Understanding digital photography and digital images

Fall 2020Digital ArtMichael LewisLewis.michael@Course Description:Students will experiment with Adobe Photoshop, which is the industry standard program for manipulating images and creating bitmap graphics. Students will become accustom to the interface, terminology, and basic panels in Photoshop. They will learn about the purpose of layers in Photoshop, how to organize and customize the workspace, and how to manage color. They will also learn how to manipulate photos/graphics and create digital imagery.Grading Categories:Practice:20%Projects:30%Critiques:20%Formative Assessments:30%Grading Breakdown:A:90-100%B:80-89%C:70-79%D:60-69%F:50-59%Grades: Progress reports are sent out every two weeks by the school. However, feel free to check Skyward regularly for up-to-date grades. NOTE: Grade deficiency emails will be sent out as needed. These come from Skyward and sometimes are sent to a spam or junk folder. Please check your spam/junk folders regularly for these emails. Required Classroom Materials: 3 ring binder with pockets. Please have 5 sub dividers.1 USB ( 1 gig = the year)Wish-List Materials:These materials are not required, but greatly appreciated if donated: Please feel free to donate these materials for class use. Parents have to complete volunteer hours each year and it counts. Submit your receipt to the main office with the student name on it.StaplesDividersBindersPens/ pencilsLoose leaf paperHighlightersProcedures: Respect is paramount in my classroom. This includes being respectful when others are sharing, asking questions, requesting restroom pass. Respect will be given to you as students so I expect it as your instructor. Masks are mandatory by all.Make-Up: only Vocab and Tests can be made up. For a reduced grade (no higher than 80%). Students could choose to use this make-up opportunity to get a higher grade. None of this applies if there was an excused absence. Technology: You can bring your own device; however, you should have headphones for the device and always have one earbud out, as you will need to hear instructions. You may only use devices for instruction (reference gathering, content driven games or polling and listening to music). Any device used for personal use (Facebook, texting, games, music, etc.) will be confiscated for the remainder of the class for the first offense. Other offenses will be dealt with as an after school detention or an office referral. Dismissal: The bell doesn't dismiss you; I dismiss you. All materials must be appropriately put away and students must be seated before being dismissed.Leaving the Classroom: In order to leave the classroom, you must have your agenda present in the classroom. You cannot share an agenda. You must fill out the agenda, and once you have been given permission you must sign out on the log book near my desk. DO NOT disrupt class to ask to go to the restroom or office. Simply put your agenda on your desk turned to the correct page. I will see it eventually. Per the school policy, you may not leave the classroom during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class (or last 30 minutes of the school day). If you are having an emergency, please let me know immediately.Dress Code will be strongly enforced due to the new house settings within the school. Remember masks are mandatory and will be enforced its for the safety of you and others.Parent and Student Contract Student: I have read and understand the class policies and procedures on the previous page. I promise to abide by these guidelines and to provide writing, homework and returned work to my parent(s) or guardian(s) on a regular basis and discuss the lesson from class when asked. Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Sign:_________________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________ Parents: Please sign showing you have read and understand the class policies and procedures on the previous pages. Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Sign:_________________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________ Getting Started with PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop is the industry standard program for manipulating images and creating bitmap graphics. In this activity students are introduced to the interface, terminology, and basic panels in Photoshop. They will learn about the purpose of layers in Photoshop, how to organize and customize the workspace, and how to manage color.Understanding digital photography and digital imagesDigital photography is fast, fun, and easy. One of the coolest things about digital photography is that you can see your picture right away. With just a few clicks of the mouse you can download, organize, edit, and share all of your digital photos. In this activity, students take photos and gather images from various sources, identifying elements of visual design that reflect good composition. Students also learn about scanned images, video stills, and key digital image terminologyEditing images and graphicsIn this activity, students learn to edit images and create and edit graphics from images in PhotoshopAdvanced image editing techniquesAdobe Photoshop has many advanced image manipulation features, including the ability to manipulate color, use filters, change or create an image's perspective, warping images, and creating 3D images that enable user to create powerful images. Use this activity to introduce your students to some advanced imaged editing techniques to help them design creative, unusual, and stunning images.How to draw and add text with Adobe PhotoshopIn addition to its photo-editing features, Adobe Photoshop gives you a remarkably wide set of options to do things like create realistic painting effects, utilize a full suite of drawing tools, and the ability to add text directly to an image. In this activity students are introduced to the drawing, painting, shape, and text tools in Photoshop.Preparing images and graphics for web, print, and videoDifferent mediums - print, web, and video - require different file formats. This activity teaches students how to generate appropriate image and graphic file formats for these mediums.?Students will also learn?about design comps and how to use Artboards to create comps for?different devices and export for review.Subject to Change ................

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