A Century Of Trivia - Questions - ReasonToParty

A Century Of Trivia - Questions

In what year did the Dow Jones average close above 100 for the first time?

How old was Bobby Fischer when he won the U.S. Chess Championship, in 1958, for the first time?

In what year did the Concorde make its inaugural flight?

In what year did Alexander Graham Bell make the first transcontinental call, from New York to San Francisco, to his associate Watson?

What vehicle was introduced in 1908, and what did Henry Ford introduce in 1925?

Who played in the first Super Bowl in 1967?

What was Elvis Presley's first Billboard Top 10 hit? (1956)

What year was the USSR's Mir Space Station launched?

What year marked the end of the "Cold War", and which two leaders presided over the proclamation?

In what year did Robert Peary and Matthew Henson drive a dog sled 400 miles to become the first men to stand at the North Pole?

What was the name of the biplane the Wright brothers flew in 1903 (it was airborne for 59 seconds, and traveled a distance of 852 feet.)

In 1901, the Panama Canal Treaty was signed, and construction commenced on the Canal. By how many miles did the canal reduce the travel distance (over water), between New York and San Francisco?

In what year was the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote, passed by Congress and ratified by the states?

Who led the overthrow of the Czarist regime in Russia in 1917?

How many people lost their lives when the Titantic hit an iceberg and sunk on its maiden voyage in 1912?

How many record-breaking points did Wilt Chamberlain score in a basketball game in 1962?

In what year did RCA manufacture the first color TV set?

Who was the first man to walk in space?

When was the Empire State Building completed and dedicated?

Who completed the first solo transatlantic non-stop flight in his mono-plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis?

Who discovered penicillin?

What year marked the start of the worldwide Great Depression?

In 1947, who became the first African American to play Major League Baseball?

How many home runs did New York Yankee Babe Ruth hit in his 1927 season, when he set a Major League baseball record that would stand for 34 years?

On September 1, 1939, what country did Hitler's army invade, marking the beginning of WWII?

How many banks failed during the 1930's great economic depression?

Who was the first American to break the record for running a 4-minute mile?

Who won the "Triple Crown" in 1973?

When was Margaret Mitchell's book, "Gone With the Wind" published?

Where did the U.S drop atom bombs in August and September of 1945?

In what decade did the following items become the "rage" – hula-hoops, drive-in movie theatres, and frozen TV dinners on 3-section aluminum trays?

What #1 hit did Bill Haley & The Comets have in 1955, as Rock 'n' Roll hit the big time?

Which U.S. President broke the Democratic Party's 20-year hold on the Presidency in 1952?

When was John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas?

What Apollo mission was Neil Armstrong on when he first walked on the moon on July 20, 1969?

In what year was the National Basketball Association (NBA) formed?

In what year did Martin Luther Luther King, Jr. deliver his "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington D.C.?

How many people attended the Woodstock Music Festival in August 1969?

Who was the first woman to become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice?

Who was the first U.S. President in American History to resign from office?

In what year was the Berlin wall torn down?

The Reagan era generated what new social phenomenon?

What did General Chuck Yeager do in 1947?

What was introduced in Mansfield, Ohio in 1955?

By the end of the 1998 baseball season, Mark McGwire had a record breaking 70 home runs. Whose record did he break?

How old was John Glenn, Jr. in 1998 when he became the oldest astronaut in space?

Which country suffered the greatest military losses in World War II?

Name 5 of the top 10 of the "100 greatest movies of all time", as decided by the American Film Institute.

What is the top selling U.S. Music Album of all time?

Which Music Artist spent the most weeks with a hit on the U.S. "Singles Chart"?

Sources: Time™ Magazine, The Popular Music Database, American Film Institute


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