Project Requirements

SMG Project Part 1:

Portfolio Requirements

1. Cover Page 5 pts

• Names of members

• Name of company researched

• Date turned in

2. Rational 20 pts

• What influenced your transactions?

• What were some major happenings during the ten weeks of the game?

• Why did those things happen?

• How did you feel about the activity (or lack of activity) in the movement of price of the groups stock?

3. Stock Worksheet that you recorded your closes on 20 pts

• 5 points earned at each check

4. Graph of your stock’s movement over the past 10 weeks 30 pts

• You may graph daily or weekly closes

• One should show your portfolio’s movement

• One should compare your portfolio to the DJIA

5. A copy of your weekly portfolio 10 pts

• Every Friday print the Account Summary and Account Holdings screens

6. Conclusion 15 pts

• Each group member should turn in a paragraph explaining what they learned by participating in the stock Market Game. (Put some thought into it)

SUBTOTAL 100 pts

PART 2: Presentation Requirements

1. Need to use visual aids 10 pts

• Can either be posters or PowerPoint

• Will be judged by creativity

• Must include a graph showing the portfolio’s progress over the ten weeks

2. Presentation 10 pts

• Neat and organized

• Lots of visual aids and examples

• Looks like you have practiced and prepared

3. Time Limit 5 pts

• 5 minute minimum

• 15 minutes maximum

Tell class about one of the companies you invested in 20 pts

• Product or service

• Financial data

• Current events

• Major competitors

• Challenges they faced recently that could have affected their stock’s value

4. Talk about the movement of your stocks and the different 20 pts

transactions your group made

• Using charts, explain the movement and happenings of your portfolio during the 10-week period

5. Conclusion 10 pts

• Tell the outcome of the project

• Name some things that your group would or would not have done differently


The last 25 points will be assigned to each individual’s grade according to participation. These will be determined from observations from me as well as the evaluations of the other students in your group.


What you should be doing right now

□ Keep a daily record of closing prices of all stocks owned

□ Keep a daily record of the Dow Jones industrial Average

□ Provide a written rationale for all transactions made (suggestion – keep a journal and record at the time it happens)

□ Print a copy of your standings in your portfolio (every Friday)

□ Research one of the companies that you chose to buy stock from

✓ Product of service

✓ Financial data

✓ Current events related to stock price changes

✓ Major competitors

✓ Challenges they faced recently that could have affected their stock’s value

✓ Suggestion – Could contact company and have them send information

|Portfolio Rubric - Group # ___ |

|Section |Criteria |Comments |Points Rec'd |

|Cover Page |Names of Members | | |

| |Name of Company Researched | | |

|5 pts |Date | | |

|Rationale |What influenced decisions? | | |

| |What were some major happenings? | | |

|20 pts |Why did those things happen? | | |

| |How did you feel about the movement of | | |

| |price? | | |

| |Give a rough picture of groups portfolio | | |

| |over the 10 weeks. | | |

|Stock Worksheet |Daily closings filled in | | |

|20 pts |Should fill in for DJIA and their own | | |

|Graph |1 for portfolio and 1 for DJIA | | |

| | | | |

|30 pts | | | |

|Copy of weekly portfolio|Should have 9 of each - Account Summary | | |

| |- Account Holdings | | |

|10 pts | | | |

|Conclusion |One from each member of the group | | |

| |Well thought out | | |

|15 pts |What are your reactions and what did you | | |

| |learn? | | |


| | |(100 possible) | |

Partner Evaluation Sheet

Please rank yourself and your partners on the following criteria. This will be given directly to me and no one else will be able to read it. In order for this to work, you need to be honest so that each member gets the grade they deserve for the effort they put into the project. Participation will be worth 25 points of each person's grade.

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best), how much effort did YOU make to help the group with the Stock Market Game project.

Score = ________

Brief explanation why

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best), how much effort did _____________ make to help the group with the Stock Market Game project.

Score = ________

Brief explanation why

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best), how much effort did ____________ make to help the group with the Stock Market Game project.

Score = ________

Brief explanation why

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best), how much effort did ____________ make to help the group with the Stock Market Game project.

Score = ________

Brief explanation why

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best), how much effort did ____________ make to help the group with the Stock Market Game project.

Score = ________

Brief explanation why

|Presentation Rubric - Group # ___ |

|Section |Criteria |Comments |Points Rec'd |

|Visual Aids |Posters or PowerPoint | | |

| |Showed creativity | | |

|10 pts |Must have a graph | | |

|Presentation |Neat and organized | | |

| |Good use of visual aids | | |

|10 pts |Appear rehearsed | | |

|Time Limit |5 minute minimum | | |

| |15 minute maximum | | |

|5 pts | | | |

| |TIME START _______ | | |

| | | | |

| |TIME ENDED _______ | | |

|Company Profile |Talk about product or service | | |

| |Financial data | | |

|20 pts |Current events | | |

| |Major competitors | | |

| |Challenges they face | | |

| |Seems researched | | |

|Discuss Portfolio |Use charts | | |

| |Explain the movement of your stocks | | |

|20 pts |Different transactions they made and why | | |

|Conclusion |Outcome of the project | | |

| |Name some things the group would have done | | |

|10 pts |differently | | |

| | |TOTAL | |

| | |(75 points possible) | |

|Individual Scores from |

|Stock Market Project |

|Name |Portfolio Points |Presentation Points |Participation Points |Total Points |

| |100 Total |75 Total |25 Total |200 Total |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Created by Jaylene Cougenour Richardson ISD


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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