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This is a mock-up of slim jewel case cover for a group recording of a book. Customize, print out, cut, and fold in half. Note that the contents menu is a table. You can change the height of the rows and width of the columns, as well as add and delete, as needed.

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| |The Title of the Book |

| |by An Author |

| | |

| |Recorded by |

| |Librivox Volunteers |

|LibriVox | |

|Free Audio Books On-Line | |

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|presents | |

| |1. |

|Title of the Book |The Preface |

|by An Author |00:30:45 |

| |John Doe – |

|A Work in the Public Domain | |

|Recorded by: Librivox Volunteers |2. |

| |Chapter One |

| |00:00:00 |

| |Jane Doe – jane@ |

| | |

|Visit our site to view the catalog of available books, |3. |

|to download audio files, or to learn more about volunteering. |Chapter Two |

| |00:00:00 |

| |LikesToRead |

| | |

| |4. |

| |Chapter Three |

| |00:00:00 |

| |Mary May |

| | |

| |5. |

| |Chapter Four |

| |00:00:00 |

| |Don Juan – don@ |

| | |

| |6. |

| |Chapter Five |

| |00:00:00 |

| |Henry James |

| | |

| |7. |

| |Chapter Six |

| |00:00:00 |

| |amjones |

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| |8. |

| |Chapter Seven |

| |00:00:00 |

| |Jane Doe – jane@ |

| | |

| |9. |

| |Chapter Eight |

| |00:00:00 |

| |Amy June |

| | |

| |10. |

| |Chapter Nine |

| |00:00:00 |

| |Ryan R. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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