Setting GITLAB Remote Server - TIBCO Community | Where ...

Working with AMX-BPM Projects with GITLABSetting GITLAB Remote ServerGo to >> Register for free Complete Registration.Goto Projects -> Create New Project “testusbank” with default private visibility. Installing Git-bash for Windows or MacDownload latest gitbash for you OS from Installation.Open gitbash (e.g. on windows right click on any dir) terminal check the installation version and setup/validate your profile settings. Also, Clone the project created earlier in your local machine from where you intend to check-in the BPM Project code. For e.g.D:\git\BPMProjects\testusbank Copy all folder of BPM project of same name in the cloned path in local D:\git\BPMProjects\testusbankGit usage via Command lineScenario – 1: Tracking Projects from scratchNavigate to project folder “D:\git\BPMProjects\testusbank” and start git bash.Do “git init” to start tracking the project and do “git status” to list all untracked files.The typical bpm projects may contain different folders which don’t need to be tracked (eg user env specific) with git. This way only cleaned project code goes to Remote-Repo. For this a .gitignore file needs to be defined at same level to capture these files/folders. Again this will be ignored while commit. The following list is an example –bin/.bom2Xsd/*.daadaa/Exports/.forms/.processOut/Presentation Resources/**/*.locales.jsonPresentation Resources/**/*.propertiesPresentation Resources/**/*.properties.jsonForms/**/*.data.json#for testcases use [TESTCASE]!Forms/**/* – exports & daa files are excluded to consider creation of these via CI/CD – however for pure source control usages they can be included too.Create a .gitignore file and edit it to list all files / folders in it for exclusion run as below to confirm the exclusion Since the git works-is: Any commit goes to working directory (staging area) , So it needs to be added first to master branch. The Changes are added to working area and should be committed to master branch as belowPushing the files to master branch on remote server.The project files are committed and pushed to remote server.Follow the steps for all other projects.Scenario - 2: Creating a branch to work on a new feature & merging laterFor scenarios when a new feature is being added to current project a user may want to work-out from a separate branch and checkout from that branch. This way the project can be worked separately and merged later.Consider that some files/changes are done to project and needs to be committed into “newrelfeb2019” branch. Once that is done –you can merge it with master branch Git Plugin usage with Business StudioInstall the Git Plugin version for current version of Eclipse for TIBCO Business Studio 4.2 The Eclipse version is 3.7.2 for which the compatible version of E-git plugin is 2.3.1 which can be downloaded as zip file from Open Studio and navigate to HelpInstall New Software and Add the zip file earlier downloaded . (Note –If you don’t see Install option -> close all perspectives)Deselect following options of plugin and proceed to Install-Restart eclipse.The Eclipse is set with git plugin now.EGit Configuration & setupEvery commit in EGit will include the user’s name and his email-address. These attributes can be set in the Preferences-window?Window --> Preferences. Navigate to?Team --> Git --> Configuration?and hit the?New Entry…?Button. Enter? your name as?Value?and confirm. Repeat this procedure with? your email address and click?OK?in the Preferences window. The username and email should be the same you set up for your Git account, ie. Your GITLAB account.Note: The Eclipse (indigo) is shipped with jre 1.7 and uses TLS 1.1 as default which is not supported to connect with Remote GITLAB server. To Change this navigate to <studio Install home>\studio\3.6\eclipse\TIBCOBusinessStudio.ini and edit to add following lines -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=javax.xml.*-Dorg.xml.sax.driver=com..apache.xerces.internal.parsers.SAXParser-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2Cloning Remote GITLAB RepositoriesIn order to checkout a remote project hosted on a GITLAB server, you will have to clone its repository first. Open the Eclipse Import wizard (e.g.?File Import), select?Git Projects from Git?and click?Next. Select “URI” and click next. Now you will have to enter the repository’s location and connection data. Entering the URI will automatically fill some fields. Complete any other required fields and hit?next. If you use GITLAB, you can copy the URI from the web page. Select all branches you wish to clone and hit?next?again. Hit the?Clone…?button to open another wizard for cloning Git repositories.The Projects will be imported this way and perform a Clean –build to update in your workspace. Note – if there are any studio –validation errors (like missing special folders correct those using quick-fix)Push Changes to Remote Repository (GITLAB server)Local changes made to your local branches can be pushed to remote repositories causing a merge from your branches into the branches of the remote repository (X pulls from Y is the same as Y pushes to X). The?Push?wizard is pretty much the same as the?Fetch?wizard. First, right click the project node and navigate to?Team Push… Enter the repository you want to push your branches to (the default for this will be the same as the?Fetch?default if you didn’t configure a?Push?default) and hit?Next. Choose the branches you want to push or click?Add all branches spec?if you want to push all branches. You can also select branches you want to delete from the remote repository. If you are done hit?Finish. A final window will show the results of the?Push.Once done Open Studio Right click on Project and select below option Simply right click the shared project’s node and navigate to?Team Add. After this operation, the question mark should change to a plus symbol.The last thing to do is committing & pushing the project by right clicking the project node and selecting?Team Commit…?from the context menu. In the Commit wizard, all files should be selected automatically. Enter a commit message (the first line should be headline-like, as it will appear in the history view) and hit the?Commit & Push?button. If the commit was successful, the plus symbols will have turned into repository iconsFollowed by success message from server.Create a Local Repo & Committing Projects (optional) Create Or Select project in Eclipse that you want to share via your local repository and by right clicking it and navigate to?Team --> Share Project…?Select the option git next Configure Git repositoryCreate a New Git Repository and enter the nameFinishThe newly created repository will be empty, although the project is assigned to it. ?(Note the changed icons: the project node will have a repository icon, the child nodes will have an icon with a question mark, ignored files, e.g. the bin directory, and won’t have any icons at all.) Before you can commit the files to your repository, you need to add them. Simply right click the shared project’s node and navigate to?Team Add. After this operation, the question mark should change to a plus symbol. To set certain folders or files to be ignored by Git, e.g. the bin folder, right click them and select?Navigate Ignore. The ignored items will be stored in a file called?gitignore, which you should add to the repository. The last thing to do is commit the project by right clicking the project node and selecting?Team Commit…?from the context menu. In the Commit wizard, all files should be selected automatically. Enter a commit message (the first line should be headline-like, as it will appear in the history view) and hit the?Commit?button. If the commit was successful, the plus symbols will have turned into repository icons.References – Learn git fundamentals - Working with Git plugin ................

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