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Slide 3 - Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 11


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Hello, my name is Brian. Welcome to training for Release 11. In this session we will talk what’s coming in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management Cloud for Enhanced PPM for PLM projects.


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value they bring.

Then we’ll walk you through a demonstration.

Finally, we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview


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A number of enhancements have been added to support the use of Project Execution Management in management of PLM projects.

First, more work item types have been added, so that the product development phases of the product lifecycle can be efficiently managed, as well as the innovation management phases.

Second, two enhancements make the work of the project manager much more efficient: a page in the project plan showing all work items, and the automation of task completion in Oracle Fusion Project Management based on an event in PLM.

Third, the product manager working in Oracle Fusion Innovation Management or Oracle Fusion Product Development now can see and work with the project integration points.

And fourth, work item versions are now automatically kept in sync between Oracle Fusion Project Management and PLM.

In the slides that follow, we’ll explain all the new features in more detail – telling you what they do, and how they will provide business value to your organization.


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Slide 6 - Track the Progress of Items and Product Change Orders


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Two additional objects - Item and Product Change Order - have been added as project work item types. These objects, from Oracle Fusion Product Development, are now integrated with Oracle Fusion Project Management along with Concept, Proposal, and Requirements Specification from Oracle Fusion Innovation Management.


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Slide 7 - Track the Progress of Items and Product Change Orders


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The integration of Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management (PPM) with Oracle Fusion Product Development and Oracle Fusion Innovation Management brings the power of PPM project management to product development, across the whole lifecycle, from idea to production. Product lifecycle management is inherently complex and greatly assisted by good project management tools. The integration is achieved by including PLM objects as “Work Items” for tasks in a project plan, and linking the task progress to the status of the work item.

In this release, two new work item types have been introduced: Product Change Order and Item, both objects from Oracle Fusion Product Development. They extend the ability of project managers to do collaborative project planning and scheduling across the entire product lifecycle, from product ideation through end of life.


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Slide 8 - Efficiently Manage Work Items on a Project


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A new page in Oracle Fusion Project Management shows all of the work items for a project in a single place. A project manager can create new work items here, associating them to tasks in the project. All attributes of work items are shown here and management of work items can now all be done on a single page.

Also, for tasks whose completion is dependent on an event in PLM, the task status is now set to complete as soon as the task completion event is reached in PLM. That is, work done in Oracle Fusion Innovation Management or Oracle Fusion Product Development drives the project task to completion automatically.

In the example here, “Submitted” was chosen as the Task Completion Event by the Project Manager when they created the work item to associate the proposal “Green Server 9560” with the “Proposal Submission” task. Later, when the status of the proposal in Oracle Fusion Innovation Management was changed to “Submitted,” the task progress was automatically changed to “Complete” in this project.


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Slide 9 - Efficiently Manage Work Items on a Project


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This new page gives a complete and concise view of all the work items in a project, that is, all the integration points with the Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development applications. At a glance, the project manager can see all the connections, any dependencies on PLM events, the current status of the PLM objects, the status of the tasks, and the target completion date and person responsible. This view allows you to more efficiently manage your product development projects and increase the pace of innovation in your organization.

A project manager can still choose to see work items in the context of a task within the project plan, but now has a comprehensive view of items, which will be more efficient for projects with a large number of work items.

The project manager can now also be sure that the task status is current, for tasks where completion is dependent on a PLM event. There is no uncertainty about the status and no need for a person to manually update the task status based on an event in another application. This relationship existed in prior releases, but the status change now happens immediately and automatically.


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Slide 10 - Associate Tasks with Work Items within Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development


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Project tasks associated with a work item are now visible in Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development. The tasks appear in the relationships table on the pages for Proposal, Concept, Requirements Specification, and Item, where the product manager can also create a new task relationship, or remove one. A hover popup shows details for the task.


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Slide 11 - Associate Tasks with Work Items within Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development


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Product lifecycle management is a collaboration among a number of different roles. The PLM project manager is the primary user of the PPM project, and the person who is likely to create and manage the relationships between project tasks and PLM objects. In PLM, there is a different primary user, such as a product manager, and that user can now see related project tasks using the Relationships table in the PLM object work areas. This visibility involves the PLM user for more intuitive, collaborative project planning and scheduling. The product manager can see all the related tasks, and view details of task dates, task resources, and progress without leaving the context of the work they are performing.

If the product manager needs to create the relationship, that can now be done directly from the PLM object. There is no need to navigate to the PPM project or enlist a project manager to create the work item.


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Slide 12 - Automatically Update Work Item Version References


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A single proposal, concept, or requirement specification can go through multiple revisions throughout the product development life cycle. As the product manager creates new versions, the application automatically updates the version reference for the work item. All subsequent tracking of completion criteria will refer to the latest version. This is true for work items that are still in Draft status.


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Slide 13 - Automatically Update Work Item Version References


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One of the key benefits of how Oracle Fusion Project Management works with Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development is that events in PLM can drive task completion in the project. This enhancement, by ensuring that the reference is always to the current version without the need of manual monitoring and intervention, adds significant reliability and efficiency to this feature.


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Slide 63 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today…

There are new work item types supported so that you can manage projects with Oracle Fusion Product Development Items and Product Change Orders. This allows for more efficient use of Oracle Fusion Project Management to manage the full product development lifecycle. This feature also supports Negotiations, which is part of Oracle Fusion Sourcing.

You can now manage all the work items for a project in a single page in the PPM project. This is in addition to the project plan view where work items can be viewed in context of project tasks.

Also, for tasks whose completion is dependent on an event in PLM, the task status is now automatically set to complete as soon as the task completion event is reached in PLM.


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Slide 64 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities (continued)


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Project tasks associated with a work item are now visible in Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development. The tasks appear in the relationships table on the pages for Proposal, Concept, Requirements Specification and Item, where the product manager can also create a new task relationship, or remove one. A hover popup shows details for the task.


Finally, work item versions are now always current in the project plan. If you create a new version of a proposal, concept or requirements specification, the reference in the project plan is updated automatically.


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Slide 65 - Implementation Advice


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The implementation impacts of these enhancements are minimal. They are addressed briefly in the next two slides.


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Slide 66 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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These new features are automatically available, with no setup required. As noted on the next slide, however, you will not see work item types for Oracle Fusion objects that are not part of your implementation.


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Slide 67 - Setup Summary


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You can create work items for Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development if those offerings are available in your implementation.


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Slide 68 - Job Roles


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The Project Manager is the job role that makes primary use of the PLM integration feature. Within Oracle Fusion Innovation Management and Oracle Fusion Product Development there are other job roles who can now see the integrated tasks from those applications. Those roles are not covered in this presentation.


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Slide 69 - Business Process Model Information


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The business process associated with the new capabilities covered in this training is detailed here.

The high level business process is Plan Project, the activity is Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule. The task is Associate PLM Object with Task.


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Slide 70 - Related Reports & BI Analytic Information


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There is a subject area in OTBI for reporting on project work items. You can now report on, or filter and sort by, the new work item types.


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Slide 71 - Associated Release Training


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There are two other training modules that are related to these new capabilities and are recommended viewing if you plan to use the project work items to manage a project for PLM. The names of these are: "Innovation Management Enhancements: New  Features"  and  "Product Development Enhancements: New  Features“

This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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