International Journal of GEOMATE

The journal paper must be at least 6 pages long (minimum 6 pages but maximum no limit)Abstract - make sure it contains “background, methodology, results, and conclusions” within 150 words to 250 words.Introduction - check whether it contains research significance? The references cited in it are in order?Results - contains details explanation? Figures and Tables are correctly presented?Figures and Tables: Minimum 4 Figures and/or Tables but maximum no limitConclusions - whether the key findings have been addressed and future work been outlined and recommended?List of references – has the reference format followed the template? And contains at least 10 recent references related to your researchDownload the template file again and read carefully the requirements. Visit or ce-addin/windows for possible help and do native English professional proofreading. Please fill in the gap in all pages (no blank space at all)References inside text should be according to the template All figures must be redrawn according to the template Redraw Fig. with the same scale using the same font size 10 and symbol and marks etc.Send copyright signed by all authorsAll Equations must be clear and font size 10The author is encouraged to recheck the paper after another revision. A second read of the paper after some weeks is helpful to find the mistakes and bugs.Submit online using the following link: accept online submission only. ................

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