A monthly account of

|[pic] |CONNECTION |

|A monthly summary of the Delaware County | |

|Intermediate Unit’s Meeting of the Board | |

|of Directors | |

| |The Delaware County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors met on |

|Board of Directors |January 4, 2012. The following are highlights from the meeting: |

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|Edward J. Cardow |Recognized the Delaware County Technical Schools (DCTS) for being named number one in student achievement in the state of |

|President |Pennsylvania in NOCTI skill attainment assessment in the 2010-2011 school year. At a 94% success rate, DCTS leads all 86 |

| |CTC's statewide. The number two CTC scored at a rate of 92%. |

|Nancy Galbraith | |

|Vice President |Approved eight students and four adults from the Autistic Support Class at the Marple Education Center to go to 1) the |

| |Delaware Museum of Natural History in Wilmington, DE on March 15, 2012 and 2) the Brandywine Zoo in Wilmington, DE on April|

|A. Lewis Boughner |26, 2012 with a total transportation cost of $325 paid to the Marple Newtown School District. |

|Maureen Carey | |

|Aaron Cubbage |Approved a contract with Downingtown Area School District for a student at the Pennington School from January 3, 2011 to |

|Donald Heller |June 16, 2011 at a total tuition cost of $62,332.84. |

|Philip R. Hopkins | |

|Christopher Kelley |Renewed a contract agreement with Neumann University to accept field experience students through January 1, 2013. |

|Wanda Mann | |

|Harry J. McElwee |Approved a contract with Steven Levine to develop DCIU Principals Coaching Program into an approved Act 45 course for the |

|William Montgomery |period of January 5, 2012 through June 30, 2012 at a rate of $40 per hour, not to exceed $1,000. |

|Robert Reardon | |

|Lydia Solomon |Approved the creation of a part time District Public and Community Relations Coordinator position directly funded by |

|Richard Sonntag |districts served. |

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| |Accepted the June 30, 2011 audit as prepared by Barbacane, Thornton & Company. |

|Lawrence O’Shea, Ph.D. | |

|Executive Director |Approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Immaculata University to provide university credit for approved DCIU Continuing|

| |Professional Education (CPE) courses in a revenue-sharing partnership. There will be no cost to DCIU. |

|Thomas C. Brown | |

|Treasurer, Nonmember |Approval to submit and implement an amendment to the 2011-12 Delaware County Carl Perkins Plan and budget an additional |

| |amount of $72,740. The total Perkins funding for 2011-12 is $1,096,875. |

|Susan Haagen | |

|Secretary, Nonmember |Approved a contract with THI of Pennsylvania, Broomall Rehab, to provide the LPN Program with clinical educational |

| |experience at no cost to DCTS. |

|Michael V. Puppio, Jr. | |

|Solicitor |Approved an agreement with Interboro School District to provide use of the auditorium for the LPN Graduation on February |

| |16, 2012. |

|Adriene M. Irving | |

|Editor |The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 1, 2012. |

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|200 Yale Ave. | |

|Morton, PA 19070 | |

|610-938-9000 | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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