Trusted, in-depth market data for Historical Quotes


Trusted, in-depth market data for litigation and due diligence

Historical Quotes Now available on LexisNexis? at

Did your client's actions impact the company's stock prices or did the prices fall due to unforeseen circumstances in the economy? Did other stocks in your client's peer group industry fall by a similar amount?

When you need to understand the historical pricing of a stock or bond--for securities lawsuits and other bet-the-farm litigation, settling an estate, due diligence and other high-risk situations--turn to Historical Quotes on LexisNexis at .

LexisNexis teams with SunGard?

LexisNexis is working in collaboration with SunGard (formerly Tradeline), a well-known and highly respected provider of market data, to provide this comprehensive collection of historical quotes dating back to 1970.

For reliable, trusted and comprehensive information, the LexisNexis services provide you access to:

? Stock quotes, bonds, currencies, commodities, unit trusts and more

? Searching by instrument, data range, date range, symbol or name

? Retrieve high/low/closing/volume by day for a single day or whatever time period you choose

? Stock prices for delisted, merged, acquired and privatized companies, as well as those who are no longer in business

? Download to spreadsheet for in-depth analysis ? Interactive Charts ? 35-year history ? Adjusted and unadjusted numbers ? Currency conversion ? Data from over 1,500 indexes, including Dow Jones?,

NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE ? Quotes available for approximately

100 global exchanges

Many applications for historical quotes

There are many ways you can use historical quotes:

? Shareholder suits--Get the price of a stock during the time alleged misinformation was provided by directors and see what happened to the share prices when the manipulation was revealed. Or, download the appropriate industry index as a counter to the defense that all stocks were down during that time period.

? Insider trading litigation--Gain a historical understanding of the stock prices and how they fluctuated at the time the alleged insider trading took place.

? Other litigation--Find the price of a stock at a given time to determine damages or settlement amounts or verify the assets of a company or individual.

? Settling an estate--Verify the price of a stock related to an estate matter, for example determining the fair market value of corporate stock for estate and gift tax purposes.

? Transactional deals--Benchmark companies to track their financial trends in relation to mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, LBOs, corporate finance and other capital matters.

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Trusted, in-depth market data for litigation and due diligence

Historical Quotes

Comprehensive collection gives you confidence in your results

You can be sure you are consulting a broad spectrum of quotes and indexes when you use Historical Quotes on the LexisNexis services. In addition to the basic Dow Jones, S&P, AMEX and NASDQ indexes, you also have access to the H&Q, CBOE, Bond Buyer, all the variations on the Dow Jones industry indexes, foreign exchange lists, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Moody's, all the LIBOR indexes, and every S&P industry index, plus many more. You can easily establish industry benchmarks across a range of indexes and time periods.

Identify stock splits and other anomalies quickly

Checking for stock splits, reorganizations, name changes or other anomalies is easy with the complete version of the Capital Changes Reporter. Use it to track a company's historical capital structure, for example, when computing a security holder's gain or loss from capital changes for tax purposes. You can also specify that the quotes be adjusted or unadjusted. Prices will be recalculated automatically allowing you to follow the actual value of an individual share more easily.

Find prices for delisted and no longer existing companies

Companies are often dropped from stock exchange listings, simply go out of business, go private or get swallowed up in mergers and acquisitions. If a company that is now private is sued for something it did when it was public, you might need share prices for periods when it was public. This information can be hard to find. LexisNexis provides historical quotes for delisted, defunct, or merged/acquired companies, as well as companies that have gone private.

Flexibility adds power

The data from a Quotes search can be displayed graphically in a variety of chart formats allowing you to spot trends more quickly. You can also download the data directly into an Excel spreadsheet for your own analyses.

Take advantage of the broad content available on the LexisNexis service

The LexisNexis service provides one-stop shopping for your legal, news, financial, business and public records information needs. LexisNexis provides nearly twice the number of news and business sources offered by any other online provider in the legal market, including an exclusive combination of 9,000 sources not found on any other service. With this rich content, LexisNexis can help you find more news relevant to your cases and client matters. You can access The Wall Street Journal?, Barron's?, financial articles from MarketWatch, worldwide coverage from Reuters?, 280+ newswires, including Dow Jones, 6,500+ international news and business titles, and much more.

This wealth of information complements the historical quotes by providing you a context in which you can better interpret the meaning of the actual prices. See for yourself. Your LexisNexis account representative is available to show you how you can combine the power of historical quotes with the depth and breadth of the content in the LexisNexis service.

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