Course Syllabus Advanced Algebra III


New Brockton High School

Teacher: Coach Barton

Room: 108


Telephone: 894-2350

****Remind 101 (Texting App)

Planning Period: 7th

Textbook: Glencoe: Mathematics for Business and Personal Finance

Course Description:

Mathematics is all around you. To be a smart consumer, a good citizen, and have a successful career, you need to understand mathematics in the context of business and personal finance. Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. Mathematics for Business and Personal Finance will help you become financially literate. You will learn how to use math in everyday business and personal situations.

The following topics will be covered but not limited to:

1. Gross Income

2. Net Income

3. Recordkeeping

4. Checking Accounts

5. Savings Accounts

6. Cash Purchases

7. Charge Accounts and Credit Cards

8. Loans

9. Vehicle Transportation

10. Housing Costs

11. Insurance

12. Investments

13. Personnel

14. Purchasing and Inventory

15. Sales

16. Marketing

17. Services

18. Accounting

19. Financial Management

Material Required:

·3-Ring Binder ·Graph Paper

·Loose-Leaf Paper ·Colored Pencils (optional but helpful)

·Pencil with Eraser (NO Pens!!!) ·Book Cover

·Scientific Calculator or Graphing Calculator

·Ruler (optional but helpful)



Nine Weeks Grading Scale:

Daily………………………...10% (In-class assignments, homework, etc.)



Nine Weeks Test…………15%

Semester Grading Scale:

1st nine weeks average…….….50%

2nd nine weeks average……….50%

NOTES: Notes are very important in this class and are essential for you to receive a passing

grade at the end of the grading periods. If you do not take notes, it will be very difficult to pass the

class! Notes are to be copied from the white board or overhead projector EXACTLY how I

write them. For example, if I work a problem vertically (down), you should also work the

problem vertically.

Homework: Homework in Mathematics is very important. Not doing homework is YOUR choice and you will suffer the consequences for not doing it(i.e. failure of a test, denial of extra credit, daily grade ect.). Homework will be checked for completeness, but not taken up for a grade. If homework is not done, it will be recorded in the homework check notebook. . At the end of the Nine Weeks, a Homework test grade will be given based on the number of homework assignments completed.

Absences and Make-Up Work: It is very important that you are in class every day. Excessive absences, whether excused or not, make it extremely difficult to pass this class. Make-up work is YOUR responsibility; Make-up work will not be allowed unless an absence is excused. All make-up work is to be completed within 3 days per day of excused absences after returning to class. After the 3 days have passed, no make-up work will be given, and the student will receive a “0” for the missed assignments.


Mathematics is a core subject and is to be treated so! This class is to come before any extra curricular activities you plan to participate in. Assignments for this class WILL NOT be extended due to any sporting or social events, unless it is approved by the teacher BEFORE the due date.

Tardies: Students are expected to be in their designated seat when the bell rings. Please see student handbook for consequences on tardies. All tardies will be recorded in the attendance roster.

Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated in any fashion! Cheating may be defined as but is not limited to: talking during a test or quiz (even if the topic of conversation is not about the assignment!!), receiving or giving help during a test or quiz, copying another person’s assignment (even homework!!), and etc. All cheating will result in an automatic “0” for all parties involved and a possible parent conference or office referral.

**If any student needs additional help outside of class, he/she may make an appointment with me for before or after school, break, or during planning for extra practice and/or guidance.**

Classroom Conduct:

1. Follow ALL rules as stated in the Student Handbook.

2. Be in designated seat when the tardy bell rings.

3. Complete and turn in all assignments by the due date.

4. Be respectful of other people and their personal space.

5. Use mature, intelligent, and professional language at all times.

6. Take care of all grooming needs before class begins.

7. No eating or drinking in class.


1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Student/Teacher Conference

3rd Offense: Parent/Teacher Conference

4th Offense: Office Referral

**The teacher has the right to skip prior offense consequences if deemed necessary.**

Extra Credit: Extra credit is a privilege not a right!! I believe that a student should be given a chance for extra credit if he/she wants it, however I reserve the right to not award extra credit (i.e. not doing work, disrespect, problems in class). Extra credit will be discussed per student. Extra Credit WILL NOT be accepted one week before the last official FULL TIME class day.

Note to Parents/Guardians:

Please read the attached syllabus and go over all policies with your child. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via any of my information on the front page of this syllabus.

I would like to thank you in advance for allowing me to be a positive role model in your child’s life. I truly believe that with good parent/teacher communication, every child will succeed in Algebra II with Trig.

For my records, after you and your child read and discuss this syllabus, please sign and date the attached statement. This will be your child’s first recorded grade.


I have read the attached syllabus and discussed it with my child. We understand all the expectations and policies and agree to abide by them.

Student’s Name______________________________________

Parent’s Signature_____________________________________

Parent’s Email Address__________________________________



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