NLES_Oracle_release - Notify

Globo Mobile Technologies Inc

Release Notice for GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server -



|Date |Author |Description of Changes |

|09/17/2012 |Anthony Costello |Version 4.8.2 Patch 3 |

| | |Added Server New/Changed Features |

| | |Bug 2118 |

|01/23/2012 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.8 |

|04/22/2011 |Jodie Grazier |Updated Knowledge Base links |

|11/03/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.7.1 |

|10/25/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Important Things To Know: |

| | |Modified unsupported fields for contacts |

|09/20/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.7.0 |

|06/11/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added note about tentative meeting response. 12891 |

|04/27/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added note about pim processing with BH v2. / v2.|

|04/16/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added note for issue 12813 |

|03/12/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Updated 6912 with information for BH |

| | | |

| | |Added note for issue 12672 |

|03/02/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added note for issue 12522 |

|10/16/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Updated Reminder information: 5021 / 5632 / 7041 |

|07/10/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Remove item related to SyncML Server (no longer supported) |

|05/22/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Added Thing to Know: 10906 |

|02/26/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.6.0 |

|10/24/2008 |Jodie Grazier |Added Thing To Know: 9545 |

|07/15/2008 |Jodie Grazier |Updated information about Oracle limit of 2000 contacts per |

| | |user. |

|06/26/2008 |Jodie Grazier |Updated an issue to include the bug number: 8731 |

|05/14/2008 |Jodie Grazier |Added Beehive items: 7013, 7062, 7716, 8411 |

|12/03/2007 |Jodie Grazier |Added Things To Know and Outstanding Issues: 6886, 6888, 6893, |

| | |6912, 6914 |

|07/11/2007 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.5.0 |

I. Installer Information 3

II. Functional Summary 3

A. Installer New/Changed Features 3

B. Server New/Changed Features 3

C. User Interface (Web) New/Changed Features 3

III. Important Things to Know 3

A. Features Not Supported 3

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know 3

C. Device Things to Know 5

D. Oracle Things to Know 5

IV. Outstanding Issues/Bugs 6

A. GO!NotifyLink Server Outstanding Issues/Bugs 6

B. Oracle Outstanding Issues/Bugs 7

I. Installer Information

Original Release Date (GO!NLES v4.8.0): 01/23/2012

Base Product: GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server

II. Functional Summary

A. Installer New/Changed Features

B. Server New/Changed Features

1. Improved charset handling in HTML emails when using BlackBerry devices with GO!NotifyLink 4.8 app. 5195

2. Fixed an issue where a non-recurring event can now be made a recurring on the device when using Oracle Beehive. 2118

C. User Interface (Web) New/Changed Features

III. Important Things to Know

A. Features Not Supported

1. Creating a meeting on the device is not supported for Oracle v9.0.4.2.x. GO!NotifyLink is not able to set the Attendees in this version of Oracle.

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know

1. Oracle 9 is not supported by GO!NLES v4.7 or v4.8. References to Oracle 9 in this document are retained for historic reference only.

2. For devices NOT using ActiveSync, the following mail folders will not be displayed in the web and will not be available to track for new email:

I. The “Sent Items” folder as defined for the Mail Server via the Administrative Web.

II. The “Trash” folder as defined for the Mail Server via the Administrative Web.

3. GO!NotifyLink does not synchronize the following fields:

I. Contacts: Suffix 5061

1. Oracle 10: IM Address, Nickname

2. Oracle Beehive: Assistant Phone, IM Address

II. Calendar Events: Tentative, Importance, Access, Email to Attendees

III. Tasks: Percent Complete (other than 0 and 100), Access, Reminders

4. The below unsupported fields will not be preserved when updating an item on the device. Other unsupported fields will be preserved. 10891

I. Contacts: Location, FreeBusy server, Directory Server, Email Alias, Reminder Time

II. Calendar: Free Busy Status - Retained if the value is Free or Busy, not retained if the value is Tentative or Out of Office

III. Tasks: Percent Complete (will be preserved if using Beehive 1.6 or later), Status

5. A new user created on an Oracle Beehive server does not have a "Trash" folder (or "Deleted Items" folder) created automatically. The user needs to log in to their Beehive account using a desktop client application. A Trash folder is created by the client application. If this is not done, the Trash folder will not display in the GO!NotifyLink Administrator/Client Web console and iPhone/iPod device users will not be able to delete messages on the device. 10906

6. Load (Initial Sync) operations may take a significant amount of time to complete if the number of items is large.

7. Contact Display Name will not be preserved when a contact is modified on the device.  It will be set to a full name value of "prefix firstname middlename lastname suffix".

8. Task Priority values are grouped into High, Normal, or Low on the device.

I. High: 1-3 (1 on the server)

II. Normal: 4-6 (5 on the server)

III. Low: 7-9 (9 on the server)

9. Date Ranges for Tasks are defined from Oracle as Active Tasks, where “Sync Range” is negative LookAhead to positive LookAhead days from current day:

The least of the start, due, and completed dates is taken.

The greatest of the start, due, and completed dates is taken.

If the least and greatest date overlaps the sync range then it will be synchronized.

Note that if the start date does not exist, then a value of negative infinity is used.

Note that if the due or completed dates do not exist, then a value of positive infinity is used.

10. New tasks created on the Oracle server synchronize to the device with an "In Progress" status, rather than the expected "Not Started" status. 6886

11. The synchronization range (look-back/look-ahead) for calendar events is set in the Oracle configuration files. 5191 / 5528

In Oracle v9., there is one global setting for each of "syncrangeback" and "syncrangeforward". Please refer to the Oracle v9. documentation for further details.

In Oracle v10. and Oracle v10., there are global settings as well as settings for individual devices. To edit the synchronization range, reference the "Discovering Device Profile Information" and "Device Profile Sections" portions of the following web page.

12. Prior to Oracle version, a meeting request originating on a device is not sent to the recipient, nor is the event created on the recipient's calendar. Meeting requests, however, originating on the server and sent to a device synchronize as expected on the device. 5363

Meeting invitations from the device are fully supported, however, against Oracle once a configuration change is made. Reference the following GO!NotifyLink Knowledge Base article for further details on the configuration change:

13. Recurring Events are synchronized to the device as individual events. This is because GO!NotifyLink is currently unable to access the recurrence rule on the server.

14. GO!NotifyLink and Oracle server times should be synchronized to within the interval of a single PIM cycle. Example: If PIM cycle is set at 5 minutes, Oracle server time should not be allowed to get more than 5 minutes ahead of the GO!NotifyLink server time. The following situation has been observed when the Oracle server time is ahead of the GO!NotifyLink server: 6893

Events occurring in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) shadow that leave the Look-Back/Look-Ahead range overnight get deleted when server times are not synchronized as specified above.

15. When an ActiveSync user is initially added to the GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server interfacing with an Oracle Beehive system, meeting invitations existing in the user's Inbox are sent to the device. 12672

16. Tentatively accepting a meeting on the server is not fully supported. If the “Delete Invitations From Device” option in the “Calendar Sync Rules” is set to something that includes “tentative,” the delete for the invitation does not get sent to the device. Consequently, the invitation still looks as if the recipient has not responded and the device calendar is not updated with the event. 12891

This issue has been resolved in GO!NLES v4.7.0 when interfacing to Oracle Beehive.

C. Device Things to Know

D. Oracle Things to Know

1. When viewed using OBIO (Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook) with Beehive, an email deleted on the device is removed from the original folder, but is not displayed in the Deleted Items folder. 8411

2. For Oracle versions 10 and greater, if the pim login is failing with error code 551 - verify that the password was set for the user's Oracle profile. This is done in the Oracle portal 'Change My Password' tab. Under the application passwords, check the 'Default Shared Application Numeric Pin Profile' and select the 'Update password button'. This field needs the password set in order for pim to check successfully.

3. Oracle has a default limit of 2000 Contacts per user. To edit the limit, change the OID string orcladdressbookmaxentries. Refer to the "Managing Oracle Contacts Maximum Entries" section of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide (for 10g, ).

4. For all Beehive users added to GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server, a Time Zone needs to be set for the account on the Oracle Beehive Central menu. If this step is not performed, recurring events created on the device will be added to the server at the wrong hour. 12522

5. The default setting for Oracle Calendar using SyncML is to not synchronize declined meetings. When using GO!NotifyLink, this means that if a meeting is declined from the device the event is removed from the device, but still displays as declined on the server. Oracle can be configured to synchronize declined meetings so that the event will be added back to the device. To configure this option, set wantrefusedentries=true. The setting is in \ocas\conf\ocst.conf file under the [ocst] section. After making the change, restart the calendar server. 8731

6. In Oracle Calendar, an event cannot be removed if it was an invitation. If a user deletes a calendar item such as this on their device, it cannot be removed from the Oracle server; therefore the item is synchronized back to the device.

7. Reminder/Alarm behavior for Calendar events.

a. Oracle 9 and 10g 5021 / 5632

Event reminders created on the server successfully synchronize to the device. In the following situations, however, event reminders are not synchronized:

• Event reminders created on the device are not synchronized to the server.

• Changes made to event reminders on the device are not reflected on the server.

• Changes made to event reminders on the server are not reflected on the device.

These issues stem from a limitation of the Oracle software in regard to mobile data synchronization of event reminders, as noted by Oracle. See "Alarm Behavior" in the following Oracle article for further information:

b. Oracle Beehive 7041

Oracle Beehive does not actually synchronize reminders to the device, as the user may not require a reminder to be the same on both server and device.

Calendar events created or edited on the Oracle Beehive server always synchronize to the device with a default reminder time of 15 minutes. The SyncML reminder default can be set/changed in the profile.

In turn, reminders created on the device will not sync to the server. All Day events will be created with no reminder and timed events will receive a default reminder.

8. Reminders for Day Events and Daily Notes created on the server will not be sent to the device. 5020

9. When an event is created on a device and synchronized to the Oracle Beehive server, the device later receives a delete and an add for the event. The result is as desired, but the user may observe the replacement of the device event as a result of the deletion and addition. 7716

10. When responding to a Meeting Request from your device any text added to an Accept or Decline will not be stored on the server.

11. This behavior differs based on the version of Oracle being used. 6912

Oracle 10

If a meeting invitation is declined from a device, the event is removed from the device, but still displays as declined on the Oracle server. This is not the case, however, with a Daily Note or Day Event meeting invitation sent to the device. If these types of invitations are declined from the device they are removed from both the device and the Oracle server.

Oracle Beehive 2

If a meeting invitation is declined from a device, the event is removed from the device, but still displays as declined on the Oracle Beehive server. Declining an All Day Event meeting invitation sent to the device results in the invitation being removed from the device, however, it remains on, but appears grayed out on the Oracle Beehive server. Oracle Beehive does not have Daily Note invitations.

12. A task created on the device will display a duplicate when viewed in Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook (OBIO) version 1.3.3. This has been corrected in a newer version of OBIO. 9545

13. Daily recurring events created on a device and synchronized to the Oracle web server appear with the correct number of recurring instances. When viewed using Outlook connector, however, an extra instance of the recurring event appears. This has been fixed in GO!NLES v4.7.0 for Beehive, but for Oracle 10 the issue remains for events occurring in the GMT shadow only. 6914

IV. Outstanding Issues/Bugs

A. GO!NotifyLink Server Outstanding Issues/Bugs

1. Sometimes when doing an OTA load, an HTTP response will be returned from the Oracle server within the XML. This will cause the load to fail. 5058

2. Look Ahead and Look Back range (as defined in the GO!NLES web admin for Calendar and Task) are slightly off. Midnight of GMT is used rather than midnight of the user’s time zone. Items will also be sent that are a day after the Look Ahead date in the GO!NLES web admin.

3. This issue involves the calendar look-ahead date. The GO!NotifyLink web Calendar Format page shows the correct cutoff date for the look-ahead range, but incorrectly includes/sends calendar items that occur on the day after the cutoff date. Also, the server is using GMT as "midnight" instead of the user's time zone - so for example, in the Eastern Standard time zone, changes are sent from 8:00pm EST instead of at 12:00am EST. 4000

4. This issue applies to customers using a Windows Mobile device with the GO!NotifyLink app. If a recurring event is created on the device and no instances occur during the Look Back / Look Ahead range, the Pim service will add the event to the Oracle server and then send a delete to the device. This is expected behavior because there are no instances in the Look Back / Look Ahead range. However, if a change is made to the event on the device before the server delete is processed, this change will not be synchronized to the server. NOTE: Windows Mobile devices with the GO!NotifyLink app are no longer supported with GO!NLES 4.8.

5. This issue applies to users who have created a task on the server with Public access. If a change is made to the task on the device, the access changes from Public to Normal. 5082

B. Oracle Outstanding Issues/Bugs

1. GO!NotifyLink, when interfacing with Oracle Beehive version and servers, may experience an abundance of errors in the PIM logs and PIM information does not process successfully. This will be fixed in a future release of Oracle Beehvie. See Knowledge Base article for more details and a work around.

2. Contact loads and updates may fail to process due to the GO!NotifyLink Pim application finding 0 results on the Oracle server. This may result in duplicates on the server if a contact was changed on the device. The issue is resolved by using Oracle Calendar Application Server or higher.

3. Contacts with an entry in the website field created on the device synchronize to the server without the website field. 5630

Background: This is a limitation observed in oracle versions or greater. Versions prior to successfully synchronize the website fields to the contact record on the server.

4. E-mail fields 2 and 3 may be switched during synchronization. The Preferred E-mail (Email 1) does not have this problem; it is always retained as the Preferred E-mail.

5. For those using Beehive Release 1, a contact created in Outlook with only the 'Display As' field or the 'File As' field filled in will not synchronize to the device. 7013

6. If creating or modifying an event on the device with a title that starts with an asterisk (*), the asterisk will be removed when viewed on the server. This appears to be an Oracle issue.

7. This issue involves calendar events with descriptions or locations longer than 190 or 158 characters respectively created on the Oracle server. The event is synchronized to the device and looks correct, however, should the event be edited on the device and synchronized back to the server, descriptions or locations exceeding the limits noted will be truncated. 6888

8. On Oracle Beehive, when a single instance calendar event and a recurring calendar event are deleted in the same PIM cycle via Zimbra Web access, GO!NotifyLink receives only the deletion for the recurring event. The result is that the items are deleted from the server as expected, but the single instance item remains on the device. This is an issue with Oracle Beehive version and is resolved in version 12813


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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