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Margin*Plus POS McKesson Catalogue Import How-To In this document you will find instructions for Catalogue Import routine between McKesson and your Margin*Plus POS system. If you have any questions regarding the detail outlined in this document, please contact POSitec Customer Support at: 1.800.667.4605 Catalogue Import PHASE 1 – Download Catalogue File On your ordering PC, double-click the Pharmasave POS Portal icon. Click on Sen Orders tab and you will see a screen similar to the following: Select Launch Pharmaclik Website. Log into Pharmaclik using Front Store credentials, then select the correct account on the top right of the screen.Select Catalogue.Press Generate, this will send a request for a new catalogue to be generated. Click on the refresh circle occasionally until the new catalogue has been generated and is ready for download, usually takes about 10 minutes.Once the catalogue file is ready for download, you will see a download icon under status. Click on that icon to download, then choose Save As option at the bottom of the screen, and save it to the McKesson folder on your Desktop.NOTE: it is recommended you save the file to the existing “McKesson” folder on the Desktop. If you don’t have McKesson folder on Desktop, we recommend creating one.Phase 1 – Extract the McKesson Catalogue File 1. Double-Click the McKesson Catalogue folder. 2. Right-Click on the newly downloaded zip file, then choose Extract All NOTE: An Extraction Wizard may appear. If so, use the free version available. 3. Select Browse, browse to the McKesson Catalogue folder, then select Extract 4. Make sure to save directly into the McKesson folder. 5. The file “WEBCAT” should now be in the folder with the current date.6. Return to the Pharmaclik POS Portal, ensure the IE Download Folder path is pointing to the McKesson folder. 7. Select Send Catalogue to POS Server.Phase 2 – Import Catalogue In B-8-2-1-11 Import DB from McKesson, choose Use Current Data. Select the correct McKesson database, or press [F1] to look up.Ready to Continue? YES Existing Items Found in Database. Clear? NO When import is complete, press [Enter] to return to menu. Phase 3 – Apply Supplier Reference Numbers 1. In B-8-2-3 Price/Cost Update from UniDB, select the correct McKesson database, or press [F1] to look up. 2. Select options as in the example below: 3. Say yes to Continue. 4. It may come with prompt “existing database found. Delete?”. Choose “No”. 5. When update is complete, press [Enter] to return to menu. ................

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