Adobe Captivate - Oracle

Slide 3 - Oracle Project Portfolio Management Release 11


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Hello, my name is Sarah. Welcome to training for Release 11. In this session, we will talk about what’s coming in Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud for Enhancements to Effectively Executing Projects


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value they bring.

Then we’ll walk you through a demonstration.

Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview


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In the Release 11 Enhancements to Effectively Executing Projects, you have greater ability to manage the creation and execution of your projects. Each enhancement allows for quick project scheduling and planning, insightful milestone management, decisive task, resource management, and a collaborative use of managing Agile product requirements.


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Slide 6 - Enhancements Overview


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Creating and managing project plans is not complete without leveraging other tools to enhance your Project Execution capabilities. Oracle Social Network, Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, and Microsoft Project increase the power and effectiveness of Project Execution. From conducting real-time conversations, leveraging the large database of Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence for managing requirements to importing project plans from Microsoft Project, these enhancements allow for greater collaboration with teams and overall flexibility in project planning.


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Slide 7 - Enhancements for Managing Project Plans


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With the enhancements for managing project plans, you can increase the productivity of your project team. You can now use the effort in hours to create a detailed project plan and control where your  project hours are spent. You can now also track tasks using the unique task number that the application assigns.


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Slide 8 - Enhancements for Managing Project Plans


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The enhancements for managing project plans bring business value by allowing you to plan projects in a greater level of detail. With the ability to measure effort needed for the project, you can manage the project schedule better and be able to execute your project successfully. You can also manage risks with the ability to calculate task duration based on dependencies, and thus gain an insight into the completion of tasks. Identify tasks uniquely with the task number.


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Slide 9 - Analyze and Take Action on Project Milestones


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Project milestones are key indicators in the progress of project work. With the new Project Milestones page, you can analyze project milestones in a timeline view. Project milestones that are past due and require action are highlighted in the application. You have the ability to view milestones from multiple projects in a single timeline instead of going to each project to view the milestone details. You can take action to set milestones as complete. With a full view of project milestones, it is easier to move your project towards completion.


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Slide 10 - Analyze and Take Action on Project Milestones


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You gain much value when you are able to highlight important milestones within your project plans. The increased visibility of these critical deliverables lead to project success. The timeline view gives you the ability to see across the full project. With a single view, you can track all the milestones across all the projects that you manage. Use the Project Milestones page to mark milestones as complete and ensure accountability within teams.


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Slide 11 - Enhanced Design for Project Resources


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With this new page, you can view your resources in a graphical card format or as list. You can view your resource’s details like cost and bill rates with great ease. You can now quickly add resources and confirm assignments with the new interface using the assignment status column or by simply hovering over the graphical card. You can change the project roles and set a resource’s specific time on project. With the ability to view effort, you can plan your resource's time by hours per day and view the percent allocation.


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Slide 12 - Enhanced Design for Project Resources


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The value of this new feature is the ability to have a concise graphical view or timeline view of project resources.

You can quickly view all the essential information about your project team, their schedule, and role in a single card. You can request a specific resource, add the resource to your project plan, confirm their availability, and manage their schedule all in one place. When managing your resource’s schedule, you can set the effort in hours and allocation percentage.


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Slide 13 - Assign Multiple Labor Resources to Project Tasks


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This next enhancement of assign multiple labor resources to project tasks was created to enable you for quick project planning and meeting your project goals. Decrease the amount of time it will take to complete a task by adding more resources to work on a task. Hover on the Labor Resources column to quickly view all the resource assignments for a task. As a primary resource, you can report progress on tasks for other resources and propose new task dates or effort. Lastly, other resources assigned to the same task can view the task details in read-only mode.


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Slide 14 - Assign Multiple Labor Resources to Project Tasks


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This enhancement creates value for the team through the ability to collaborate and gain a full view of project work. In using this enhancement, you are able to quickly meet your project goals with staffing resources on a project. Project plans become more concise when you assign multiple labor resources to tasks. The new and updated user interface allows project managers to seamlessly view all the resource assignments for a task. After you assign a task to a resource, the primary resource can now enter progress on tasks for themselves and the other resources assigned to the same task.


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Slide 15 - Efficiently Manage Project Resources and Dependencies


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The new updated user interface allows for you to have improved management of project resources and dependencies. Manage your labor and expense resources in one task table and view task dependencies as columns in the task table


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Slide 16 - Efficiently Manage Project Resources and Dependencies


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You can efficiently manage project resources and dependencies in viewing tasks and dependencies in one table. The one table view for task dependencies and labor and expense resources is optimized to allow you to make key decisions quickly and effortlessly.


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Slide 17 - Enhanced User Interface for Managing Task Exceptions


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The new page for managing task exceptions in a single place, enables you to connect your priorities of managing tasks and constraints of changing schedules of your project resources. This enables you to review and act on task exceptions that are overdue, delayed, or have an increase in effort. It also enables you to review and act on task exceptions and overdue tasks. Finally, it enables you to make complex decisions on your projects with the ability to preview the impact of an exception on the schedule, and replaces the Review Project Progress page in prior releases.


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Slide 18 - Enhanced User Interface for Managing Task Exceptions


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The new page for managing task exceptions, enables you to make quick assessment of exceptions. You are now able to better manage the risk of changing schedules. Finally, you can accept or decline the changes proposed to the schedule and view the impact on project schedule.


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Slide 19 - Analyze the Product Backlog Burnup and Sprint Velocity in the Requirements Work Area


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The Sprint Velocity chart tracks the story points of achieved backlog items per sprint in Agile environments and calculates the average of story points that can be achieved in a sprint. In the graph above, after five completed sprints, it appears that an average of 7 story points can be achieved in one sprint. This is represented by the blue line: Average Story Points Achieved.

There are two critical factors for the usefulness of this graph. First, the sprints must be relatively consistent in duration. Second, the story point determination must be consistently applied across all backlog items and by the scrum team.

Team size plays a role in deciding how much work to take on per sprint. If the scrum team size has been consistent in achieving a sprint velocity of 16 story points with 4 developers, and if you have one developer on vacation in the next sprint, then you should plan on completing only 75% of your average, or about 12 story points for the sprint.


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Slide 20 - Analyze the Product Backlog Burnup and Sprint Velocity in the Requirements Work Area (cont.)


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The Product Backlog Burnup chart represents the progress of the achieved story points as backlog items were completed within sprints. The achieved story points are shown in green, story points for incomplete backlog items are represented in red and indicate the work required to complete all backlog items. The total story points for the entire backlog is shown with the blue line. The dotted velocity trend line indicates when the backlog will be fully completed based on the average number of story points achieved per sprint.


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Slide 21 - Analyze the Product Backlog Burnup and Sprint Velocity in the Requirements Work Area


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Analyzing the sprint velocity provides the Agile team a holistic idea of how much work can be taken per sprint; therefore improving project planning given that estimates are also based on historic information.


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Slide 22 - Collaborate on Project Deliverables Using Oracle Social Network


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When leveraging the Oracle Social Network, you can interact with other team members on specific deliverables. Now you can drive the project forward to completion and manage complex projects with directed conversations. For example, in directed conversations you gather feedback from all stakeholders on the test plan. You write your test plan document, upload it to OSN and start a conversation and ask for feedback by a specific date. After the deadline is reached, you can incorporate their feedback into the document, and then republish it. No longer are you using long e-mail chains, now comments are from everyone is available to share, and everyone can see the latest document. With OSN you can focus your conversations on critical project tasks, documents, and milestones. Overall, with the power of OSN you, your teams and stakeholders can be updated on project deliverables and the needed documentation instantly.


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Slide 23 - Collaborate on Project Deliverables Using Oracle Social Network


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The value in this enhancement comes from the use of real-time conversations for project deliverables and the ability focus on critical tasks. Each member in the conversation can come up to speed and increase knowledge transfer. Now you and your team can engage at a tactical level with project plans for specific deliverables. Project work can be completed quickly when change order creators, deliverable owners, and any interested participants can start conversations and collaborate on deliverables. For example, if stakeholders or customers do not have access to Fusion Projects they can use and collaborate with each other using OSN to review and comment on deliverables. Lastly, teams can share critical documents within conversations instead of searching through e-mail chains.


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Slide 24 - Analyze Project Requirements Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence


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Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence provides the subject area “Project Management – Requirements Real Time” for reports on real-time data about project requirements. The subject area covers all the information about Project Requirements, Requirement Backlog Items, and the Tasks, Milestone, Sprint, and Project associated to the Backlog Items.

The reports can be created to answer questions such as “Is all information complete for backlog items for sprint X?”, or “How are each team member doing in terms of backlog items for sprint X?”

Diverse sample reports and dashboards are shipped with the product. You can build your own custom reports quickly using those sample reports or you can create your own customized report from scratch.


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Slide 25 - Analyze Project Requirements Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence


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Real-time monitoring is essential for project managers, product owners, and scrum masters who continuously evaluate, track, and monitor the progress of backlog items. This information allows them take more informed decisions regarding requirements and backlog management. For example: a project manager constantly needs to know if all information about requirements is entered, so team members can start working on them; as well as the project manager needs to monitor if committed requirement backlog items are being completed as expected in order to take some decisions about the sprint.


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Slide 26 - Enhanced Microsoft Project Integration


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We have enhanced the Microsoft Project integration to support new features in Release 11.

For example, we now support the transfer between Microsoft Project and Project Execution of multiple labor resources that are assigned to lowest-level tasks to multiple labor resources; as well as projects with tasks dependencies with a negative lag, so you can support fast tracking. In addition, you can transfer tasks that are identified as financial tasks, containing information of whether they are chargeable and billable.

The enhanced transfer process from Microsoft Project into Project Execution Management allows you to validate the project plan before the transfer and highlight any needed changes. Validation spans through milestones constraints and dependencies, formatting of lags, notes field maximum number of characters, and raising a warning if a resource is inactive.


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Slide 27 - Enhanced Microsoft Project Integration


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The business value of this enhancement is allowing you to migrate project plans , reduce risk, better mange project schedules, and use financial tasks. For the importing process there are new detailed warnings and notifications for specific notes, and tasks within the project plan. You can move project schedules ahead of time and better utilize time and resources by leveraging the use of negative lags. Lastly, you can capture project tasks as billable and chargeable.


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Slide 30 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today …

First, we manage project plans by planning effort for resources in effort hours, by leveraging the enhanced scheduling business rules to calculate task duration.

Then you analyze milestones in a new timeline view and take action, by marking milestones as past due, requiring action or complete. In the enhanced design for managing project resources, view by labor and expense resources as a graphical card or list view confirming assignments, setting schedules, and time on a project.

You can also see resources’ bill and cost rates and change effort in hours for the project. After you have chosen your resources for a team then you assign multiple labor resources to project tasks.

When assigning resources to tasks you both can propose new dates or effort needed to complete the task and report progress.


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Slide 31 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Next, we can manage project resources and dependencies with labor and expense resources in one task table and the task dependencies in the main task table. The enhanced user interface for managing task exceptions allows us to review tasks and proposed changes in dates within the project schedule. We can accept or reject the proposed changes and preview the impact of proposed changes of task. Lastly, we analyze the product backlog burnup and sprint velocity in the requirements work area. This gives the ability to track the total story points achieved per sprint and calculate the average of story points achieved by sprint.


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Slide 32 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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The new enhancement in applications that collaborate together with Project Execution allow teams to work more efficiently with teams. You can collaborate on project deliverables using the Oracle Social Network. This allows teams to interact on specific deliverables, engage in directed conversations and share critical documents within conversations. Next, you can create real-time based reports for: Project Requirements, Requirement Backlog Items, Acceptance Criteria, Tasks, Milestones, Sprint and Project associated to Backlog Items using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. Lastly, you can transfer project plans from Microsoft Project to Oracle Fusion Project Management


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Slide 33 - Additional Information


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The enhancement of Microsoft Project integration with Oracle Fusion Project Management now supports Microsoft Project 2007.


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Slide 34 - Implementation Advice


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In this implementation advice section, we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 35 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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This table depicts key upgrade information for the new features covered in this training. In this table, all the features shown here are available automatically, and included with the shipped job roles. There is no additional setup needed.


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Slide 36 - Feature Impact Guidelines (cont.)


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In this next table, all the features shown here are available automatically, and included with the shipped job roles. There is no additional setup needed for all of these feature except the feature, Collaborate on Project Deliverables Using Oracle Social Network.


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Slide 37 - Feature Impact Guidelines (cont.)


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In this table, all the features shown here are available automatically, and included with the shipped job roles. There is no additional setup needed.


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Slide 38 - Setup Summary


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Before users can use Oracle Social Network for Project Execution Management, you as the administrator must perform some setup tasks. As the administrator, you must enable the Project Deliverables object for Oracle Social Network.


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Slide 39 - Project Deliverables Using Oracle Social Network Setup Detail


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In the setup and maintenance area find the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects for Project Execution Management. Simply click on the Enable Object link and enable the Project Deliverable object.


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Slide 40 - Job Roles


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This table details the shipped job roles, Project Execution Management will access the new capabilities covered in this training.


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Slide 41 - Business Process Model Information


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The business processes associated with the new capabilities covered in this training are detailed here.

The high level business processes are plan project and manage project requirements.


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Slide 42 - Related Reports & BI Analytic Information: Analyze Project Requirements Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence


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Reports that cover the new feature Analyze Project Requirements Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence are: The Backlog Item Status Analysis: It is a sample report that displays the number of backlog items by status.

Backlog Item Sprint Velocity Analysis: It is a sample report to know the story points achieved in sprints.

Backlog Completeness Check Analysis: It is a sample report that lists the number of backlog items with exceptions under each requirement and lists them by product owner and scum master.

Project Hours by Backlog Item Analysis: It is a sample report that displays the effort, actual hours and remaining hours per backlog item. You can filter all of these the reports by product, release, or sprint.


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Slide 43 - Related Reports & BI Analytic Information: Analyze Project Requirements Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (cont.)


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The dimension that were included in the Requirements Real Time Subject Area to cover the new feature “Analyze Project Requirements Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence” are: 

• The Requirement Dimension

• The Backlog Item Details Dimension

• The Project Dimension

• The Requirement Hierarchy Dimension

• The Owner Dimension

• The Scrum Master Dimension

• The Status Dimension

• The Acceptance Criteria Dimension

• The Product Dimension

• The Sprint Dimension

• The Release Dimension

• The Task Dimension

• The Milestone Dimension

• The Priority Dimension


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Slide 44 - Associated Release Training


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Other training modules that are related to these new capabilities and are recommended viewing are Project Management Dashboard Enhancements and Enhanced Project Lifecycle.

This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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