Amie Cuhaciyan4/05/2015EdTech 503Assistive Apps for College StudentsWith Learning DisabilitiesTable of ContentsPart ic……………………………………………………………………………..51a. Goal…………………………………………………………………………..51.b. Audience…………………………………………………………………….51.c. Rational………………………………………………………………………5Part 2. Analysis Report………………………………………………………………..52.a……………………………………………………………………………62.b……………………………………………………………………………72.c……………………………………………………………………………82.d……………………………………………………………………………92.e……………………………………………………………………………92.f…………………………………………………………………………..10Part 3. Planning………………………………………………………………………...103.a. Learning Objectives………………………………………………………113.b. Matrix of Objectives, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Assessments………..113.c. ARCS Table………………………………………………………………123.d. Instructor Guide…………………………………………………………..133.e. Learner Content…………………………………………………………..14Learning Materials……………………………………………………..14Assessment Materials…………………………………………………153.f. Technology Tools…………………………………………………………….15Part. 4 Evaluation………………………………………………………………………164.a Evaluation Plan………………………………………………………………164.b Subject Matter Expert (SME) Review……………………………………… 164.c Evaluation Survey…………………………………………………………...174.d. Report of Expert Review……………………………………………………174.e. Comments on Suggestions………………………………………………….174.f. Reflective Synthesis Paper…………………………………………………..17Reference……………………………………………………………………19Part 1. TopicLearning Goal1.a ?A one hour class will teach adult students with learning difficulties to use assistive apps for reading and writing.Description of Audience1.b ?The learners will be adult college students who are in need of additional resources to succeed or improve performance in college. ?1.c ?Students with learning disorders will be the main focus of the class, but it will also be beneficial for those struggling with grammar or organization. I am going to use Learning Disorders of America as resource to understand the main supports the learners will need.Part. 2 Analysis Report2.a Needs assessment survey The survey is a yes or no answer with participants being able to add comments to expand on their answers or clarify. Participants also were able to add sections if it better fit their experience-that is how sections like sometimes and usually came about. We clarified their answers with percentages Yes is 100% No 0% usually around 75% and sometimes between 25-50% of the time. ?The survey was given to University of Washington students who self-identified as disabled. Surveys were completed by email or over the phone.Do you use a computer to write documentsDo you use a computer for researchDo you feel like using a spell checker is adequate for the writing needs? Do you do your best work when things are organized?Do you do your best work when there is background noise?Does it take you a long time to figure out how you want to lay out your work?Do you write an outline for your papers?Do you let your work happen organically?Do you use your cell phone apps for help with school work?If YES, to answer 8, how do you use it?Have you ever used apps to help you get through an assignment?If YES, to answer 11, what app did you use? Did you find it helpful? Explain.Do you need help with written assignments?Do you need help while in lecture?Do you need help organizing information?Have you used voice recognition software?Have you used e-readers?Are you familiar with ?2.b Needs Assessment DataMost learners have regular access and familiarity with computers and smart devices. ?Majority aren’t using them as an educational tool, but some have stated they surf the web during class. ?Students aren’t familiar with using apps to manage or assist with educational needs. The ones who are familiar with voice readers and had dyslexia thought they would be too mechanical so didn’t try them. Many learners thought planning for writing a paper was difficult. 2.c Description of LearnersThe demographics for this design are for people who have learning disorders or trouble organizing information be it auditory or written. ?I would suspect the age range would be 18-40 years old and would be most beneficial to students who are new at the university. I see this course as a great online resource available to all students at the onset of their academic career. ?The student should possess basic to intermediate computer skills and comfortable with technology. Intermediate skill would involve daily use of computer or smart devices, including being able to download necessary applications that suit their educational and performance needs. ?They should also possess familiarity with smart phones and apps. ?The area of disability is a sensitive issue for the participants of the survey, they were afraid of being stigmatized by the survey and demanded active dialogue with how the data is portrayed. All refused to give data on age, gender identity, names, and disability. 2.d Learning ContextLearning may take place where it is convenient to the University or the learner. This means the learning may take place during a orientation or at the students residence or library. It is important for the learning to wear headphones so they are not distracted by outside noises as is typical of common areas such as the library. Students may want their smart devices or personal computers on hand to down load apps. ?If they don’t have a smart device on hand then a paper and pen for note taking will suffice. ?The presentation will be via power point, therefore any area a student that would normally do homework would be fine. If used for an orientation a lecture hall would be ideal as it could be linked via video system and used more dynamically by the person conducting the orientation, linked to school learning and disability resources, and allow for students to ask questions.2.e Transfer contextThe application of new student information will/can be used in class, during study, and when writing. ?Students will be able to choose the applications they need and apply the technology useful to their circumstances into different segments of their education whether it is using a recording device in class or using an app that helps them organize information for an essay. For example dyslexics might chose to record their lecture and use an organization app to structure their notes in a way that is logical for their learning outcomes. When students go on to their careers they will still need to synthesize information and write documents such as email, and cover letters.2.f Learning Task Analysis Part. 3 Planning3.1 RationalStudents with learning disorders face stigma and embarrassment in school and have largely learned to mask or make do with their deficiencies. ?Not wanting others to know about their disabilities was a huge concern and a hurdle we had to jump when conducting our Needs Assessment Survey. ?Not a single student who was signed up with the university's disability department used any help with their course work in the form of technology. This is surprising as there is a growing list of assistive apps for all sorts of education purposes. They seem not to know there is anything out there to assist them. They only use computers and smart devices for searching the web about topics related to their classes. ?If we can have students access assistive apps during orientation or as reference material from the university the students will not feel singled out for having a disability and get the resources they don’t even know exist. ?3.2 Learning Objectives Using a computer students will access a PowerPoint presentation on assistive apps for educational purposes.1.2 Students will learn where to access free apps and free apps.1.3 Students will learn what apps are good for the lecture hall and which are best used for homework.Students will download and explore the apps they think will work for them using their personal computers, or other smart devices.3.3 Matrix of Objectives, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and AssessmentsObjective Number Bloom’s Taxonomy ClassificationScaffolding Strategy to be Employed to Teach the ObjectiveType of Assessment1.KnowledgeSuplantiveSelf-Assessment1.1KnowledgeSuplantiveSelf-Assessment1.2AnalyzeSuplantiveSelf-Assessment2.EvaluateGenerativeSelf-Assessment &Performance task3.4 ARCS TableAttention A1. Perceptual ArousalThe instructor will introduce the topics covered in the presentation, and explain their use in supporting students who have learning disabilities or trouble organizing information.A2. Inquiry Arousal The instructor will explain the prevalence of learning disorders in adults and iterate that many adults with learning disorders go undiagnosed.A3. VariabilityThe amount of new apps and technology that come to market are quick to evolve and change. Revision and addendums will need to be made regularly to keep abreast of changes and to better serve student needs.RelevanceR1. Goal OrientationPresentation will link all apps and features to direct in and out of class situations where their use is beneficial R2. Motive MatchingStudents will be able to choose a time and apps that best fits them and their schedulesR.3 FamiliarityIf in a classroom setting students will have time to interact with apps as asses their suitabilityConfidenceC1. Learning RequirementsBasic computer skills to access the website and press playC2. Success OpportunitiesStudents will have the time to sort through and try out different apps allowing them to use what they think they need.C3. Personal ControlStudents will be given a wide array of information to inform their decision on what apps may work for them. They may pick and choose as many as they see fit for their educational or private purposes.SatisfactionS1. Natural ConsequencesThe apps and information learned in the presentation can be used right away and in multiple situationsS2. Positive ConsequencesThey are using platforms that are already comfortable with and use on a regular basis usually for pleasure and easeS3. EquityBy completing surveys and providing feedback the course content will get stronger and closer aligned with student gradesThe possibility exists that students grades will improve benefitting institutions as a whole3.5 Instructor GuideThe learning will take place via a voice recorded PowerPoint Presentation and will consist of:An Introduction from the organization providing the courseThe relevance of the course materialsGive detailed information on each slide topicGuide Students to resources via the web and on campusDirect students to download apps they feel they will need after going over the uses of each appLearner Content3.6 Learning MaterialsA list of Apps with short descriptions Free apps: Evernote: Evernote is a closed source freemium suite of software and services, designed for note taking and archiving. A "note" can be a piece of formatted text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note. Notes can also have file attachments.Grammarly: A Grammar checker that improves your writing in emails, documents, social media posts, messages, and more.Tomi File Manager: This app helps keep all of your files as organized as possible so you can find what you need quickly.Audio Class Notes: Audio Class Notes is a helpful tool to record and keep track of class notes. You can easily tag and jump to the important parts of the lecture, making studying easier.Blio: makes e-reading easy with text-to-speech, highlighting words as you read, looking up unknown words or phrases, and being visually friendly to suit your needs.CanPlan: a task management app that breaks tasks down into easy-to-follow steps in the form of photo sequences. It is designed for people with cognitive challenges, and while dyslexics do not have these challenges, they may like the straightforward approach to managing tasks.Idea Sketch: Idea Sketch lets you easily draw a diagram - mind map, concept map, or flow chart - and convert it to a text outline, and vice versa. You can use Idea Sketch for anything, such as brainstorming new ideas, illustrating concepts, making lists and outlines, planning presentations, creating organizational charts, and more!Fangs: A Mozilla Foxfire extension that creates a textual representation of a web page similar to how the page would be read by a modern screen reader.Paid Apps: ER Broswer: This app is a web browser that allows the user to change the style of web pages to make them easier to read. The user can change the background color, fonts, text size, and more.Abilipad: This iPad app is a completely customizable keyboard and adaptive notepad. Its key features include enlarging keys, word prediction, text-to-speech, audio recording, and much more.App websites:ITunes chrome store Device app store located on your tablet or phone.Fangs extension download Formative and Summative Assessment MaterialsStudents will be given a short survey via paper or online. The survey shall address:the usefulness of the information provided in the course if students will try any apps which apps the students will/have downloadedif there are areas students feel they are in need of help what resources or apps they would like to see added 3.8 Technology ToolsTo teach students about apps they might need the use of a smart phone, tablet or computer. Most students have these as personal items or can access them through their place of higher education. Some venues to purchase apps may require downloads for PC users. Part. 4 Evaluation4.1 Evaluation PlanUsing Kirkpatrick’s four level educational model we will evaluate the presentation. Evaluations will be done with short surveys of learners and when applicable a facilitator who can account for the general climate of the room and the physical reactions of learners.Reactions: Learner reactions will have to be assed via the exit survey discussed in the Assessment Materials section, because places of higher education will most likely allow students to view the presentation in the comfort of their own homesLearning:Can you differentiate between a learning difficulty and a learning disorder?Do you have to have a learning difficulty or a disorder to benefit from these apps?Behavior: At the end of their first quarter or semester a quick survey can be emailed to students asking if they used any of the information or apps during and which ones they used. If they would like to; a comment section will be available for further explanation or comments.Results: After each term we can evaluate the active use of the apps and evaluate the program as a whole. Data should be taken down and graphed for a full academic year so trends can be noted and bugs can be fixed. 4.2 Expert Review The subject matter expert for this project is Kevin Jensen the dean of enrollment and student services at College of Western Idaho. The materials were submitted on April 27th 2015 and initial feedback was given on April 30th 2015. 4.3 Evaluation SurveyAn informal evaluation was carried out due to time constraints caused by a brain injury in the last few weeks of the course. The SME was instructed to provide feedback on aspects of the project he felt needed altered and to provide reasoning for the change. We spoke about critiquing the presentation as if it were to be used by his staff as part of their student orientation materials. 4.4 Report on Results from the Expert Review The SME made it clear that the ideas present resonated on what he called a practice but felt that my rational needed to better integrated into the needs assessment sections and that a more delineated explanation be given to differentiate between learning difficulties vs. learning disorders. In this way concepts will be easier to understand and follow throughout the design and implementation of the course. 4.5 Comments of ChangeThe comments from the SME were positive and gave a pathway to clarify and strengthen the design of the course. The recommendation to define the difference between a learning difficulty and a disorder should be done. In interest to better serve the learner I believe a new needs assessment survey should be made and delivered to a broader base of students who are in their first year of college. That way we can more accurately assess needs on a larger population. The survey would also be better accomplished via online survey to assure the anonymity of the students and have better ease of use. These changes were given by the SME but considering the need to add the definitions and clarifications on the subject matter it would be best to re-do the survey. It was also suggested that we change some goals to better align with the rational, I think we can do this once we re-evaluate the student needs with our new insights. Reflective Synthesis PaperWhen we began the first steps in the process of design I was completely overwhelmed. I felt way in over my head and that wasn’t a way for me to complete such a large task in a matter of weeks. To my delight the fact the designing is a process helped to focus on each level of creation as one flowed into the next like a string of dominos. Now that I am finished I wish I hadn’t rushed the beginning of the task and thought about the ending a bit more so each part was more coherent, but I am sure when I apply these skills next time I will have something far better than what I was able to create here.That said, dealing with all the moving parts mainly other people for surveys and reviews were the most nerve wracking parts as you never know what you will get or if you asked the right questions. The process, is self-healing though, because it never really ends and mistakes can be further assessed and fixed at every level. If this were a real life presentation to be given there are many things I could do now to fix inadequacies before anything was actually given to learners. Beginning the formal design process was less complicated that I had thought. When I began my degree I decided what my main focus was and in this section I could combine two of them – Higher Education and Special Needs. I found the structure of making the topics simple and they allowed me to come back after completing needs assessments and realize a few things might not be as well aligned as they should. If I had the time for a do over I would, because the whole process was making more sense and coming together as a whole with the completion of each section. That is why I say the process is like a domino effect. When a few dominos fall you don’t how fast all the other parts that you thought had spaced out properly will lay. As momentum builds you see a pattern and a direction and can set up more dominos to along the way to get the finish you want or you can find the flaw in the design fix it and see how the next run goes. I say that especially after finishing up ID Project #2. It made me realize that I had to aim the design in a different direction to keep in on task. I also had some issues with turning it in and because of that I missed out on some valuable feedback from my fellow classmate and instructor.As I delved into this course and we discussed various mind boggling scenarios like dealing with multiple stake holders who can’t seem to agree on a single aspect to ID’s not being able to complete their work. Honestly, it freaked me out, I have personally lived with a lot on conflict in my life and I could not see myself working my tail off to be put in the middle of petty disagreements. I knew the skill was great, but I didn’t know what I could do with it in combination with my personality. I was lucky enough to have a breakthrough come to me in the form of a non-profit organization. Volunteering to hone my skills and become an expert and hence more comfortable with ID will be a great outlet for me while I am still pursuing my M.E.T. I will get the time and experience I feel I need. The larger picture still is working with an organization that shares the same humanitarian ideals as me. It makes me feel like I am working for a heartfelt cause that will require effort to achieve and not just plunking away for a paycheck. Purpose is important for me and I think I have found it. I am now the chapter president of SOAR in Idaho and am tasked with creating an online Armenian language school. I will being working with a multinational team and will use the design process I learned in this class to organize, understand, and create all of the parts that will need delegated by the main branch to make this gigantic under taking work. Learning to have a subject matter expert is immeasurable since I won’t have a clue about 90% of the detailed aspects involved and I will need great people who do that can lead me in the right direction and add valuable information. Reference, M. B., & Lockee, B.B. (2014). Streamlined ID: A practical guide to instructional design. New York: Routledge. ................

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