2018 Data Journalism Internship Test

2018 Data Journalism Internship Test

Fund Use: Score____


Applicant's Name_____________________________________________________ Email Address __________________________________ College/University_________________________________________________________________ Phone Number (_____)_____________ Name and Title of Monitor__________________________________________________________ Phone Number (_____)_____________ Monitor's Address___________________________________________________ City ______________________ State_____ ZIP_________ Monitor's Email Address_______________________________________________________ Date Test Given _____/_____/2017

Applicant's statement: I have applied for/plan to apply for an internship at ___Yes ___ No

INSTRUCTIONS Please read these instructions before beginning. The test has a one-hour time limit. It consists of five parts: Part 1, Current Events; Part 2, Grammar; Part 3, Geography; Part 4, Data Journalism Terms, and Part 5, Visualization and Analysis. Do not begin the test until you have been instructed to do so by the monitor. Participants and monitors for this national competition should not divulge the contents of this exercise. No parts of this exercise can be reproduced without written permission of the Dow Jones News Fund.


Copyright ? 2017 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc.


1. England was the site of at least two terror attacks, including one that began on London BRIDGE and another at a concert by ARIANA GRANDE in Manchester.

2. NEIL GORSUCH was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, returning the court to 9 members.

3. After 146 years, the _RINGLING BROTHERS BARNUM AND BAILEY CIRCUS____________________________________ gave its final performance in May.

4. Juan Manuel Santos, president of COLOMBIA, won the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts to end his country's civil war.

5. _UNITED AIRLINES___________ took a public relations hit when Dr. David Dao was dragged off one of its planes.

6. A jury found a Minnesota police officer ________NOT GUILTY_______ in the death of Philando Castile.

7. MOONLIGHT, not ________LA LA LAND______________, won the Oscar for Best Picture.

8. On Aug. 21, a TOTAL ECLIPSE crossed the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina.

9. Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for __LITERATURE__________________.

10. President Trump reversed Barack Obama's easing of diplomatic relations with ___CUBA_________.

Underneath each photo, identify the person by their name and news identity.


Robert Mueller____ ____Angela Merkel ___ _____Ben Carson _

__Carrie Fisher ___

_special prosecutor___G_e_rman chancellor __ __HUD SECRETARY

____Actress, died

Names (in alphabetical order) Ben Carson Carrie Fisher Nikki Haley Theresa May Angela Merkel Robert Mueller

Identity (in alphabetical order) Actress, died British prime minister German chancellor Housing and Urban Development secretary Russia investigation special counsel U.S. ambassador to U.N.

Nikki Haley _____ U.n. ambassador

PART 2 ? GRAMMAR, USAGE AND PUNCTUATION. Underline the correct choice. 12 POINTS

1. Soviet President Vladimir Putin rebutted / refuted claims he interfered with U.S. elections.

2. Gov. Christie, photographed laying / lying on a beach chair, had closed that beach to the public during a budget impasse.

3. "For sale: baby shoes, never worn" is a quote that / which Ernest Hemingway never said.

4. The hot air balloon collided with / hit power lines before it crashed, killing 16 people.

5. Trapped in a flooded compartment / Its starboard side caved in, seven sailors died when the USS Fitzgerald was struck by a cargo ship.

6. Despite discrete / discreet settlements of sexual harassment allegations, Fox News fired Bill O'Reilly.

7. Everyone / Every one of New Orleans' Confederate statues were / was removed.

8. Chelsea Manning, born Edward on December 17, 1987 / December 17, 1987, / Dec. 17, 1987 / Dec. 17, 1987, was pardoned by President Obama.

9. "The president used the word "wiretaps" / 'wiretaps' in quotes to mean, broadly, surveillance and other activities," said White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

10. President Trump withdrew from the Paris climate accord, saying it adversely / aversely affects / effects the United States.

PART 3 ? GEOGRAPHY. List the state and place the number for each question on the map. 14 POINTS

4 1


2 6



1. Fire destroyed an abandoned warehouse that had been converted into an arts collective, killing 36, in ___CALIFORNIA_____. 2. The team that ended the "Curse of the Billy Goat" by winning the World Series is in ___ILLINOIS____. 3. The Great Smoky Mountains wildfires killed 14 and damaged more than 1,600 structures in _______TENNESSEE_______. 4. Two men died when they tried to stop an anti-Muslim rant aimed at two young women in __OREGON____. 5. Thousands camped out in ___NORTH DAKOTA___ to protest a pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. 6. One was killed and more than 20 were injured when a driver rammed counter-protesters at a white supremacist rally in _VIRGINIA________. 7. Ten smuggled immigrants died in a boiling hot tractor-trailer in __TEXAS______________.

PART 4 -- DATA JOURNALISM TERMS. Provide a detailed definition for each term.


Trend line - An element of a scatterplot chart that shows the best fit of all of the points. Often based on a statistical procedure called linear regression. Web scraping - Web scraping is a computer software technique of extracting information from websites. This technique mostly focuses on the transformation of unstructured data (HTML format) on the web into structured data (database or spreadsheet). Data integrity check - A systematic examination of data that occurs before the analysis; used to uncover shortcomings in the



Pivot table - A pivot table is a table that summarizes data in another table, and is made by applying an operation such as sorting, averaging, or summing to data in the first table, typically including grouping of the data.

Structured Query Language- SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized programming language used for managing relational databases and performing various operations on the data in them.

PART 5 ? VISUALIZATION AND ANALYSIS. Using 2017 data from the Energy Information Administration,

create a graphic of U.S. crude oil input. Explain your choice of graphic type; label all elements.

Week of Jun 02

Mountain Region (1,000

barrels/day) 625

Snapshot of U.S. Crude Oil Input, June 2 - July 28, 2017


Jun 09


Jun 16


Jun 23


Jun 30


Jul 07


Jul 14


Jul 21


Jul 28


Input as 1,000 barrels per day

Nine-Week Period

The line chart best shows the fluctuations in input over these nine weeks.

We see the Rocky Mountain Region's input ranged from 599,000 to 665,000

barrels per day.

Source: Energy Information Administration

FINAL INSTRUCTIONS: When you have finished, return this test to your monitor whose signature will certify it was completed within one hour. The monitor must mail your test postmarked by Nov. 1, 2017, to the Dow Jones News Fund, P.O. Box 300, Princeton, NJ 08543-0300.

_________________________________________________________ Signature of Monitor

____________________________________________ Date


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