1040 EZ Quiz

Jason N. Nettigan is 20 years old and has good eyesight. His social security number is 786-12-3456. He works part-time at Perfect Construction Company as a Laborer. He does want to contribute to the presidential election campaign fund. He lives in Bucks County, township of Falls and went to Pennsbury High School. He currently attends college at BCCC as a full-time student, and his parents support him 75%. He shares an apartment with a friend. His address is 300 Main Street, Apt. A-3, Fairless Hills, PA 19030. His phone number is 215-949-1111. Jason’s favorite aunt is currently being treated for breast cancer and he would like to donate money to cancer research. If he gets a refund, he would like $30.00 to be donated to this cause.

W-2 Information:

Wages (Box 1) $8,000

Federal Withholding $1,200

State Withholding $224

Employers Fed ID Number 10-987654

Employer Information:

Perfect Construction Company

27 Liberty Street

Newtown, PA 19040


1099-INT Information:

Core States $500

Summit Bank $200

Prime Bank $400

1099-DIV Information:

Coca-Cola Company $150

Business Expenses:

Jason’s boss required him to purchase the following items and he was not reimbursed except for his travel expenses. He also had to join the union.

|Boots |1 pair @ $70.00 each |

|Overalls |2 pairs @ $30.00 each |

|Leather Work gloves |1 pair @ $7.00 each |

|Tools: drill, various hand tools, measuring |Total cost = $400.00 |

|tape | |

|Union Dues |Total = $200.00 |

| Contractor’s Local #1 | |

Directions: Use the information above to answer the following questions, and complete Jason’s federal and state income tax return.

✓ Is Jason a dependent?

✓ Jason will be able to take a standard deduction amount for $     .

✓ The exemption amount Jason is eligible to take is $     .

✓ Will Jason use the 1040EZ or the 1040A for his federal income tax return?

✓ Why?      


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