Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

left000August 8 2015 Saturday SessionTacoma Community CollegeThe Quest for Quality: Free Resources to Support Your Work with Each Child185166096520Download today’s handouts at today’s handouts at Development Resource List Development website from PBS Parents provides a child development tracker that presents the stages of growth in various domains of children from age 1 to 9. These domains include approaches to learning, creative arts, language, literacy, mathematics, physical health, science, and social and emotional growth.Women and Children’s Health Network Web Pages on Child Development Woman and Children’s Health Network provides information categorized according to the various stages of child development from birth through adolescence. Within each category, milestones of specific domains of development are presented as well as useful suggestions and advice for parents.In Brief: Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning webpage contains a video clip explaining the development of executive functioning and self-regulation in young children as well as its implications for policy. A PDF of this brief is included as well as links to related resources.Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence function and self-regulation skills provide critical supports for learning and development, and while we aren’t born with these skills, we are born with the potential to develop them through interactions and practice. This 16-page guide describes a variety of activities and games that represent age-appropriate ways for adults to support and strengthen various components of executive function and self-regulation in children. Each chapter of this guide contains activities suitable for a different age group, from infants to teenagers. The guide may be read in its entirety (which includes the introduction and references) or in discrete sections geared to specific age groups.Featured Film: Animal School EngagementI HAVE A QUESTION . . . What Parents and Caregivers Can Ask and Do to Help Children Thrive Film: Think before you judge a family , Safety and Nutrition Resource List “Go Out and Play!” Kit for Early Childhood Educators kit was designed to help educators monitor childhood development during play activities. It contains information about monitoring developmental milestones, suggestions for a safe and successful activity day, tips about talking to parents if you suspect a child has a developmental delay, and a special pullout section with activities to share with parents for at-home play.Making Health Easier: Healthy Changes Start in Preschool (English and Spanish) 2012 video from the Centers for Disease Prevention shows how a preschool teacher, Claudia Mendoza, makes a difference on child obesity in her classroom by teaching her young students about healthy food and physical activity. Additional resources are provided on the web page.Making the Link Between Health and School Readiness Head Start website highlights the evidence-based connections between health and each domain of development by provide multiple examples.Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs second edition of this 2012 document from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Public Health Association, and the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education offers evidence-based best practices for nutrition, physical activity, and screen time in early child care and education programs as well as intervention strategies to prevent obesity.Preventing Childhood Obesity Through Active Play and Nutrition Education Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition has developed this series of seven, brief instructional videos, in English and in Spanish, on how to engage children in active play and educate children about nutrition during meals. Sample titles are Movement and Motor Skills, Encouraging Physical Activity, Teaching Taste, Texture and Color, and Teaching Portion Size. A workbook with reflection questions and other resources is available at of Vaccines Used for Routine Immunization of US Children: A Systematic Review study, published in Pediatrics, shares results from a systematic review of the literature on the safety of routine vaccines recommended for children in the United States. The new analysis showed that the hepatitis B vaccine does not appear to cause adverse effects, despite what some groups have claimed. The research also again found no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Furthermore, the polio vaccine was not associated with creating food allergies, as has been claimed, and absolutely no vaccine was linked with causing leukemia or death.Too Hungry to Learn: Food Insecurity and School Readiness research briefs by Children’s HealthWatch (Part 1: Too Hungry to Learn, Part 2: Feeding Our Human Capital) present findings on the harmful impact of food insecurity on health, development, and academic and economic success of young children. They underscore the long term implications of early food insecurity on the US workforce as well as the cost implications for taxpayers.Featured Film: Three Generations Talk About Play and Literacy Resource List: for Early Literacy Learning HYPERLINK "" pops and posters Practice Guides Videos Films: Jack and the Beanstalk HYPERLINK "" a bubble Social-Emotional Development Connection Series Backpack Connection Series was created by TACSEI to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Teachers may choose to send a handout home in each child’s backpack when a new strategy or skill is introduced to the class. Each Backpack Connection handout provides information that helps parents stay informed about what their child is learning at school and specific ideas on how to use the strategy or skill at home. Skills addressed range from hitting and biting to whining and fearfulness.Creating Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior tools developed by TACSEI and based on evidence-based practices can be downloaded from this website. Teaching Tools contains strategies to help teachers support young children with challenging behavior. Included are handouts and worksheets, as well as helpful techniques and strategies.? CSEFEL Infant Toddler Training Modules four Infant-Toddler Training Modules are designed with a focus on promoting the social and emotional competence of very young children. Topics include understanding social-emotional development, understanding behavior, building and sustaining relationships, and supporting infant toddler social-emotional development. Materials include PowerPoints, handouts, video clips, and a trainer’s guide. Modules are available in Spanish.CSEFEL Preschool Training Modules four PreSchool Training Modules are designed with a focus on promoting the social and emotional competence of young children. The topics of the four modules are on how to build relationships and create supportive environments, social-emotional teaching strategies, individualized intensive interventions, and leadership strategies that support children’s social-motional development and address challenging behavior. Materials include PowerPoints, handouts, video clips, and a trainer’s guide. Modules are available in Spanish.Family Routines-Based Support Guide: Building Relationships with Your Infant 2012 resource was developed, using the CSEFEL pyramid model, to assist family members and caregivers in developing plans to support infants and build relationships. The guide offers a framework for examining routines and activities in terms of four considerations: Why might my child be doing this? What can I do to prevent the problem behavior? What can I do if the problem behavior occurs? What new skills should I teach?Using Inside Out to Support Social-Emotional Development Works Briefs short document in this series from CSEFEL offers a summary of evidence, followed by practical strategies and additional resources. Topics addressed range from Using Environmental Strategies to Promoting Positive Interactions to Helping Children Learn to Manage Their Own Behavior. Briefs are available in Spanish.What Works Training Kits on the What Works Briefs topics, these short training packages include PowerPoint slides with accompanying note pages, activities, and handouts, which provide a trainer with the materials needed to conduct a short staff development program on a focused topic.Featured Film: Technology will never replace love Kate Gallagher TED talk ................

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