PHYSICS 0175 - Cleveland State University


“University Physics I” – Honors section

FALL 2006

• Instructor: Dr. Petru S. Fodor

• Office: 115 Science Building,

• Phone: (216) 523 7520


• Lectures: Tuesday & Thursday, 1:00 – 2:50 pm (353 Main Classroom Building)

• Laboratory: Thursday, 3:00 – 4:50 pm (118 Science Building)

• Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The best alternative is to send me an e-mail and set up an appointment. Otherwise you are welcomed to stop by anytime when I am in the office.

• Webpage: (webCT site for this class). Attachment A gives you information on how to access this website.

Required Materials

• Textbook: “Fundamentals of Physics” by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker. Many of the assignments for the class will be drawn form the textbook, so it is advisable to have easy access to it.

• Laboratory Manual

• eGrade Plus access. eGrade Plus is the web-based evaluation system associated with the textbook. Your quizzes will be web based and you will need the eGrade Plus individual access codes to submit them. Attachment B gives you information regarding on how to get access to eGrade Plus. If you have any questions or encounter any problems with this feature of the textbook support site, please contact me or Dr. J. Walker. (


University Physics I is an introduction to Mechanics and Thermal Physics for students in the physical sciences and engineering related programs. Consequently, the emphasis will be on developing problem solving skills and understanding the basic concepts and definitions used in the study and application of Mechanics and Thermal Physics. On a more general note, the class will encourage logical reasoning and independent thinking.

Tentative Schedule

Week #1 Units, vectors Chapters 1, 3

Week #2,3 Motion in one and two dimensions Chapters 2,4

Week #4,5 Newton’s laws, friction, circular motion Chapters 5, 6

Week #6,7 Work and Energy Chapters 7, 8

Week #8,9 Conservation of momentum, rotational kinematics Chapters 9, 10

Week #10 Angular momentum Chapters 11

Week #11,12 Equilibrium, gravity (if time permits) Chapters 12, 13

Week #13 Oscillations, simple harmonic motion, pendulum Chapters 15

Week #14 Waves, Sound, beats, Doppler effect Chapters 16, 17

Week #15 Basics of thermal physics Chapters 18

Important Dates

• Tuesday, August 29 – First day of class.

• Thursday, August 31 – First laboratory meeting.

• Friday, September 8 –Last day to drop the class.

• Thursday, September 21 – EXAM #1

• Thursday, October 19 – EXAM #2

• Friday, November 3 – Last day to withdraw.

• Thursday, November 16 – EXAM #3

• Thursday, November 23 – Thanksgiving recess – University closed.

• Thursday, December 7 – Last day of class.

• Tuesday, December 12 – FINAL EXAM.


The final grade is a weighted average of:

EXAM #1 12%

EXAM #2 12%

EXAM #3 12%


Homework (14), Quizzes (14) 14%

Laboratories (14) 20%

Computer Projects (4) 4%


There will be three midterm exams and a final exam. For the tentative dates for these examinations please see the “Important Dates” section. The midterms and the final exam are closed book exams. You are allowed to bring in a sheet of paper (8.5 x 11 in) with formulas and comments that you think you might need. The material covered in the examinations is as follows:

EXAM # 1 – Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 (1hour during the class time)

EXAM # 2 – Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 (1hour during the class time)

EXAM # 3 – Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12 (1hour during the class time)

FINAL EXAM – Comprehensive (2 hours – Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 pm)

Occasionally, you might not be able to come to an exam on the scheduled date. If you notify me with at least 24 hours before the exam, there will be no penalty.


There will be 14 homework assignments in this class. The homework assignments should be turned in every Tuesday (beginning with the second week), at the beginning of the class.

Solutions to the homework assignments will be posted online after the class in which the homework is due.


There will be 14 quizzes in this class. The quizzes are web-based and will require access to the eGrade Plus feature associated with the Wiley support site for the textbook. The quizzes will be made available every Tuesday, beginning with the second week and should be submitted by the beginning of the class on each following Thursday.


You will attend a laboratory session every week in SI 118/SI 117/SI 147, where you will do an experiment. This is the writing version of the course, so you are expected to write a report at home about your activity in the lab, which you are required to turn in the following lab session. Written reports have to be turned in for each lab in order not to fail the writing component of the course and consequently fail the course. The guidelines for the lab reports will be given to you during each laboratory session.

All labs must be completed, otherwise the final grade will be F. In case you cannot make it to a laboratory session please contact me or the lab manager Tara Panagopoulos at .

Computer Projects

Part of the course is a set of 4 group computer projects. We will learn to work with the state of the art MathCad software by solving Mechanics problems. You should save your work on a diskette. At the end of the project each student will give me the diskette with all the programs and a printout of the results. The group computer projects we will meet in room SI 118 on Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 14 and Dec. 4 during the course scheduled time (1:00 – 2:50 pm).

Extra - credit

Throughout the course you will make extensive use of remote student response system during the class time, both to actively participate during the lectures as well as to review previously presented material. Your incorrect answers will not affect your final grade in this class, but correct answers will be awarded with extra points which might contribute positively to your grade.

Special Notes

- The dates of the midterms and the course calendar are only informative and can be changed at anytime based on the instructor decision.

- If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact me and the Office of Disability Services, University Center, Room 304, Phone: (216) 687-2015, as early as possible. More information about this office can be found at: .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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