TD-Scan 18 - Technology Design

TD-Scan 19.07 Overview

Date 04 – July – 2014

• Strip-Scan:

o The display options , and where not automatically updated in the scan file when changed off-line.

o If the cursors where on and the option was selected, the cursors where turned off, but the Calibration checking procedure did not start. This also automatically turned the on.

o In the routine, only the or fields are highlighted with a red background colour if out of limits, and not the whole line. The limits are 70% ~ 90% for amplitude, and ±1mm from gate centre.

o Fixed small memory leak.

o Online a GDI pen was being created and not destroyed. Over may hours of extended running this could cause the system to run slowly.

o If the option to was enabled there was the possibility that when the next and subsequent scans where made the screen would not update in real time, and the data appeared to be buffered.

• TD-Super View:

o How the D-Scan images respond to cursor movements from other images has been modified. If the D-Scan is displaying ToFD data, the image updates regardless of which channel’s data is being displayed. If the D-Scan is displaying pulse echo or phased array data then, the image only updates if the cursor in the other image is over data from the channel the D-Scan is displaying.

o When online max speed was enabled, the channel’s vertical offset was not being accounted for when the C-Scan image was updated.

o Updating of the amplitude scale on the echo dynamic when in the phased calibration wizard has been improved so that is does not flicker.

o Image filters are now more efficient processing 8 pixels in parallel using SIMD instructions.

• Corrosion Mapping:

o Off-line, now supports a touch interface when using a multi-touch screen (Windows 7 onwards).

o Re-gating when using the pulse echo software now works with interface triggered gates.

• General:

o Enhancement made to firmware download to prevent the TD-Scan software exiting (causing a DSP reboot) whilst the DSP is being programmed.

o Down-sampling when running the phased array wizard has now been fixed (Handy Scan Only).

o Probe delay can now be included for interface triggered gates.

o A communications interface as been added that facilitates the TD-Scan software communicating with an external alarm system.

o The channel summary window’s headers changed to be more meaningful.

o Support for our new USB to ArcNet device has been developed (ArcNet is the communications protocol use by TD Pocket-Scans). This allows TD Pocket-Scan systems to be used with laptops that do not have a PCMCIA Type II slot. It is also compatible with 32-bit & 64-bit versions of Windows 7, and 64-bit Window 8.

o The voltage warning message before a scan no longer causes the system to slow down.

o The TOFD software now takes in to account probe delay when outputting A-scan data as text.

o It was not possible to modify a channel’s gain using the side menu keys during a manual phased array inspection after the phased array calibration (probe delay calibration check) had been executed.

o An update to the zonal module of BeamTool 5 (version required a modification to the procedure the loads the .ebwk file. This only affects zonal scan plans, and scan plans made with previous versions of BeamTool 5 are still compatible with TD-Scan.

o An issue with the licence code generator’s encryption could very occasionally produce an invalid code / CRC.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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