Class 1 - Info Sheet - Save to a NEW folder you create on ...

Class 1 - Info Sheet - Save NOW to a NEW folder you create on your Udrive or USB device. Name this folder MusicTech (EXACTLY as you see it here).

Call this file NAME-Info


I am familiar with … (put an X in the square for each item you have experienced.

| |Internet Explorer | |Pandora | |Firefox |

| |SeaMonkey | |Finale | |Sibelius |

| |Safari | |PhotoShop | |DreamWeaver |

| |FireWorks | |Excel | |GarageBand |

| |Audacity | |PowerPoint | |Chrome |

| |Paint | |QuickTime | |Windows Media Player |

| |iTunes | |SoundHound | |FaceBook |

| |youtube | |Noteflight | |Wix |

| |Skype | |Netflix | |Microsoft Word |

| |SmartMusic | |MuseScore | |SMARTBoard |

Make BOLD your answers when appropriate. Type other answers.

I have my own webpage. Yes No The URL is:

I have created a PowerPoint presentation. Yes No Topic:

I know how to make a video and upload to youtube. Yes No

I know how to buy & download an MP3 or other type of sound file. Yes No

I prefer Sibelius or Finale to make notation files. Can’t use either. I like them both.

Use Google to find a graphic of an oud. Drag the thumbnail and the full size image to the correct spot below.

Insert Thumbnail:

What size is the original image? _____ x ______

Insert Original: (you will probably need to resize the full-sized image to make it fit if it is over 600 wide).

Paste the link for the image here (not the Google link, but to the original image).

You should only have TWO pages.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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