Create and Display Your Own Webpages for Free:

Creating a Website using Templates and Netscape Composer

• Templates – Pre-made websites which may be customized.

o It is possible to edit templates with Word and Composer

• HTML code vs. design view

• Organization of files – All files (pictures, html etc) must be in the same folder since links cannot be relative to your computer. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!! Your website will not work properly if you violate this recommendation.

o If a red X appears in your website, the internet browser cannot find an image.

• The insert pull-down menu

o Image – From the “Insert” pull-down menu, select “Image” and a separate window will open. Browse for the desired file and select “OK.” You do not need to specify an alternative text. It is also possible to create a link for a picture using the “Link” tab.

o Link – Highlight the text or image for which you want to create a link. From the “Insert” pull-down menu, select “Link” and a separate window will open. Browse for the appropriate file and click “OK” or enter an absolute link

▪ Absolute link – A link for which you enter the entire web address, http:// included, instead of making a link relative to the file.

o Horizontal Line – From the “Insert” menu, select “Horizontal Line.”

• The format pull-down menu

o Size – From the “Format” pull-down menu, select one of six available font sizes. You can manipulate a font size further by selecting “smaller” or “larger.”

o Page Colors and Backgrounds – From the “Format” pull-down menu, select “Page Colors and Backgrounds.” A separate window will open in which you can change the font color for normal, link, active, and visited links. The option also exists to add a background image by selecting an appropriate file.

o Page Title and Properties – Select “Page Title and Properties” from the “Format” menu. In the “Title” line, insert a caption you want to appear in the top-left corner of the browser window as the title.

• The table pull-down menu

o Join Selected Cells – If multiple table cells are selected, select “Join Selected Cells” from the “Table” pull-down menu.

o Split Cells – Select a cell and choose “Split Cells” from the “Table” pull-down menu.

o Table Properties – You can adjust the cell border, spacing, and padding. Add a background color, change cell colors, and increase the height and width of a cell.

Saving web-based files to a user’s computer – Instead of left clicking on an internet based link to view it,

right click on the link and select “Save target as.” A new window will open; specify a file name and click “Save.” The file will download to your computer without opening. This feature only works when there is one terminal file such as syllabus.doc or grades.xls and not an assortment of files.

Saving a website – If you come across a website on the internet you like, save it and convert it into a template.

To do this, go the website you want to copy, select file and then “Save As.” Internet Explorer will save the webpage as an html file and an accompanying folder of images and other files. To edit your new template, open the html file with a webpage editor (Netscape Composer, Dreamweaver, Frontpage, etc), make your modifications, and resave.

Uploading to a server –Tell the webmaster you wish to create a website on your computer and upload it to the internet. Some questions to ask:

• Is it possible/permitted to post school-related webpages on the servers?

• Is there a file size limit?

• Uploading to the Server:

o Will the webmaster upload the website or is a file transfer protocol (FTP) required? If an FTP is required, please seek instruction from the webmaster.

o Is direct access to the server permitted? In such a case, you will open and save the website directly to the server.

• How often are updates permitted?

Making changes to the website already published – It is recommended that any changes beyond minor ones entail a complete deletion of the previous website and a re-upload of the updated website.

Advanced Options:

• Web: Macromedia Dreamweaver ($93) & Microsoft Frontpage ($87)

• Graphics and picture editor: Adobe Photoshop ($265), Macromedia Fireworks ($95)

• Macromedia Flash (integrate video, text, audio, and graphics)

• Studio (Marcromedia) ($185) – includes Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, & Freehand

• Cheaper alternatives off Ebay:

o Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE (~$20), Dreamweaver 4 (~$15)

• Educational Purchase Websites

o Sprysoft:

o Academic Superstore:

o CCV Software:

o Journey Ed:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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