
Android Device Activation and XenMobile Citrix Secure Hub Client Install Guide for GOEThis document provides the steps to activate your Government Owned Equipment (GOE) Android device and then install the XenMobile (XM) Citrix Secure Hub client. If you received a new GOE device and have not set up CDC email on your device, begin with Step 1. However, if your device is already set up for Internet access and can access the Google Play Store, begin with Step 6.NOTE: Your account must be authorized by ITSO to use XM in order to download the Citrix Secure applications and connect to CDC mail or CDC intranet. If you have not received notification from ITSO directly that your account has been authorized via an announcement or other email communication, please contact the ITSO Service Desk via the instructions at the bottom of this document. If you share these instructions with someone and their account is not authorized, they will not be able to access the Citrix Secure Apps.Before Getting Started: Ensure your device battery is fully charged and has strong cellular coverage or Wi-Fi signal (if applicable). Have the device’s power cord handy, ensure you are near a power outlet, and charge to at least 80% (required for encryption).Active the device: Contact the WidePoint (iSYS) Customer Care Center at 1-866-738-3188 to ensure your device has been activated and cellular service has been turned on.Update CDC Neighborhood: Go to CDC Neighborhood at and add your mobile telephone number.Create a Google Account: Follow these steps to create your Google account. NOTE: If you already have a Google account that uses your account information, you can proceed to Step 5. Go to and click Sign in.If you see accounts on the screen click Add Account.Click Create an account. Enter your first and last name.Enter your username as CDC.xxxx@ where xxxx is your UserID.Enter your email address as XXXX@ where xxxx is your UserID.Enter your birthday, gender, and the appropriate characters in the verification field.Agree to the Terms of Service and click Next. NOTE: If you are already using your CDC email address as verification for a different Gmail account, you may need to use your personal email address for account verification. Otherwise Google will not let you continue.Open Outlook and from email open the Google email verification that was sent to you. Click the verification link.Start the Device: Follow these steps to start your Android device.Power on the device by pressing and holding the power button for at least five seconds.Select language and accessibility, then click Next.Make Wi-Fi selection and enter Wi-Fi password if needed. Click Next.Set Date and Time. Select Time Zone and click Next.In the Create Samsung Account screen, click Skip.In the Got Google screen, click Yes. Enter the Gmail account you created in the previous section above. Click Next.Uncheck the Keep me up to date with news and offers from Google Play box. Click OK.Select Not Now when prompted to set up credit card under Google Play Entertainment.In the Backup and Restore screen, ensure there is a check mark for the following options and click Next.Restore from Google account. Keep this tablet backed up with Google account. In the Google & Location screen, ensure there is a check mark for the following options and then click Next.Use Wi-Fi location.Let Google Applications (Apps) access your location.In the Create DropBox Account screen, click Skip. NOTE: DropBox is not approved for use with CDC devices. In the Device is set up and ready to use screen, click Finish.In the Samsung account update screen, click No.Click the Play Store icon and update all apps.Swipe down from the top of the screen and select the small gear icon to go to Settings. Continue to swipe down to go to the System section located on left side of screen.Click About Device, check for OS updates to register the device with the server and install updates if needed.Encrypt Device: Follow these steps to encrypt the device.IMPORTANT: Encrypt internal storage before installing Citrix Secure Hub. Device may take up to one hour to encrypt.Plug in your charger to the device and ensure your battery is at least 80% charged. Click the Encrypt device button at the bottom of the screen.Click Settings>Display and change the Screen Timeout to the Maximum. Click Settings>Security>Encrypt device. NOTE: Although this step can be ignored, the screen will continue to pop up until the device is encrypted. All devices must be encrypted.You will be prompted for an encryption password. Click the Continue button. This should be the same password you used for the Screen unlock password.You’ll be asked if you want to show or hide sensitive notification content on the lock screen. Select Show All Content. Click Done.In the Encrypt device>Confirm encryption screen, DO NOT click on the fast encryption box. Click the Encrypt device button at the bottom of the screen.The device will now go through the encryption process. This could take as long as one hour.Once the device restarts at the end of encryption, it will prompt you for the encryption password before it starts the Android OS.In the Lock screen, enter the encryption password to get to the Desktop. The Email, Contacts and Calendar apps are now synced with your CDC account. Allow a few minutes for them to synchronize on first use.Install Citrix Secure Hub: Follow these steps to install the Citrix Secure Hub client. Go to Settings, then click Security. Check Unknown sources to ensure the device will allow the Citrix Secure Hub applications to download after you have installed the Citrix Secure Hub client. Search Google Play Store for Citrix Secure Hub and install application to the mobile device.Launch Citrix Secure Hub application by clicking its icon on your application screen.Enter mob. at the initial prompt.Enter your CDC UserID and password then click Next. (IMPORTANT: Do not use CDC\ or @ when entering your UserID.)Click Activate to allow the permission Citrix Secure Hub needs to run.If the device does not have a screen-lock password or the current one is under six characters, it will display a menu screen to set the password.During device enrollment, you will be prompted to enter a password for the device if the current device password does not meet policy requirements of at least six characters. NOTE: The password cannot be a repeated character or number (i.e., 444444, aaaaaa).When prompted, set a six-digit Citrix Secure PIN. Enter the same PIN when asked to confirm. NOTE: Repeating numbers (i.e., 111111) or consecutive numbers are not allowed (i.e., 123456) but patterns are accepted (i.e. 123123).Citrix Secure Hub will automatically install the default applications, which includes Citrix Secure Mail, Citrix Secure Web and Citrix QuickEdit for XM. It is important that have you good signal strength at this point to successfully install the applications. NOTE: If the Citrix Secure Hub applications do not install automatically, open the Store and click the plus sign on each application to install individually.Set up Citrix Secure Mail: Follow these steps to set up Citrix Secure Mail.Enter UserID and Password to connect to the CDC email environment.Open Citrix Secure Mail to confirm that the email client is communicating successfully with the CDC email system. NOTE: Normally, once started the first time, depending on the strength of the connection, it will take a few minutes to sync email, calendar and contacts.Additional information, such as features and troubleshooting tips, can be found in the XM Android Customer Information Sheet. If you need assistance with these instructions, contact the ITSO Service Desk at 404-639-6000, or toll free at 1-888-647-3375, or by email at itsoservicedesk@. ................

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