2011-2012 Longhorns’

Keys to Success

High School Handbook

The key for preparing our future today is empowering students to become life-long learners through innovative lessons in academics, accountability and attitude-


Mike McGee – President

Mike Andrews – Vice President

Greg Terrell – Board Clerk

Larry Harviston – Member

Ricky Turner – Member


Floyd Kirk


Darci Lingle

7-12 Principal

Barry Crosswhite

Elementary Principal

Paula Leffingwell

Counselor/Athletic Director


Kevin Brewer R.J. Ramer

Valerie Shamburg Jaree Gillock

Eric Castle Amy Pearson

Rowdy Cawlfield Becki Meuten

Linda Soudek Paula Leffingwell

Becky Potts


Sara Steele Nina Collums

Sarah Farrar

Dover Public Schools

PO Box 195

201 N. Taylor

Dover, OK 73734


High School: (405)828-4204

Fax: (405)828-8019

Web site:


Dear Students and Parents,

KEYS4SUCCESS @ DHS is our theme for the 2011-12 school year. The focus of our theme is to instill the following character traits in our students: respect, responsibility, safety, and persistence. These “keys” will help prepare our children for their future. Our team will be working together to ensure the success of our students. However, it takes effort on the parts of all stakeholders to reach our maximum potential.

Our main focus is to provide the students of Dover High School with a positive as well as challenging learning environment so that quality education can take place. Our expectations are in this handbook. This handbook is yours and I ask that you take the opportunity to read it and study it so that you understand our expectations.

I am excited to continue working with the leadership team at Dover Public Schools and providing you with an outstanding educational experience. My door will always be open to discuss ideas and issues that can make Dover Schools even better than what it already is. Please fill free to call me at any time.

Phone: 405.828.4204 Cell: 405.368.3169


Darci Lingle

7-12 Principal


The key for preparing our future today is empowering students to become life-long learners through innovative lessons in academics, accountability and attitude-


In cooperation with parents and the community, Dover High School strives to provide a secure foundation for our students’ future. Dover High School enables a diverse student body to mold their secondary education to best fit their individual goals by offering a progressive curriculum that emphasizes traditional academic excellence and opportunities for a modern technological education. We also seek to instill in our students a life-long regard for citizenship, independent thinking, and cooperative teaming skills. Further, as we prepare our students for an ever-changing future, we strive to teach students to embrace learning, use direct and effective communications, and to rely on fundamental human values in their everyday lives.




“Red and White”

Red and White forever, Shout victory!

Our school and our team

For one and all are we – for one and all are we.

Make the golden rule days glorious success.

Three cheers for our team.

It’s D-H-S


We the students of Dover High School honor this school and the high standards and traditions it has held in the past. We believe in doing our work to the best of our ability and in willingness to partake in all activities of the school.

We shall strive to be loyal, honest, faithful, helpful, honorable, and reverent.

We sincerely believe that education will help us build the ladder to success.

Composed by the Students of Dover High School, May 9, 1944


1st hour: 8:15-9:02

2nd hour: 9:05-9:52

3rd hour: 9:55-10:42

4th hour: 10:45-11:30

LUNCH: 11:30-11:50

5th hour: 11:53-12:40

6th hour: 12:43-1:30

7th hour: 1:33-2:20

8th hour: 2:23-3:10


The principal is the director of the school. The policies and philosophy under which the school operates are interpreted through the principal’s Office. This office is designed to help students, parents, and teachers who want further information regarding the general policies of the school.


The teacher of a child attending Dover School has the same right as a parent or guardian to control and discipline a child during the time the child is in attendance or in transit to or from the school or any other function authorized by Dover School. Classroom rules and control are left to the discretion of each classroom teacher. Parents interested in learning more about their child’s classroom activities, class rules, and discipline procedures are encouraged to schedule a conference with the teacher.


The student handbook is placed in the hands of the student to serve as a guide. However, the Dover Board of Education Policy Manual overrides any policy set in the student handbook. The student should become familiar with the rules and regulations of the school. It is hoped that the handbook will help students and parents better understand school policies. Many of the policies set down here are governed by state law or are directives of the State Board of Education, but many are local policy, custom, or tradition and may be amended as the need arises.


1) Letter awards will be presented to students in grades 9-12 who meet all of the qualifications of a letterman based on the first and second semester grades for the year. At the close of the second semester, grades for that year will be used to determine which students lettered academically.

2) The student’s grade point average for the year must be at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale.

3) Lettermen must not have any first or second semester grades lower than a “B”.

4) Anyone caught cheating will not receive an academic letter.


The Dover School District assumes no liability for accident or health insurance. In the event a student becomes seriously ill or injured while under jurisdiction of the school, the school will attempt to contact the student’s parents or guardians. If the parent or guardian can not be located, the school may transport such student to a medical doctor or health care facility. The district will not, however, assume any responsibility for any expenses incurred on the student’s behalf. Therefore, Dover Schools urges parents to obtain adequate insurance coverage on behalf of their children.

Parents are encouraged to subscribe to a school-time and a twenty-four hour accident insurance plan.

All students in grades 5-12 who participate in extra-curricular activities or shop must show proof of some type of personal medical insurance either in their name or their parent’s name before they will be allowed to participate in shop or extra-curricular activities.


Student participation in school programs is encouraged at Dover Schools and such participation is thought to be of value. Participation in school programs affords the students the opportunity for creativity and expression, build self-confidence, and promotes a sense of accomplishment. In compliance with the State Board of Education, to limit the number of times a student may miss a particular class due to activities, the following policy is adopted for Dover School.

A student shall not be permitted to miss any one (1) class period more than ten (10) times per school year due to participation in extra-curricular activities. Any exception to this number not covered by this policy must be submitted in writing to the Activities Review Committee. This committee will make their recommendations to the superintendent and he will make the decision to permit or refuse the request. The committee will be composed of the high school principal, one vocational teacher, one athletic coach, and two classroom teachers.


Scholastic eligibility at Dover Public School will be determined in accordance with the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (O.S.S.A.A.) scholastic eligibility policy.


Medications, prescriptions or over the counter WILL be kept in the office. If a student has a medical prescription from a physician or the parent authorizes a student to take medication, the following procedures will be followed. WRITTEN authorization from a parent/guardian must be on file in the office before medications can be taken by a student. The principal or his/her designee is the only person(s) authorized to dispense medications to students. Exceptions are made for asthma inhalers or medications for life-threatening conditions, which may be carried by a student AFTER the school receives a letter from the parent/guardian AND the physician stating that it is necessary for the medicine to remain with the student. The self-administering of anaphylaxis medication is allowed, if administration is aware that a doctor has prescribed possible use.

1. Prescription medications must be brought to school in the original prescription container labeled with: the date, name of the prescriber, the name of the student, the dosage of the medication, directions for administration, and the name and phone number of the pharmacy.

2. Non-prescription medications must be brought to school in an unopened, original manufacturer’s container with the original label intact, which supplies the following information: ingredients, expiration date, dosage and frequency, route of administration (i.e. oral, nasal), side effects, and other directions as appropriate.



It is the policy of Dover Public School to offer a variety of Advanced Placement courses to high school students in order to provide the best possible academic experience, preparation for education beyond high school, and a challenging curriculum.


Courses are offered based on student-need, teacher training, and scheduling possibilities. Advanced Placement courses that incorporate the Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills for any required course may be taken in place of that required course.


Advanced Placement courses are elective courses for which the teachers of particular courses may establish prerequisites based on the necessity of previous knowledge. Students are encouraged to enroll in courses that are of interest to them and those that are preparation for their future educational and career goals.


Students who complete Advanced Placement courses are required to take the applicable exams offered by the College Board. The district will pay the cost of the exams not covered by any available scholarship assistance.


Teachers are expected to participate in the applicable summer institutes offered by College Board prior to teaching any Advanced Placement course and every three years thereafter while the course is being offered at Dover High School. The district will pay the cost of any required training not paid for by the State Department of Education and will provide teachers with transportation and a $50.00 per day stipend to cover incidental expenses. Teachers of Advanced Placement courses are encouraged to become College Board consultants and Readers.


The district recognizes that students who choose to accept the rigor of college level courses while in high school deserve recognition. A list of those students who earn a 3, 4, or 5 on any Advanced Placement exam will be displayed in the high school building. Grades for Advance Placement courses are weighted as follows:

A= 5.0 B= 4.0 C= 3.0 D=1.0 F= 0.0


The district complies with all College Board requirements in order to be authorized to list courses on student transcripts as “Advanced Placement.” Teachers and administrators will successfully complete the College Board audit process. The high school principal is the College Board administrator of record and the high school counselor is the Advanced Placement coordinator.


The district applies for the available initiation grants and second time materials grants and uses the funds for the specific courses, as the grants require. The district applies for the individual incentive funds for each 3, 4, or 5 scored on exams and uses the funds to enhance Advanced Placement courses offered at Dover High School.


The faculty shall select the senior girl and boy for these awards on the basis of scholastic ability, moral character, honesty, courage, and cooperation.


The United States Environmental Protection Agency has required that all public and private schools inspect all school buildings for the presence of asbestos, and further develop a management plan which identifies, defines procedures for managing, and schedules re-inspection of all asbestos present in the school. The management plan may be reviewed at the Dover School’s superintendent’s office during normal working hours.


Three types of absences:

EXEMPT ABSENCE—Doctor’s note only.

EXCUSED ABSENCE—A note or phone call from parent/guardian. Note from parent must have contact phone number to be validated as an excused absence.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCE—No documentation (note or phone call) presented and/or not a valid excuse.

The Dover Board of Education firmly believes that a student in Dover Public Schools must attend school on a regular basis in order to benefit appropriately from the educational opportunities available. Based on this premise, all students must be in school at least ninety percent (90%) of the time and not miss more than 10 days per semester to earn a passing grade or receive credit in any subject. Excessive absences may result in your child not being promoted to the next grade level. A student who is absent without valid excuse four (4) or more days within a four (4) week period or is absent without valid excuse for ten (10) or more days or parts of days within a semester will be reported to the student’s parent/guardian and the Kingfisher County District Attorney. Parents may incur legal liability regarding their failure to compel the student to attend school. Students cannot miss more than ten (10) times in any class period in a semester to receive credit for that particular class.

If a student is absent from school, it is his or her responsibility to contact the teacher about makeup work/assignments. Absences from school should be for sickness of the student or family emergencies. Beginning with the sixth (6) absence in a semester, the school will mail out a letter to the parents/guardian stating how many absences the student has and at the tenth (10) absence the student will not receive credit in the particular class or classes. Students who are absent from school and a parent does not call before or during the absence or on the day the student returns, shall be considered truant and disciplined immediately. For the absences to be excused, the parent must call the principal’s office or have the student bring a handwritten note signed by the parent on the day the student returns to school. This note will need a validation phone number so the administration can make sure the note is authentic. If a student returns to school without a parent calling or a note, the student will be made to contact the parent to get the absence cleared prior to discipline.

Homework for unexcused absences or suspension less than nine (9) days will not be eligible for make up assignments zeros (0) will be recorded for the work missed. No make up work will be assigned.

Students must obtain an admit from the office upon their return to school.

Students who are out of school participating in school activities will not need an admit upon returning to school activity absences are automatically excused. (Must follow activities attendance policy)

It is a student’s responsibility to obtain school work/assignments.

*Every student shall attend school regularly. If a student is absent more than ten (10) times in a class per semester, he or she WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT.


To encourage responsibility, Dover Public Schools believes that absences should be for sickness of the student or family emergencies. If there are extenuating circumstances that require a student to exceed the allowed number of absences and these absences cannot be documented with doctor’s statements, prescription receipts, court (legal) documents, or a death in the family, the parent may appeal to the principal in writing. The principal will forward the request to the superintendent in the following manner:

1) Parent/Guardian writes letter of appeal to the principal

2) Letter of Appeal should include documentation of


3) Explain why you feel the absences should be waived in order to allow your student to receive credit in the class or classes in question.

Appeals should be made as soon as the problem arises.



Dover High School student backpacks WILL NOT be left out in the hall at any time. Students who use backpacks will either take them to their classes or tuck them in their lockers. The same procedures apply to athletic bags, etc… The following consequences will apply for backpacks that are left out in the hallways. 1st occurrence the bag will be picked up and left in the office. When the student claims it, they will be given written warning. Second and repeated violations will result in backpacks being taken and discarded with school texts, etc… being checked in to the respective classes. Dover Public Schools or their employees are not responsible for lost or stolen items belonging to students while on school property.


1) A student may be basketball or baseball queen but not both in the same year.

2) Since the Queen and King elections are rewards and a distinguished honor, it is the feeling of

the student council, athletes, and administration that the King and Queen should be seniors

that have been involved in the basketball programs. In order to be eligible to be Basketball

King or Queen, a student athlete must have participated in two (2) basketball seasons,

including the current season, at Dover High School. Therefore, all Kings and Queens in

basketball will be seniors unless there are less than three seniors in which case juniors will be

eligible but could not succeed himself or herself as King or Queen as a senior. Juniors will have

the right individually to decline to be candidates for King or Queen if they so desire.

3) All remaining seniors become attendants.

4) There will also be additional attendants as follows:

a. Junior attendants (one boy and one girl)

b. Sophomore attendants (one boy and one girl)

5) Election will be by secret ballot with the coach/coaches and the high school principal

counting and securing the ballots. All votes will be by secret ballot and all ballots will be

sealed after counting and kept by the high school principal. The girls team will select the

King and the boy’s team will select the Queen. In selecting the King and Queen, each student

will cast one (1) vote and the winner will be the person receiving the most votes. In selection

of the attendants (except seniors) each student will have one vote and the winner will be the

student with the most votes. Girl attendants will be selected by the boys’ team and boy

attendants will be selected by the girls’ team members.

6) If any student or candidate is ineligible during homecoming week, the person with the next

highest number of votes will move up to take their place in the ceremony. In the case of a

King or Queen being ineligible, the candidate with the second highest vote total will become

King or Queen.


a. The high school principal, coaches, and the students make plans for the activities and

take care of the decorations.

b. During the ceremony, girls and boys may be escorted by the opposite sex. During the

coronation, crowns, necklaces, flowers, etc… may be exchanged or presented,



All students’ behaviors in the Dover Schools are based on respect and consideration for the rights of others. Students have a responsibility to know and respect the rules and regulations of the school. Students have the further responsibility to behave in a manner consistent with good citizenship everywhere. It is our belief that the home, school and church need to encourage young people to be law-abiding, productive citizens. When students fail to exhibit proper behavior, our goal is to see that the consequences are efficient, sensible and fair.

We have one basic rule of conduct. We desire that all students accept the responsibility of self discipline. Students need to demonstrate that they can conduct themselves in a positive manner and not infringe upon the rights of others to enjoy the freedom of self-discipline.

Administrators, teachers, school board members, parents and supporters of the school have developed rules contained in the handbook over the years. These rules represent an honest attempt to bring discipline and order to the learning experience here at Dover. The rules are based on the idea that one’s education begins with discipline and ends with self-discipline. We believe that the effective learning situations can be provided and positive behavioral patterns promoted when unacceptable behavior and its consequences are communicated to all. When discord or disruption does arise, the rules that govern our school will assure that all parties are treated with respect, courtesy and fairness. A firm and consistent discipline policy will provide our students guidance and direction that will encourage them to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at all times.

The board of education and the administrators recognize that students do not surrender rights of citizenship while attending Dover public school. At the same time, the school is a community that must be ordered by a set of rules and regulations. The respect and obedience of the rules must be a part of the culture of this school, so the administration reserves the right to deem inappropriate actions, behavior or attire when necessary. This district prohibits certain actions, inappropriate behavior, and attire so the reasonable judgment of the principal to any situation that might cause disruptions or interference with the normal school operations will be enforced. The principal will determine a disciplinary action not limited to those listed below that will be assigned to students who break the rules.

There is a grievance procedure in place and the proper steps to overturn the teacher or principal’s decision concerning discipline must be followed to overturn his or her decision of punishment. The complaint section of this handbook explains the entire process. The following are some examples of actions that could result in discipline of students.


1. Arson

2. Attempting to incite or suggest violence directed against another person

3. Cheating

4. Conduct that threatens or jeopardizes the safety of others

5. Cutting class, Truancy

6. Defiance of Authority

7. Sleeping, Eating or refusing to do work in class

8. Extortion

9. Failure to attend assigned detention or any other disciplinary assignment

10. Failure to comply with state immunization records

11. Failure to comply with the any reasonable request of Dover School employee

12. False reports or false phone calls

13. Fighting

14. Forgery

15. Gambling

16. Harassment, intimidation

17. Bullying

18. Hazing

19. Immorality

20. Inappropriate attire

21. Inappropriate behavior or gestures

22. Inappropriate public display of affection

23. Inappropriate public behavior

24. Indecent exposure

25. Obscene Language

26. Physical or verbal abuse

27. Plagiarism

28. Possession of a caustic substance

29. Possession of Obscene materials

30. Possession, threat or use of dangerous weapon and related instrumentalities (i.e. bullets, shells, gunpowder, pellets, etc.)

31. Possession, use, distribution or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

32. Possession, use of illegal and or drug related paraphernalia

33. Sexual or other harassment of individuals including, but not limited to, students, school employees, volunteers or visitors

34. Theft

35. Threatening behavior

36. Use or possession of tobacco in any form

37. Vandalism

38. Violation of any Dover Board of Education policies, rules or regulations or violation of school rules and regulations, State or Federal Laws.

This is not a comprehensive list and infractions may vary in disciplinary actions with the punishment ranging from warning to long term suspension. The punishment will be decided by the best judgment of the principal.

DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS—The following list of disciplinary actions may be used to provide for effective disciplinary measures in a particular instance. However, it will be up to the administrations discretion to change or modify any discipline action on a case-by-case basis.

1. Warning—Written record in student’s file and notification sent to parents.

2. Parent conference.

3. Detention—The student can be assigned detention before or after school or during the lunch period by any teacher or administrator. The length of detention will be from 15-30 minutes with the place being designated by the person giving the detention. Students will be given assignments or tasks to be completed during the detention. No talking during the detention, unless to ask specific questions of importance. No food, candy, or drink will be allowed. No leisure books or magazines will be allowed. Violation of detention rules will result in further disciplinary action.

4. Extra Assignments

5. Corporal punishments (swats)

6. Financial restitution

7. Involve law enforcement

8. Refer to other social agencies

9. Short Term suspension—(10 days or less)—The student will not be allowed to attend school or any school activities. The student may receive a zero “0” for work missed during the suspension.

10. Long Term Suspension—(more than 10 days)—The student will be suspended for the remainder of the semester and possible the following semester. No credit will be given for the semester not completed. The student will not be allowed on school property during the length of the suspension.

11. Any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate under the circumstances.


At various times the faculty is asked to select candidates for Boys and Girls State. An 11th grade boy and girl are selected on the basis of high moral character, honest, courage, scholarship, cooperation, leadership, and interest in government.


The Dover School District specifically prohibits harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Students violating the prohibitions set forth in this policy shall be subject to any and all disciplinary measures that the district deems appropriate. See attached bullying policy.


(The bus is an extension of the school and classroom. Proper behavior is very important.)

1) Previous to loading (on the road and at school)

a. Be on time at the designated school bus stop. KEEP THE BUS ON TIME.

b. Stay off the road at all times while waiting on the bus. Bus riders conduct themselves

in a safe manner while waiting.

c. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter.

d. Be careful in approaching bus stops.

e. Bus riders are not permitted to move toward the bus at the school-loading zone until

the bus has been brought to a complete stop.

2) While on the bus:

a. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times.

b. Assist in keeping the bus safe and clean at all times.

c. Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the

driver’s attention and may result in a serious accident.

d. Tread bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your own home.

e. Bus riders should never tamper with the bus or its equipment.

f. Leave no books, lunches, or other articles on the bus.

g. Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisles.

h. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.

i. Do not throw anything out of the bus windows.

j. Bus riders are not permitted to leave their seats while the bus is in motion.

k. Horse-play is not permitted around or on the bus.

l. Bus riders are to be courteous to fellow students, the bus driver, and the patrol officers

or driver’s assistant.

m. Keep absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing stop.

n. In case of a road emergency, children are to remain on the bus.

3) After leaving the bus:

a. When crossing the road, go at least ten (10) feet in front of the bus, stop, check traffic,

watch for bus driver’s signal, then cross the road.

b. Students living on the right side of the road should immediately leave the bus and stay

clear of traffic.

c. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.

d. The driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular stop except by

proper authorization from a parent or school officials.

4) Extra-curricular trips:

a. The above rules and regulations will apply to any trip under school sponsorship.

b. Students shall respect the instructions of a competent chairperson appointed by school



All people who are on staff at Dover Public Schools have the same authority as teachers. This includes custodians, maintenance, cafeteria workers, and substitute teachers. While in the cafeteria the following guidelines will be followed.

1. All food items will be consumed while in the cafeteria during breakfast or lunch.

2. Breakfast will be served only between 7:45 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. Exceptions will only be made

through the principal’s office. No food will be served prior to 7:45 a.m. or after 8:10 a.m.

3. Lunch will be served only between 11:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. No food will be served after

11:45 a.m.

4. If you spill food or a drink item or cause someone else to, it is your responsibility to ask the

cafeteria staff for equipment and supplies to clean up your accident.

5. If you are assigned lunch detention, you need to report to the lunch detention table no later

than 12:05 p.m. While on detention, you cannot talk or visit with other students who are or

are not serving detention.

6. NO LOITERING IN THE CAFETERIA: This means once you are finished eating, please

leave the cafeteria. During lunch students are allowed to be in the courtyard or in the gym

lobby only. If you are not eating lunch in the cafeteria, DO NOT GO INTO THE


7. Once you have finished eating, please help pick up trash and other belongings you have

helped create. Be responsible for your area and actions.

8. If you take an extra juice or item, please be prepared to pay for it.

9. Students must have their lunch cards with them upon entering the cafeteria line or the student must

report to the principal.


Any change of address or phone number should be reported to the principal’s office A.S.A.P.


Annual class dues are not to exceed $1 for grades 7 & 8; $2 for grades 9 & 10; $5 for juniors; and $10 for seniors.

Competitive Athletics Philosophy

The school community at Dover, Oklahoma recognizes that in athletic competition, working toward winning by planning highly organized practice sessions, preparing realistic game plans, and putting young people in a position to succeed through hard work, dedication, and teamwork is essential. At the same time, we understand that winning depends on numerous variables including available talent, scheduling, the absence of injuries, and often some good fortune. Athletics provides students with an opportunity to develop and maintain physical fitness and life-long healthy habits. We consider our foremost task to be the development of strong character in the young people of Dover Public School.

Concussion and Head Injuries Awareness/Management Policy

In accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulations, attached procedures, and acknowledgement forms contains guidelines for dealing with concussions and head injuries. For the purpose of this regulation, a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussions includes: medical doctors (MD), doctors of osteopathic medicine (DO), nurse practitioner (NP), physician assistant (PA).

1. An acknowledgement statement from student-athletes and parent/guardian must be on file annually with Dover Public School prior to the beginning of the athlete’s practice/competition.

2. Athletes and parents/guardians will receive a concussion/head injury fact sheet prior to the beginning of the athlete’s practice/competition.

3. Athletes who are suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury during practice or game must be removed from participation at that time.

4. An athlete who has been removed from participation may not participate until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussion and receives written clearance to return to participation from that health care provider.

5. All district coaches will view the 20-minute free video “Concussion in Sports: What You need to Know” at the National Federation website at and documentation of viewing will be kept on file by the district.

6. The staff at Dover Public School can find information on concussions and head injuries at the following websites:

a. OSSAA website:

b. National Federation of State High School Association website:

c. Oklahoma Athletic Trainers Association website:

d. Center for Disease Control website: TraumaticBrainInjury

7. If an athlete is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury the following procedure is to be followed:

a. Remove the athlete from participation until he/she is evaluated by a licensed health care proved trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and receives written clearance to return to participation.

b. Notify the administration of the possible concussion or head injury.

c. Notify the athlete’s parent/guardian.

d. Determine if the athlete needs immediate medical attention and then make appropriate arrangements (i.e. release to parents/guardians, transport to the hospital, call an ambulance).

e. Complete an incident form that is to be kept on file by the district.

f. Place written clearance from a licensed health care provider with training in the evaluation and management of concussions and head injuries in the athlete’s file.

g. The athlete may resume participation.


There are times when misunderstandings and disagreements arise around any public body and its functions. This is especially true of public schools as they have our most valued treasures (our children) under their control for a major part of their duty. The board recognizes this and agrees that complaints from patrons should be heard and given serious consideration. In order for this system to work efficiently and smoothly the board requests that patrons follow the following chain of events to air concerns. First, if the problem arises in a class or with a teacher, contact that teacher and try to work out the problem. If that is not successful, the next step is to contact the principal to schedule a meeting. The principal will then meet with the patron and if necessary set another meeting with the principal, patron, and teacher all present to work out any problems that are found. If after these steps have been taken the patron has not been satisfied, the patron should set a meeting with the superintendent. The superintendent will meet with the patron, hear their concern, conduct such investigation as necessary, and convey the results to the patron. If the patron is still not satisfied, the superintendent will schedule the patron for a place on the next agenda for a meeting with the board of education. The patron may address the board of education in person or in writing at a regular meeting of the board.


1) Corporal punishment may be used by public schools as authorized by Oklahoma Statutes whenever administrator determines that such action is necessary to enforce school discipline. Corporal punishment may be administered only by the administration in the presence of another certified employee.

2) In the event that corporal punishment is to be administered to a student, the student will be removed from the class to a place of privacy and informed of the reason for the imposition of corporal punishment. The explanation as well as the administration of corporal punishment should take place in front of a certified employee. In addition, a record of the administration of corporal punishment should be made and signed by the person administering the corporal punishment and the witness.

3) Any parent who does not wish corporal punishment administered to his/her child or children should notify the principal of that school in writing annually, and that request will be honored.

If parents do not wish corporal punishment, then the student may receive a three-day suspension. The student will receive a zero for each class missed. The student will be expected to make up the missed work, with no grade credit, and may be tested with the rest of the class. One of the student’s parents will be required to accompany the student when the student is readmitted in school.


DAR will be selected in the manner provided by the DAR.


School district attendance officers, upon request, shall provide documentation of the enrollment status of a student on a form which has been established and approved by the Department of Public Safety to a student under eighteen (18) years of age who is properly enrolled in a school under the jurisdiction of the attendance officer, for presentation to the Department of Public Safety an application for/or “reinstatement” of an instruction permit, restricted license, or license to operate a motor vehicle. Whenever a student over fourteen (14) years of age and under eighteen (18) years of age withdraws from school, the attendance officer shall notify the Department of Public Safety of such withdrawal through a documentation of enrollment status form. Within fifteen (15) working days of receipt requested to the student that the license of the student will be cancelled or the application of the student will be denied thirty (30) days following the date the notice to the student was sent unless documentation of compliance is received by the Department of Public Safety. After the thirty (30) day period, the Department of Public Safety shall cancel the driving privileges of the student. “Withdrawal” means more than ten (10) consecutive days or parts of days of unexcused absences or fifteen (15) days or parts of days total unexcused absences during a single term.


A) The Department of Public Safety (DPS) shall deny a license, restricted license, or

instructional permit for operation of a motor vehicle to any person under eighteen (18) years

of age who does not, at the time of application, present documentation that the person:

1. Is enrolled in a public or private secondary school, including any area Vocational

Technical school, of this state or any other state.

2. Has received a diploma or certificate of completion issued to the person from a

secondary school of this state or any other state.

3. Is enrolled and making satisfactory progress in a program leading to a Certificate of

High School Equivalency issued from the Department of Education, or has obtained

such certificate.

4. Is excused from such requirement pursuant to any lawful excuse as defined in this

section or due to circumstances beyond the control of the person, or

5. Is excused from such requirement pursuant to subsection C of this section.

B) 1. Persons under eighteen (18) years of age who are receiving education by other means

including education at home, pursuant to Section 4 of Article XIII of the Oklahoma

Constitution, shall satisfy the documentation requirements of subsection A of this

section by providing a written statement from the parent or guardian of the child to the

DPS that the child is receiving instruction by other means pursuant to Section 4 of

Article XIII or the Oklahoma Constitution. The parent or legal guardian shall sign the


2. Any person who falsifies the information required for such documentation, upon

conviction, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

C) 1. Persons under eighteen (18) years of age, who does not meet the provisions of

paragraphs 1 through 4 of subsection A of this section or the provision of subsection

B of this section, may be issued a drivers license if:

a. The person is employed at least twenty-four (24) hours per week and

b. The employer of the person verifies the employment on a form prescribed by


2. Any person who has retained or been issued a driver license pursuant to this section

who leaves the employment shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of termination

of employment to provide verification of employment of a new employer.

3. Any employer who falsifies verification of employment shall be subject to any

administrative fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50) to be assessed by DPS.



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s educational records. They are:

1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the district receives a request for access.

*Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. (Every effort will be made by Dover Pubic Schools to ensure speedy access.)

2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s educational records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.

3) The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.

4) The right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office

US Department of Education

600 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20202-4605


The school district proposes to designate the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education record as “directory information”:

1. The student’s name, address, and telephone number;

2. The names of the student’s parents;

3. The student’s date and place of birth;

4. The courses taken by the student;

5. The student’s major field of study and class designation (i.e., first grade, tenth grade, etc.);

6. The student’s extracurricular participation;

7. The student’s achievement awards or honors;

8. The student’s weight and height if a member of an athletic team;

9. The student’s statements;

10. The student’s photograph;

11. Audio or videotapes that identify the student’s participation in and/or achievements gained in enrolled courses or officially recognized activities and sports, including but not limited to, participation in distance learning programs and publication on the internet;

12. The student’s electronic mail address;

13. The student’s dates of attendance; and

14. The most recent educational institution the student attended prior to the student enrolling in this school district.

(NOTE: A district may designate all, some, or none of this information as directory information.)

Within the first three weeks of each school year, the school district will publish the above list, or a revised list, of items of directory information it proposes to designate as directory information. For students enrolling after the notice is published, the list will be given to the student’s parent or the eligible student at the time and place of enrollment.

After the parent or eligible student has been notified, he or she will have two weeks to advise the school district in writing (a letter to the school superintendent’s office) of any or all of the items they refuse to permit the district to designate as directory information about the student.

At the end of the two-week period, each student’s record will be appropriately marked by the record custodian to indicate the items the district will designate as directory information about the student. This designation will remain in effect until it is modified by the written direction of the student’s parent or the eligible student.


Background: Although a student’s style of dress and/or grooming may reflect individual preference, such preferences must be selected within the constraints of reasonable rules and appropriate standards that are consistent with the maintenance of an effective learning atmosphere and good personal hygiene. The Board expects each student’s attire and grooming to promote a positive, safe and healthy environment within the school.

The Board of Education has determined that reasonable regulation of school attire and personal adornment is within its authority and consistent with its responsibility to provide an appropriate environment for learning. Although the Board recognize that individual students have a right to free expression, that right must be balanced with the Board’s responsibility to provide a safe, secure and orderly educational environment for all students.

Student/Parent/Guardian Responsibilities: Although the Board wishes for each student to accept responsibility for following the rules set forth below, it understands and appreciates both the authority and responsibility of the parent/guardian relative to student dress. The Board solicits the support of parents/guardians in the enforcement of its dress code.

1. Excessively large or baggy clothes are prohibited. Approved garments must be of length and fit

that is suitable to the build and stature of the student.

2. Permitted clothing shall be worn as designed/manufactured to include the following:

• Suspender straps must be attached as designed and worn on shoulders.

• Shirts/blouses must be buttoned and/or zipped appropriately unless worn as layered clothing such that the layered look complies with the dress policy.

• Belts must be fastened.

• School team apparel or school organizational uniforms are allowed on a game day or on other days as approved by the school’s administration, as long as the uniform complies with the dress code.

• All students participating in approved school activities are expected to comply with required dress and personal appearance regulations of the activity in which they are participating. Students who refuse to dress as required by the school or sponsor will not be permitted to participate in the activity or to represent the school in any way.

3. Upper and Lower Garments

• The cut-off sleeveless garments must not expose undergarments or be otherwise immodest. Strapless garments are prohibited.

• Shoulder straps of permitted garments must be a minimum of the width a dollar bill.

• Bare midriff, immodestly low cut necklines, off the shoulder, or bare backs are prohibited. Garments must be of appropriate length, cut and/or fit to meet these requirements while standing or walking.

• Undergarments shall not be visible.

• Pants and shorts shall be worn at the waist and shall not be excessively long. Pants with holes in them are allowed ONLY if the holes are from the knees down.

• Tights or leggings worn as outerwear, spandex, bike shorts, bathing/swimming wear, sleep wear, etc are not permitted.

• Shorts and skirts must be of modest length

4. Head Coverings/Sunglasses

• Scarves, curlers, bandanas, sweatbands, or other similar head coverings or adornments shall not be worn to class or within school buildings.

• Caps, hats or other similar head coverings shall not be worn to class or within school buildings unless prescribed by a physician, previously approved by the school’s administration for religious reasons, or approved by the school’s administration for a special school activity.

• Sunglasses (unless prescribed by a physician for indoor use) shall not be worn to class or within school buildings.

5. Appropriate footwear required.

Sponsors or coaches for extra curricular activities may require or allow different dress for these activities. Failure to observe the dress and grooming code of Dover Schools will result in a progressive disciplinary action severity of punishment will escalate every time infraction of rules occurs.


Cars, cycles, and bikes may be ridden or driven to school provided the operator has the valid proper license. When vehicles enter school grounds, they must be parked in the designated area and may not be moved until school is dismissed unless the principal or superintendent grants permission. Student vehicles may leave immediately after school by going North or West only. They are not to exit going South in front of the school and buses. Sitting in or on any vehicle will not be permitted during school hours or at noon.


The Board of Education believes that the use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful. Dover students are expected not to be involved in the use or possession of these dangerous substances. Therefore, the following standards of conduct will not be allowed by any Dover student:

1) Unlawful possession, use, distribution, or under the influence of illicit drugs on school property, at any school activity, or while traveling to or from any school activity.

2) Possession or use of alcohol on school property or at any school activity or while traveling to or from any school activity or reporting to school under the influence of alcohol.

Students who violate the above rules of conduct will be subject to the following disciplinary actions. First offense may include short tem suspension (in or out of school), long-term suspension (in or out of school), referral to law enforcement authorities, treatment referral, or other action deemed appropriate by the principal. Subsequent violations of any of the rules of conduct may include any of the above actions by the principal. Drug and alcohol counseling are available to Dover students through the Kingfisher County Health Department.






Parents checking out students should come to the high school office and sign students out. If Dover athletic teams are involved in tournament play during the regular school day and parents want to check students out of school, the following procedures should be followed:

If parents are working and unable to personally check students out of school, a phone call to the high school office will be fine. Students attending extra curricular activities during the school day will be required to be released to an adult and ride with adults to the activity. All students are not allowed to drive their vehicles away from school during regular school hours. If parents want their student to ride to a game or activity with a specific adult, the parent should call school and inform school officials of when and whom they wish the student to leave with. Exceptions may arise and will be handled on a case by case basis.


Food, drinks, and gum are prohibited in the high school hallways, lockers, and classrooms unless permission is given by the principal to a teacher for special occasions. Vending machines in the gym lobby will only be available from 11:50-12:30 daily during school hours. Students

wanting to bring their lunch will have to place it in the home economics room or Room # 1 until the lunch period. Students should place their name on their lunch bags to avoid others taking them during lunch. No outside food or drink unless lunch is brought and the above procedures are followed. No Student will be allowed to call in an order of food from home or any other food services entity.


All organizations, which wish to have fund raising projects, must get it cleared through their sponsors first. After sponsors have agreed to the project, it must be cleared through the principal by the sponsor. The fundraiser must be approved by the Board of Education prior to fundraising. Exceptions to this must have prior approval. This procedure must always be used, if the activity is to be approved.


The evaluation of student achievement is one of the important functions of the teacher. The accepted grading system is as follows:

A – Excellent----------------------------------------90-100

B – Good----------------------------------------------80-89

C – Average-------------------------------------------70-79

D – Poor-----------------------------------------------60-69

F – Failure----------------------------------------------0-59

Each nine weeks, report cards are issued in order to keep parents in touch with the work of their student(s) in school. Parents are requested to examine the cards. If the grades are not satisfactory, or if there is any misunderstanding about the grade cards, a conference with the teacher or teacher and principal are highly desired and will be appreciated.

In some instances, students may be given an “I” which must be made up within two weeks after the closing of the period or such incomplete will automatically become an “F”. Teachers will give subject tests at the end of each grading period (Nine-Weeks & Semester) and as frequently between periods as they deem necessary.



Dover Public Schools recognizes the need to offer a comprehensive curriculum that will prepare students for success in life. Dover High School Graduation Requirements meet or exceed the requirements of the Achieving Classroom Excellence Act (A.C.E.) as well as the requirements of Oklahoma’s Promise.

Graduation Requirements

Each student must have twenty-five (25) Carnegie units of credit to graduate from Dover High School. The twenty-five shall include:

4 Language Arts: English I, English II, English III, and English IV, or others approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

3 Mathematics: Algebra I, Algebra II, Algebra III, Geometry, Trigonometry, or others approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

3 Sciences: Physiology, Biology I, Chemistry, Advanced Placement Biology, Forensic Science, or others approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

3 Social Studies: 1 Oklahoma History and Current Events, 1 United States History II, World History or World Geography, ½ Senior Government, Financial Literacy, or others approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

1 Additional Unit

from any courses listed


1 Fine Arts: Music Appreciation, Speech, or others approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

2 Non-English Language


Computer Technology: Spanish I and Spanish II or Computers I and Computers II, or others approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

8 Electives: Courses exceeding the requirements from above may be used as




It is the policy of the Dover Public School District to comply fully with the Gun-Free Schools Act.

1. Any student in this school district who uses a firearm at school, at any school-sponsored event, or in or upon any school property including school transportation or school-sponsored transportation will be removed from school for not less than one full calendar year.

Firearms are defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 921, as (A) any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon; (C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or (D) any destructive device including any explosive, incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine or any device similar to the above.

Such firearm or weapon will be confiscated and released only to proper legal authorities.

2. Oklahoma Statutes, Title 21, Section 1280.1 prohibits any person, except a peace officer or other person authorized by the board of education of the district, to have in such person’s possession on any pubic or private school property or while in any school bus or vehicle used by any school for transportation of students or teachers a weapon as defined below:

“…any pistol, revolver, dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, spring-type knife, sword cane, knife having a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring, or other device in the handle of the knife, blackjack, loaded cane, billy, hand chain, metal knuckles, or any other offensive weapon.”

Any student who violates Section 2 of this policy will be subject to discipline, which may include suspension up to one full calendar year (for firearms), or for any term less than one calendar year (for weapons other than firearms) as determined by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee.

Students with disabilities are subject to this policy and will be disciplined in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act if any such students are determined to be in violation of this policy.


To make the Superintendent’s Honor Roll, a student must have straight “A’s”.

To be listed on the Principal’s Honor Roll, a student must have no grade lower than a “B”.

Final Honor Rolls are figured on a semester basis only.


The Dover Board of Education is aware of the need to provide instruction for students who, for medical reasons, are not able to attend school. Therefore, the district will provide homebound instruction for students who are unable to attend school. The handicapping disablilty must be certified by a medical doctor and approved by the Board of Education on an individual basis.

Grades awarded by homebound teachers will be of the same value as the grades awarded by other teachers.

Requests for homebound instruction will be made to the superintendent. If the request is approved, a teacher will visit the student at home or in the hospital in accordance with the superintendent’s procedure for homebound instruction.


Homework is an extension of the regular school program and a responsibility that the student undertakes independently, whether at home or outside of class periods in the school. Wherever homework exists in our school system, it should be to supplement, complement, and reinforce classroom teaching and learning. The assignment of homework is flexible, and is an individual instructional responsibility of the teachers in our school system. Because of the nature of the high school subjects, homework may not be assigned in each class each day. However, regular homework assignments should be anticipated. Certain classes will require more frequent homework than others, but students should make specific preparations

for completing homework assignments.



In return for the out of school use of this district-owned device, the student and his or her parents agree to properly care for the equipment and to be responsible for any damage, loss, or theft. In the event of damage, the student and his or her parents agree to pay the school the entire cost of repairs. In the event of damage beyond repair, loss, or theft, the student and his or her parents agree to pay the school the entire replacement cost.

The student and his or her parents agree not to add or remove any applications to or from the device.

The student agrees to bring the device to school every school day and to return it at designated times to that new applications may be added. During class time the student agrees to use the device only as instructed by the teacher. At all other times, the equipment must be turned off and must not be used.


We are fortunate enough to have the technology and capabilities to offer classes and courses from other high schools, career technology centers, and colleges through Interactive Educational Television (IETV). Students have to have a great sense of maturity, responsibility, and self-discipline to maximize the learning opportunities afforded through IETV. Therefore, to assist you in reaching your potential through IETV courses, the following classroom rules will be followed by all students of Dover High School.

1. All book bags and other textbooks/notebooks that do not pertain to the particular IETV class in session are prohibited in the classroom.

2. The home school in conjunction with the IETV teacher will determine seating arrangements.

3. Food, gum, and drinks are prohibited in the IETV classroom.

4. Students will sit attentively, facing the front at all times. This means no lying on desks at any time.

5. Chairs are to be on four legs all the time.

6. Do not leave the IETV room without the IETV teacher’s permission.

7. Only one person at the fax machine unless authorized by the IETV teacher.

8. Only one person at the control panel unless authorized by the IETV teacher.

9. Microphones are to be left in the center of the tables.

10. Follow all directions of teachers or office personnel.

If behavior problems with a particular student in the IETV room continue, the student will be removed from the IETV course and possibly lose credit for the course.



The prom is a formal social function organized by the Junior Class to honor the Senior Class.


The school will provide class sponsors to guide the students in their preparation for the prom. All Junior Class students and sponsors are required to assist in organizing the event. Junior Class sponsors are required to attend the prom. Junior Class parents are encouraged to help with the event. School procedures regarding the expenditure of funds will be followed. Junior Class sponsors are required to communicate with the building principal about the preparations for the prom and must gain any necessary approvals.

Senior Students

Senior students are the guests of the Junior Class. Senior students, along with their dates, are admitted to the prom without charge.

Junior Students

In order for a junior student to be admitted to the prom along with his or her date, the student must have fulfilled the work requirements to the satisfaction of the Junior Class sponsors. If a junior student was unable to fulfill the work requirements, he or she, at the discretion of the Junior Class sponsors, may be allowed to purchase a ticket to the prom.

Sophomore Servers

Sophomore servers are used to help facilitate the occasion. The Junior Class sponsors will decide the process of the selection of the sophomore servers.


Dover Public School teachers are encouraged to attend the prom along with their dates free of charge as the guests of the Junior Class.


Each student attending the prom may bring one date. All students attending the prom must be in at least Ninth Grade. Sophomore servers may only bring a date who attends Dover High School. Junior and Senior students may bring a date who does not attend Dover High School with the approval of the building principal. In order to gain that approval, the student must complete an “Out-of-District Prom Date Request” form at least one week prior to the prom. A copy of the guest’s driver’s license or photo identification must be stapled to the request form. Guests of inappropriate ages will not be allowed to attend the prom.


Formal dress is required. The Junior Class sponsors will assist students in deciding appropriate attire for the prom. The building principal will make the final decision about the admission of students to the event.


In preparing for the event, the Junior Class and sponsors are encouraged to organize a promenade so that parents and others will be able to share the experience with the students and to take pictures.

Date and Time

The date and time of the prom will be decided by the school administration.

Eligibility Requirement

All Dover High School students who attend the prom must be academically eligible.

Alcohol-Free Policy

The administration may require that all students entering the prom take a breathalyzer in order to make certain that the event remain alcohol-free. Because attendance at the prom is voluntary, the school is within its rights to require students to submit to this test.


Students are not to leave the school grounds for any reason without the permission from the principal or superintendent. Leaving school without administrative permission is truancy and will be disciplined accordingly. Once students arrive at school, they are to leave their vehicles alone until the school day is over. Students wishing to leave school must be properly checked out in person by the parent or guardian. Exceptions must be cleared by calling the principal’s office. TEACHERS MAY NOT SEND STUDENTS AWAY FROM SCHOOL ON ERRANDS EXCEPT WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE PRINCIPAL OR SUPERINTENDENT.

Students attending Vo-Tech are not to be on campus before lunch break unless they have made arrangements with a teacher. Any violation of the above rules and procedures may result in loss of privileges to leave campus and/or disciplinary action.

Lunch Check-Out Procedures

Dover Public Schools has a closed campus in regards to lunch. Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch. However, if a parent wants to check out a student for lunch the following procedure needs to be followed.

Parents will physically have to come in to the high school and sign out their student(s), and then sign student(s) back in after lunch. Students are not allowed to drive their personal vehicles away from school during the lunch period. Situations occasionally arise that may allow exceptions to this procedure. Extenuating circumstances will be handled on a case by case basis as they occur.

No outside food or drinks. (Exceptions must be pre-approved by principal)

General Check-Out Procedures

Parents checking out students should come to the high school and sign students out. Parents who work and are unable to take off work should call the high school office on the day the student is to leave and inform the school. Students will not be allowed to transport other students from school if checked out before the regular school day ends at 3:15 p.m.



Dover Public School recognizes that a primary purpose of education is the development of active citizenship. In order to provide opportunities for our students who would benefit in the greatest measure from serving as pages in the Oklahoma Legislature, the school will participate to the fullest extent possible in the program.


Students from Dover High School who are personally selected by State Senators or State Representatives will be allowed to serve.


The high school principal will contact the state legislative members who represent the citizens of the Dover School District to make arrangements for our students to serve as pages at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Students who wish to participate in the program must submit an application to the high school principal prior to each application deadline. The high school principal will select the legislative pages based on the selection criteria.


Students selected to serve, as legislative pages will be allowed to be absent from school within the guidelines of the school’s attendance policies. The absence will be considered a school activity absence.


Active citizenship

Motivation to serve

School attendance





Dover School is very proud of its fine library. The books and video collection in the library are there for students’ educational growth. All books, magazines, or reference books are not allowed to be taken outside of the library unless they have been checked out by the student. Students will check books out with the librarian. Fines of five cents per day will be assessed for overdue books. If a book is lost or damaged beyond normal wear, the student will be required to pay for the book. Library materials may not be checked out by a student who has a fine or a book overdue. No magazines or encyclopedias are to be taken home. All other books may be checked out for two weeks. When checking books in, be certain the librarian takes your book or that you deposit it in the return box. Do not leave it on the desk. You are responsible for the book and must pay for it if lost


All students grades K-12 will pay the breakfast and lunch clerk for all meals. Those eating by the day will either pay or charge in the lunch line.


Once a student reaches the twenty-dollar charge amount a notice will be sent to the parents/guardians.


Students that are absent from school will have the opportunity to make up work according to the following guidelines.

1 day absence = 1 day to make up work.

(Ex.) If a student misses school on Monday and is present on Tuesday, work will be due on Wednesday.

2 days absence = 2 days to make up work

(Ex.) If a student misses school on Monday and Tuesday and returns to school on Wednesday, the student’s work will be due on Friday of the same week.

3 days absence = 3 days to make up work

(Ex.) If a student misses Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and returns to school on Thursday, the student’s work will be due on Monday of the following week.

Over 3 days absent = 1 week to make up their work. Additional days may be granted under the principal’s discretion.


A law in the state of Oklahoma passed in the spring of 2002 requires schools to “observe one (1) minute of silence each day for the purpose of allowing each student, in the exercise of his or her individual choice, to reflect, meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity that does not interfere with, distract, or impede other students in the exercise of their individual choices.” Dover High School will recognize one (1) minute of silence when we have our daily announcements.


Students in grades 10-12 with a cumulative grade point average of 3.36 or better computed on the second semester of the previous year and the first semester of the current year are eligible.


These awards are presented to the top ten percent (10%) of our 9-12 grade students. Membership will be based on work done during the first semester of the current year and the second semester of the preceding year. The standing of the 9th grade students will be based on the work done during the first semester of the current year on


These awards are presented to the top ten percent (10%) of our 7th and 8th grade students. Membership will be based on work done during the first semester of the current year and the second semester of the preceding year. 7th grade standing will be based on the work done during the first semester of the current year only.


Coaches and sponsors for these activities can be found on the Dover Public School website.



Girls Basketball

Boys Basketball



Slow Pitch Softball

Fast Pitch Softball

Class Involvement:

Senior Class of 2010




Eighth Grade

Seventh Grade




Math Club

Science Club

Academic Team

Student Council



New clubs will be organized only with the approval of the administration.


Many parents believe that when children enter high school, their son or daughter is ready for independence. Although we are encouraging those skills which develop responsibilities and accountability, many adolescents need family support and guidance.


1) Be active participants in their child’s education.

2) Communicate regularly and work cooperatively with school administration and teachers.

(Examples include: Open house, parent-teachers conferences, etc…)

3) Send the child to school ready to learn- rested, fed, properly dressed, with assignments and

materials, etc…

4) Make sure the child attends regularly and promptly report absences and tardies to the school.

5) Participate in recommended parent training programs.

6) Inform school authorities of any learning problem or condition that may relate to the child’s education.

7) Monitor and support the child’s adherence to school policy.

8) Maintain up-to-date home, work, and emergency telephone numbers and other pertinent information at the school.

9) Create a positive learning environment at home.

10) Discuss school activities with your student daily.

11) Attend school events to show support of your child.

12) Never be afraid to ask questions or for help.


Beginning with the students entering 7th grade in the 2008-2009 school year, in order to graduate from a public high school accredited by the State Board of Education, students shall fulfill the requirements for a Personal Financial Literacy Passport during Grades 7 through 12.


It shall be the policy of the Dover Board of Education that any teacher who has reasonable cause to suspect that a student may be under the influence of or has in his/her possession:

1) intoxicating substances (glue, paint, etc…),

2) alcoholic beverages, or

3) controlled dangerous substances as defined by state law, shall immediately notify the principal of

such suspicions. The principal shall immediately notify the superintendent of Schools and a

parent or guardian of said student of the matter.


A healthy moral climate is in the best interests of the school and community. All school activities are therefore properly sponsored. During school hours, physical contact between boys and girls, such as kissing, hugging, holding hands, pushing, tickling, etc… will not be condoned, and rules of conduct during these hours shall also govern school-sponsored trips and activities. Parents will be notified if such conduct is not refrained.



The organization of the school system will be K-8 Elementary and 9-12 High School.

The school day and the school term will be prescribed by law. The board has the

authority to extend the term beyond the minimum number of days required by State Law.


The extra-curricular activities should be managed in such a manner as to bring out the

maximum benefit with a minimum of interference with the regular curriculum program.

It will be the responsibility of the superintendent and the principal, with and through the

faculty, to determine the activities to be carried on in accordance with regulations of the

Dover Board of Education.


Students may participate in the Agriculture Education and Business Education programs offered at Dover High School.


These programs are being provided to students in the Dover Schools which meet the state

mandated guidelines. They are defined as “those special programs, supportive services,

unique educational materials, learning settings, and other educational services which

differentiate, supplement, and support the regular education program in meeting the

needs of the gifted.”


1) No teacher will ask for students out of classes other than his or her own for an extracurricular activity without the permission of the principal.

2) All organizational and class meetings will be scheduled through the principal and will primarily be held before school, at noon, or after school.

3) Teachers and sponsors will be very diligent in scheduling activities to be sure the activity does not cause the student to have too many activity absences.

4) Make-up work will be presented to the teacher for grading or approval using the same schedule listed for regular absences. (Refer to MAKEUP WORK FOR ABSENCES)

If a student fails to comply with this schedule, the next school sponsored absence will require work to be turned in prior to being eligible to participate in the school activity.


1) Annual: School Day Pictures (one day only)

2) Athletics: Tournaments (First round games are not exempt)

Regional, Area, and State Tournaments

All-State Tryouts (participants only)

NOTE: Freshmen rule for athletics – Freshmen will be allowed to participate on high school or freshmen teams at the discretion of the coach with parent approval. However, students will be allowed only one such move per year without special permission of the principal. Only in rare instances will the principal approve such changes.

3) Cheerleaders: Cheerleaders will be exempt on the same basis as basketball players

4) English-Speech: Writing Contests (one day per student)

Speech Contests (one day per student)

5) General: Assemblies (to include performances of programs and plays)

Educational Field Trips

Scholastic Contests (one per student unless advancing in play-offs)

National 4-H Trip earned at previous contests

Student Proficiency testing

ASVAB testing

Special “Prestigious” Events Approved by the Administration

6) Music: Fine Arts

State Vocal Contest

State Instrumental Contest

All-State Vocal Tryouts

All-State Convention

Music and other Scholarship Auditions (one per student)

7) Seniors: Visit to College (one per student)

8) Social Studies: Model United Nations (one day)

9) Agricultural Ed: Speech Contest in Kingfisher

National Convention

Any trip earned at previous contests

State Convention (elected delegates and program participants)

Before a student can be gone more than ten (10) days, he or she must have a 3.0 grade point average with no grade less than a “C” and received approval from the Internal Activities Review Committee.


Saturday school is a discipline alternative assigned only by an administrator and can be assigned for reasons deemed appropriate by the administrator. If a student is assigned Saturday school, an attempt to contact the parent or guardian will be made. However, if that is not possible, the student will be required to complete a Saturday school form, have it signed by the parent/guardian, return it to the administrator no later than Friday prior to the Saturday to be served. This serves as the student’s registration and provides the supervisor with a way to take role and report attendance to the administrator on Monday.

Saturday school hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

Students who arrived after 8:00 a.m. or fail to attend their assigned Saturday school will be automatically suspended on the following Monday.


1) The decision as whether school will be dismissed because of bad weather will be made by the superintendent after consultation with those responsible for transportation services

and weather services in addition to checking the conditions of the local roads.

2) The announcement of school dismissal will be made via radio and/or TV.

(KFOR, 4; KOCO, 5; KWTV, 9)


The superintendent, principal, teacher, or Security Personnel of any public school in the state of Oklahoma, upon reasonable suspicion, shall have the authority to detain and search or authorize the search of any student or property in the possession of the student when said student is on any school premises, or while in transit under the authority of the school or while attending any function sponsored or authorized by the school, for dangerous weapons, or controlled dangerous substances, as defined in the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, intoxicating beverages, non-intoxicating beverages, as defined by Section 163.2 of Title 37 of the Oklahoma Statutes or for missing or stolen property if said property be reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student, a school employee, or the school during school activities. The search shall be conducted by a person of the same sex as the person being searched and shall be witnessed by at least one other authorized person, said person to be of the same sex if practicable.

The extent of any search shall not be excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction. In no event shall a strip search of the student be allowed. No student’s clothing, except cold weather outerwear, shall be removed prior to or during the conduct of any warrantless search.

The superintendent, principal, teacher, or security personnel searching or authorizing the search shall have authority to detain the student to be searched and to preserve any dangerous weapons, controlled dangerous substances, intoxicating beverages, and/or missing or stolen property that might be in their possession including. They will also have the authority to authorize any other

persons they deem necessary to restrain such student or to preserve any dangerous weapons, intoxicating beverages, non-intoxicating beverages, and/or missing/stolen property.

Pupils shall not have any reasonable expectation of privacy towards school administrators or teachers in the contents of a school locker, desk, or other school property.

Any student found to be in possession of dangerous weapons, controlled dangerous substances, intoxicating beverages, non-intoxicating beverages, and/or missing or stolen property may be suspended by the superintendent or principal for a period not to exceed the current school semester and succeeding semester. Any such suspensions may be appealed to the Board of Education of the school districts by any student suspended under this section. School personnel shall have access to school lockers, desks, and other school property in order to properly supervise the welfare of students. School lockers, desks, and other areas of school facilities may be opened and examined by school officials at any time and no reason shall be necessary for such search. Schools shall inform pupils in the student discipline code that they have no reasonable expectation of privacy rights towards school officials in school lockers, desks, or other school property. (70-24-102)


Each teacher of each academic subject will construct an examination that tests student-competencies for each objective of the course covered during the semester. This does not include Enhancement Period courses. In those subjects for which Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills have been established, the P.A.S.S. Objectives must be included in the construction of the examinations. For Advanced Placement courses, the College Board Objectives must be included in the construction of the examinations.

In calculating semester grades, semester examinations will make up no less than ten percent and no more than twenty percent of the overall grade for each course. The teacher for each course will decide the value of the semester examination within these parameters.

Students who are absent during semester testing will temporarily receive an “incomplete” grade. During the first semester, students have a total of three days after returning to school to make arrangements with the teachers of the courses to complete these examinations. During the second semester, students must make arrangements with the high school principal to take these examinations within one week. If arrangements are not made within the allowable time periods, a value of “zero” will be recorded for each semester grade and overall grades will be calculated to replace the “incomplete” grade. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the high school principal after a review of individual circumstances.

Prior to the Advanced Placement Examination, teachers of each A.P. course will administer a College Board Practice Examination for the course. The results of this examination will be used as the second semester examination grade. Students in Advanced Placement Courses will not be required to take an additional semester examination during the second semester.

Semester testing will take place during the last two days of each semester. Each testing period will be ninety minutes. On Day 1, testing in Hours 1, 3, 5, and 7 will take place. On Day 2, testing in Hours 2, 4, 6, and 8 will take place.


It is the policy of the Dover School Board to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. It shall be a violation for a student to harass another student or staff member through conduct or communications of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.


A committee will be formed within the first nine weeks of school made up of Student Council Representatives for each class, students selected by the high school principal, and the high school counselor. The committee will propose incentives for each category of exemplary attendance to the high school principal. The superintendent and high school principal will discuss the proposal and offer their input to the committee. The high school principal will meet with the committee to revise the proposal if needed. The final proposal will be submitted to the superintendent who will make the final decision on the incentive plan.


Student lockers remain the property of the school and are only assigned to the student for storage of school and personal property for the convenience of the student. The principal has the authority to inspect or cause periodical locker inspections. All lockers are equipped so they can be locked. Locks will be provided for protection of personal belongings. Students have no reasonable expectation of privacy rights toward school officials in school lockers, desks, or other school property.


1) Various police, attorneys, and/or insurance investigators can only speak with students with the consent of the parent or guardian or upon the written order of the court, and with the permission of the principal.

2) No student will be released into the custody of an officer of the law without the parent’s or guardian’s consent or upon written order of the court or upon request of the principal or superintendent for the well being of the school, students, and/or employees of Dover Schools. If a law officer requests a student through a teacher, the teacher will not release said student without permission of the principal personally.


The principal of the school shall suspend the student in the following manner:

1) Attempt to orally notify the student and his/her parents/guardians, stating the reason for the suspension, the term of the suspension, and his/her right to a hearing before the superintendent.

2) In writing, notify the student and his/her parents/guardians, by United States mail stating the reason for the suspensions, the term of the suspension, and the right of a hearing before the superintendent.

3) If the student or parent appeals the suspension to the superintendent, the superintendent will conduct an independent investigation of the incident and conduct a hearing with the parents, student, and any other individuals present that the superintendent’s investigation has determined needs to be present. At such hearing, the student and parent may present their case. The superintendent will make a ruling that may leave the suspension intact, modify the suspension, deny the suspension and substitute some other form of appropriate discipline, or exonerate the student from fault and drop the case against the student.

4) The principal may suspend students for a period not to exceed the balance of the current semester and all of the succeeding semester.


Tardy is defined as arriving during the first five minutes of class after the bell rings starting the class. A student who arrives later than the first fifteen (15) minutes is counted absent. If a student is going to be late for school (1st period) a parent or guardian must notify the school office as to the tardy. If a parent or guardian does not contact the office, the tardy shall be dealt with through the below steps.

If a student comes to class tardy, teachers will discipline if excessive tardies continue the student will be directed to the office for discipline.

1st- thru 3rd tardy per nine weeks will be dealt with by the classroom teacher.

Three (3) tardies = One (1) unexcused absence

Twenty five (25) tardies in one semester and the student fails the class.

Excessive tardies will be punished every tardy after three per semester.

Progressive punishment will be in place the severity of consequence for the tardy will increase as students continue to be tardy.



In return for the out of school use of the district-owned device, the student and his or her parents agree to properly care for the equipment and to pay the cost of insuring the device for damage, loss, and theft. The student and his or her parents agree to pay the insurance deductible in the event of damage, loss, or theft. The student and his or her parents agree to report the damage, loss, or theft of the device to the school immediately.

The student and his or her parents agree not to add or remove any applications to or from the device. The student agrees to bring the device to school every school day and to return it at the designated times so that new applications may be added. The student agrees to store and charge the device at a secure designated area in the school during lunch and at other times when the device will be out of the control of the student. During class time, the student agrees to use the device only as instructed by the teacher. At all other times, the equipment must be turned off and must not be used.


Cell phones are not allowed at school, any and all use of a cell phone from 8:00 to 3:20 in any capacity will be considered as a rule infraction and discipline will be administered. The office telephones are business phones and should be used by students for school related calls or emergencies only. Students will not be called out of class to answer the phone except for emergencies. Students should use the public pay phone to make calls. These calls should not be during class time or during class breaks. Student calls are to be made before school or after school only.


The Dover Public School provides its students with access to the school’s computer network systems, including Internet access, in an effort to expand informational and communication resources in furtherance of the school’s goal of promoting educational excellence. It is hoped that the use of these resources will enhance the student’s research capabilities, increase student productivity and better prepare the students for higher education or workplace skills.

Network and Internet access Terms and Conditions:

1. Access and use of the School’s computer network system and the Internet is a privilege, not a right, which will be withdrawn if abused.

2. Acceptable use: The school’s computer system and Internet access may only be used for the support of education in a way that is consistent with the educational objectives of the school. All Internet use must comply with copyright laws.

3. Unacceptable use includes anything that is deemed by the administration as not school related. All privileges will be revoked if abuse occurs. Additional punishment may be administered when necessary punishment may range from detention to suspension from school.

4. Be aware that any communication device used to defame or harass any student at Dover public school will be investigated and punishment will be administered to any or all students that partake in such activity, even if the documentation originates away from the school network. (SB1941)


Beginning with the students entering 9th grade in 2008-2009, every student shall demonstrate

mastery of the state academic content standards in the following subject areas in order to graduate

from a public high school with a standard diploma.

1. Algebra I;

2. English II; and

3. Two of the following five:

a. Algebra II,

b. Biology I,

c. English III,

d. Geometry, and

e. United States History


Dover Schools provide safe modern transportation to all students who are legally eligible to ride to and from school. Students who ride the bus should be careful about loading and unloading. The driver of the bus is a school official and has the same control over the student as the teacher in the classroom. Misconduct will be reported immediately to the principal. Persistent improper conduct or bad language may cause the student to be denied the privilege of riding the bus or be suspended from school in severe cases.



No student will travel in any vehicle not owned and insured by the district while on a school trip unless prior written permission has been secured from the parent and the principal and sponsor of the activity in which the student is engaged have authorized such travel.



The Dover Board of Education understands the concern expressed by parents, educators, students, and other community members regarding the adverse effects of tobacco on the individual. Further, the Board is aware of Oklahoma Law that prohibits the possession of tobacco by minors. Therefore, the Board has established the following policy:

In accordance with Oklahoma law, tobacco in any form will not be used by students attending any school sponsored event outside school premises, or while in transit to or from such an event in school authorized vehicles.

Students of Dover Schools using and/or in possession of tobacco products on school premises or on school related activities, the following consequences will apply to students:

1st offense: The student will be suspended from school for one (1) day.

2nd offense: The student will be suspended from school for three (3) days.

3rd offense: The student will be suspended from school on a long-term basis.


Private and public use of school buildings by patrons of this district will be granted when not in conflict with school activities or groups directly associated with school programs. A charge, to be determined by the board of education, will be made for the use of school buildings or facilities by any organization not directly associated with the school. Ordinarily, any adult (21 years of age) resident of Dover Schools will be allowed to use school facilities. Such adult will be issued a key that is to be returned immediately upon completion of use of the facility in question. In addition, said adult agrees to accept responsibility for all negligence and damage to school property. The adult should schedule the use of the facility as far in advance as possible with the high school principal. For most athletic functions, the elementary gym will be available for reservation on a first come first serve basis for a two hour period of time. In all instances the school board has final say as to who can use the building (O.S. Section 591).


A student must have attended Dover High School (9-12) both semesters of the senior year to be eligible to receive the Valedictorian or Salutatorian Award. The student(s) with the highest grade point average will be named Valedictorian and the student(s) with the second highest grade point average will be named Salutatorian.


A student must have attended Dover Schools both semesters of the eighth grade year to be eligible to receive the Valedictorian or Salutatorian Award. The student(s) with the highest grade point average will be named Valedictorian and the student(s) with the second highest grade point average will be named Salutatorian.


All visitors must check in at the office. Students are not allowed to bring visitors to school. Former students must check with the principal’s office before coming to school, but will not be allowed to visit classes.


The use of any device not owned or controlled by the school that is capable of recording or transmitting voice, sound, text, or visual image is prohibited during the school day. Coaches and sponsors have the authority to extend and adjust this policy for extracurricular activities for voice, sound, and text transmission and communication. Unique circumstances may warrant exceptions to this prohibition being authorized by the high school principal.

Parents and guardians may contact students during the school day by calling the High School Office at 405-828-4204. Coaches and sponsors must provide proper contact information to the parents and guardians of students on activities.

Dover Public Schools

201 North Taylor - P.O. Box 195 - (405) 828-4204

Dover, Oklahoma 73734

High School Student Handbook Verification Form

Please sign and return this form by Friday, August 20, 2010. Students who do not return the form by that date will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities until the form is returned.

I have been given a copy of the 2009-2010 Dover High School Student Handbook. It is my responsibility to read, follow, and abide by the rules, procedures, and policies of Dover High School and Dover Public Schools.

_________________________________ _____________________

Student Signature Date

_________________________________ _____________________

Parent or Guardian Signature Date

Floyd Kirk Darci Lingle

Superintendent High School Principal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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