our worship was because we had “relationship with God.” The carnal mind analyzes and never enters in. Those who meet the Matthew 18:1-4 requirement of being as a little child in His Presence feel the Presence of the Spirit immediately and won’t be left out. The “tabernacle of David” is rebuilt – a tabernacle of praise in His Presence (Acts 15). Those who say they are Messianic should know how to worship like King David did – doing what is normal throughout the Tenach. Most Christians reject the Tenach yet do not practice what Messiah and His Apostles taught. Religion is the gateway to eternal damnation. Please refer to my article “Religion – Lucifer’s Detour to Ignorance and Damnation under the Mikvah of Present Reality. I’ve had others come and just sit there during worship. No lifting of hands as it says in Psalm 134, no praising as it says throughout the Psalms. No bowing down as it says throughout the Word. No joy, no emotion. This is because of religious intellectualism, and self-centeredness. Yahuwah does NOT speak to the carnal mind and emotions. It is unstable, and depends on human input for belief. He speaks to the re-born spirit, if indeed, we allow Messiah to baptize us into the Spirit of Yahuwah so that He enters us and lives within us. Through His Spirit, He dwells within the re-born spirit of those who ask Him to enter, as He dwelt over the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Set-Apart Place. The outer court of the temple represents our body. The Inner court of “Holy Place” of ministry for the priests represents our soul – seat of our carnal life force. The Most Set-Apart Place where Yahuwah dwelt among the people represents our re-born, Spirit-filled spirit. It is the “spirit” that makes us human beings, able to have eternal life in His Kingdom if we meet His requirements of faith. I have a dear “best” friend in Florida who has worked closely with youth whose families are Messianic. She said that many of the youth are very mentally and emotionally disturbed because of the legalism, the lack of love, the intellectualism, the lack of joy and peace in their families and Messianic groups. She has had to counsel many. She has completely separated from the Messianic movement but guards the basics of Torah and her faith in Yahushua Messiah. People say they guard the Torah, but it teaches us to love with all our heart, to love Yahuwah, to love each other – to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” This is Leviticus 19. So many Messianic folk are so critical of anyone who thinks different than they do – even other Messianics. The first Commandment says to have no other gods in His face. Yet, the adoration of man is supreme in Christian-Messianic religious circles - that is idolatry. If the congregation leader leads his people to embrace rabbinic Judaism, the congregation follows like dumb sheep and denies Messiah. I’ve seen this happen with congregations I’ve been in, with people I have loved very much. I know the heart of Yahuwah and how He thinks about this. I am very thankful that not all Messianic congregations are reprobate, but most are. We must separate from the titles and slots of man’s religions so that we stand with Him only. Messiah will say to many who thought they were on their way to heaven – “I do not know you.” (Matthew 7:21-23; 25:1-12; Luke 13) In Messianic circles, many are being taught Gamatria. They think it is exciting, yet it is Kabbalah and satanic. These same people would nearly rather die than tell anyone about the Savior’s love who died and rose again. I’ve heard their comments to me. The side trails that are alluring Messianics are many – and always they turn the people away from following Messiah as Master. Religion is the open pit, the broad path that leads to destruction. Because many are noticing that, many Messianic people are coming out of it. Many Christians are coming out of their dead religion. They are worshipping in homes, or at home – and yet Hebrews 10:25 tells us to meet more and more as the day is approaching – the “Day of Yahuwah.” The Word must be central along with worship. Yahuwah tells us to come out of the Babylonian system of religion, whose roots go back to Nimrod, and come into the freedom of knowing Yahuwah and Yahushua personally. “Come out from among them and be your separate, touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you.” (I Corinthians 6:14-7:1) “Come out from among them…” Revelation 18:4. The great whore of Babylon is rising. In her hand is a cup overflowing with the blood of the set-apart ones, Revelation 18. Please understand regarding my 22 articles – 2018-2019 – that I am referring also to the world embracing Talmudic Laws of Noahide, which require beheading for disobeying them. This will lead to the execution of the true believers worldwide. Why is it that those in countries of great persecution, with many martyrs, like China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, -- over 50 countries – the believers are so bold to share the Good News of salvation, risking all to do it? While those in the spiritually dead western nations of affluency and pride, carnal lusts, and worldly allurements, do nothing to lead 1 person to salvation in a lifetime, - unless, however, they are Latinos/Mexican, Black, Asian, or some other non-white race. The children of Ya’cob so amassed in the United States – all 13 tribes – are the most spiritually dead of all. Now Satanism is the fastest growing religion in America. Why the great Lamentations of Yahuwah, and of His servants who know His heart? Jeremiah wrote “Lamentations,” lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem and the people there by Nebuchadnezzar. Because of their rejection of Yahuwah and embracing pagan religion, even child-sacrifice, they were hauled off to Babylon or killed. Today, America is the final expression of Nimrod kingdom of Babel, and the nation chosen to restore that kingdom to power over the earth again. (Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Preparation) America is under great judgment from Yahuwah, yet false prophets are proclaiming victory and prosperity and “all is well” for Christians. Why is this? It is because they do not love truth enough to learn it and practice it. (II Thessalonians 2:8-12) They do not study the Word, asking Yahuwah’s Spirit to teach them. They take no time to sit in His Presence to hear from Him. They believe what they want to believe, wanting “ears tickled” but no sound doctrine. (II Timothy 4) They are embracing the “doctrines of demons.” Yahuwah is allowing them to go their own way and reap their own harvest of death. When the Spirit enters, He brings the fire (Luke 3:16) “Our Yah is a consuming fire.” (Hebrews 12:29). He ignites our whole being with His Being to transform us, so we become like our Master in nature, ways, thinking, and obedience. Yahuwah grieves, and the fire of His anger is intense. When Messiah comes with His wrath on the Day of Yahuwah, everything that is not of Him will be destroyed. We are moving towards that day. One of the most powerful signs of coming judgment is the great division of people into fear of the Beast and adoration of his rising kingdom, and the separation out of His remnant whom He knows and trusts and has relationship to.Worship of the Beast is already here as I wrote in the recent article “The World is Already Worshipping the Beast”/Mikvah of Set-Apartness. Fear is an expression of worship! Whom you fear, you worship and obey. “The fear of Yahuwah is the beginning of wisdom.” (Psalm 111:10)Yahuwah is drawing back in order to work only with His remnant. The massive falling away is happening so that the rise of the Beast can come about. Former saved believers are denying Messiah and joining the Beast Kingdom heralded by rabbis who hate Yahushua/Yeshua. He laments having to destroy earth and heaven to get rid of the fallen ones and their slaves, but out of it will come Revelation 19-22. It is Yahuwah’s lamenting that has eaten at my spirit for a long time. Jeremiah lamented - if only the people had turned to Yahuwah none of the destruction would have happened. But they refused to. Read Jeremiah and see the conditions of the people he warned. It’s just like now! Yahuwah must judge – but there will be a glorious remnant of martyrs and a glorious remnant of transformed servants (Revelation 7, 14:1-5, 13-14). How can there be a magnificent army of Yahuwah that goes forth in the face of anti-messiah, a Beast of evil, if the people are carnal, worldly, weak, pitifully fearful and anxious, and doing nothing to lay down their lives to obey the Master? He is raising up a valiant army, a remnant, trained by the Spirit, taught by the Spirit, transformed by the Spirit, after the pattern of the servants in Deuteronomy 15:16-17, and Messiah Himself in Isaiah 50, and today’s remnant of Daniel 11:32, Revelation 3:7-13; 7:1-8; 14:1-5. These are trained warriors who “know their Elohim, are strong, and act/to do exploits.” They come on the scene at the same time as the two witnesses of Revelation 11. These are the two witnesses of Zechariah 4, who stand by the Master of the whole earth. But, they also are a company of witnesses (living martyrs, for the word “martyr” means “witness), from all the tribes of Ya’cob, not just biologically, but set in a tribe by faith in Messiah – the faith of Abraham. We see that in Exodus 12 and Ezekiel 47. I learned that the brilliant mind of President Trump created a new federal agency before the election in secret, to monitor election fraud and expose it.This has set the “Biden – President Elect” scenario back a speck, as the information gathered will go to the Supreme Court. But, hear me out here. It is very possible that the Court will find Trump to be the rightful President. However, the man’s life is in great danger. Pray for him. Many want him dead. I do not believe, as the Christians say, that if Trump is elected it is because God is giving America 4 more years of mercy!!! For what?Americans in general have proved that grace and mercy mean more time for carnal living, enjoying the good things of life, and throwing out any belief in the Bible or the Spirit, or anything that gets in their way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, if Trump gets in office, or not, the plans of the Chinese are going forward. They just took over Hong Kong! The Parliament is dissolved. The Hong Kong flag is removed, and the Chinese flag put in its place. World War III, as Albert Pike outlined it, is being prepared quickly. Stay in prayer and seeking the will of Yahuwah for you and your family, so that you walk in it. Note: Who is telling you to prepare for tribulation! Who is telling you not to prepare, but all is going to be great again? I write in His love from His peace. I feel His Presence with me right now – as He pours through me to warn. I am sharing His heart with you. Prepare yourself! “Brace yourself.” Submit yourself to the authority of Yahuwah’s Spirit, and obey Him. Yes, I am speaking for Him! How will you respond? What action will you take? In His love, Yedidah, September 3, 2020Amplified and ready for posting on under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, #123.0 - November 12, 2020 ................

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