Installment - West Chester University


Step1: Download Java SDK: J2EE

Step 2: Double click the local zip file: j2eesdk-1_4-windows.exe and start to install.

• During the installment, please don’t forget to mark check boxes of and .

• Also, do not forget where to install the J2EE , including the driver information (C:/D: ). You will need this later.

• The whole part may need 240M disk space.

Step 3: Make sure you do have jpsc.bat in \bin and javac.exe in \jdk\bin after you have installed the whole part.

Step 4: Check the path setting.

• For Windows < 2k, you should check the file autoexec.bat. PATH=\bin; \jdk\bin;

• In Windows ≥ 2k, the environment variables can be manipulated as administrator through -> -> -> . In this case you also need to check and set the PATH variable. (Add \bin; and \jdk\bin).

Step 5: !! Restart your computer.

|Alternatively (1-5 only), download the newest version for windows from , follow the |

|instruction, and install it. (The newest version does not need to set up path!) |

| |

|Note that for Mac, please read the instructions on , download from |

|, an install it. |

Step 6: Go to . Download the latest version of jGRASP.

Step 7: Install jGRASP.

Step 8: Click the icon [pic]on the desktop. Key in the following text.


Step 9:Save as. !! Please use the same name “Welcome”. [pic]

Step 10: Compile


Step 11:Run [pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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