How to Measure Anything - Hubbard Decision Research

How to Measure Anything

Doug Hubbard Expert The Advisory Council

? Copyright 2007 Hubbard Decision Research and The Advisory Council, Inc.

How to Measure Anything

? I conducted 55 major risk/return analysis projects so far that included a variety of "impossible" measurements

? I found such a high need for measuring difficult things that I decided I had to write a book

? The book will be released in July 2007 with the publisher John Wiley & Sons

? This is a "sneak preview" of many of the methods in the book

? Copyright 2007 Hubbard Decision Research and The Advisory Council, Inc.


A Few Examples

Org. EPA



Assess value of "Safe Drinking Water Information System" SDWIS

Identified and measured previously unnoticed risks & benefits


$15 million improved NPV from reprioritizing functions

US Marine Forecast fuel use Found factors that


for the battle field better correlated to actual fuel use

$50 million savings per year by reducing unnecessary battlefield inventory

American Express

Analyze ROI of a dedicated test network for new applications

Determined key metric to prioritize replacements was downtime reduction

$2 million improved net benefit reprioritizing rollout

Source: Hubbard Decision Research

? Copyright 2007 Hubbard Decision Research and The Advisory Council, Inc.


A Few More Examples

? Risk of IT

? The value of better

? The risk of obsolescence security

? The value of a human life

? The future demand for space tourism

? The value of saving an ? The value of better

endangered species


? The value of public

? The value of



? The value of IQ points


lost by children exposed ? Productivity and

to methyl-mercury


? Copyright 2007 Hubbard Decision Research and The Advisory Council, Inc.


Three "Measurement Muses"

? Eratosthenes ? measured the Earth's circumference to within 1% accuracy

? Enrico Fermi ? the physicist who used "Fermi Questions" to break down any uncertain quantity (and was the first to estimate the yield of the first atom bomb)

? Emily Rosa ? the 11 yr old who was published in JAMA (youngest author ever) for her experiment that debunked "therapeutic touch"

? Copyright 2007 Hubbard Decision Research and The Advisory Council, Inc.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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