Donation Flowchart For Raiser’s Edge? UsersImages can communicate more easily than words, and a flowchart is great for showing how information moves through your organization. Microsoft Word has a Drawing Toolbar that makes it very easy to create simple flowcharts. While part of this document’s value lies in giving you an idea of what steps are part of gift processing and how they might be shared between development and accounting, we’ve provided it primarily so you have a simple starting point for clearly and visually representing the “path” of a gift through your organization. In conjunction with this document, we also recommend downloading and working with another of our Free Resources, “Gift Processing Steps.”How to Use this DocumentWe’ve provided this document in Microsoft Word format so you can modify it to fit your organization. We recommend the following steps:Save a copy of the document as “Donation Flowchart – Your Organization Name.” Cut out this page (these instructions and our contact information). We’d appreciate you keeping the footer intact.In Word, from the View Menu choose Toolbars and then choose Drawing. At the bottom of the Word window you’ll now see “Draw,” an arrow, AutoShapes, etc. These are features we used to create this flowchart. To “activate” these features, you’ll need to click on the Arrow (2nd button from the left).Experiment with moving around the boxes and arrows. You can add more boxes and arrows using the AutoShapes feature, or by copying and pasting existing elements (after you copy, you’ll need to click your cursor into the main document to avoid accidentally nesting a box inside a box).Use our Free Resource, “Gift Processing Steps,” to analyze and streamline your processes and update this document to reflect the final results. Revisit both documents a month later, and then every six months, to make sure they accurately reflect your processes and to identify opportunities to further refine your workflow.If you find this document helpful…Raiser’s Edge is a powerful tool for organizing and tracking your major gift cultivation efforts. Yet many users aren’t sure how to get started or just don’t have the time. Either way they’re missing out. If this sounds familiar, let us help you! Through our experience at over 600 organizations across the nation, we've developed a clear, sound process for optimizing our clients' use of the Raiser's Edge software. Our services include system assessments, data conversions, data cleanup (including codes / tables and duplicates), business process design and documentation, query and report setup, and training. For our clients with advanced needs, we can develop Crystal Reports, integrate with other databases, and perform custom programming. These services provide our clients a solid foundation for effective use of this powerful fundraising tool. Contact us today for more information!Beverly HannayBusiness Development Associate518-797-3438beverly@Donation FlowchartMail SortedAccountingDevelopmentAdding tape run on giftsCopy made of checksCheck Copy and Original Backup to DevelopmentChecks DepositedGifts totaled and confirmed with Acctg tapeBatches entered and confirmed with Acctg tapeBatch Information and copy of $1K+ backup to AcctgAccounting confirms $1K+ giftsThank You Letters created, reviewed, finalized, sent and filed with BackupSummary figures entered in GL (or electronically imported)Accounting Reports GeneratedFundraising Reports GeneratedMonthly Reconciliation! ................

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