Psychology 580 Exam 4 Spring 2013 - WKU

Psychology 580 Exam 4 Spring 2013

(Return by noon, Wednesday, May 15th. If sent electronically, send the numbered answer sheet included)

|1. | The symptoms of schizophrenia suggest that underlying brain abnormalities are likely to be ______. |

|A) |restricted to areas concerned with language |

|B) |heterogeneous |

|C) |in the temporal/parietal area |

|D) |different from patient to patient |

|2. | Evidence regarding disorganization of the brain in schizophrenics lends support to the concept of schizophrenia as a (n) |

| |______ disorder. |

|A) |incurable |

|B) |childhood |

|C) |mental |

|D) |developmental |

|3. | Diminished activity in the ______ during the Wisconsin Card-Sorting test has been observed in schizophrenics. |

|A) |prefrontal cortex |

|B) |hippocampus |

|C) |parahippocampal gyri |

|D) |tegmental area |

|4. | The main neurotransmitter system implicated in schizophrenia is ______. |

|A) |acetylcholine |

|B) |dopamine |

|C) |norepinephrine |

|D) |serotonin |

|5. | If you were giving a series of neuropsychological tests to a schizophrenic patient, on which of the following would you expect|

| |to see particularly severe effects? |

|A) |short-term verbal memory |

|B) |spatial orientation |

|C) |long-term verbal memory |

|D) |all of the above |

|6. | Prozac acts rather specifically on the______ neurotransmitter system. |

|A) |serotonin |

|B) |dopamine |

|C) |Norepinephrine |

|D) |Glutamate |

|7. | The hormone that appears to be oversecreted in depression is ______. |

|A) |BDNF |

|B) |Cortisol |

|C) |Testosterone |

|D) |Thyroxine |

|8. | ACTH is released from the ______. |

|A) |Hypothalamus |

|B) |pituitary gland |

|C) |adrenal cortex |

|D) |adrenal medulla |

|9. | Huntington's chorea is believed by many to involve the death of neurons in the ______ that secrete _____. |

|A) |basal ganglia, GABA and acetylcholine |

|B) |cortex, glutamate |

|C) |basal ganglia, dopamine and GABA |

|D) |substantia nigra, dopamine and acetylcholine |

|10. | A drug that causes the release of _______ would be likely to worsen the symptoms of Huntington's chorea. |

|A) |Glutamate |

|B) |GABA |

|C) |Acetylcholine |

|D) |Dopamine |

|11. | Exactly ______ of the offspring of an individual with Huntington's chorea will develop the disease (if they live long enough).|

|A) |25% |

|B) |50% |

|C) |33% |

|D) |100% |

|12. | The drugs that are most effective in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome suggest that there may be an abnormality in the |

| |______ neurotransmitter system in these patients. |

|A) |Serotonin |

|B) |GABA |

|C) |Dopamine |

|D) |Acetylcholine |

|13. | The Rey Complex-Figure test is widely used by neuropsychologists. Of the following, which is most impaired in copying this |

| |figure? |

|A) |patients with Tourette's syndrome |

|B) |Schizophrenics |

|C) |Parkinson's patients |

|D) |none of the above |

|14. | The use of drugs such as benztropine (Cogentin) for Parkinson's disease is based on the premise that there is an overactivity |

| |of the neurotransmitter ______ in these patients. |

|A) |Dopamine |

|B) |Acetylcholine |

|C) |Glutamate |

|D) |GABA |

|15. | Neuritic plaques are found in the brains of ______. |

|A) |Alzheimer's patients |

|B) |patients with Down's syndrome |

|C) |Parkinson’s patients |

|D) |all of the above |

|16. | On a variety of grounds, it is suspected that the memory loss that marks the earlier stages of Alzheimer's disease is |

| |associated with degenerative changes in the ______. |

|A) |entorhinal cortex |

|B) |frontal lobes |

|C) |pyramidal cells of the neocortex |

|D) |substantia nigra |

|17. | Over the past 60 years, surgeons have removed or damaged the brain in (often misguided) attempts to relieve symptoms of |

| |psychiatric disorders. Which of the following brain structures have been targets for "psychosurgery"? |

|A) |frontal lobes |

|B) |amygdala |

|C) |cingulate gyrus |

|D) |all of the above |

Match the item in each question with the appropriate disorder.

|18. | chromosome 4 |

|A) |Alzheimer's disease |

|B) |Huntington's chorea |

|C) |Parkinson's disease |

|D) |Tourette's syndrome |

|19. | coprolalia |

|A) |Alzheimer's disease |

|B) |Huntington's chorea |

|C) |Parkinson's disease |

|D) |Tourette's syndrome |

|20. | amyloid plaques |

|A) |Alzheimer's disease |

|B) |Huntington's chorea |

|C) |Parkinson's disease |

|D) |Tourette's syndrome |

|21. | festination |

|A) |Alzheimer's disease |

|B) |Huntington's chorea |

|C) |Parkinson's disease |

|D) |Tourette's syndrome |

|22. | The Halstead battery of tests was designed primarily for the purpose of ______. |

|A) |identifying psychiatric disorders |

|B) |distinguishing between brain-damaged and non-brain-damaged individuals |

|C) |testing for specific cognitive disabilities |

|D) |finding a definitive test of mental retardation |

|23. | Which of the following is a computerized neuropsychological test battery? |

|A) |Boston Process |

|B) |Halstead-Reitan |

|C) |CanTab |

|D) |Luria-Nebraska |

Match the functions in each question with the appropriate test.

|24. | Memory functions |

|A) |Porteus maze test |

|B) |Rey Complex Figure test |

|C) |Automobile puzzle |

|D) |Proverbs test |

|25. | Language functions |

|A) |Porteus maze test |

|B) |Rey Complex Figure test |

|C) |Automobile puzzle |

|D) |Proverbs test |

|26. | Conceptual functions |

|A) |Porteus maze test |

|B) |Rey Complex Figure test |

|C) |Automobile puzzle |

|D) |Proverbs test |

|27. | Motor functions |

|A) |Porteus maze test |

|B) |Rey Complex Figure test |

|C) |Automobile puzzle |

|D) |Proverbs test |

|28. | The WAIS-III has a standard deviation of ______. |

|A) |5 |

|B) |10 |

|C) |15 |

|D) |20. |

Match the item in each question with the appropriate test.

|29. | academic skills |

|A) |finger tapping |

|B) |consonant trigrams |

|C) |wide range achievement test |

|D) |cow and circle test |

|30. | self control |

|A) |finger tapping |

|B) |consonant trigrams |

|C) |wide range achievement test |

|D) |cow and circle test |

|31. | language |

|A) |finger tapping |

|B) |consonant trigrams |

|C) |wide range achievement test |

|D) |cow and circle test |

|32. | memory |

|A) |finger tapping |

|B) |consonant trigrams |

|C) |wide range achievement test |

|D) |cow and circle test |

|33. | Your patient incorrectly sees a picture of an ice-cream cone as an old-fashioned hearing device. She is hesitant in her |

| |answers and complains that she is "not seeing well today." You suspect brain damage in the______. |

|A) |frontal lobes |

|B) |right parietal lobe |

|C) |occipitoparietal cortex |

|D) |optic nerve |

|34. | The use of behavioral tests to pin-point sites of brain damage is ______. |

|A) |beset with interpretive problems |

|B) |relatively easy with adequate training |

|C) |accomplished only by experienced neurologists |

|D) |not an option that has been explored |

|35. | The goals of assessment in clinical neuropsychology include ______. |

|A) |diagnosing presence or absence of brain damage |

|B) |facilitating patient care |

|C) |identify unusual brain organization |

|D) |all of the above |

|36. | Brain damage restricted to the ______ hemisphere is characterized by low scores on the performance scale of the WAIS-R, except|

| |for damage to the ______ lobes. |

|A) |right, temporal |

|B) |left, occipital |

|C) |right, frontal |

|D) |right, occipital |

|37. | A difference of ______ points or more between verbal scale and performance scale scores on the WAIS-R is usually thought to be|

| |clinically significant. |

|A) |15 |

|B) |5 |

|C) |10 |

|D) |25 |

|38. | Case 1 (33-year-old man with frontal lesion) would probably show improvement on post-operative follow-up tests with the |

| |exception of scores on ______. |

|A) |WAIS-R verbal scale |

|B) |WAIS-R performance scale |

|C) |memory tests |

|D) |Wisconsin Card-Sorting test |

|39. | Case 2 (26-year-old man with seizures related to an episode of meningitis) had prolonged difficulty with the Rey Complex |

| |Figure test. This suggests ______. |

|A) |likelihood of frontal lobe damage |

|B) |likelihood of right hemisphere dysfunction |

|C) |he needs a thorough eye exam |

|D) |nothing much, as this test is useless in isolation |


1. What similarities do you see neurologically and behaviorally between schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease?

2. Memory loss is seen in many areas of Chapter 27. Describe the kinds of memory losses seen by disorder discussed in the chapter.

3. What neurological abnormalities are described for unipolar and bipolar mood disorders? Describe the sensitization model.

4.You are seeing a 14-year-old client whose family describes him as doing progressively more poorly in school, showing decline in memory, and is reported to be engaging in inappropriate social behaviors. He is not violent but does not seem to identify the right time and place for certain social behaviors, frequently engaging in social gaffs.

You are going to have to test him and need to decide on an appropriate test structure strategy. You are not limited to an existing battery and can suggest a composite of your own choice.

What are your suggestions for a battery and why would you select the components you have included?










































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