Teaching Guide Template - RMIT University

Technical guide

HLT07 Health Training Package

Series 11 Flexible Learning Toolbox

Supporting resources for:

HLT21307 Certificate II in Aboriginal

and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care

© Commonwealth of Australia 2008

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth of Australia. This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Training Copyright, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, GPO Box 9880 Canberra City ACT 2601 or email copyright@.au.


List of tables and figures iii

Introduction 1

System requirements 2

Client hardware and software (for learners) 2

Server hardware and software (for RTO) 2

Developer hardware and software (for customising) 3

Toolbox Help Desk and support services 3

Customising Toolbox content 4

What features can be customised? 4

Customising a Toolbox for single unit delivery 10

Keeping to the standards 11

Visual design 11

Navigation 15

File structure 15

Accessibility 16

Technical support 18

Installation on a web server 18

Installing into a SCORM compliant LMS 18

Producing CD-ROMs for distribution 18

Known issues 19

Troubleshooting 19

Frequently asked questions - FAQs 19

The Toolbox Help Desk 20

References 20

List of tables and figures

Table 1: Customisable elements 7

Table 2: CSS style list 11


This technical guide has been developed to support you in delivering the HLT07 Health Training Package, Series 11 Flexible Learning Toolbox.

This Toolbox provides a media-rich learning environment combining advice and information from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members as well as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health practitioners working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The trainer’s guide that accompanies the Toolbox focuses on providing directions to trainers, facilitators and assessors about how to use each component of the Toolbox to best meet learner needs.

This technical guide is divided into three sections comprising:

• system requirements

• customising Toolbox content

• technical support (FAQs, troubleshooting, help desk).

System requirements

Client hardware and software (for learners)


To use the learning material in this unit, learners will need a computer with the following features:

• IBM® compatible with a 1000 MHz processor running Windows 2000, XP, Vista

-- OR --

• Apple Macintosh® with a 500 MHz processor running OSX v10.3.0 with:

o 256 Mb of RAM

o 1024 x 768 pixel display

o CD-ROM drive

o Internet access

o Sound card


Learners will also need the following software/plug-ins installed on their computer:

• Internet Explorer 6.0 or above ( )

-- or --

• Firefox 2.0 or above ( )

-- or --

• Safari 1.3 or above ( )

• Microsoft® Word 97 or a similar word processing program to open and use downloadable documents

• Adobe® Flash Player 9. If you haven’t got this plug-in, you can download and install the latest free version from:

• Adobe® PDF Reader 6.0 or above. If you haven’t got this plug-in, you can download and install the latest free version from: .

Incorrect versions of these applications could result in information being shown in an unreadable form or not shown at all.

Server hardware and software (for RTO)

• IBM compatible computer with a 1000 MHz processor (or Unix equivalent)

• 256 Mb of RAM

• 4 Gb hard disk space free

• CD-ROM drive

• 2xISDN (128k), T1 preferred

• Internet server software

Developer hardware and software (for customising)

Same as client hardware and software above, with the addition of:

• an HTML text editor such as Homesite®, BBEdit® or Adobe® Dreamweaver

• a word processor such as Microsoft® Word to edit documents

• PDF (Portable Document Format) Creator such as Adobe Acrobat Professional or equivalent.

If customisation of multimedia interactions is required, then the following applications may be necessary:

• Adobe Flash CS3 or above

• XML SPY or equivalent XML editing tool (e.g. Notepad)

• Adobe Photoshop/Fireworks CS3 or above (or equivalent) for editing still images

• Adobe Illustrator CS3 or above for editing illustration/vector graphics

• SoundEdit16 (or equivalent) for editing sound content

• Premiere (or equivalent) for editing video content.

Toolbox Help Desk and support services

The Toolbox website provides support at . This site offers help desk details, frequently asked questions, installation and configuration advice and patches for any products that are found to have minor errors or discrepancies. If you are unable to find what you are looking for on this site, please email the Toolbox Help Desk at Toolboxhelp@.au or phone 1300 736 710.

Customising Toolbox content

In most cases Toolboxes are able to be modified and redistributed with minimal licensing or copyright encumbrance. However, before commencing any modifications we recommend that you check the license details of the Toolbox, to ensure that any customisation undertaken does not contravene the conditions of that licence.

For licensing conditions visit:

Remember to retain the original files in their CD-ROM format so that you always have an original copy of the Toolbox as a backup.

What features can be customised?

Toolboxes can be customised by users under the flexible licensing arrangements, as long as they are not on-sold. You are therefore encouraged to customise the Toolboxes. However, before embarking on any modifications or customisation, we suggest that you:

• check the licensing details of the Toolboxes to ensure that any customisation does not contravene the conditions of the licence

• have the required trained personnel

• remember to retain the original files in the CD-ROM format as a backup (should you require them at a later stage).

Some design aspects of the Toolboxes can be easily customisable. However, there are other aspects of the Toolboxes that are more difficult. For this complex customisation we recommend that you proceed only if you have the relevant trained technical personnel.

This Toolbox was created using Adobe Dreamweaver® CS3 Templates which control the structure of the Toolbox and most of the links. All links found in any of the global navigation and the menus of the workshops are controlled in the templates. This makes the Toolbox much easier to update quickly and easily. The conference pack uses the default template but the links need to be set manually inside each individual page if you do not use a template. To use the templates or to keep track of links between web pages and dependent files, use Dreamweaver® to define a site. For full details on how to define a site in Dreamweaver® visit:

There are a number of multimedia applications that have been included in this Toolbox and all, where possible, have been made using easily editable XML files and, in a few cases, a Flash actionscript file that accompanies the Flash application source file included in the source_files directory of the Toolbox. It is called xmlparser and is a generic XML loader class. This class provides an easy way to load XML files and parse the data into a format that is simple to work with. Every node becomes an array with the same name. All attributes are also accessible because they become properties with the same name.

The following XML is an extract from one of the workshop stories:

NOTE: Any file locations within the XML is relative to the HTML web page, not the XML file itself.

Alan's story

Think about ...

Did the health service act in Alan's best interests? Did it respect his rights?

How could the health service have better maintained Alan's patient confidentiality?



Once the XML file is loaded using the xmlparser class, node values can be accessed using the following syntax.

Alan’s story content: _root.parsed_obj.story[0].item[0].value;

• parsed_obj: represents an array of stories nodes.

• story: represents an array of story child nodes from stories. This is indexed using a numerical indexer.

• item: represents an array of item child nodes from story. This is indexed using a numerical indexer.

Accessing Alan’s audio file: _root.parsed_obj.story[0].audiotrack[0].value;

• parsed_obj: represents an array of stories nodes

• story: represents an array of story child nodes from stories. This is indexed using a numerical indexer

• audiotrack: represents an array of audiotrack child nodes from story. This is indexed using a numerical indexer

Other applications that are considered very basic and are absolutely one-off will not have this edit ability and the information can only be edited by someone with a basic knowledge of Macromedia/Adobe® Flash. In this case, the majority of the actionscript used to create the application can be found on the root or MovieClip timeline in a layer called loader or code. An example of this would be the health worker stories located in workshop one (1) of the conference room. There is story content and audio file location information in this application and this information can be found in the place described above.

An audio player is inserted at the top of every conference web page to introduce or give instructions on how to do the workshop. Below is an example of an XML file that supplies information to the sound player:


Lucida Sans



Lucida Sans


Inside the player node are three (3) attributes used to set up the player.

NOTE: Any file locations within the XML is relative to the HTML web page, not the XML file itself.

• audiofile: represents the file location of the audio file to play.

• image: represents the file location for an image of the person doing the audio.

• autoplay: represents a boolean flag that determines if the audio should start playing the queued sound automatically once loaded. Changing the autoplay attribute to 1 will force the player to start playing automatically when ready. The default is 0.

There are two (2) style child nodes for the player node that describe formatting parameters for each text box on the player.

• audio_duration: this style node describes the features to apply to the audio position/duration text box.

• stream_progress: this style node describes the formatting features to apply to the audio streaming progress text box.

• Each style node uses the following formatting attributes:

o fontsize: the size of the font

o fontfamily: the font family

o fontcolour: the colour of the font. The colour value should be supplied in hex values without the # symbol.

Table 1: Customisable elements

|Element |To customise |

| |Description |Location |

|Toolbox index page |Formatted entirely in HTML, edit with Dreamweaver®. Editing of |index.htm |

| |the Flash interaction is explained above. | |

|Conference room start page |Formatted entirely in HTML, edit with Dreamweaver®. Editing of |\toobox11_03\conference\room\in|

| |the Flash interaction is explained above. |dex.htm |

|Orientation text |Most text is HTML, browse to the location in the Toolbox, take |\content\*.htm |

| |note of the URL, and use that to find the appropriate file in | |

| |the toolbox11_03 directory. | |

| |Open the file in Dreamweaver® (or a text editor) and make the | |

| |changes. | |

|Audio |The audio files are stored in the audio directory under the |\content\audio\*.mp3 |

| |content folder. | |

| |If you want to change the audio then replace the MP3 file using | |

| |the same name and the audio player will detect the length | |

| |automatically. | |

|JavaScript files |The menu rollovers, page animations and flash inserter are |\toolbox11_03\shared\js\*.js |

| |provided using DHTML in shared JavaScript files. | |

| |All files can be edited with a simple text editor like Notepad. | |

| |The .js include files are located in \shared\js directory. | |

|Flash interactions |Most of these interactions can be customised by anyone with |\content\media\*.swf |

| |basic Adobe® Flash design skills. However, some are more |\content\media\*.fla |

| |complex, and require actionscript and XML knowledge. |\content\media\*.xml |

| |Most Flash interactions in this Toolbox are self-contained, but | |

| |most pull in external data from an XML file. | |

| |If there is an associated XML file, it can be found inside the | |

| |media folder and generally matches, or relates its name to the | |

| |name of the Flash file. Open Dreamweaver® or any basic text | |

| |editor to customise the XML file. The XML has been written in | |

| |the hope that it is intuitive to use and explanations of each | |

| |node can be found above. Experimenting with the XML will not | |

| |damage the application but may make it not work as expected. | |

| |Always keep a backup of the original XML file. | |

| |To customise, open the page in Dreamweaver® and select the Flash| |

| |object that you wish to change. Under the properties of the | |

| |object, you will see a filename such as flashmovie.swf. You | |

| |cannot change this directly, but must rebuild it from the source| |

| |code. | |

| |Using Adobe® Flash authoring software, browse to the | |

| |source_files directory and locate a .fla file with the same name| |

| |as the .swf. | |

| |This is the file you need to edit. Open it up inside Flash and | |

| |look for comments in the actionscript attached to the first | |

| |frame. These comments will point you in the right direction. | |

| |Any actionscript will be on the root timeline in a code layer | |

| |and loader layer. Look for scripts in the timeline first and | |

| |then the buttons and/or movieclips. | |

Basic editing

There are numerous ways to edit the content of this Toolbox. The approach is similar to editing pages that might be found on any website.

The two simplest ways are:

1. Using a web development package (MS FrontPage® or Adobe/Macromedia Dreamweaver®).

2. Using a straight text editor (MS Notepad® or your favourite text editor).

A basic understanding of HTML and the software package is useful.

Web development software package

• Download the complete Toolbox contents onto your machine.

• Identify the pages you would like to edit (these are displayed in the address bar at the top of the browser page when viewing).

• Locate these files in the downloaded files, following the paths displayed in the browser.

• Open each file in your web editing software package (ie MS FrontPage® or Adobe/Macromedia Dreamweaver®) and make appropriate changes.

• Save each file.

• Check your edits in a web browser to see if the files display properly.

Text editor (ie MS Notepad®)

• Download complete Toolbox contents onto your machine.

• Locate the file you wish to edit, following the paths displayed in the browser.

• Open the file using a text editor (ie MS Notepad®)

• Make appropriate changes, following the CSS styles, some of which are:

o (main headings) larger blue font in caps

o (sub-headings) green fonts

o (main content i.e. paragraphs) black text.

• Save each file.

• Check your edits in a web browser to see if the files display properly.

Customising a Toolbox for single unit delivery

You may only want to offer one or two units from the Toolbox, or limit access to certain units and/or streams.

To disable access to units, open the index.htm file in the root folder in Dreamweaver®, and edit the link target for the unit you wish to disable to point to disabled.htm. Now, when learners click these buttons they will receive a pop-up message saying that this content is not available at this time. You can modify this message by changing disabled.htm.

If you want to distribute a smaller version by pruning the unnecessary content, you will need to follow the above process, and in addition, delete the appropriate folders in the toolbox11_03 directory.

If choosing to use only one particular workshop you will need to make sure that the appropriate links are disabled by pointing the links to disabled.htm for both the conference room and conference pack. It is also possible to remove the links entirely.

You may wish to modify the index.htm file to not show these missing units, or you may wish to create an entirely new one using the existing file as a reference.

Each workshop is organised in the following folder-naming convention:

• workshop_01

o activities

▪ activity_1 - Flash interactive activity + text alternative

▪ activity_2

▪ docs - all documents that relate to the workshop activities

▪ HTML pages

o audio - all audio files that relate to the workshop and stories

o media - Flash component and related XML file(s)

o story_1 - text alternatives

o …

o story_8

o HTML pages

All individual stories and activities are self-contained, meaning that all content is contained within the folder structure of the workshop. If removing stories or activities from the Toolbox, it is best to leave the shared folders. This will help to ensure that all files such as style sheets and scripts are available and that the pages will display and function correctly.

Keeping to the standards

This Toolbox has been developed in accordance with a number of internal conventions and international standards. These standards may be related to accessibility, cross-browser compatibility, or just to enable the easy location and customisation of content.

Keep this in mind when you are customising, as whatever you produce will need to be accessible, cross-browser compatible, and able to be further customised.

Try to ensure that any changes you make are conformant with the following standards.

• WCAG 1.0, Priority 1 -

• XHTML 1.0 Transitional -

• CSS 2 -

Visual design

This Toolbox uses:

• cascading style sheets (CSS2) for visual layout

• only relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified ‘text size’ option.

If your browser or browsing device does not support style sheets at all, the content and menu structure of each page is still readable.

Global formatting with CSS

This Toolbox has been created with cascading style sheets (CSS). This will enable you to make global changes to the look and feel of this Toolbox. If you do not have a good understanding of HTML and at least a beginner’s level understanding of CSS you should get somebody with this knowledge to help you.

The main CSS file is located at toobox11_03\shared\css\global.css. All other CSS files (start.css, style.css, popup.css) inherit from this one except for the print style sheet which is stand alone and overrides other styles for printing purposes only. Each style sheet relates to a particular section of the Toolbox. The start.css style sheet is only used in the start, system requirements, unit information, acknowledgements and disclaimer & copyright pages found at the root and shared folder of the Toolbox.

CSS style descriptions

Table 2: CSS style list

|Style name |Font |Size |Description |

|Body |Arial |100% |Main body font. All classes and tags inherit the font attribute unless |

| | | |stated otherwise. |

|A | | |Link underlined. |

|a:hover | | |Link not underlined on hover. |

|ul, li | |100%/75% |Padding and margins set to standardise display across browsers. |

|P | |80% |Padding and margins set to standardise display across browsers. |

|img | | | |

|h1 | |110% |Heading level 1 – should only ever appear once per page. |

|h2 | |105% |Heading level 2. |

|h3 | |100% |Heading level 3. |

|h4 | |90% |Heading level 4. |

|h5 | |85% |Heading level 5. |

|h6 | |80% |Heading level 6. |

|#master | | |Page container block element that centres content. |

|#header | | |Style applies to all pages that contain a header. Global navigation style|

| | | |sets the dimension for the page navigation container and background |

| | | |image. |

|#container | | |Container holds all sub-page navigation and content areas but not the |

| | | |header navigation. |

|#footer | | |Describes the dimensions and background colour of the footer found on all|

| | | |pages. |

|.clearfix | | |This is an important style that forces a line break between elements. |

| | | |Used to end floating elements. Used whenever HTML formatting |

| | | |requires elements to align beside each other. |

|.float-left, | | |Floats an element to the left or right wrapping the other elements inside|

|.float-right | | |the container. |

|.text-center, | | |Aligns all elements in the centre of the containing element. |

|.text-center-a | | | |

|.text-left, | | |Aligns an element to the left or right wrapping the other elements inside|

|.text-right | | |the container. |

|.padding-bottom1, | | |Adds padding to the bottom of an element. The number on the end indicates|

|.padding-bottom2, | | |the amount of padding to apply, for example, 1 = 1.0em |

|.padding-bottom3 | | | |

|.padding-left1, | | |Adds padding to the left of an element. The number on the end indicates |

|.padding-left2, | | |the amount of padding to apply, for example, 1 = 1.0em |

|.padding-left3 | | | |

|.padding-right1, | | |Adds padding to the right of an element. The number on the end indicates |

|.padding-right2, | | |the amount of padding to apply, for example, 1 = 1.0em |

|.padding-right3 | | | |

|. breadcrumbs, | | |General menu navigation link style that tracks the page hierarchy or |

|.breadcrumbs a | | |depth level. |

|.breadcrumbs em, | | | |

|.breadcrumbs span | | | |

|.column-container, | | |Applies a table-like content style to the block elements and its content.|

|.column-left, | | |Used on the acknowledgements and delivering health services conference |

|.column-right | | |pack pages. |

|.face-column-container| | |Used extensively through the Toolbox to display storytellers’ faces |

|, | | |beside the story content. |

|.face-column-left, | | | |

|.face-column-right | | | |

|.noprint, | | |These two (2) classes are used in conjunction with the print.css to hide |

|.printme | | |elements on a web page but display them when printing. It basically |

| | | |switches the elements when printing the page. |

|.player-container, | | |Positions the text alternative link on the right hand side of the Flash |

|.player-flash, | | |audio player. |

|.player-text | | | |

|.workshop-red, | | |Defines the background and text colours of each workshop. These are used |

|.workshop-blue, | | |in conjunction with the breadcrumb navigation system. They are also used |

|.workshop-green, | | |on the conference pack page workshop headers. |

|.workshop-yellow, | | | |

|.workshop-purple | | | |

|.workshop-text-red, | | | |

|.workshop-text-blue, | | | |

|.workshop-text-green, | | | |

|.workshop-text-yellow,| | | |

|.workshop-text-purple | | | |

|.conference-container,| | |These classes define the positions for each link element on the |

|.conference-link-topro| | |conference room image. |

|w, | | | |

|.conference-link-midro| | | |

|w, | | | |

|.conference-link-botro| | | |

|w | | | |

|.assessment-links | | |Adds padding set to standardise display across browsers. Only used on the|

| | | |assessment tasks links. |

|#conference-pack, | | |Defines all the positioning parameters for building the conference pack |

|#topPage, | | |booklet. If you need to add more links, simply add more CSS classes using|

|#page1, | | |the implemented naming convention, for example, .pack-link-8 |

|#page2, | | | |

|#page3, | | | |

|#page4, | | | |

|#page5, | | | |

|.page-link-1, | | | |

|.page-link-2, | | | |

|.page-link-3, | | | |

|.page-link-4, | | | |

|.page-link-5, | | | |

|.page, | | | |

|.pack-container, | | | |

|.pack-container a, | | | |

|.pack-header, | | | |

|.pack-link-1, | | | |

|.pack-link-2, | | | |

|.pack-link-3, | | | |

|.pack-link-4, | | | |

|.pack-link-5, | | | |

|.pack-link-6, | | | |

|.pack-link-7 | | | |

Other styles have been used although they relate to the styles that are located above. For example, in mentioning the style #container it should be assumed that html tags such as and so on, may also be named inside that container. The CSS for this site has been commented and is created generally in sections, therefore all styles that relate to the #container style can be found underneath the parent (#container) style.

There is also a print style, print.css – all styles are almost exactly the same as those contained in the global.css outlined above although menus and the headers are turned off as they are not needed in the printed version.

You can find out more about CSS at: .


The navigation of the Toolbox uses cascading style sheets (CSS) and HTML only. Therefore, the links are easily editable using either the templates that have been supplied with the Toolbox or by setting the links manually.

The main CSS file is located at \toolbox11_03\shared\css\global.css. The rollover effects are controlled using JavaScript and, if turned off, the menu system will still work.

File structure

The root folder has the following sub-folders:

• scripts which includes all scripts, styles etc that are used in the Toolbox - it must be on every CD-ROM or server copy of the Toolbox

• source_files which contains Flash files and other files used in the construction of the Toolbox

• templates contains all Dreamweaver® templates used in the creation of this Toolbox

• toolbox11_03 contains all of the Toolbox content

o audio – all audio files that relate to the toolbox intro

o images – all images that relate to the toolbox intro

o shared - this level contains all shared scripts, style sheets, graphical and Flash content across the toolbox

▪ css – style sheets

▪ images – images

▪ js – JavaScript files

▪ media – Flash objects (e.g. audio_player.swf)

o conference

▪ tasks

• audio – all audio files that relate to the intro

• images – all images that relate to the intro

• media – Flash and XML content that relates to the intro

• task_1

o docs – all documents that relate to task 1

• task_2

o docs – all documents that relate to task 2

• HTML pages

▪ pack (example)

• audio – all audio files that relate to the intro

• images – all images that relate to the intro

• media – Flash and XML content that relates to the intro

• HTML pages

▪ workshops – all workshop files

• workshop_01 (example)

o activities

▪ activity_1

• media – Flash and XML activity content that relates to the HTML pages

• HTML pages

▪ activity_2

• media – Flash and XML activity content that relates to the HTML pages

• HTML pages

▪ Docs – location for learning journey documents

▪ HTML pages

o audio

o media

o story_1 (example)

▪ HTML pages (text alternatives)

• (individual workshop folders).


The site is compliant with W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0), Priority 1 Checkpoints.

Each Flash interaction has an icon which indicates that the content is also available in an accessible form. To access the alternative version, simply click this icon. If a screen reader, such as JAWS comes across a Flash piece with the icon, JAWS will alert the learner of the alternative version by speaking, ‘Flash interaction’.

If you modify any of this Flash content, remember to modify the content in the alternative version as well. The names in the alternative version follow the name of the web page file with a _text suffix. If the web page is called index.htm then the alternative is be found in index_text.htm.

Text equivalents of rich elements

All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes. Complex images include LONGDESC attributes or inline descriptions to explain the significance of each image to non-visual readers. Purely decorative graphics include null ALT attributes.

Text alternatives to Flash movies are also provided. If you replace any image with another, it is important that you update the Alt tag or Longdesc tag appropriately.


Title attributes have been used on links to describe the link in greater detail. If the text of the link already fully describes the target (such as the headline of an article), then the title attribute may be skipped.

Links have been written so that learners with screen readers can make sense of them out of context.

Technical support

Technical support is available from the Toolbox Help Desk, which is detailed at the end of this section. However, before calling or emailing, please make sure that the answer you seek is not located elsewhere in this section, or available on the support pages at .au/toolbox/support.

Installation on a web server

Copy the entire contents (except for autorun.inf, autorun.exe and the source_files directory) from the CD-ROM to the appropriate directory on your web server. If you are only copying selected units to your server or CD-ROM, you must make sure the entire shared folder is also copied.

There are no server side technologies utilised by this Toolbox, so no server configuration will be necessary.

Installing into a SCORM compliant LMS

If you wish to make content from this Toolbox available through your LMS, and your LMS is SCORM compliant, then you can install the relevant learning objects (LOs) by using the following process:

1. Browse to the Toolbox repository at .

2. Search on the name of this Toolbox, you will find a number of learning objects, each relating to a section of the Toolbox CD-ROM.

3. Download each object that you wish to place on your LMS. They will be delivered as IMS content packages, which look exactly like .zip files.

4. Follow your LMS’s specific instructions for uploading these IMS content packages.

Be aware that not all LMSs are SCORM compliant, and that some claiming to be compliant cannot process IMS content packages so probably aren’t.

Please refer issues with the uploading of content to your LMS administrator, not the Toolbox Help Desk. The administrator or LMS vendor will contact us if necessary.

Producing CD-ROMs for distribution

Whether producing one-off copies of CD-ROMs, or class sets, use the following procedure.

1. Start up your favourite CD-ROM burning software.

2. Select the data option (do not simply copy the whole CD-ROM).

3. Drag and drop all files (except the source_files, templates and scripts directory).

4. You may wish to delete the ‘trainer guide.doc’ and ‘technical guide.doc’ documents.

5. Burn.

Before you burn yourself a class set, it might be wise to test that the first one works as expected.

Known issues

The following are known technical issues that users may experience when using this Toolbox.

• IIS 6.0 will not serve content of unknown MIME type.

• Pages display strangely on IE 5.5 due to incompatibilities with its implementation of the CSS standard.

• There are Flash detection issues in WebCT.

• Lotus Notes based training environments do not allow pop-ups.

• There are issues with pop-up blocking by Windows XP SP2, and others (for example, Google).

• There are issues with browser printing (right-hand edge of page may be cut off).

• There are issues trying to use Dreamweaver® templates inside FrontPage.


CD does not autoplay:

1. Autoplay has been disabled on the computer. Turn this feature on.

2. Explore to the root directory of the Toolbox and double-click the index.htm file.

Issues with pop-up blocking by Windows XP SP2, and others (for example, Google).

1. In Internet Explorer click on Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Turn off Pop-up Blocker

2. Use Mozilla Firefox that is free to download from:

Issues trying to use Dreamweaver® templates inside FrontPage.

• Do not use the templates in FrontPage. Edit manually and update.

Trouble with browser printing (right-hand edge of page may be cut off).

• Adjust the right-hand page margins in the page setup dialog.

Flash content does not play:

1. Check that the flash player installed on the computer is at least Flash Player 9 or later.

2. Make sure that the folder structure matches that which is on the CD-ROM.

Frequently asked questions - FAQs

1) Are there sub-titles available for the audio material? How do I turn them on?

There aren’t any sub-titles available for the audio. However, a transcript of each audio segment is available via the text alternative icon link.

2) What is the easiest way to change the menus?

The easiest way to change the menus on the web pages is to use the templates provided with the Toolbox that work in conjunction with Dreamweaver®.

3) Can I import any other sound file format that is not mp3 into the sound player?

No, they must be mp3.

4) Can the face images for the media player be any image format?

No, the preferred format is PNG or GIF which allow transparency. Transparency is needed so the edges do not obscure the player background. Also the images are not allowed to be bigger than 88 x 88.

The Toolbox Help Desk

The Toolbox Help Desk is here to help you with installing Toolboxes and solving technical issues. A single help desk call is all that is needed. However, before contacting the Help Desk please assist us by following these steps.

• Check if your question has already been answered in the frequently asked questions (FAQs) section of the Toolbox website at: .

• Check the section relating to patches and fixes on the Toolbox website at: .

• If you do not find the assistance you need on these pages:

Email: toolboxhelp@.au

Phone: 1300 736 710

• Please provide:

o the Toolbox name and series number, ie ‘Help from within’, HLT07 Health Training Package, Series 11 Flexible Learning Toolbox (supporting resources for HLT21307 Certificate II in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care)

o your name, phone number and email address

o the problem you need help with.

The Flexible Learning Toolbox Help Desk will contact you as soon as possible.


W3C 1998, Cascading style sheets, level 2, .

Toolbox contact details:

Flexible Learning Toolbox Help Desk

Phone: 1300 736 710

Email: toolboxhelp@.au

Website: .au/toolbox

For more information contact:

Australian Flexible Learning Framework

Phone: (07) 3307 4700

Fax: (07) 3259 4371

Email: enquiries@.au

Website: .au

GPO Box 1326

Brisbane QLD 4001


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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