KEEVIL PARISH COUNCILDRAFT MINUTESMINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL AT 7.30 p.m. ON MONDAY 5th NOVEMBER 2018.Present: Cllrs Ginny Sherman (Chairman), Juliette Goodwin, Suzanne Wickham, Rosemary Banfield and Simon Newton.In attendance: Cllr Jonathon Seed (WC)Richard Mills (Clerk)21 Members of the publicConsultation Period: - Members of the public raised concerns regarding loose dogs and dog fouling in the village. There was a considerable amount of discussion on this subject and misunderstandings regarding the contacting of the Dog Warden. There were calls for improved communication. The Chair explained to the meeting that the Parish Council had received complaints of dogs on the loose in the village and dog fouling which could not be ignored and were attempting to contact the Dog Warden for advice, but had been unable to do so to date.Other items included parking outside the village hall, planning permission for the school sheds and financial support for the Cricket Club. Councillors will put a notice in the parish magazine regarding the parking and have a scheduled meeting with the school next week, when this will be raised. Wiltshire Councillor, Jonathon Seed advised that as the Cricket Club require capital items then the best course of action was to apply to the Area Board, with support from the Parish Council. Apologies for AbsenceCllr. George Goodwin, Cllr. Rodney MeatyardPCSO Maggie Ledbury.Declarations of InterestNone Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 3rd September 2018 The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd September 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.Minutes of Planning Committee MeetingsThe Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings of 8th September 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman.The Minutes of the Planning Meeting of 13th October 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman.The Minutes of the Planning Meeting of 3rd November 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman.Matters Arising from the Parish Council Meeting of 3rd September 2018The Chair advised on her meeting with the MOD and Wiltshire Council and presented the plans for improved signage. The Senior Traffic Engineer has confirmed that new signs on the Worton to Seend Road and at Wick crossroads, will be installed before the end of the financial year. It was also confirmed that the upgrading of signs at Steeple Ashton would be completed. The MOD has also indicated that they have made arrangements to amend Google maps on routing via Steeple Ashton. This was approved by all unanimously.Cllr. Wickham advised on the improvements to footpaths following work completed by the Ramblers who work on a rolling plan.The Clerk advised that there were queries on the disclaimer notices for the playing field gates which have been taken up with Legal Department at Wiltshire Council.Cllr. Newton advised on his review of Transparency and reported on the latest updates on the website. There are a number of requirements for transparency and he will work with the clerk to ensure compliance. The Chair reported that there had been improvements with the problems of overhanging hedges on footpaths and also the overhanging tree on Stocks Green had been trimmed by the Parish Steward.Wiltshire CouncilCllr Seed explained that the Boundary Commission were ‘minded to’ keep Wiltshire Council at 98 Councillors for the next elections in 2021.However, with all the changes over the years some divisions had over 6000 electors while others were less than 3500. Wiltshire Councillors agreed to move some boundaries within the existing electoral divisions to ensure that there is relatively consistent number of electors across all 98 councillor’s divisions in Wiltshire and make these recommendations to the commission. The new division is planned to include Great Hinton, Steeple Ashton, Semington, Berryfields, Broughton Gifford and Keevil. (Melksham Rural Division).Keevil will stay within the Melksham Area Board.The commission will make its decision next year and this will be the basis on how we all elect Wiltshire Councillors at the 2021 election.Cllr Seed also advised that Seend High Street will be closed for 3 weeks which may impact on traffic through the village.Police Matters The Chair advised that we had received the October police report and there were three reported thefts in Keevil. Dog concernsThe Chair stated this had been covered in the public consultation.Keevil Emergency Plan and Flooding David Bouault and Paul Lenaerts produced the report on Flooding in Keevil and Current 2018 Flood Prevention Strategies. They presented the plan to the Council which included a list of first aiders, equipment in the village and in conjunction with Neighbourhood Watch a list of vulnerable people in the village. In terms of flooding they have been mapping the drainage network which is approximately 75% complete. The emphasis was on ensuring good order which must be maintained. Current flood prevention methods to clear ditches include Wiltshire Council’s Sludgegulper which is increasing difficult to get, local farmers usually once a year followed by the Shed, flood wardens and volunteers. There are a number of problems with the airfield ditches and drainage which the MOD accept responsibility for, but do not have the resources to action. The latest initiative is to encourage residents in the adopt a drain scheme.It was agreed that a copy of the emergency plan could be held by the Chair.The Council wished to record its thanks to David and Paul along with others who have worked so hard on maintenance and prevention around the village. Pyatts Corner BollardCouncillor Wickham advised the meeting that the bollard is regularly damaged. The latest damage was reported via My Wiltshire App and the response was minded not to repair as an annual event. However, the repair was completed. Historically, car drivers have parked on the corner and on the hatched markings.Councillors agreed to put a notice in the magazine/website to remind residents not to park on the hatched markings.Planning Meetings SummaryReceivedDecision18/07717/FULLand at 63,64,65 Martins RoadWithdrawn 18/08945/FULOrchard House16th November 201818/09517/FULElmleaze Farm6th December 201818/09871/TCAFell 2 Hawthorn Trees22nd November 2018 18/10158/TCAReduce 75% 7th December 2018Work to conservation areaNeighbourhood PlanningThe sub-committee of Councillors Sherman, Wickham and Newton along with Sarah Dow have agreed the final version of the questionnaire. They will now pilot the questionnaire by randomly selecting a dozen residents and assisting them with the completion if required. They hope to complete by the end of November ’18 and roll out after Christmas. Playing FieldCouncillor Rosemary Banfield advised the meeting on the ROSPA report and the issues in the Playing Field.The posts alongside the footpath have been replaced.The ‘sleeper’ seat has been removed and the second is rotten and had a wasp’s nest in it. The Shed will be requested to remove the seat as the wasps have now gone.In response to a suggestion from the Council, the ROSPA report agreed that, for safety, the ‘seesaw’ on the bike trail could have arrows painted on it to indicate the safe direction of travel. The nettles on the footpath down to Butts Lane have now been cut back.One of the springie ‘handles’ has perished. John Tucker has volunteered to action, but it has yet to be completed.The Basketball ring is drooping.There has been some shrinkage in the flooring in the swings area.There has been some strimmer damage on the balance beams.On the Ball Games Wall, the finding was that warning restrictions and instructions should be on all sports related equipment.HighwaysCouncillor Juliette Goodwin reported from the latest CATG meeting that the warning signs at Pantry Bridge had been completed and financed by highways and the cost of the white gates going into the village was ?1500. The no through road sign on the Stocks Green is faded and may need to be replaced.Electoral Review of Wiltshire.This was covered under Wiltshire Council.Financial StatementThe Council approved the Financial Statement which showed a balance of ?14775.77Budget 2019-2020Councillors are starting to consider the Budget 2019-2020. The ‘first look’ Budget was presented to Councillors who will decide on what services they intend to deliver during 2019-2020 and whether they intend to undertake any new projects. The Clerk will issue updates with further details. 18. Cheque ApprovalPayee = Keevil Village Hall Sum = ?11.00 for Hire of Hall 03/09/2018 (?11.00 + VAT ?0.00 Sum ?11.00)Payee = Playsafety Rospa Inspection Payment ?112 + VAT 22.40Sum = ?134.40Payee = M.Dicker Replace Posts Playing Field. ?306.86 VAT ?00.00Sum = ?306.86.Payee = R.Mills Salary Oct-Dec 2018 ?439.00 VAT ?00.00 Sum?439.00Payee = HMRC PAYE Tax Oct-Dec 2018 ?96.60 ?00.00 =Sum ?96.60 Payee = Keevil Accountancy Payroll Oct-Dec ?25.00 VAT ?0.00 = Sum ?25.00Payee = R.Mills Expenses Aug- Oct ?5.22 VAT ?00.00 Sum = ?5.22Payments were proposed by Cllr Simon Newton & Seconded by Cllr Juliette Goodwin.Total payments of ?1018.08 were approved by all present.19.Any Other Competent Business Cllr Sherman advised the meeting that the damage to one of the War Memorial posts had been repaired by Mr M Dicker at no cost.Discussions took place on adding notes to items on the agenda. It was agreed to add the initials of Councillors to each item requested.The issue of parking close to the school has deteriorated again and Councillors will discuss with the school. Cllr. Juliette Goodwin also advised that some residents were blocking paths with inconsiderate parking and agreed to discuss with the individuals concerned.The stocks themselves on Stocks Green will need to be monitored.Cllr Rosemary Banfield mentioned the Street light outside the school was not working and will report it. Cllr. Rosemary Banfield expressed concerns regarding the ‘green lane’ at the end of Martins Lane - the frost protection sheeting, stones hazard and the use of the lane by 4x4s now that the entrance has been cut back. It was agreed by the Council that the Chair would visit Mr and Mrs Baker to express the Council’s concerns.The Chair requested the Clerk to include a Christmas note in the parish magazine wishing parishioners a ‘Happy Christmas’ and thanking all those who work for the benefit of the village.Cllr. Rodney Meatyard had agreed to action the dead trees in Martins Lane when time allowed.(i)The Chairman reminded Councillors that the next meeting was on 7th January 2019 at 7.30pm.The meeting closed at 9:35pmSIGNEDDATE………………………………………………………………………… ................

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