EEMS Accounting User’s Guide

Role: Accounting

Users, whose assigned role is accounting, and their prime responsibility is processing payroll, have authorized access to the following options:

1. Organization – Add/Edit/Delete Organizations. This data element can be the name of your company, business, firm, or association. If separate business entities apply, a breakdown here would be appropriate.

2. Charge Code - Add/Edit/Delete Charge Code information. This data element allows you to define, track and report any combination of projects, phases, tasks, and billing categories on your timesheet.

3. Pay Type - Add/Edit/Delete Pay Type information. This data element differentiates the various pay categories such as regular, overtime, vacation, jury duty, etc. This element can also be used to distinguish productive and non-productive hours.

4. Group - Add/Edit/Delete group information. This data element can be used to capture your organizational structure such as departments, locations, etc. This element can be broken down into subgroup levels as well. Each subgroup can also have multiple subgroups.

5. Task Number – Add/Edit/Delete Task Number information. This data element allows for a further breakdown of charge codes if required.

6. Employee Class – Allows the user to classify employees for use in creating business rules and other system configuration options.

7. Employee Direct Deposit - Allows the user to view the direct deposit form for an employee when data for Employee Number and Check Date is submitted.

8. W2 Forms – Allow the user to view the W2 form for an employee when data for Employee Number is submitted.

9. Consents – Create your own consent text to be read by the employees after they request to see the W2 online.

10. Shift Management – Define shifts to be integrated with the scheduling component. Eases the task of assigning various shift information to employees.

11. Leave Management – Contains leave configuration, employee setup, accruals, and annual rollover. Designed to track employee leave balances from period to period.

12. Business Rules - Functions as the back-end logic that controls the allocations on the timesheets as well as restrictions and schedule management. Provides each customer with a canned set of business rules that can be customized to fit the customer’s needs.

13. Import - Allows the user to import leave balance file, W2 forms file, direct deposit file, hours worked, charge codes, and authorized charges.

14. Export - Allows the user to export timesheets.


Organization 5

Add a New Organization 5

Charge Codes 6

Pay Types 7

Group 9

Add A New Group 9

Update an Existing Group 10

Assign a Manager to A Group 11

Add Employees to a Group (Without charge code associations) 12

Adding Employees to a Group (With charge code associations) 13

Assign Charge Codes to a Group 16

Task Numbers (optional) 17

Employee Class 20

Employee Direct Deposit 21

W2 Forms 23

Consents 23

Shift Management 24

Business Rules 25

Leave Management 26

Leave Configuration Menu 27

Leave Variables 27

Leave Classes 27

Rate Tables for Leave Classes 29

Accrued Leave Rate Table 30

Flat Leave Rate Table 30

Earned Leave Rate Table 31

Employee Leave Setup Menu 31

Leave Setup Templates 32

Accrual Log 35

Yearly Rollover 35

Import 36

Leave Balance Import 36

Direct Deposit Import 36

W2 Import 37

Hours Worked 37

Import Charge Codes 38

Import Authorized Charge 38

Export 39

Timesheet Export Notes 39


Use Organization to add new organizations, update, and delete organization data. This data element can be the name of your company, business, firm, or association. If separate business entities apply, a breakdown here would be appropriate.

Add a New Organization

1. Select Organization on the options menu under Accounting.

2. Click Add New to create a new organization.


a. Enter the Organization Name. The name can consist of numeric, alpha, or alphanumeric characters.

b. Enter the Organization Description.

c. Click on the Add link to add the new organization record.


Charge Codes

Use Charge Codes to Add/Edit/Delete Charge Code information. This data element allows you to define, track and report any combination of projects, phases, tasks, and billing categories on your timesheet.

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Charge Code page

2. Click the Add link to create new charge codes.

3. Enter Charge Code information:

a. Charge Code - (required) the code can consist or numeric, alpha, or alpha-numeric characters

b. Description - (required) the code description

c. Is WBS – Select this check box if the charge code being entered is billable. For indirect charges, you would leave it blank.

d. Start Date - (required) the date on which this charge code went into effect. To change the start date, either manually enter the date in the displayed mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar window from which to select the month, day and year.

e. End Date - The date on which this pay type will be terminated. To change the end date, either manually enter the date in the displayed mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar window from which to select the month, day and year.

f. Account Number – Additional mapping if needed by accounting software.

g. Sub Account Number - Additional mapping if needed by accounting software.

h. Allocated Hours – Used in budgeting accounts and line item cost accounting–.

i. Allocated Budget ($) - Used in budgeting accounts and line item cost accounting.

j. Notify When Percentage Used (%) - used in budgeting accounts and line item cost accounting .

4. Click the Insert link to save your changes.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each charge code.


Pay Types

Use Pay Types to Add/Edit/Delete Pay Type information. This data element differentiates the various pay categories such as regular, overtime, vacation, jury duty, etc. This element can also be used to distinguish productive and non-productive hours.

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Pay Types page

2. Click the Add link to create new pay types.

3. Enter Pay Type information

a. Pay Type - Can consist or numeric, alpha, or alpha-numeric characters.

b. Description - The pay type description, e.g., Offsite Regular Employee, Overtime, Leave Without Pay, etc.

c. Shown In Total - This checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the hours recorded for the pay type are included in the total hours worked.

d. Processed by Payroll - Select this checkbox if accounting will process the hours recorded to the pay type.

e. Start Date - (required) the date on which this charge code went into effect. To change the start date, either manually enter the date in the displayed mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar window from which to select the month, day and year.

f. End Date - The date on which this pay type will be terminated. To change the end date, either manually enter the date in the displayed mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar window from which to select the month, day and year.

g. Reason Required - Select this checkbox if an explanation supporting the reason for recording hours to this pay type is required; for example, an entry is made past the current date, i.e., the entry is late.

h. Miscellaneous - Additional data or descriptions about the pay type.

4. Click the Update link to save your changes.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each pay type.



Use Group to Add/Edit/Delete group information. This data element can be used to capture your organizational structure such as departments, locations, etc. This element can be broken down into sub grouping levels as well. Each Subgroup can also have multiple subgroups.

Use Group Management to organize employees, charge codes and managers by group.

1. Select Group on the options menu under Administrator.


You can add new groups, update, and delete existing groups. The screen also contains collapsible fields that can be expanded for viewing additional information.

Add A New Group

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Group page.

2. Click the Add link to create new groups.

3. Enter Group information.

a. Select Parent Group – If a tiered organization is necessary, use the Parent Group function to create a multi-tiered environment.

b. Description - (required) the group description.

c. Start Date - (required) the date on which this group became active. To change the start date, either manually enter the date in the displayed mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar window from which to select the month, day and year.

d. End Date - the date on which this group will be terminated. To change the end date, either manually enter the date in the displayed mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar window from which to select the month, day and year.

e. Miscellaneous - additional data or descriptions about the pay type.

4. Click the Insert link to save your changes.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each Group/Subgroup.


Update an Existing Group

1. The first alphabetically listed group name is displayed by default. Click on the Select A Group field to display a list of all available groups.

2. Scroll through the list to locate the appropriate group name, and click to enter the group name in the field.


3. Update information in the fields provided, if necessary.

4. Click Update.

Assign a Manager to A Group

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Group page.

2. Click the Assign Manager link.

3. Select an employee from the drop down box that will be signing timesheets for the selected group.

4. Select Type of Manager.

5. Enter Start and End Dates of Group Manager.

6. Click Save.


7. Return to the group page and click the blue circle [pic] to the right of the page. This action will display all Managers associated to the displayed group.


Add Employees to a Group (Without charge code associations)

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Group page.

2. Select the Group in the drop down box.

3. Click the Assign Employee to Group link to make employee/group associations.


4. Select the Employees from Employee List Box on the left side of the page.

5. Enter a start date in the Start Date Field.

6. Click Add.

Adding Employees to a Group (With charge code associations)

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Group page.

2. Select the Group in the drop down box.

3. Click the Group/Charge Code/Pay Type Association at the bottom of the page.


4. Click the Assign Charge Code(s) And/Or Pay Type(s) to Group(s)


5. Select the Group(s), Pay Type(s) and Charge Code(s) from each of the list boxes from the drop down box.

6. Click Continue.


7. A screen will display the status of each association attempted.

8. Click Continue to Assign Charge Codes/Pay Types to Group to make additional associations

9. Click Return to Group/Charge Code/Pay Type to Assign Employees.

10. Select the charge codes that you want to assign to employees and click the Assign Selected to Employee(s) link.


11. Highlight the employees to receive the charge codes.

12. Enter a Start Date and End Date (if applicable).

13. Click Continue.


14. A status page will be displaced showing the outcome of each of your associations.


15. Click Continue to create additional associations.

Assign Charge Codes to a Group

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Charge Code page.

2. Click the Group/Charge Code/ Pay Type Association.


3. Click the Assign Charge Code(s) And/Or Pay Type(s) to Group(s) link.


4. Select the Group(s), Pay Type(s) and Charge Code(s) from each of the list boxes from the drop down box.

5. Click Continue.


6. A screen will display the status of each association successfully created.

7. Click Continue to Assign Charge Codes/Pay Types to Group to make additional associations.

Task Numbers (optional)

This data element allows for a further breakdown of charge codes if required.

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Task Numbers page.

2. Click the Add link to create new task numbers.

3. Enter task information.

4. Click the Insert link to save your changes.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each task.


6. Choose the Display Task# Employees to display list of employees who have previously been associated to a specific task.


7. Select the Create Task#/Employee/Group Association link to associate tasks to individual groups and/or employees.


8. Select the Task# to associate to the group(s)/employee(s).

9. Select the Group(s) you want to associate the task to.

10. Click the Display Group Employees link to display employees assigned to group selected.


11. Click the Add Task to Selected Employee(s).

12. The following display message will appear.


Employee Class

This feature allows the user to classify employees for use in creating business rules and other system configuration options.

1. Click the Employee Class option under the Accounting menu.

2. Navigate to the Accounting/Employee Class page

3. Click the Add New link to create new task numbers.

4. Enter the Class information:

a. Class Name

b. Class Description

c. Start Date

d. End Date

5. Click the Insert link to save your changes.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each task.


7. The class can now be associated to employees. Click the Assign Employee Class Link.

8. Select the Employees from the list box.

9. Enter a Start Date.

10. Click the Add link to associate employees to the selected class.


Employee Direct Deposit

Use Direct Deposit to allow the user to request the direct deposit form for an employee when data for Employee Number and Check Date is submitted.

1. To view direct deposit, select Emp Direct Deposit option under Accounting menu.


2. Enter the employee number in the field.

3. Enter Check Date.

4. Click Submit button.


W2 Forms

Use W2 Forms to allow the user to request the W2 form for an employee when data for Employee Number is submitted.

1. To download W2 forms, select W2 Forms option under Accounting menu.


2. Enter the employee number in field.

3. Click Submit button.


Use Consents to create your own consent text to be read by the employees after they request to see the W2 online.

1. To view consents management, select Consents option under Accounting menu.


2. To add consents and notice, click Add Consents and Notice.

3. Enter the information in the fields and click Add link.


Shift Management

Use Shift Management to define shifts to be integrated with the scheduling component.

1. Select Shift Management option under Accounting menu.


2. To add shifts; complete the following fields for each shift created.

a. Shift Name – Name you want to refer to the shift as.

b. Regular Pay Type – the core pay type where the regular hours worked will be allocated to.

c. Overtime Pay Type – the overtime pay type where the overtime hours worked will be allocated to.

d. Premium - The dollar amount or percentage that the employee working the shift will be compensated (in addition to his regular pay).

e. In Grace Time – not applicable at this time.

f. Out Grace Time - not applicable at this time.

3. Enter the information in the fields and click Add.


4. Click the Show In/Out(s) times associated to the shift defined.

5. Create the shift Start “In” time and Stop “Out” time.

6. Click Add to complete the process.


Business Rules

This feature functions as the back-end logic that controls the allocations on the timesheets as well as time entry restrictions and schedule management. The business rules engine allows the customer to define a canned set of business rules customized for each group or type of employee.

The list of configurable business rules can be accessed by a GHG Support or Setup Representative. Once the desired business rules are identified by the customer; users with the accounting role can customize these rules by defining the criteria associated to each business rule then assigning it to the users as needed.

1. Click Accounting/Business Rule Management to customize each business rule required for your organization.

2. Select the business rule from the list to define the criteria.

3. Select the criteria (fill in the blanks in red text). The Criteria will be different for each business rule selected.


4. Select the items that define who and when the business rule will be applied to.

5. Click Add.


Leave Management

Use Leave Management to setup the company’s leave configuration, employee setup, accruals, and annual rollover. Leave Management is designed to track employee leave balances from period to period.

Leave Management Definitions:

1. Leave Types (Variables) - Each leave type is associated with an existing pay type or charge code. There are three basic types of leave: Accrued, Flat Amount, and Earned.

• Accrued leave hours are accumulated on a fixed rate.

• Flat leave does not accrue on any basis and is given at the beginning of every accounting or calendar year.

• Earned leave is earned depending upon the number of hours worked.

2. Leave Class - A unique name for each class, which is used to identify it throughout the system.

• Accrual Period - Defines the time period of accruals for the class. User can select from a list of options including Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly.

• Max Negative Balance - Defines the value at which an employee is allowed to go below a zero leave balance for a particular time sheet period.

• Threshold - Defines the minimum amount of hours required to be eligible to earn a leave.

• Ratio- Used to calculate the number of hours earned.

• Rounding Type - Defines how the number of earned hours should be rounded: None (no rounding), Round Up, or Round Down.

• Max Carry Over - Defines the maximum amount be carried over to next accounting year for that particular leave class.

Leave Configuration Menu

Leave Variables

Leave variables define the basic types of leave that an employee can have.


Figure 1

Leave Classes

Each leave variable contains a number of leave classes, i.e. “Sick Full Time” and “Sick Part Time” (Leave Classes).

1. In Figure 1, we can see that each leave name added has a “View Classes” link associated with it.


Figure 2

Accrued Leave

Figure 3 shows the Leave Classes Form when leave type “Accrued” has been selected. The title indicates the selected leave name for which the leave classes are currently shown.

The following steps are required to define leave classes for a specific leave variable.

1. Click on the “View Classes” link against a specific leave name to add leave classes associated to that leave name.


Figure 3

Flat Leave

Figure 4 shows the Leave Classes Form when leave type “Flat Amount” has been selected. The title indicates the selected leave name for which the leave classes are currently shown.


Figure 4

Earned Leave

Figure 5 shows the Leave Classes Form when leave type “Earned” has been selected. The title indicates the selected leave name for which the leave classes are currently shown.


Figure 5

Rate Tables for Leave Classes

We can define accrual rates of a leave class for different periods of service and categories of employees.


Figure 6

Accrued Leave Rate Table

Figure 8 shows the Class Rates Form for Accrued. The title indicates the Leave Class for which the rates are currently shown.

The steps required to add rates against a specific leave class are as follows:

1. Figure 6 indicates that each class name has a “View Rates” link associated with it.

2. Click on “View Rates” link associated to the specific leave class you intend to add rates.


Figure 8

Accrued Leave Rate Variables

• Greater or Equal to Month - Indicated the number of months from which the rate starts to apply.

• Accrual Amount - Defines the accrual amount of the leave class for the period defined by the corresponding period.

• Max Balance - Defines the amount that cannot be crossed in terms of an employee’s leave balance in the corresponding period.

• Max Carry Over - Defines the maximum amount allowed to be carried over to next accounting year for that particular leave class.

Flat Leave Rate Table

Figure 9 shows the Class Rates Form for Flat Amount.


Figure 9

Flat Leave Rate Variables

• Greater or Equal to Month - Indicate the number of months from which the rate starts to apply.

• Flat Amount - Defines the flat amount of the leave class for the the corresponding period.

• Max Carry Over - Defines the maximum amount allowed to be carried over to next accounting year for that particular leave class

Earned Leave Rate Table

Figure 10 shows the Class Rates Form for Earned Amount.


Figure 10

Earned Leave Rate Variables

• Threshold - Defines the minimum amount of hours required to be eligible to earn a leave.

• Ratio- Used to calculate the number of hours earned.

• Rounding Type - Defines how the number of earned hours should be rounded: None (no rounding), Round Up, or Round Down.

Employee Leave Setup Menu

After defining the leave variables, its associated classes and rate tables, we can allocate leave classes to employees at an individual employee level or we can assign a group of employees to a predefined template described in the next section “Leave Setup Templates”.


Figure 10

The following steps are required to link employees with leave classes in the system:

1. On the menu, click on Accounting /Leave Management /Employee Setup. Figure 10 shows the Employee Leave Setup Form.

2. The following table describes the inputs required to setup an employee’s leave with the system.

• Leave - the drop down list is filled with leave variables defined in the system.

• Class - The drop down list is filled with leave classes associated with the leave variable selected in the leave variable drop down list.

• Beginning Balance-A beginning balance is required for the specific employee and leave being added in the system. If no input is given, a default value of 0.0 is taken.

• Starting Date-Defines the start date for the leave being setup. This is the date till the employee does not start accruing. If a date is entered and falls in the middle of a pay period, the start of that pay period will be considered while accruing.

• Ending Date- Defines the end date for the leave being setup. If a date is entered, this leave class for the specific employee will not take part in annual rollovers at all, and will be disabled after the given date in terms of accruing.

• Accrual Rate -The accrual rate calculated by the service date or hire date per the given associated leave class.

• Paid - The amount of leave an employee was paid without the employee actually having to show “used/taken” leave on the timesheet.

• Lost -The amount of leave that an employee loses by hitting the max accrual rate each pay period.

Leave Setup Templates

The Leave Setup templates Menu can be used to assign to a group/type of employees the same leave instead of assigning leave to each employee individually. This process is designed to assign a large group of employees to the same types of leave variable and leave classes. An example might be to assign employees the same leave classes (Sick, Vacation, PTO, etc) for all full time employees and a different leave class (where the accrual rates are different) for the part time employees.


1. On the menu, click on Accounting /Leave Management /Leave Setup Templates

2. Click the Create New Leave Template displayed in figure 11


Figure 11

3. Use the pull down menus to add the leave variable name and leave variable class for each type of leave.

4. Click the green arrow to save the current record.

5. Once the template includes each type of leave for a “type or group” of employees, click the Save Template (Figure 11) navigation box.

6. A pop up box will appear to enter the template name (Figure 12).

7. Repeat steps 1-6 for each template (type of employee) you need to setup.


Figure 12

8. Select the radio button(s) that you will be assigning to a group of employees.

9. Select the Next >> navigation box to begin assigning the leave templates to employees.


Figure 13

10. Select the Group(s) that contains the employees that be assigned the to the template. You can choose multiple groups by holding down the “Control” key while clicking the mouse.

11. Select the Employee(s) that need assigned to the template. You can choose multiple employees by holding down the “Control” key while clicking the mouse.

12. Click the arrow pointing to the right to add the selected employees into the box.

13. Click the Assign Templates to complete the process.


Figure 13

14. Repeat steps 8-13 for each group of employees needing the template.

15. You will receive a message if your template has been successfully assigned to the employees selected.


Figure 14

Accrual Log

The accrual Log displays the last 3 successful accruals performed automatically in the eTSS application.

1. On the menu, click on Accounting /Leave Management /Accrual Log menu.


Yearly Rollover

The Yearly Rollover displays the last successful rollovers performed automatically in the eTSS application.

1. On the menu, click on Accounting /Leave Management /Yearly Rollover menu.



Use the Import menu import leave balance file, W2 forms file, direct deposit file.

Leave Balance Import

Companies that manage their leave balances in their accounting system have the ability to import the data file back into eTSS so that employees can view updated leave and restrict Employees to only use leave that is currently on the books. Imported leave can also be viewed by users with the supervisor/manager roll as well. Administrators of the system have access to view the leave balances for all employees in the company.

1. To import the leave balance file, select Leave Balance on the Import option under Accounting menu.

2. Locate the previously created record from your payroll system by selecting the Browse box.

3. Once the file is located, select the Load box.


Direct Deposit Import

Companies that manage their own payroll and have employees receiving a direct deposit stub may import this same data file back into eTSS so that employees can view their direct deposit stub online. Administrators of the system have access to view the direct deposit stub for all employees in the company.

1. To import the Direct Deposit file, select Direct Deposit on the Import option under Accounting menu.

2. Locate the previously created record from your payroll system by selecting the Browse box.

3. Once the file is located, select the Load box.


W2 Import

Companies that manage their own payroll may import a MMREF data file back into eTSS so that employees can view the W2 online. Administrators of the system have access to view the W2 for all employees in the company.

1. To import the W2 Form file, select W2 on the Import option under Accounting menu.

2. Locate the previously created record from your payroll system by selecting the Browse box.

3. Once the file is located, select the Load box.


Hours Worked

The hours worked import updates the hours for one or more employees. For the import to be successful the employee number, group, charge code, pay type, and organization that are being imported must already be created and assigned to the employee. The following will occur if the options are set to true:

• Existing hours in the time sheet will be overwritten if “delete_previous_hours_worked” is set to true.

• The task will be set to the task name being imported if “free_task_entry” is set to true and the task does not already exist.

• The time sheet will automatically receive a manager signature if “sign_timesheet_after_hours_worked_import” is set to true.

Regardless of the previous settings a new time sheet will be created if one does not already exist.

1. To import the Hours Worked file, select Hours Worked on the Import option under Accounting menu.

2. Locate the previously created record from your payroll system by selecting the Browse box.

3. Once the file is located, select the Load box.


Import Charge Codes

The import charge codes feature allows one or more charge codes to be input, or if already existing, updated.

1. To import Charge Codes file, select Import Charge Codes on the Import option under Accounting menu.

2. Locate the previously created record from your payroll system by selecting the Browse box.

3. Once the file is located, select the Load box.


Import Authorized Charge

The import authorized charge feature allows one or more charge codes to be assigned as authorized charges to one or more employees or, if already assigned, updated.

1. To import Authorized Charge file, select Import Authorized Charge on the Import option under Accounting menu.

2. Locate the previously created record from your payroll system by selecting the Browse box.

3. Once the file is located, select the Import box.



Use the export menu to create a timesheet data file to be imported into your accounting system.

To export timesheet, select Timesheet on the Export option under Accounting menu.


Timesheet Export Notes

1. The Process Timesheets checkbox is used to mark timesheets that have been processed for a particular Timesheet Ending Date. Processed timesheets cannot be exported again from this page.

2. The For Days Between option can be used to export a partial timesheet with or without actually marking the timesheets as processed. For example, company XYZ Inc. uses a weekly timesheet with the week ending on Friday. The last timesheet week of the year 2009 ends on 1/2/2010. Accounting needs to run a report that covers the timesheet days from 12/27/2009-12/31/2009 and another report that covers the days from 1/1/2010-1/2/2010. In order to accomplish this, accounting will have to first export the days from 12/27-12/31 as shown in image below.

. [pic]

3. This step will pull all the corrected timesheets with the first batch (12/27-12/31), mark the corrections as processed but leave the current week timesheets as still not processed. The second step will be to process the dates 1/1-1/2. This time we can check Process Timesheets and that marks all of our timesheets for the week ending 1/2/2010 as processed.

4. For normal processing (that includes all 7 days for example) in the export file, leave the For Days Between unchecked. The Process Timesheets can be checked when you have verified the data for any errors and are ready to mark the timesheets as processed.


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