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<Company or Department Name><Year> Business PlanDocument ControlThis is a controlled document. The control and release of this document is the responsibility of the document owner.Issue ControlIssue DOCPROPERTY Issue \* MERGEFORMAT [Issue]Date DOCPROPERTY Date \* MERGEFORMAT [Date]Classification DOCPROPERTY Classification \* MERGEFORMAT [Classification]Author Document Title TITLE \* MERGEFORMAT [Project Name]Approved byReleased byOwner DetailsNameDepartmentContact NumberE-mail AddressRevision HistoryIssueDateAuthorCommentsDraft 0.1Initial DraftDistribution ListNameTitleCompanyContact Info.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Document Control PAGEREF _Toc433363179 \h iiiTable of Contents PAGEREF _Toc433363180 \h iv1Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc433363181 \h 12Business Plan Overview PAGEREF _Toc433363182 \h 22.1Purpose of the Document PAGEREF _Toc433363183 \h 22.2Intended Audience PAGEREF _Toc433363184 \h 22.3Scope of the Business Plan PAGEREF _Toc433363185 \h 23Business Plan Methodology PAGEREF _Toc433363186 \h 33.1Approach to Developing the Business Plan PAGEREF _Toc433363187 \h 33.2<Local / Regional> Sources of Information PAGEREF _Toc433363188 \h 33.3Corporate Sources of Information PAGEREF _Toc433363189 \h 33.4External Sources of Information PAGEREF _Toc433363190 \h 34Market Analysis PAGEREF _Toc433363191 \h 54.1National Economic Trends PAGEREF _Toc433363192 \h 54.2<Local / Regional> Economic Trends PAGEREF _Toc433363193 \h 54.3Industry-specific Trends PAGEREF _Toc433363194 \h 55Current Operational State PAGEREF _Toc433363195 \h 65.1Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc433363196 \h 65.2Primary Product and Service Offerings PAGEREF _Toc433363197 \h 65.3Geographic Regions PAGEREF _Toc433363198 \h 65.4Management Overview PAGEREF _Toc433363199 \h 65.5Operational Overview PAGEREF _Toc433363200 \h 66Financial Analysis PAGEREF _Toc433363201 \h 76.1Financial Overview PAGEREF _Toc433363202 \h 76.2Financial Trends PAGEREF _Toc433363203 \h 76.3Financial Forecasts PAGEREF _Toc433363204 \h 77Customer Analysis PAGEREF _Toc433363205 \h 87.1Top Customers PAGEREF _Toc433363206 \h 87.2Revenue by Customer PAGEREF _Toc433363207 \h 87.3Sales Pipeline / Revenue Potential PAGEREF _Toc433363208 \h 88Competitive Analysis PAGEREF _Toc433363209 \h 98.1Competitor 1 Overview PAGEREF _Toc433363210 \h 98.2Competitor 2 Overview PAGEREF _Toc433363211 \h 99Vendor Partnership Analysis PAGEREF _Toc433363212 \h 109.1Partnership 1 PAGEREF _Toc433363213 \h 109.2Partnership 2 PAGEREF _Toc433363214 \h 1010SWOT Analysis PAGEREF _Toc433363215 \h 1110.1Strengths PAGEREF _Toc433363216 \h 1110.2Weaknesses PAGEREF _Toc433363217 \h 1110.3Opportunities PAGEREF _Toc433363218 \h 1110.4Threats PAGEREF _Toc433363219 \h 1111Strategic Objectives PAGEREF _Toc433363220 \h 1212Strategies for Achieving Objectives PAGEREF _Toc433363221 \h 1312.1Strategy 1: Reorganize Business Units along Industry Sectors PAGEREF _Toc433363222 \h 1312.1.1Challenge PAGEREF _Toc433363223 \h 1312.1.2Strategy Statement PAGEREF _Toc433363224 \h 1312.1.3Action Plans PAGEREF _Toc433363225 \h 1312.1.4Resources PAGEREF _Toc433363226 \h 1312.1.5Timeframes PAGEREF _Toc433363227 \h 1312.2Strategy 2: Retain Top Performers PAGEREF _Toc433363228 \h 1412.2.1Challenge PAGEREF _Toc433363229 \h 1412.2.2Strategy Statement PAGEREF _Toc433363230 \h 1412.2.3Action Plans PAGEREF _Toc433363231 \h 1412.2.4Resources PAGEREF _Toc433363232 \h 1412.2.5Timeframes PAGEREF _Toc433363233 \h 1412.3Strategy 3: Expand Vendor Partnership PAGEREF _Toc433363234 \h 1412.3.1Challenge PAGEREF _Toc433363235 \h 1412.3.2Strategy Statement PAGEREF _Toc433363236 \h 1412.3.3Action Plans PAGEREF _Toc433363237 \h 1412.3.4Resources PAGEREF _Toc433363238 \h 1412.3.5Timeframes PAGEREF _Toc433363239 \h 1413Threats and Risks to Achieving Objectives PAGEREF _Toc433363240 \h 15Acronyms & Abbreviations PAGEREF _Toc433363241 \h 16Executive Summary<Provide an Executive Summary of the entire document. All of the information in this section should be at a summary level and must be consistent with the rest of business plan document. This section is always the last one to be completed.>Business Plan OverviewPurpose of the Document<Provide the purpose of the Business Plan document.>Example:The purpose of this document is to provide a central source of information relating to the business focus for the Northeast operation for 2018. The business plan is also designed to communicate a vision and direction for the Northeast operation over the next 6 to 12 months as the organization continues to pursue increasing opportunities aggressively. The 2018 Business Plan should serve as a roadmap for the operation as it defines and implements the tactical and strategic steps needed to achieve its goals.Intended Audience<Describe the intended audience for this document. Audience members may include senior leadership, operations teams, entire departments or any other person(s) or group(s).>Scope of the Business Plan<Describe the scope of the Business Plan. Scope elements can include departments, business units or geographic locations. Also describe what is out of scope for the document.>Business Plan MethodologyApproach to Developing the Business Plan<Describe the approach that was taken in the development of the Business Plan. Describe the key individuals and their roles in the completion of the document.><Local / Regional> Sources of Information<Describe all of the information sources at the local / regional level for the development of the document.>Examples:Questionnaire responsesInterview resultsFocus group resultsSales collateralPerformance reviewsSales reportsSales forecastsCorporate Sources of Information<Describe all of the information sources at the corporate level for the development of the document.>Examples:Annual reportMarketing informationFinancial reportsPartnership documentationExternal Sources of Information<Describe all of the information sources that were external to the organization for the development of the document.>Examples:Industry benchmark reportsFederal Reserve economic indicator reportsLocal economic reportsEconomic analysis from various websitesCompetitive analysis reportsMarket AnalysisNational Economic Trends<Describe any national economic trends of significance for the time period.>Examples:Gross Domestic Product (GDP) quarterly changesDow Jones Industrial Average trendsInflation trendsUnemployment rates<Local / Regional> Economic Trends<Describe any local or regional economic trends of significance for the time period.>Examples:Local unemployment ratesNew business openingsAverage salaries across industriesIndustry-specific Trends<Describe any industry-specific trends of significance for the time period.>Examples:ManufacturingFinancial servicesInformation technologyFood and agricultureCurrent Operational StateMission Statement<Insert the mission statement of the company or department being analyzed.>Primary Product and Service Offerings<Describe the primary product and service offerings.>Geographic Regions<Describe the geographic regions in which the company or department operates.>Management Overview<Describe the management team.>ExamplesOrganizational chartAverage years of experienceAverage education levelsOperational Overview<Describe the department or operation being analyzed.>ExamplesOrganizational chartAverage salariesAverage years of serviceAverage education levelsFinancial AnalysisFinancial Overview<Describe the financial situation for the operation.>ExamplesRevenuesProfit / LossExpensesAccounts receivableFinancial Trends<Describe the financial trends the operation is experiencing.>ExamplesMonthly trendsQuarterly trendsYearly trendsFinancial Forecasts<Describe the financial outlook for the operation.>ExamplesSales/profitBy industry sectorNew customersGrowth of existing customersCustomer AnalysisTop Customers<List the top customers and provide an analysis of why they are the top customers.>Revenue by Customer<Provide a revenue breakdown of all customers. Insert charts and graphs, as needed.>Sales Pipeline / Revenue Potential<Based upon customer analysis, provide a sales pipeline and revenue potential for the next 1-3 years.>Competitive AnalysisCompetitor 1 Overview<Provide a detailed overview of the competition.>Examples:Competitive advantageCompetitive disadvantageConclusion and recommendationsCompetitor 2 Overview<Provide a detailed overview of the competition.>Examples:Competitive advantageCompetitive disadvantageConclusion and recommendationsVendor Partnership AnalysisPartnership 1<Describe the overall partnership.>Examples:Overview of the partnershipChallengesOpportunitiesPlans for moving forwardPartnership 2<Describe the overall partnership.>Examples:Overview of the partnershipChallengesOpportunitiesPlans for moving forwardSWOT AnalysisStrengths<Describe the strengths of the operation.>ExamplesMature management and sales teamsSolid customer baseStrong reputationHighly educated workforceWeaknesses<Describe the weaknesses of the operation.>ExamplesLack of a visionFew employee incentivesLow moraleLack of experienceOpportunities<Describe the opportunities for the operation.>ExamplesIncreased sales through partnershipsMerger potential with Company XAdvanced employee leadership trainingThreats<Describe the threats to the operation.>ExamplesAttritionCompetition entering into the local marketLocal economic conditionsStrategic Objectives<Based upon the overall analysis, clearly list the strategic objectives.>ExamplesAchieve revenue of $53.2 millionAchieve net profit of 30%Achieve less than 10% attrition annuallyIncrease partner business to 15% of total revenueTrain 90% of all managers in advanced leadership techniquesIncrease business in the healthcare sector by 20%Consolidate manufacturing facilitiesIncrease unit production by 5%Strategies for Achieving Objectives<Clearly list the strategies for achieving the strategic objectives. Discuss the current challenges, provide a strategy statement, provide clear action plans, identify resources needed to execute the strategy and be specific with strategy timeframes.>Examples:Strategy 1: Reorganize Business Units along Industry SectorsChallengeWe haven’t been able to build deep industry knowledge because our employees are stretched too thin along too many various industries. Employees are not able to spend the appropriate time and energy in acquiring thorough and extensive industry knowledge for specific industries.Strategy StatementReorganize the business units along industry sectors to encourage and facilitate deep industry knowledge, skills enhancement, industry collaboration, and industry-specific brand recognition.Action PlansDeploy reorganizational task force to build out migration plan and oversee all reorganizational effortsResourcesAll vice presidents and above meet weekly to review plansTimeframesHealthcare by Q2, 2018Financial services by Q3, 2018All others by end of year, 2018Strategy 2: Retain Top PerformersChallengeStrategy StatementAction PlansResourcesTimeframesStrategy 3: Expand Vendor PartnershipChallengeStrategy StatementAction PlansResourcesTimeframesThreats and Risks to Achieving Objectives<Identify and discuss the threats and risks to executing the strategies and achieving the strategic objectives, along with mitigation plans.>ExamplesAttrition due to salary freezesLow morale due to lack of outside trainingEconomic instabilitySales turnover due to start-up companiesAging equipmentLocal military base closureGovernment cutbacksAcronyms & AbbreviationsAcronyms/abbreviations are defined the first time they’re used in this document. The entire acronym/abbreviation is listed first, then the acronym/abbreviation is enclosed in parentheses. The consolidated list of acronyms/abbreviations is listed below.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6: Acronyms & AbbreviationsAcronym / AbbreviationDescriptionAcceptance Signoff DOCPROPERTY Title \* MERGEFORMAT [Name]Business Plan We have reviewed and agreed to the information described in this document and referenced attachments.Acceptance Signoff Signature[Signoff Authority Name & Title]Date of Acceptance[Signoff Authority Name & Title]Date of Acceptance[Signoff Authority Name & Title]Date of Acceptance[Signoff Authority Name & Title]Date of Acceptance ................

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