Drip Factor Worksheet for Dosage & Calculations

[Pages:2]Drip Factor Worksheet for Dosage & Calculations

Watch Video Tutorial on How to Solve these Problems: 1.) Doctor's order says: Infuse 1500 mL of LR over 12 hours. Drip factor: 15 gtt/mL

2.) Doctor's order says: 300 mL Ampicillin Sodium 500 mg to infuse over 40 minutes. Drip factor: 20 gtt/mL

3.) Doctor's order says: Two 250 mL PRBCs to infuse over 4 hours. Drip factor 15 gtt/mL

4.) Doctor's order says: 2 L of D51/2 Normal Saline with 50 meq K+CL over 48 hours. Drip factor 15 gtt/mL

5.) Doctor's order says: 0.4 L of D5W in NS to infuse over 3 hr. Drip factor 10 gtt/mL


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