Graduate and Professional Student Association

98278864109Graduate and Professional Student AssociationThe Pennsylvania State University 315 HUB-Robeson Center University Park, PA 16802 Email: gpsaoffice@GPSA 70th Assembly MeetingWednesday, December 9, 20206:00 pm | Zoom meetingActions Items:Student Legal Services searching for a graduate and professional student to help put together a training module on tenant and landlord rights as well as renting in State College.Please submit feedback on Penn State’s racism, bias, and community safety at . Legislation Passed:New delegate confirmed – Eli Fields as School of Law representativeBill 70-09: Grocery Assistance for Graduate and Professional Students Impacted by COVID-19 Bill 70-10: Spring 2021 Writing BootcampResolution 70-18 Rescheduling the GPSA Elections AgendaMeeting called to order at 6:02 PMRoll Call – See Appendix IAdoption of the AgendaMotion to remove “Borough Council Student Represetnative Advisory Confirmation”Claire Kelling: Is this being moved to the spring?Alex Zhao: One person dropped from consideration, another couldn’t make it tonight, and one submitted an application late, so haven’t had time to interview them yet. Alex Zhao will be serving as the representative in the interim.Motion passedApproval of Past Meeting Minutes from November 11, 2020: ApprovedOpen Student ForumSpecial Presentation: Jesse Barlow, State College Borough Council President Focusing on muncipalities and climate changeGrew up in Kansas where there was a significant tornado and his local municipality responded.State College, PAExpect more summer-like days in the futureNeed to do some political workU.S. not currently in the Paris Agreement, though hopefully this will change in the near ernor Wolf mandated an 80% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050, which is still 20% short of Paris Accords goal.PA produces 1% of the world’s greenhouse gasesIssues with markets, which care about what is cheapest, not what’s greenest.Local level actionSierra Club Ready-for-100 ProgramNet zero greenhouse gases and 100% renewable energy by 2050.Several large cities and states have joined this programState College Borough joined on 3 June 2019 and Ferguson Township did something similar in 2017.Movement by State College and Ferguson Township led to the creation of the Climate Action Committee in the Centre Region Council of GovernmentsState College Potential PossibilitiesLEED standard for new downtown buildingsTentative power purchase agreement (stalled by COVID-19) to make most of State College’s infrastructure solar powered.Push PSU to be “Ready for 100”Barriers to green efforts are political, social, and economic, not scientificEncourage municipalities to take actionQuestions and CommentsDiego Hernandez: How can grad students partner with local governments to make the community a safer space for all?A resolution about that was passed, but interested in taking action.Nico Terry: On the slide of solutions, there’s one point missing; in the U.S. one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases is diet (beef and pork consumption), perhaps something can be done with the school lunch programs, perhaps coinciding with an education initiative?Agree about the impact of diet on climate change, but there’s not a lot of government leeway there.School lunches certainly an area for improvement, but would need to work on that.Will Searight: Want to stress urging CATA to move to electric system soon, so please make that a priority. Jesse Barlow: Thank you for letting me speak, if you have any questions or issues related to government, please reach out and I look forward to working with your represenative on the Council.Special Presentation: Claire Kelling, Student Fee BoardStudent fee started as activity fee in 1996, morphed into student initatied fee in 2017-18 and then became the Student Fee Board so students could better control where their fee money went. How the fee is determinedStudent Fee-funded entities present to the board and after a total dollar amount is determined for distribution, a per-student rate is calculatedGPSA is funded via the Student Fee BoardUP Student Fee Board consists of 12 voting membersUPUA PresidentGPSA President3 UPUA appointees2 GPSA appointees5 At-large student members selected by GPSA and UPUAStudent Fee Board aims to enhance out-of-class experiences in relation to facilities, recreation, services, and activitiesUpdated values statement this yearHearings happen between November and February with deliberations in February and March.Formal recommendations made to administration in MarchPublic comments welcome at all meetings (email studentfeepsu@ for Zoom info)Comments and QuestionsDiego Hernandez: How is COVID-19 affecting the Student Fee Board’s actions?Some talk of refunds and asking Damon Sims and others if that is a possibility With one exception, all the funded offices have been able to shift their services online, so if there is a refund, it would likely be small.Executive Officer ReportsPresident – Alex ZhaoUniversity forming a climate task force and would like the climate subcommittee to start thinking about who they would like to be on this task force.One of the consequences and positive outcomes of the push from student governments for more climate accountability.Student Legal ServicesTrying to make a training module for landlord and tenant rights as well as how to rent in State College.Seeking a graduate student to be involved in the creation of this education initiativeMeeting with Graduate School DeansStipend concerns for grad students outside the U.S.Concern about whether overseas grad students will be able to receive their stipends during the spring semester. Information will be released by the end of the week QuestionsEmory Robertson: Can you provide a follow-up on the Mutual Justice resolution that we passed?Elements of that resolution were mentioned to President Barron and Vice President Sims; some things the university is already looking at doing, but other items, including compensation for committee and task force work, the administration is less interested in. Asking for feedback on committees, public statements, and the like via . Vice President – Julia Kelliher President Barron talking about climate change and racial justice at the meeting this morningStudent Code of Conduct changes posted; some pushback from the Board of Trustees and the like about handling racism at Penn State, so asking for feedback that can be used to respond to this pushback.Barron interested in PSU producing a history of racism at Penn State as well as potentially creating an anti-bias centerCOVID-19 Testing$20 million spent on COVID-19 testingTesting everyone before their return for the spring semester and again two weeks later. Mt. Nittany hospital bed capacity near being reached – 51 new cases today.QuestionsNico Terry: Is there some kind of cost comparison that can be made (cost of prevention vs. cost of case)?Good question, but not aware of an answer.Steven Baksa: What was the Board of Trustees pushback against diversity, inclusion, and the history of racism?Board of Trustees asking if there was racism at Penn State Alex Zhao: Other pushback was against a mandatory module about the Student Code of Conduct – didn’t like the mandatory part. Steven Baksa: Compared to the testing from the fall semester, how much better will the spring testing be?No numbers provided on spring testing, just that it would be greater than fall semester.Yasha Duggal: Kelly Wolgast said the testing rate will be bumped up to 2%Claire Kelling: Major improvement is testing all students before they arrive and then again two weeks later.Yasha Duggal: Do you knwo who is filling the beds at Mt. Nittany? Are they faculty and staff?No specific data on the patients, just the numbers.Treasurer – Matt BillupsNothing to reportSecretary – Katie WarczakPlease let me know if mispronouncing delegates’ names or if delegates enter the meeting after attendance has been takenCommittee chairs please send her attendance records after each committee meetingSending out the last newswire of the semester tomorrow, please submit any event announcements or graphics by noonQuestionsDiego Hernandez: Is there a possibility of having a newswire sent over break? Advocacy and diversity has somethings they’d like to send out.If you can get that to me by noon tomorrow, I can include it then, otherwise, there’s nothing preventing me from sending something over break as long as it’s relevantNatalie DeSouza: Can also send points to me over break to post on social media. Faculty Senate – Artemio CardenasFaculty Senate met on 1 December – most of the meeting focused on president’s report, equity and diversity, and the Student Code of Conduct.All students encouraged to go to Provost Report was an overview of COVID-19 dataPSU investing lots of resources into reopening in the spring, especially in relation to testing and housing informationLibrary ReportFaculty reaffirmed support for libraryDisgruntled about WorkdayEnding Box – negotiations went sourFaculty Senate talking about next semester – alternative grading, snow days, etc. Snow days likely to be left up to instructors’ discrepancyPSU working on Land Acknowledgement StatementPenn State Indigenous People’s group created it and it has now gone through a legal review; will go through another round of legal review and then back to the PSU Indigenous People’s group for feedback.No timeline for this statement’s completionQuestionsMandy Burton: Is there any public info available on the Land Acknowledgement Statement?Not to my knowledge; the Indigenous Peoples group’s statement hasn’t been made available to us.Graduate Council – Claire KellingGraduate Council likely voting on the testing timeline next week (have to re-take graduate qualifying exams within 120 days)New Delegate ConfirmationJesse Zilinski resigned from his position in the School of Law; nominating Eli Fields for this delegate position. Eli Fields (they/them)Halfway through program at PSU and aiming to be a civil rights attorneyInterested in advocacy and wants to join GPSA for this reasonWorking with law advocacy groups at the momentWorking on creating a more effective mechanism for reporting biasAdvocating for accessibilityAlso advocating within the Law School for trans studentsInterested in Advocacy & Diviersity, Community Outreach, or Internal DevelopmentQuestions Diego Hernandez: Could you talk a bit more about your advocacy work with the law school?Doing a lot of trans advocacy because that’s a small population in the law school that often gets anized a Trans Day of Remembrance to acknowledge fallen siblings and do some education work.Meeting with career services about trans issues and how messaging was alienating to trans students Currently going through career services handbook looking to see where non-inclusive language can be removed.Disability accessibility issues aren’t limited to the law school, broken at Penn State as a whole. Mandy Burton: How might you maintain and increase awareness about issues you’re working on with your constituency?Very active on social media, in touch with a lot of peers, in several larger GroupMes. Mostly virtual communication during COVID-19DiscussionNico Terry: Is there anything that came up in the interview that you don’t think came up here?Alex Zhao: More details – member of Student Bar Association (Law school version of GPSA) and doing more disability work.Being part of law school student government means they will be able to disseminate info effectively.Emory Robertson: Want to speak positively of Eli because they’re really firm about advocating with the administration.Diego Hernandez: Would like to echo support for Eli’s nomination since they have tangible experience that is fairly rare; could certainly use that expertise in GPSA. Steven Baksa: Want to echo Diego and Emory and offer support for Eli’s confirmation. We need people like them.NEW DELEGATE CONFIRMED – 35-0-0 (See Appendix II)Bill 70-09: Grocery Assistance for Graduate and Professional Students Impacted by COVID-19This program would allow graduate and professional students to receive $25 gift cards to local grocery stores (mailed to the grad students) in order to offset the financial burdens of the pandemic (providing $5,000 in assistance).Precedent for this bill in Bill 69-26 and 69-31Not using Instacart this time around since we overwhelmed their systemQuestionsSteven Baksa: What changes were made to this bill compared to previous ones?Pretty similar, but the gift card amount is specified and the amount dedicated to this bill is higher. Also one gift card per grad studentAma Agyapong: How will these gift cards be distributed?The gift cards will be mailed to students.Diego Hernandez: I’m wondering if we could increase the gift card limit to $30 to account for Instacart delivery costs and the like?Yes, $25 is a baseline to start from, so certainly can amend the dollar amount. Motion made to change the gift card amount to $30 from $25Claire Kelling: Is this a gift card to Instacart or grocery stores?Grocery stores.Claire Kelling: Okay, so then the concern over Instacart delivery isn’t the best reason to increase the gift card amount. Diego Hernandez: Maybe instead we could make them Instacart gift cards to give people more options? If we were to purchase Instacart, there might be more options. Diego Hernandez: Would these gift cards be to a specific grocery store?Yes, I’d likely go and buy themDiego Hernandez withdraws motion to increase gift card amountSanga Joong: What grocery stores are you thinking about getting gift cards from?Would likely get gift cards from Giant or Weis Izzy Healey: How will we advertise this effort to reach students who really need these gift cards?Don’t have a great answer beyond prioritizing people who haven’t used the program before and using word-of-mouth and personal conversations to spread the word. Izzy Healey: Could we coordinate with an office at Penn State? Perhaps someone who came and spoke to GPSA this semester?Haven’t reached out to those offices, but could do so.Steven Baksa: How readily available are Weis and Giant stores for the graduate and professional student population?Practically, I need to purchase these gift cards and both Giant and Weis are fairly ubiquitous in State College as well as the surrounding communities.Ama Agyapong: Is this a one-time deal?Yes, this is for gift cards, not an ongoing program; funding is for 200 gift cards.Can always pass a similar measure in the future.Motion made to change the gift card amount to $30 from $25 – secondedMatt Billups: With the amount change to $30, does that change the amount of the bill or the number of gift cards bought?Right now number of gift cards, but an amendment could be made.Yasha Duggal: Do taxes factor into gift card purchases?Matt Billups: Don’t think so, but will check previous billsDiscussionDiego Hernandez: Before buying from Giant and Weis, make sure that those gift cards work at other Giant/Weis locations in different states. And if they don’t, make that messaging clear.Thank you for making that clear, I’ll double check before purchasing.Nico Terry: Can’t divide $5000 by 30, so an amendment needs to be made.Sandeep Krishnakumar: I also want to add that as a car-less international student, Weis and Giant are the most accessible stores in State CollegeMotion made to change total amount spent to $6,000 and keep number of gift cards available to 200 – seconded.BILL PASSES – 36-0-0 (See Appendix II)Bill 70-10: Spring 2021 Writing BootcampThe Graduate Writing Boot Camp is designed to support graduate and professional students in meeting their writing goals. Participants (up to 20 in each session) will meet four hours once a week for six weeks. Asking for funding for two six-week sessions. Gives students time and space to write, hear from guest speakers, and provide lunch. Each session starts with lunch and an hour-long speaker before the three-hour writing session begins QuestionsDiego Hernandez: Was wondering if each of these lunch businesses align with our values in terms of diversity and inclusion? I have a concern about Sower’s Harvest Cafe. I did not go through that and wasn’t aware of Sower’s religious affiliation. Sandeep Krishnakumar: Concerned people might apply for the free food rather than the boot camp itself, so how will we advertise this so people come for the writing rather than the food?It will be advertised as a writing boot camp and that aspect of the event will be emphasized.Ashley Smalls: What is Sower’s position on the LGBTQ+ community given their religious affiliation?Diego Hernandez: Brianne Pragg brought up issues with Sower’s during our last Assembly.Ali Watts: Is the language for this bill appropriate for COVID-19 or is it drawn from previous bills?Yasha Duggal: Yes, the boot camp will take place over Zoom, not in the library. Motion made to change the language – secondedTaking place in a virtual space, not the libraryMandy Burton: $190 per participant seems very high – are we doing a registration fee to make sure people show up?Yasha Duggal: Not sure about that since it wasn’t in previous bills.Alex Zhao: Issue was that in the past, the registration was a check we didn’t cash, so if we do deposits, we’d have to do some form of electronic payment. Lauren Katch: Is this intended to be a continuation workshop where people attend all sessions or a drop-in event because the latter might make it more appealing.Yasha Duggal: It’s two six-week sessions, but we could make a drop-in option possible. This was a pretty popular in-person event, but not sure how COVID-19 will affect it.Alex Zhao: The aim is for people to attend all the sessions in each run. DiscussionDiego Hernandez: Sower’s catering could potentially make people feel excluded/uncomfortable getting a meal there.Izzy Healey: Just want to make sure we’re not discriminating against a religious minority by excluding Sower’s. They are local and that has been a priority for us during this pandemic. Diego Hernandez: It is important that people can practice whatever religion they want, but need to make sure that as an organization, GPSA is being inclusive and that all our constituents feel comfortable frequenting a particular place. Steven Baksa: Religious affiliation is Mennonite, not sure what that means for us. Diego Hernandez: Suggest replacing “Sower’s Harvest Cafe” with “Lupita’s”Izzy Healey: We would need more information on that because they didn’t have gift cards when we looked into using them for Grad Cup awards.Mandy Burton: If it’s a big enough order, Lupita’s would likely be interested in working with usIzzy Healey: Are we doing gift cards or a tab or what?Yasha Duggal: We could work with them on a tab.Argha Saha: There are other minority-owned restaurants in the area, perhaps we could look at supporting them with this bill as well?Ashley Smalls: Could we maybe do a free-for-all DoorDash/Seamless option for weeks 5 and 11 as a kind of compromise?Yasha Duggal: Would be interested in that, would just have to take delivery fees into account. Matt Billups: Does Lupita’s accommodate all dietary restrictions?Diego Hernandez: I’m not sureNico Terry: Hard to eat vegetarian thereSandeep Krishnakumar: Even harder if you’re a veganTerry Torres Cruz: Has some vegetarion options, but not manySteven Baksa: Maybe Snapcrust pizza as another alternative?Julia Kelliher: Otto’s doesn’t offer a gluten-free option as far as I can tell.Lan-Nhi Phung: Cafe Alina might be good as well – new cafe Argha Saha: Not good for vegetarian optionsSandeep Krishnakumar: Want to suggest Webster’s as a meal option as well. Argha Saha: Also has gluten-free options Motion to replace “Otto’s” with “Snapcrust Pizza” – seconded Motion to replace “Lupita’s” with “Webster’s” – seconded BILL APPROVED – 35-0-0 (See Appendix II)Resolution 70-18: Rescheduling the GPSA ElectionsWith the cancellation of Spring Break for Spring 2021, GPSA needs to reschedule the elections – proposing that the election occur between 5 and 6 April 2021.QuestionsNico Terry: Do we want the election to overlap with a Wellness Day? Does it overlap?Alex Zhao: No, we won’t overlap with a Wellness DayDiego Hernandez: Will this election interfere with the Student Fee Board elections?Alex Zhao: Should be fine in terms of Student Fee Board elections – those open on April 1st and last for two weeks. This is also when elections generally happen; it gives the next Assembly two meetings to settle in.GPSA President transition meeting scheduled for April 13thThis option gives us time to process the election and have people accept their positions.DiscussionAlex Zhao: We do want some time after the elections to allow for the Judiciary to do its thing, notify people, get acceptances, and permit transitions time.RESOLUTION APPROVED 34-0-0 (See Appendix II)ReportsSpeaker of the Assembly – Yasha DuggalDon’t forget to complete the absence formThank you for all your hard work this semester, especially given the pandemic circumstances All the committees have done a great job hosting events and activitiesAdvocacy and Diversity – Diego Hernandez Met yesterday Connecting During COVID-19 event had great turnout in terms of both offices and constituents (recording online)Kudos to Ama and Brooke for moderationg the eventPutting together a condensed set of COVID-19 resources to share with everyone in the graduate school.Spring SemesterLegislation will be focused on mental health Want to bring an emphasis to death by suicideOne of the Advocacy & Diversity members reached out to Sower’s Harvest Cafe about their LGBTQ+ policy and the business responded they do not support such lifestyles, but will still serve them.Does not align with GPSA valuesProfessional Development – Justin KormanWorking on mentoring program for next semesterFarhan Sadique taking over as chair next semester since Justin is graduating.Programming – Nico TerryThree bills in the works for virtual communal events which, to some extent, also address financial security.Primary focus is socialization though – one is a cooking class and funding structure will be similar to the grocery gift card bill, but will involve a chef as well. Community Outreach – Katy GeraceNothing to reportInternal Development – Steven BaksaMeeting tomorrow to discuss the GPSA newsletter (should be sent out during finals week)Meeting with Damon Sims this Friday about executive compensation Liasion ReportsGraduate Council Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Diego HernandezChair and deputy chair for this committee chosen at the last meting Working on a plan to complement the task force created over the summer.CAPS Advisory Board – Julia KelliherCAPS offers private spaces for counseling; haven’t been advertising that, but people should be aware of the option.UHS Director Search Committee – Julia KelliherDr. Micah Griffin is the new UHS directorJudiciary – The Honorable Schonn FranklinWe updated the Constitution and By-LawsStudent Truestee – Bryan CullerAdvisor – Adam ChristensenNothing to report, thank you for being so engaged this ments for the Good of the Order Alex Zhao: Want to thank the Connecting during COVID-19 event organizersAlex Zhao: If you’re on the Audit committee, we have to do that twice a semester and we’ll be doing that over Slack.If you’re on the committee, you’re in the Slack channel.Alex Zhao: Professional Student Affairs Committee will have a short meeting next week to make sure that concerns specific to professional students are being met. If you’re on the committee, you’re in the Slack channel.Meeting adjourend at 8:38 PM Appendix IU= Unexcused AbsenceE= Excused Absence P= Present L= LateOfficeNameEmail12/9/20Executive BoardPresidentAlex Zhaoyxz331@psu.eduPVice PresidentJulia Kelliherjck79@psu.eduPSecretaryKatie Warczakkaw64@psu.eduPTreasurerMatthew Billupsmwb21@psu.eduPFaculty Senator (Graduate School)Artemio Cardenasauc1346@psu.eduPFaculty Senator (GPSA Appointed)Star EJudiciaryChief JusticeSchonn Franklinsjf5762@psu.eduPAssociate JusticeEmily PAssociate JusticeMichelle Masseymzm1228@psu.eduEGraduate CouncilGraduate CouncilClaire Kelling (Science)cek32@psu.eduPGraduate CouncilArghajeet Saha (Ag. Sci.)axs1296@psu.eduLGraduate CouncilHannah Nolte (Engineering)hpn5070@psu.eduPGraduate CouncilNathaniel Schermerhorn (Liberal Arts)njs5478@psu.eduPGraduate CouncilAlex Cassell (Education)acc5851@psu.eduPAssemblyAgricultural SciencesMandy Burtonabb25@psu.eduPAgricultural SciencesTerry Torres Cruztjt33@psu.eduPArt & ArchitectureIzzy Healeydeh45@psu.eduPCommunicationsAshley Smallsaks5347@psu.eduPEarth and Mineral SciencesCorey Hoydiccjh5690@psu.eduPEarth and Mineral SciencesEberly College of ScienceLan-Nhi Phunglxp437@psu.eduPEberly College of ScienceYasha Duggalyzd5183@psu.eduPEberly College of ScienceNico Terrynbt5133@psu.eduPEducationFarhan Sadiquefvs5201@psu.eduPEducationAli Wattsauw214@psu.eduPEducationKade Crittendenkzc5745@psu.eduPEngineeringSam Altlandsja198@psu.eduPEngineeringTim Shokritxs5645@psu.eduEEngineeringWill Searightwts36@psu.eduPEngineeringSandeep Krishnakumaruuk82@psu.eduPEngineeringLauren Katchluk50@psu.eduPHealth and Human DevelopmentRachel Parktrp5242@psu.eduPHealth and Human DevelopmentBrooke Matternbcm5214@psu.eduPInformation Sciences and TechnologyMatt McGeemam8223@psu.eduPInter-Collegiate Degree ProgramJocelyn Delgadojmd956@psu.eduPInter-Collegiate Degree ProgramKaty Geraceksg5199@psu.eduPLiberal ArtsLyana Sun Han Changlls268@psu.eduPLiberal ArtsMichael Duncanmzd512@psu.eduPLiberal ArtsDiego Hernandezdah65@psu.eduPNursingSanga Jung sjj5207@psu.eduPSchool of International AffairsEmefa Abena Yengbeeay5090@psu.eduPSchool of LawEmory PSchool of LawMelanie ASchool of LawEli Fieldsemf5608@psu.eduPSmeal College of BusinessJustin Kormanjpk5593@psu.eduPAt-Large DelegateSteven Baksa (IGDP)smb6448@psu.eduPAt-Large DelegateJoseph Sengeh (IGDP)jvs21@psu.eduAAt-Large DelegateAma Agyapong (IGDP)ada27@psu.eduPAt-Large DelegateMaureen Kahiu (Ag Sciences) mmk6223@psu.eduPAt-Large DelegateNiladri Sekhar Mandal nfm5321@psu.eduL (Proxy)Number of voters in Assembly:4037Appendix IIU= Unexpected Absence E= Excused Absence A= Abstain Y=Yes N= No New Delegate ConfirmationBill 70-09Bill 70-10Resolution 70-18Graduate CouncilGraduate CouncilClaire Kelling (Science)cek32@psu.eduYY--Graduate CouncilArghajeet Saha (Ag. Sci.)axs1296@psu.eduYYY-Graduate CouncilHannah Nolte (Engineering)hpn5070@psu.eduYYYYGraduate CouncilNathaniel Schermerhorn (Liberal Arts)njs5478@psu.eduYYYYGraduate CouncilAlex Cassell (Education)YYYYAssemblyAgricultural SciencesMandy Burtonabb25@psu.eduYYYYAgricultural SciencesTerry Torres Cruztjt33@psu.eduYYYYArt & ArchitectureIzzy Healeydeh45@psu.eduYYYYCommunicationsAshley Smallsaks5347@psu.eduYYYYEarth and Mineral SciencesCorey Hoydiccjh5690@psu.eduYYYYEarth and Mineral SciencesEberly College of ScienceLan-Nhi Phunglxp437@psu.eduYYYYEberly College of ScienceYasha Duggalyzd5183@psu.eduYYYYEberly College of ScienceNico Terry nbt5133@psu.eduYYYYEducationFarhan Sadiquefvs5201@psu.eduYYYYEducationAli Wattsauw214@psu.eduYYYYEducationKade Crittendenkzc5745@psu.eduYYYYEngineeringSam Altlandsja198@psu.eduYYYYEngineeringTim Searightwts36@psu.eduYYYYEngineeringSandeep KrishnakumarYYYYLauren KatchYYYYHealth and Human DevelopmentRachel Parktrp5242@psu.eduYYYYHealth and Human DevelopmentBrooke MatternYYYYInformation Sciences and TechnologyMatt McGeemam8223@psu.eduYYYYInter-Collegiate Degree ProgramJocelyn Degree ProgramKaty Geraceksg5199@psu.eduYYYYLiberal ArtsLyana Sun Han Changlls268@psu.eduYYYYLiberal ArtsMichael Duncanmzd512@psu.eduYYYYLiberal ArtsDiego Hernandezdah65@psu.eduYYYYNursingSanga Jungsjj5207@psu.eduSanja JoongYYYYSchool of International AffairsEmefa Abena Yengbeeay5090@psu.eduYYYYSchool of LawEmory YYYYSchool of LawMelanie ----School of LawEli FieldsYYYSmeal College of BusinessJustin Kormanjpk5593@psu.eduYYYYAt-Large DelegateSteven Baksa (IGDP)smb6448@psu.eduYYYYAt-Large DelegateJoseph Sengeh (IGDP) DelegateAma Agyapong (IGDP)Aah-ma Ah-ja-pongYYYYAt-Large DelegateMaureen Kahiu (Ag Sciences) KahueYYYYAt-Large DelegateNiladri Sekhar Mandal YYYYDID I MISS ANYONE???Number of voters in Assembly:3135363534Quorum:1600000000 ................

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