AutoCAD Installation Directions - GRCC

AutoCAD Installation Directions

First go to

After that, the website requires you to sign in or create an account to download the software. If you already have an account with Autodesk, you can sign in with it. If you don't, you will have to create an account, which is what we'll be walking through.

The first step is hitting "Create Account".

After that, it brings you to a new page, asking you to fill out "Country of educational institution" and "Educational Role".

We change the country to "United States", and the Educational Role to "Student". Once we do that, the website asks for our date of birth, so we enter that next. After that, we can hit the "Next" Button at the bottom of the page.

On the next page, it asks for the following:

First Name Last Name Email Address Password Confirm Password

Use your student email for the email address section. Your email is your blackboard username For example, it could be:

So, be sure to fill that out, and then hit "I agree to the Terms of Service" above the "Sign Up" Button.

Once you hit signup, log into your student email, and verify your account.

Then go back to the original link at the top of the document, and sign in to the website. Instead of creating a new account this time, we hit sign in, and log in with our new account information (email and password).

From there, once you log in, it will bring up the following screen.

From there, put in the following information:

For "Name of educational Institution", put "Grand Rapids Community College".

For "Area of Study", select whichever fits best for you.

For "Enrolled From" and "Will graduate in", put in rough estimates, it does not need to be exact.

So in the end, it should look something like the image to the right. Once it is filled out, hit "Next".

After that, the website shows you the image to the left. So to move on, hit "Done". Which then the website will bring you back to the original page, but will let you download the software now.

From there, you can hit the "Download Now" Button on the website.

Which will then show you the following:

Version Operating System Language

For Version put "AutoCAD 2017".

For Operating System, select which one your computer is. If you don't know which your system is, go to system settings and you should be able to find it.

For Language, select English.

Once you have filled out everything, hit "Install Now".

Once you hit "I accept", the file will download, then you just have to run the downloaded file.

From there, the installation process should carry you through the rest of the process.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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