Exam 2 - Microsoft Word

MS Word Sample Document1. Create a document in MS Word with the following features:Download the following: HYPERLINK "" perform the following edits to the document. Some sample solutions are pictured below.Insert a Blank (not a built in cover page) at the beginning of the document Center top to bottom and left justify? "PC Purchasing tips", Of font type Arial Black, font size 18Include your name & today's date underneath and centered.Insert any clip art relating to computers under your name and dateMake the margins on the title page 1.5" and the rest of the document 1" for left, right, top and bottom Search for any image relating to money using the internet. Include this image in the paragraph with the suggestion to "Don't be frustrated when prices drop ", where the text is squarely wrapped around the image. Make it small so it fits into the paragraph. Add a footnote that contains the web address where you found the photo to the bottom of the page that contains the imageUse 12pt Arial font for the body document, except where noted by modifying the normal style.Apply full justification to the text of the document after the cover page.Put each tip (first sentence of each paragraph) on its own line, make it style of Heading1.? Modify the heading1 style so that it is Arial, bold, with a purple line below it. 12 pt spacing before and afterAdd a table of contents between the title page and body on its own page.Add a header with your name on the left and page number on the right using a right tab at 6.5 inches.? Do not include the header and its contents on the cover page.Fix any spelling errors.Add the following journal articles to the citation manager. Then place this citation at the end of the 1st paragraph, about not forgetting the software, using APA 6th style.? ? Authors:???Joe Black ? Title:???? Most Commonly Used Software, ? Journal:???Journal of Software? ? Year:????? 2013 ? Volume:??? 25 ? Issue:???? 4 ? Pages:???? 11-21 Then add the following citation at the end of the paragraph about using a credit card using APA 6th style? Authors:? Dr. Dewey, Dr. Cheatum, Dr. Howe,?? ? Title:? ? Credit card fraud detection ? Journal:? Intelligent Systems and their Applications, IEEE ? Year:???? 2011 ? Volume:???25 ? Issue:??? 6 ? Pages:??? 67-74 Then add a bibliography at the end of the document on a separate page.2. Place your finished document in the MS Word Exam drop box in D2L when you are finished.Sample Title Page:This is what the beginning of the body should look like:?? ................

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