Teaching Programme - .NET Framework

Teaching Programme

Well Done! 1


Primary Education


Primary First


Modern Foreign Languages




BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say the name of the characters of Well Done!

- Learn to ask the name of a person and say their own.

- Use; hello, goodbye.

- Say the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Say a chant (What’s your name?).

- Sing a song(The number song).

- Tell a rhyme.

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the characters.

- A chant (What’s your name?).

- A song(The number song).

- A story with visual cues.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read las phrases to express: number+ object.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace and copy the numbers.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Greetings: Hello!, Goodbye!

- Characters: Magicus Pop, Cayla, Boris, Witchykoo, Emily, Adam.

- Numbers from 1 to 10.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language structures: What’s your name?, I’m (Susana).

- Receptive language: OK! Now let’s sing again!, Wow!, come back!, Look!, Listen!, Point!, Count!, Chant!, Play!, Sing!, Draw!, Write!, Colour!, Match!, Trace!, Stick!

▪ Recognize and reproduce The sound: s, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the intonation of: Hello Rita!, Hello Paul!

- Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Work in pairs.

- Welcome new students.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce The sound: s, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the intonation of: Hello Rita!, Hello Paul!

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Greetins: Hello!, Goodbye!

- Characters: Magicus Pop, Cayla, Boris, Witchykoo, Emily, Adam.

- Numbers from 1 to 10.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language structures: What’s your name? I’m….

- Receptive language: OK! Now let’s sing again!, Wow!, come back!, Look!, Listen!, Point!, Count!, Chant!, Play!, Jump!,Sing!, Draw!, Write!, Colour!, Match!, Trace!, Stick!, Open your book. Say hello/goodbye to…Say the names.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instrucctions

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Sciences: school life.

- Arts and music: make a puppet, count musical notes, sing a song about numbers, rhymes about intonation, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and point (PB page 4), Listen and chant (PB page 4), Listen and circle (PB page 5).

▪ Listen and point. Then listen and repeat (PB page 6).

▪ Listen sing and dance (PB page 6).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page7). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Play and say (PB page 8).

▪ Listen and say the rhyme (PB page8).

▪ Write and trace the numbers. Then look and say (PB page9).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (PB page 8).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

- This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Echanges of communication, dialogues and undersdtanding what they are trying to communicate. (Play page 5, Play and Say, PB page 8).

- Socializing and participating in classroom activities, developing social skills in order to work in pair or in a group:(Make puppets. Then say, PB page 5, Play and Say, PB page 8).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. (Lesson 4, page 7).

- Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 7) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

- Been able to communicate in an efficient manner the results of their own work. (Draw a picture, PB page 9).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants(Chant, What’s your name?, PB page 4,), (Song: The number song, PB page 6) (Rhyme: PB page 8).

▪ Make a puppet using cut-outs. (Cut-out, Make puppets, PB pages 5, and 67).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me Draw their face: (Draw a picture, PB page 9).

▪ Reading and acting out a story. (Story, PB page 7).

▪ Reading and acting out a story. (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Develop and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity: Make and elaborate a card with their name. (AB page 4).

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture og the English speaking world(school life).

▪ Learn the cultural and artictic way sof expression: music and percussion instruments. (PB page 6).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a Portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, pages 2-5).

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me (PB page 9).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Familiarize with pre-writing and pre-reading. (AB, page 2 to 5).

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary (AB page 49).

▪ Develop critical thinking: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (TRM) AB activities (pages 2 to 5).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, pages 2-5).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Play, page 5).

▪ Get used to work in activities to create ideas, to plan and act out, etc (Cut-out) making a puppet (Make a puppet, page 5 and 67).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit (Lesson 4, page 7): The Colour Spell (Reader).

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

▪ Self-evaluation (AB page 5, Lesson 6) and All about me (PB page 9 Lesson 8).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Refelct on people's behaviour and show cortesy and good manners: greetings and farewells. (PB page 4).

- Show respect toi others and themselves. (Play, PB page 5).

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: A poster project with stickers, Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Learning to draw circles. (Listen and circle; PB page 5).

- Practice the numbers from 1 to 10, forward and backwards. (PB page 6).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Hello Unit – pages 4 to 9).

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; interactive games and activities to practice the language.

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Hello Unit – pages 2-5).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. .

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (characters and vocabulary).


▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3.

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG page 4 to 9): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises. (Unit Hello!, page 2-5).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests page 7 (Diagnostic Test), (Teacher’s Pack).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 6, page 5).

- Picture Dictionary (AB page 49).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 9 Lesson 8).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and name Well Done! characters.

- Learnin to ask somenones name and introduce themselves..

- Use; hello, goodbye.

- Say numbers from 1 to 10 .

- Say a chant (What’s your name?).

- Sing a song(The number song).

- Say a rhyme .

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Recognize the characters.

- A chant (What’s your name?)

- A song(The number song).

- A story with visual cues.


BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test, page 9 Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read phrases that express: numner + object.

▪ Write words, common phrases and expressions with apurpose following a model (Test, page 9 Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace and copy the numbers.


BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit ans structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and develop vocabulary (Test, page 9 Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):

- Greetings: Hello!, Goodbye!

- Characters: Magicus Pop, Cayla, Boris, Witchykoo, Emily, Adam.

- Numbers from 1 to 10.


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly: Test, page 9 Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):

- Language structures: What’s your name?, I’m (Susana).


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Reflection on learning.

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation):

Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit. (Lesson 8, p).

- Picture Dictionary.

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 9 Lesson 8).


BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.

UNIT 1: This is my family


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use words related to families and birthday celebrations.

- Ask and answer questions about age using (How old are you?).

- Ask and answer questions using How many?

- Introduce their family and talk about them.

- Talk about animal families.

- Say a chant (Hello mum).

- Sing a song(Happy birthday!).

- Say a rhyme in pairs.

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand simpole oral texts within the context of the classroom:

- Recognize family members names.

- Recognize the names of objects in a birthday celebration.

- A chant (Hello mum).

- A song (Happy birthday).

- A story with visual cues. (Emily’s birthday).


BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading (Opcional).

- Be able to read and recognize the vocabulary of family members.

- Be able to read and recognize the vocabulary of objects use in birthday celebrations.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace and copy the names of their family members.

- Be able to trace and copy the names of the objects of a Birthday celebration.


BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Family: mum, dad, brother, sister, dog.

- Birthday celebration: cake, present, balloon, party hat, card.

- Expressions: Happy birthday!, Thank you. Please.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language structures: Plural regular nouns /How old are you? I’m .../This is my (mum).

- Language to review: numbers from 1 to 10 /Hello!

- Receptive language: Count!, candle (s), It’s my birthday, I’m sis today!, Please!, Thank you, Who’s this?, Listen and number, Draw and say, And this is me!

- Interdisciplinary language:

- Animals: duck, elephant, polar bear, seahorse, lion, frog, mouse.

- Family: brother, father, baby, babies, granny, grandad.

▪ Recognize and reproduce The sound: s, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhyming pairs: /u:/ /i:/ /aI/ /eI/ /e/.

- Rythm and intonation.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Use logical thinking: Family tree related: ¿Which members of the family are missing?

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language:

- Saying hello and goodbye.

- A traditional birthday party.

- Work and play in pairs.

- Give and appreciate receiving presents.

- Interact in birthday celebrations.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce The sound: s, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhyming pairs: /u:/ /i:/ /aI/ /eI/ /e/.

- Rythm and intonation.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Family: mum, dad, brother, sister, dog.

- Birthday celebration: cake, present, balloon, party hat, card.

- Expressions: Happy birthday!, Thank you. Please.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Plural regular nouns.

- How old are you? I’m … .

- This is my (mum).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Use logical thinking: family realtions in a Family Tree: ¿Which members of the family are missing?

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Social Studies: animal families, family trees.

- Sciences: identify animals and their babies.

- Arts and music: birthday song, rhyming with pairs, make a family portrait.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 10), Listen and and sing (PB page 12), Listen and say the rhyme (PB page 16).

▪ Play a game (PB pages 11 and 16), Board Game Unit 1 (PB page 16).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 13). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, PB page 14 and 15).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Dialonges and communication exchanges and understanding what they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group. (Play a game (PB page 11 y 16) Board Game, Unit 1 (PB page 16).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. 1 (Lesson 4, page13, y The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 13) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

▪ This competence is develop through the knowledge of the interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Sciences: learning about different types of animal families. (PB page14).

- Social Studies: show family relations through a diagram (family tree, PB page15).

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: (All about me, PB page 17, Poster Project, PB page15).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A chant (Hello mum) PB page 10.

- A song(Happy birthday), PB page 12.

- A rhyme in pairs , PB page 16.

▪ Make a puppet using cut-outs. (Cut-out: make a card, page 11 and 69).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me (draw a family member: PB page 17).

▪ Reading and acting out a story (Story, PB page 13) and about the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell; in print (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Develop and value initiative, imagination, and creativity by:

- Cut-out: make a card, page 11 and 69.

- All drawing activities in the AB (page 6 to 11).

- Make a poster (PB page 15).

- Pictures in the section: All about me (PB page 17).

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture og the English speaking world (family life and birthday celebrations).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a Portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, page 6 to 11) while getting familiar with pre-writing and pre-reading.

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me and Choose and colour, (PB page 17).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary (AB page 50).

▪ Develop critical thinking: Posters project with stickers (PB page 15, Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, page 7 and 8) AB activities (Lesson 5).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, pages 6-11).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Play a game, PB pages 11 and 16; Play the Board Game (Unit 1).

▪ Get used to work in activities to create ideas, to plan and act out, etc (Cut-out: make a card, pages 11 and 69).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 13 and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

- Picture Dictionary, AB page 50.

- All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page 17, Lesson 8).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Posters project with stickers , Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, Worksheets to copy 5 and 6, pages 7 and 8).

- Sciences: learn about different animal families (PB page 14).

- Social Studies: show family realtions in a diagram (genealogical tree, PB page 15).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Asimismo esta competencia implica el conocimiento y manejo de los elementos matemáticos básicos (distintos tipos de números, medidas, símbolos, elementos geométricos, etc

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Familiarize with a family tree diagram (Listen and point; PB page 15).

- Count and say the numbers from 1 to 10 (Play a game, PB page 16).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 1 – pages 10 to 17).

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; interactive games and activities to practice the language.

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 1 – pages 6 to 11).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (Unit 1, AB, page 50).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (family members).

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG page 36 to 51): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises.(Unit 1, page 6 to 11).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests 1 pages 8-9 (Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM, page 12).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 8, page 11).

- Picture Dictionary (AB, page 50).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 17, Lesson 8).

- Choose and colour (page 17, Lesson 8).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and use words related to families and birthday parties.

- Ask and answer questions about age using (How old are you?).

- Ask and answer questions using How many?

- Introduce their family and talk about them.

- Talk about animal families.

- Say a chant (Hello mum).

- Sing a song(Happy birthday!).

- Say a rhyme in pairs.

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Recognize family members names.

- Recognize the names of objects in a birthday celebration.

- A chant (Hello mum).

- A song (Happy birthday).

- A story with visual cues. (Emily’s birthday).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test 1-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to read and recognize the vocabulary of the family members.

- Be able to read and recognize the vocabulary of birthday party objects.

▪ Write words, common phrases and expressions with apurpose following a model (Test,1-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to trace and copy the names of their family members..

- Be able to trace and copy the names of the objects of a Birthday celebration.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit ans structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and develop vocabulary (Test 1- Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):

- Family: mum, dad, brother, sister, dog.

- Birthday celebration: cake, present, balloon, party hat, card.


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly: (Test 1-Teacher’s Pack).

- Language structures: Plural regular nouns/How old are you? I’m .../This is my (mum).


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhyming pairs: /u:/ /i:/ /aI/ /eI/ /e/.

- Rythm and intonation.

Reflection on learning

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.

UNIT 2: Look at my book!


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use vocabulary related to school.

- Ask and answer questions using How many?

- Giving and following common classroom instructions.

- Asking and doing requests.

- Talk about animal families.

- Say a chant (How many tables?).

- Sing a song (Come dance with me!).

- Say a traditional rhyme.

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize school related vocabulary.

- Understanding simples instructions.

- A chant (How many tables?).

- A song (Come dance with me!).

- A story with visual cues.(Oh, Boris!).

- Understanding questions and answers.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to school.

- Be able to read phrases like: six rubbers.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace and copy vocabulary related to school.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- School: book, chair, pen, pencil, rubber, table.

- Classroom instructions: Stand up!, Sit down!, Open your book!, Close your book!, Listen!, Hands up!, Be quiet!, Look!.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Structures:

- Plural regular nouns.

- Imperatives (instructions).

- How many (books)? Three (books).

- This is my (book).

- Language to review:numbers from 1 to 10 .

- Receptive language: Up!, Abracadoo!, Oh no!, Exuse me!, The (glue) please. Thank you!, Hands down!, Stop that!. Skipping, OK, Please! Magicus says!, Check your bag!

- Interdisciplinary language:

- school objects: board, computer, glue, paints, scissors, playground.

- Adjectives: Good, Bad.

- Excuse me, The (glue), Please!, Thank you, Stop that!

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- Rythm and intonation.

- Plural nouns /s/ y /z/.

- Rhyming words.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language:

- A british classroom.

- Learn a version of a traditional rhyme.

- A traditional birthday party.

- Interdisciplinar theme: learning to distinguish good from bad behaviour.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- Rythm and intonation.

- Plural nouns /s/ and /z/.

- Rhyming words.

▪ Identify and use lexical terms:

- School: book, chair, pen, pencil, rubber, table.

- Classroom instructions: Stand up!, Sit down!, Open your book!, Close your book!, Listen!, Hands up!, Be quiet!, Look!

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Plural regular nouns.

- Imperatives (instructions).

- How many (books)? Three (books).

- This is my (book).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths:counting, table of contents

- Social Studies: school life, good and bad behaviour.

- Arts and music:action song , jump rope rhymes, poster, make a case.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 18), Listen and and sing (PB page 20), Listen and say the rhyme (PB page 24).

▪ Play a game (PB page 19 and 24), Board Game Unit 2 (PB page 24).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 21). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, PB page 22 and 23).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures:

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Dialonges and communication exchanges and understanding what they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group. (Play a game (PB page 19 and 24) Board Game, Unit 2 (PB page 24).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. 2 (Lesson 4, page21, and The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 21) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

▪ This competence is develop through the knowledge of the interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Social Studies: school life, good and bad behaviour (PB page22 and 23).

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: (All about me, PB page 25, Poster Project, PB page 23).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A chant (How many tables?, (PB page 18).

- A song (Come dance with me!) (PB page 20).

- A rhyme tradicional (PB page 24).

▪ Work with cut-outs (Cut-out: make a card, page 19 and 71).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me (Draw a picture of their pencil case: PB page 25).

▪ Reading and acting out a story.(Story, PB page21) and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell; in print (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Develop and value initiative, imagination, and creativity by:

- Cut-out: make a card, pages 19 and 71.

- All drawing activities in the AB (pages 12 to 17).

- Make a poster: In class (PB page 23).

- Pictures in the section: All about me (PB page25).

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture of the English speaking world(school life).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, page 12 to 17) while familiarizing with pre-reading and pre-writing.

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page25).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary (AB page 51).

▪ Develop critical thinking: Poster project with stickers(PB page 23) Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, 15-16) AB activities(Lesson 5).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, page 12 to 17).

▪ Use the reference material of the Unit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Play a game, PB page19 and 24; Play the Board Game (Unit 2).

▪ Get used to work in activities to create ideas, to plan and act out, etc (Cut-out: make a card, page 19 and 71).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page21 and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

- Picture Dictionary, AB page 51.

- All about me and Choose and colour, (PB page 25, Lesson 8).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, Worksheets to copy 15 and 16, pages 17 and 18).

- Social Studies: learn about different schools and school activities, and how to behave in them, PB pages 23 and 23).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Asimismo esta competencia implica el conocimiento y manejo de los elementos matemáticos básicos (distintos tipos de números, medidas, símbolos, elementos geométricos, etc

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Count their school materials and write the number to show the amount (Count, write and say; PB page 19).

- Practice and recognize information from a graph (AB page 15).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 2 – page 18 to 25).

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; interactive games and activities to practice the language.

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 2 – pages 12 to 17).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (Unit 2, AB, page 51).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (miembros de la familia).

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3.

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG page 56 to 71): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises.(Unit 2, pages 12 to 17).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests 2, pages 10 to 11 (Teacher’s Pack).

Term 1 Test, page 20 (Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM page 22).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 8, page 17).

- Picture Dictionary (AB, page 51).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 25, Lesson 8).

- Choose and colour (page 25, Lesson 8).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and say vocabulary related to school.

- Ask and answer questions using How many?

- Give and follow simple common classroom instructions.

- Making and doing requests.

- Talk about animal families.

- Say a chant (How many tables?).

- Sing a song(Come dance with me!).

- Say a traditional rhyme.

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Recognize vocabulary related to school.

- Following simple instructions.

- A chant (How many tables?).

- A song(Come dance with me!).

- A story with visual cues.(Oh, Boris!).

- Understanding questions and answers.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test 2- Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to school.

- Be able to read phrases like: six rubbers.

▪ Write words, common phrases and expressions with apurpose following a model (Test 2 -Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to trace and copy vocabulary related to schools.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit ans structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and develop vocabulary (Test 2 -Teacher’s Pack):

- School: book, chair, pen, pencil, rubber, table.

- Class instructions: Stand up!, Sit down!, Open your book!, Close your book!, Listen!, Hands up!, Be quiet!, Look!.


Understand and apply grammar rules correctly: (Test 2 -Teacher’s Pack):

- Plural regular nouns.

- Imperatives (instructions).

- How many (books)? Three (books).

- This is my (book).


Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rythm and intonation.

- Plural nouns /s/ y /z/.

- Rhyming words.

Reflection on learning.

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.

UNIT 3: This is my pet


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use vocabulary about animals.

- Identify and use vocabulary about colours.

- Talk about pets.

- Ask and answer questions about animals.

- Say a chant (My pets, My pets!).

- Sing a song(Colours).

- Say a rhyme (Three red rabbits).

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary about animals.

- Recognize the colours.

- Understand basic classroom instructions.

- A chant (My pets, My pets!).

- A song(Colours).

- A rhyme (Three red rabbits).

- A story with visual cues.(It’s a bear!).

- Understanding questions and answers.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading (Opcional).

- Be able to recognioze vocabulary about animals and colours.

- Be able to read simple phrases.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing (Optional).

- Be able to trace, copy and complete vocabulary abouyt animals.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Animals: butterfly, bear, rabbit, fish, cat, bird, mouse, dog, frog.

- Colours: red, blue, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language structures:

- What’s this?

- It’s my (mouse).

- It’s a (fish).

- It’s (green).

- It’s a/an (green) (fish).

- Language to review:

- numbers from 1 to 10 .

- How many?

- Receptive language: Ready? No! Run! Big 1, 2, 3... coming! Let’s play! What colour is it? Three red rabbits running round.

- Interdisciplinary language:

- colours: black, white, brown.

- animals: dragon, horse, lion, snake, tiger, turtle, Can you see a (tiger)? fingerprint, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tail, legs.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- The sound: /r/.

- Rythm and intonation.

- Action rhyme: Three red rabbbits.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a memory game.

- Create secondary colours from primary colours.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language

- Learn how to represent animals in the Arts.

- Learn a version of a traditional rhyme.

- Interdisciplinar theme: learn to combine primary colours.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- The sound: /r/.

- Rythm and intonation.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Animals: butterfly, bear, rabbit, fish, cat, bird, mouse, dog, frog.

- Colours: red, blue, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- What’s this?

- It’s my (mouse).

- It’s a (fish).

- It’s (green).

- It’s a/an (green) (fish).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarización con el uso de estrategias básicas de la producción de textos a partir de un modelo: seleccion del destinatario, propósito y contenido.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remenber new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a memory game.

- Creat secondary colours with primary colours.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: count.

- Arts and music: song about colours, action rhymes, poster, mix primary colours to make secondary colours, create animal prints, learn about animal representation in the Arts, crear un collage de colores.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 26), Listen and and sing (PB page 28), Listen and say the rhyme (PB page 32).

▪ Play a game (PB page 27 and32), Board Game Unit 3 (PB page 32).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 29). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, PB page30 y 31).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Dialonges and communication exchanges and understanding what they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group. (Play a game (PB page 27 and 32) Board Game, Unit 3 (PB page 32).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. 3 (Lesson 4, page29, and The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 29) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

▪ This competence is develop through the knowledge of the interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn about animals, pets, and their cares, etc (PB page26 and 27).

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: (All about me, PB page 33, animal prints, PB page 31).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Interdisciplinary sections: (Arts: animal representation in the Arts, and mixing primary colours to create secondary colours) (PB pages 30 and 31).

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A chant (My pets, My pets!) (PB page26).

- A song (Colours) (PB page 28).

- A rhyme (Three red rabbits) (PB page 32).

▪ Work with cut-outs (Cut-out: make cards page 27 and 73).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me (Make a collage: PB page 33).

▪ Reading and acting out a story.(Story, PB page 29) and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell; in print (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Develop and value initiative, imagination, and creativity by:

- Cut-out: make cards, pages 27 and 73.

- All drawing activities in the AB (pages 18 to 23).

- Make fingerprint animals (PB page 31).

- Pictures in the section: All about me (PB page 33): A collage about colours.

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture og the English speaking world(animals and pets).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, pages 18 to 23) while familiarizing with pre-reading and pre-writing.

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page 33).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary (AB page 52).

▪ Develop critical thinking: Animal prints (PB page 31) Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, 26) AB activities(Lesson 5).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, pages 18 to 23).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Play a game, PB pages 27 and 32; Play the Board Game (Unit 3).

▪ Get used to work in activities to create ideas, to plan and act out, etc (Cut-out: make cards, pages 27 and 73).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 29 and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

- Picture Dictionary, AB page 52.

- All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page 33, Lesson 8).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: make animal prints, Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, Worksheet to be copy 26, page 28).

- Learn ans reflect about animals, pets, etc (PB pages 26 and 27).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Count and number (Listen and number; PB page 27).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 3 – pages 26 to 33):

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice. :

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 3 – pages 18 to 23):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (Unit 3, AB, page 52).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (miembros de la familia).

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3.

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG pages 74 to 91): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises. (Unit 3, page 18 to 23).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests 3, page 12 and 13 (Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Workshet (TRM page 32).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 8, page 23).

- Picture Dictionary (AB, page 52).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 33, Lesson 8).

- Choose and colour (page 33, Lesson 8).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and use vocabulary about animals.

- Identify and use vocabulary about colours.

- Talk about pets.

- Ask and answer questions about animals.

- Say a chant (My pets, My pets!).

- Sing a song(Colours).

- Say a rhyme (Three red rabbits).

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Recognize vocabulary about animals.

- Recognize vocabulary about colours.

- Understand basic classroom instructions.

- A chant (My pets, My pets!).

- A song(Colours).

- A rhyme (Three red rabbits).

- A story with visual cues.(It’s a bear!).

- Understanding questions and answers.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test 3-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to recognioze vocabulary about animals and colours.

- Be able to read simple phrases.

▪ Write words and common phrases and expressions following a model with a purpose(Test 3-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to trace, copiar y completar palabras de animales.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit ans structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and develop vocabulary (Test 3-Teacher’s Pack):

- Animals: butterfly, bear, rabbit, fish, cat, bird, mouse, dog, frog.

- Colours: red, blue, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple.


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly: (Test 3-Teacher’s Pack).

- Structures:

- What’s this?

- It’s my (mouse).

- It’s a (fish).

- It’s (green).

- It’s a/an (green) (fish).


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- The sound: /r/.

- Rythm and intonation.

Reflection on learning.

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.

UNIT 4: I’ve got a bike


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use vocabulary about toys.

- Ask and answer questions about the toys we have: I’ve got a...

- Talk about actions some things can do.

- Ask and answer questions about actions.

- Say a chant (I’ve got a bike).

- Sing a song(The magic scooter).

- Tell a rhyme (I’ve got a magic cat).

- Activities of intercation:cut-outs, games, juegos, etc

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary about toys.

- Understand actions.

- A chant (I’ve got a bike).

- A song(The magic scooter).

- A rhyme (I’ve got a magic cat).

- A story with visual cues.(Boris’s flying bike).

- Understanding questions and answers.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading (Optional).

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about toys.

- Be able to read simple phrases.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing (Optional).

- Be able to trace and copy toy words.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- toys: bike, kite, skateboard, scooter, ball, magic, wand.

- Actions: dance, draw, fly, sing, speak.

- sizes: big, small.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Structures:

- I’ve got a (ball).

- I’ve got a (red) (ball).

- It’s (blue) and (red).

- My (scooter) can (fly).

- Language to review:

- Plural nouns.

- Numbers.

- Colours.

- What’s this?

- Receptive language:

- Doll, car, medium sized.

- Cool! Bye! Wow! What about you? A magic (scooter), wonderful Fantastic! It’s very small! It’s perfect. Stop your bike!

- Interdisciplinary language:

- toys: car, computer game, computer, doll, football, game, roller skates.

- places: at home, at school, outside.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- The sound: /k/.

- Rythm and intonation.

- Rhyme and clap: I’ve got a magic cat.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: spacial awareness

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language

- Great Britain landmarks.

- Learn a version of a traditional rhyme.

- Interdisciplinar theme: learn about things and their surroundings. .

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- The sound: /k/.

- Rythm and intonation.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- toys: bike, kite, skateboard, scooter, ball, magic, wand.

- actions: dance, draw, fly, sing, speak.

- sizes: big, small.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- I’ve got a (ball).

- I’ve got a (red) (ball).

- It’s (blue) and (red).

- My (scooter) can (fly).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: spacial awareness.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths:count, information from a graph, compare sizes.

- Social Studies: school life, family life, recess.

- Arts and music:action song , clap and rhyme, poster, draw a magic toy.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and chant (PB page34), Listen and sing (PB page 36), Listen and say the rhyme (PB page 40).

▪ Play a game (PB page 35 y 40), Board Game Unit 4 (PB page 40).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 37). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, PB page 38 and 39).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Dialonges and communication exchanges and understanding what they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group. (Play a game (PB pages 35 and 40) Board Game, Unit 4 (PB page 40).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. 2 (Lesson 4, page 37, and The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 37) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

▪ This competence is develop through the knowledge of the interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Social Studies: school life, family life and recess (PB pages 38 and 39).

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: (All about me, PB page 41, Make a toy graph, PB page 39).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A chant (I’ve got a bike) (PB page 34).

- A song(The magic scooter) (PB page 36).

- A rhyme (I’ve got a magic cat) (PB page 40).

▪ Work with cut-outs (Cut-out: make cards page 35 and 75).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me (Draw a magic toy; PB page 41).

▪ Reading and acting out a story.(Story, PB page 37) and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell; in print (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Develop and value initiative, imagination, and creativity by:

- Cut-out: make cards, pages 35 and 75.

- All drawing activities in the AB (pages 24 to 29).

- Make a toy graph (PB page 39).

- Pictures in the section: All about me (PB page 41).

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture og the English speaking world (Great Britain landmarks and games).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, pages 24 to 29) while familiarizing with pre-reading and pre-writing.

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me and Choose and colour, (PB page 41).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary (AB page 53).

▪ Develop critical thinking: Poster project with stickers(PB page 39) Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, 35-36) AB activities (Lesson 5).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, pages 24 to 29).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Play a game, PB page 35 and 40; Play the Board Game (Unit 4).

▪ Get used to work in activities to create ideas, to plan and act out, etc (Cut-out: make cards, page 35 and 75).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit(Story, Lesson 4, page37 and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

- Picture Dictionary, AB page 53.

- All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page41, Lesson 8).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, Worksheets to copy 35 and 36, page 37 and 38).

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong to, PB page 38 and 39).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about toys and numbers.

- Classify toys. Learn what a Venn diagram is (PB page 38) (AB page 28).

- Toy sizes and making a graph about toys (PB page 39).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 4 – page 34 to 41):

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 4 – pages 24 to 29):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (Unit 4, AB, page 53).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (family members).

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3.

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG page 94 to 111): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises.(Unit 4, pages 24 to 29).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests 4, page 14 and 15 (Teacher’s Pack).

Term 2 Test, page 21 (Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM page 42).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 8, page 29).

- Picture Dictionary (AB, page 53).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 41, Lesson 8).

- Choose and colour (page 41, Lesson 8).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and use vocabulary about toys.

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about the toys we have: I’ve got a...

- Talk about teh actions some things can do.

- Ask and answer questions about actions.

- Say a chant (I’ve got a bike).

- Sing asong(The magic scooter).

- Tell a rhyme (I’ve got a magic cat).

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Recognize vocabulary about toys.

- Understand actions.

- A chant (I’ve got a bike).

- A song(The magic scooter).

- A rhyme (I’ve got a magic cat).

- A story with visual cues.(Boris’s flying bike).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test 4 - Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about toys.

- Be able to read simple phrases.

▪ Write words and common phrases and expressions following a model with a purpose (Test 4 - Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to trace and copy vocabulary about toys.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit ans structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and develop vocabulary (Test 4 - Teacher’s Pack):

- toys: bike, kite, skateboard, scooter, ball, magic, wand.

- actions: dance, draw, fly, sing, speak.

- sizes: big, small.


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly: (Test 4 - Teacher’s Pack):

- Language structures: I’ve got a (ball, I’ve got a (red) (ball), It’s (blue) and (red), My (scooter) can (fly).


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- The sound: /k/.

- Rythm and intonation.

- Rhyme and clap: I’ve got a magic cat.

Reflection on learning.

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.

UNIT 5: Touch your head


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use vocabulary about body parts.

- Describe body parts: telling adjectives.

- Give and do action demands.

- Say a chant (Touch your body).

- Sing a song(Body!).

- Say a traditional rhyme (I’m a bouncing ball!).

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary about body parts.

- Recognize adjectives that describe size.

- Understand instruction to do the actions.

- A chant (Touch your body).

- A song(Body!).

- A story with visual cues.(Mickey monster can move).

- Understanding questions and answers.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about body parts.

- Be able to read simple phrases.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace and copy vocabulary about body parts.

- Trace and copy simple phrases.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Body parts: : head, arms, hands, body, legs, feet.

- Adjectives: big, small, long, short.

- Commands: Touch your (head)!, Move your (legs)!.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Structures:

- My head.

- Move your (legs)! (Touch) your (head).

- My (head) is big.

- My (arms) are long.

- Two (big) (feet).

- Language to review: colours, numbers, bird, cat, chair, book, table.

- Receptive language: big or small, Come on!, Sing the body song. Very nice. Yes, Miss. Mickey can move like me and you. Wave your arms. Stamp your feet. Clapa your hands. I’m (a bird).

- Interdisciplinary language:

Woman, moon, star, eyes, face, hair, mouth, nose, pencil case, door, friend, My (chair) is (five hands).

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- Rythm and intonation.

- The sound: /b/.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: measure.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language

- Learn some measurement systems (hands).

- Learn about Great Britain measuring system (feet).

- Interdisciplinar theme: Arts, a representation of the human body.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- Rythm and intonation.

- The sound: /b/.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Body parts: : head, arms, hands, body, legs, feet.

- Adjectives: big, small, long, short.

- Commands: Touch your (head)!, Move your (legs)!

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.


- My head

- Move your (legs)! (Touch) your (head).

- My (head) is big.

- My (arms) are long.

- Two (big) (feet).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: measure.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths:count, measure

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: people in the Arts, action song , rhyme about actions, draw a funny picture.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 42), Listen and and sing (PB page 44), Listen and say the rhyme (PB page 48).

▪ Play a game (PB page 48), Board Game Unit 5 (PB page 48 and TRM 184).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 45). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, PB page 46 and 47)

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Dialonges and communication exchanges and understanding what they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group. (Play a game (PB page 48) Board Game, Unit 5 (PB page 48).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. 5 (Lesson 4, page 45, and The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 45) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

▪ This competence is develop through the knowledge of the interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Talk about bullying in school (PB pages 42, 43, 44).

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: (All about me, PB page 49, Draw your body. PB page 47).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A chant (Touch your body), PB page 42.

- A song(Body!). PB page 44.

- An action rhyme, (I’m a bouncing ball) PB page 48.

▪ This competence is develop through the knowledge of the interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Arts: people representations in the Arts, Goya, Miró, etc (PB page 46).

▪ Work with cut-outs (Cut-out: make a person page 43 and 77).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me (Hacer un dibujo gracioso: PB page 49.

▪ Reading and acting out a story.(Story, PB page 45) and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell; in print (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Develop and value initiative, imagination, and creativity by:

- Cut-out: make a person, page 43 and 77.

- All drawing activities in the AB (pages 30 to 35).

- Draw a person (PB page 47).

- Pictures in the section: All about me (PB page 49).

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture og the English speaking world(school life, los sistemas de medición británicos, etc, el Arte).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, pages 30 to 35) while familiarizing with pre-reading and pre-writing.

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page 49).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary (AB page 54).

▪ Develop critical thinking: Poster project with stickers(PB page 47) Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, 45-46) AB activities(Lesson 5).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, pages 30 to 35).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Play a game, PB page 48; Play the Board Game (Unit 5).

▪ Get used to work in activities to create ideas, to plan and act out, etc (Cut-out: make a person, pages 43 and 77).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit(Story, Lesson 4, page49 and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

- Picture Dictionary, AB page 54.

- All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page 49, Lesson 8).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, Worksheets to copy 45 and 46, pages 47 and 48).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Count, number and interpret graphs (Listen and number PB page 44).

- Measurements and the body; compare and contrast (PB page 47).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 5 – pages 42 to 49):

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 5 – pages 30 to 35):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (Unit 5, AB, page 54).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (family members).

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3.

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG page 114 to 133): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises.(Unit 5, pages 30 to 35).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests 5, page 16 and 17 (Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM page 52).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 8, p 35).

- Picture Dictionary (AB, page 54).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 49, Lesson 8).

- Choose and colour (page 49, Lesson 8)

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and use vocabulary about body parts.

- Describe body parts: using adjectives.

- Give and follow orders.

- Say a chant (Touch your body).

- Sing a song (Body!).

- Say a traditional rhyme (I’m a bouncing ball!).

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Be able to recognioze vocabulary about body parts.

- Recognize adjectives about size.

- Understand and follow orders to do the action.

- A chant (Touch your body).

- A song (Body!).

- A story with visual cues.(Mickey monster can move).


BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test 5-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about body parts.

- Be able to read simple phrases.

▪ Write words and common phrases and expressions following a model with a purpose (Test 5-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to trace and copy vocabulary about body parts.

- Trazar and copy simple phrases.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit ans structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and develop vocabulary (Test 5-Teacher’s Pack):

- Body parts: : head, arms, hands, body, legs, feet.

- Adjectives: big, small, long, short.

- Commands: Touch your (head)!, Move your (legs)!


Understand and apply grammar rules correctly: (Test 5-Teacher’s Pack):

- Language structures: My head, Move your (legs)! (Touch) your (head), My (head) is big, My (arms) are long, Two (big) (feet).


Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rythm and intonation.

- The sound: /b/.

Reflection on learning.

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.

UNIT 6: Party time!


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use vocabulary about make believe characters.

- Ask and answer questions about who a person is.

- Identify and use vocabulary about food and express preferences.

- Say a chant (Who is it?).

- Sing a song (Fantastic food!).

- Say de la pata coja rhyme: (One potato, two potatoes!).

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the names of the make believe characters.

- Recognize vocabulary about food.

- Understand preferences on food.

- Understand simple classroom instructions.

- A chant (Who is it?).

- A song (Fantastic food!).

- A rhyme: (One potato, two potatoes!).

- A story with visual cues.(Let’s make a milkshake!).

- Understanding questions and answers.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about food.

- Be able to read phrases about preferences on food.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace and copy the name of make believe characters.

- Be able to trace and copy vocabulary about food.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Costumes: fairy, king, princess, pirate, witch.

- Food: apple, banana, chocolate, crips, ice cream, milk.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Structures:

- I’m a (king). You’re a (pirate), Emily is a (princess).

- Who is it? It’s (Adam).

- She’s/He’s a (pirate).

- I like (bananas).

- Do you like (crips)?

- Language to review: numbers from 1 to 10 and p[lural nouns.

- Receptive language: I know. Fantastic food!, Let’s make a milkshake!, A nice big milkshake. Some (chocolate), Go away!

- Interdisciplinary language: Bread, cow, egg, hen, potato, tomato, cheese, ice cream, sundae.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rythm and intonation.

- The sound: schwa /ә/.

- Rhyming words.

- Develop effective language-learning practices.

▪ Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language

- Una fiesta de disfraces tradicional.

- Learn a version of a traditional rhyme.

- Interdisciplinar theme: food from it's origin to it's production; cooking ingredients, popular spanish dishes, etc

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- Rythm and intonation.

- The The sound: schwa /ә/.

- Rhyming words.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Costumes: fairy, king, princess, pirate, witch.

- Food: apple, banana, chocolate, crips, ice cream, milk.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- I’m a (king). You’re a (pirate), Emily is a (princess).

- Who is it?, It’s (Adam).

- She’s/He’s a (pirate).

- I like (bananas).

- Do you like (crips)?

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective learning strategies.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths:count, food squeme.

- Social Studies: desde el origen del alimento a la producción; cocinar ingredientes, platos típicos españoles, etc

- Arts and music: action song, a rhyme, poster, make food cards, make a take out food.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and chant (PB page50), Listen and and sing (PB page 52), Listen and say the rhyme (PB page56).

▪ Play a game (PB page 51 y 56), Board Game Unit 6 (PB page 56).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page53). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, pegatinas, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, PB page54 y 55).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Dialonges and communication exchanges and understanding what they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group. (Play a game (PB pages 51 and 56) Board Game, Unit 6 (PB page 56).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. 6 (Lesson 4, page 53, and The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 53) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

▪ This competence is develop through the knowledge of the interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Social Studies: learn about where food comes from, and cook familiar dishes (PB page 54 and 55).

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: (All about me, PB page 57, Poster Project, PB page 55).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A chant (Who is it?) PB page 50.

- A song (Fantastic food!). PB page 52.

- A rhyme: (One potato, two potatoes!) PB page 56.

▪ Work with cut-outs (Cut-out: make cards, page 51 and 79).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me (draw a student's lunch box: PB page 57).

▪ Reading and acting out a story.(Story, PB page53) and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell; in print (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Develop and value initiative, imagination, and creativity by:

- Cut-out: make cards, pages 51 and 79.

- All drawing activities in the AB (pages 36 to 41).

- Make a food graph (PB page 55).

- Pictures in the section: All about me (PB page 57).

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture of the English speaking world(school life, la alimentación, las fiestas).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a Portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, pages 36 to 41) while familiarizing with pre-reading and pre-writing.

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page 57).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary (AB page 55).

▪ Develop critical thinking: Poster project with stickers(PB page 55) Cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, 55-56) AB activities(Lesson 5).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, pages 36 to41).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Play a game, PB page 51 and 56; Play the Board Game (Unit 6).

▪ Get used to work in activities to create ideas, to plan and act out, etc (Cut-out: make cards pages 51 and 79).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 53 and from the story (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

- Picture Dictionary, AB page 55.

- All about me y Choose and colour, (PB page 57, Lesson 8).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (TRM, Worksheets to copy 55 and 56, page 57 and 58).

- Social Studies: learn about where food comes from, and cook familiar dishes (PB pages 54 and 55).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Count and express numbers orally (PB pages 54 and 55).

- Learn what a squeme is and the information it offers (PB page 52).

- Organize information in a bar graph (PB page 55)


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 6 – pages 50 to 57).

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; interactive games and activities to practice the language.

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 6 – pages 36 to41).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (Unit 6, AB, page 55).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (family members).

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3.

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG pages 134 to151): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises. (Unit 6, page 36 to 41).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests 6, page 18 and 19 (Teacher’s Pack).

Term 3 Test, page 21 (Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM page 62).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 8, page 41).

- Picture Dictionary (AB, page 55).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 57, Lesson 8).

- Choose and colour (page 57, Lesson 8).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and say the namnes of the make believe characters.

- Ask and answer questions about who someone is.

- Identificando food and express preferences.

- Say a chant (Who is it?).

- Sing a ong(Fantastic food!).

- Say la pata coja rhyme: (One potato, two potatoes!).

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Recognize the names of the make believe characters.

- Recognize vocabulary about food.

- Understand preferences about food.

- A chant (Who is it?).

- A song (Fantastic food!).

- A rhyme: (One potato, two potatoes!).

- A story with visual cues.(Let’s make a milkshake!).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test 6 -Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about food.

- Be able to read phrases about preferences about food.

▪ Write words and common phrases and expressions following a model with a purpose(Test 6 -Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to trace and copy the names of make belive characters.

- Be able to trace and copy vocabulary about food.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit ans structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and develop vocabulary (Test 6 - Teacher’s Pack):

- Costumes: fairy, king, princess, pirate, witch.

- Food: apple, banana, chocolate, crips, ice cream, milk.


Understand and apply grammar rules correctly: (Test 6-Teacher’s Pack).

- Language structures: I’m a (king). You’re a (pirate), Emily is a (princess), Who is it?, It’s (Adam), She’s/He’s a (pirate), I like (bananas),Do you like (crisps)?.


Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rythm and intonation.

- The sound: schwa /ә/.


Reflection on learning.

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.



BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use Well Done! 1 key vocabulary.

- Ask and answer questions about the key vocabulary of the course.

- Give and follow simple instructions.

- Ask for and do requests.

- Say a chant (A present for me!).

- Sing asong (Abracadabra).

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the key vocabulary of the course..

- Understand the simple instructions of the course.

- Understand orders and requests.

- A chant (A present for me!).

- A song (Abracadabra).

- A story with visual cues.(The magic hat!).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read and recognize phrases and the key vocabulary of the course.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace and copy phrases with the vocabulary of the course.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify and use Well Done! 1 key vocabulary.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly; and structures of the course.

▪ Recognize and use sounds, rhythms and intonation.

▪ Develop effective learning strategies:

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Remembering new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language

- English traditions: give a oresent to the teacher at the end of the school year.

- Play party games.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Ger started in recognizing and reproducing sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms of the course.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules of the course correctly.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective learning strategies:

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: count backwards

- Social Studies: look at different children places.

- Arts and music: complete a pictures, counting song, make a poster.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and point (PB page58), Listen and number, (PB page59),Listen and sing (PB page60).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page61). Act out a story (The Reader: The Colour Spell).

▪ Play the game (PB page 62).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, pegatinas, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Observación de fotografías e imágenes como fuente de información (PB y AB).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson..

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Echanges of communication, dialogues and undersdtanding what they are trying to communicate. (PB pages 58 to 63).

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group. (Look and play the games, PB page 62 and all the games presented in the extra-activities of the Unit and the Board Game (pages 185 to 192).

- Learning to participate and cooperate with peers through acting out the story of the Unit. (Lesson 4, page 7).

- Learning a foreing language implyes the knowledge of cultural aspects link to the speakers of that language. The story (Lesson 4, page 61) always makes reference to social aspects and values of a democratic society.

- Been able to communicate in an efficient manner the results of their own work. (Make a Well Done! Poster, PB page 63).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants(Chant, A present for me, PB page 58), (Song: Abracadabra, PB page 60).

▪ Develop their creative abilities: All about me (make a poster with the information learned in teh course, PB page 63).

▪ Reading and acting out a story.(Story, PB page 61).

▪ Reading and acting out a story. (The Reader) The Colour Spell.

▪ Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture og the English speaking world (school life, end of the year presents for the teacher ).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, page 42-45).

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it: All about me (PB page 63).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Familiarize with pre-writing and pre-reading. (AB, pages 42 to 45).

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary.

▪ Develop critical thinking: Posters (PB page 63), AB activities (Lesson 6, page 45).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, page 42-45).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Look and play the games, PB page 62 y juegos del Board Game (TRM pages 185-192).

▪ Develop personal qualities like initiative, perseverance and overcoming difficulties: acting out the story of the Unit (Lesson 4, page 63) and the story: The Colour Spell (Reader)

▪ Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. Self-evaluation (AB page 45, Lesson 6) and All about me (PB page 63, Lesson 6).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Think about people behaviour and show courtesy and good manners: greetings and farewells.

- Show respect toi others and themselves. (Games of the Unit, Look and play the games, PB page 62 and juegos del Board Games (TRM pages 185 to 192).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Count backwards (Listen and sing; PB page 60).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Goodbye! Unit – pages 58 to 63):

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (for Lesson 2 of each Unit).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice. :

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Goodbye! Unit – pages 42 to45):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. .

▪ The Reader (in digital and print): The Colour Spell.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (characters and vocabulary).

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Wordcards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song in Lesson 3.

- Worksheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.

▪ Reference section activities (TG pages 154 to 168): Suggestions.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises.(Goodbye! Unit – pages 42 to 45).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative evaluation

Tests page 23 (Final Test), (Teacher’s Pack).


Activity Book:

- Draw and write (Lesson 6, page 45).

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (page 63, Lesson 6).

- Choose and colour (page 63, Lesson 6).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:

- Identify and use Well Done! 1 key vocabulary.

- Ask and answer questions about the key vocabulary of the course.

- Give and follow simple instructions.

- Say a chant (A present for me!).

- Sing a song (Abracadabra).

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:

- Recognize the key vocabulary of the course..

- Understand the simple instructions of the course.

- Understand orders and requests.

- A chant (A present for me!).

- A song (Abracadabra).

- A story with visual cues.(The magic hat!).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify words and simple phrases presented previously in oral form, about familiar and interesting topics.(Test, page 23 Final Test -Teacher’s Pack:

- Be able to read and recognize the key language of the couse.

▪ Write words and common phrases and expressions following a model with a purpose(Test, page 23 Final Test -Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to trace key vocabulary and phrases of the course.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary and structures of the course.


Learn the vocabulary of the course (Test, page 23 Final Test - Teacher’s Pack):


Understand and apply grammar rules and stuctures learned in teh course correctly: (Test, page 23 Final Test - Teacher’s Pack).


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Reflection on learning.

▪ Use basic strategies on learningto learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.



BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:


- Identify and say the name of Halloween items.

- Ask and answer questions using How many...?

- Sing a song (Five scary pumpkins).


- Identify and say the name of Christmas items.

- Ask and answer questions using How many...?

- Sing (We wish you a Merry Christmas!).


- Identify and say the name of Eastern items.

- Ask and answer questions using How many...?

- Sing a song (Ten little Easter eggs).

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:


- Recognize Halloween items.

- A song (Five scary pumpkins).


- Recognize Chritmas items.

- A song (We wish you a Merry Christmas!).


- Recognize Easter items.

- A song (Ten little Easter eggs).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases– Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to recognioze vocabulary about festivals: Halloween, Chritmas and Easter.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace and copy phrases with the language of the festivals: Halloween, Chritmas and Easter.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify and use the vocabulary:

Halloween: Wicth, pumpkin, ghost, cat.

Christmas: Christmas tree, star, stocking, card, holly, present.

Easter: Easter egg, bunny, chick, basket.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.


Halloween: How many (pumpkins)?

Christmas: Merry Christmas!, How many (presents)?, We wish you a Merry Christmas.

Easter: Happy Easter!, How many eggs?, Ten little Easter eggs.

Receptive language:

Halloween: Trick or Treat!, Five scary pumpkins sitting on a wall and one scary pumpkin says “Oops!” and then it falls.

Christmas: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Santa is near, Join the dots.

Easter: Easter egg hunt, Ten little Easter eggs.

▪ Recognize and use sounds, rhythms and intonation.

▪ Develop effective learning strategies:

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Remembering new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language

- Understand Halloweeen, Chritmas and Easter traditions.

- Work in groups.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages to perform classroom tasks.

▪ Listen and understand simple oral messages.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses based on routines of communication.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, rhymes and guided interactions.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand and pruduce oral expressions.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases learned previosly in real and pretend situations oral interacctions.

▪ Begin to use reading strategies: visual and verbal context.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned through orall interactions and readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

▪ Begin to use reading learning programes.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Ger started in recognizing and reproducing sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms of the course.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules of the course correctly.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective learning strategies:

- Use prior knowledge.

- Following instructions

- Remenber new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: count backwards.

- Social Studies: look at different places for children.

- Arts and music:complete a picture, counting song, make a poster.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities on the Festivals lessons contribute on the development of the linguistic competence of communication, specially the activities:

- Listen and sing; songs for Halloweeen (Five scary pumpkins, PB page 64), Navidad (We wish you a Merry Christmas!) PB page 65 and Pascua (Ten little Easter eggs), PB page 66.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Observe photographs and images as a resourse to get information (PB y AB).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Refference bars of the bottom of the page on each lesson..

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to thUnit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.

- Course web page

Cultural and artistic competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with the abilities and skills essential for communication, like:

- Echanges of communication, dialogues and undersdtanding what they are trying to communicate. (PB pages 64 to 66).

- Socialize and participate in class activities, playing, building, and accepting classroom rules, in pairs and in whole group and all the games presented in the extra-activities of the Unit and the Board Game (pages 185-192).

- Be able to communicate the results of their own work:

- (Halloween Worksheets, TRM page 63 and 64, Worksheets to copy 61 and 62).

- (Christmas Worksheets, TRM pages 65 and 66, Worksheets to copy 63 and 64).

- (Easter Worksheets, TRM pages 67 and 68, Worksheets to copy 65 and 66).

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing Halloween songs (Five scary pumpkins, PB page 64), Christmas (We wish you a Merry Christmas!) PB pages 65 and Easter(Ten little Easter eggs), PB page 66.

▪ Develop their creative abilities: en las actividades extras destinadas a la Unit de festivales:

- (Halloween Worksheets, TRM pages 63 and 64, Worksheets to copy 61 and 62).

- (Christmas Worksheets, TRM pages 65 and 66, Worksheets to copy 63 and 64).

- (Easter Worksheets, TRM pages 67 and 68, Worksheets to copy 65 and 66).

- Inmerse in the language, tradition and culture og the English speaking world (Halloween, Chritmas and Easter traditions, PB pages 64 to 66).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use learning strategies in the classroom: make a portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Use their own abilities working in activities individiually (AB, page 46 to 48).

▪ Use the reference materials: reference bars in the PB.

▪ Familiarize with pre-writing and pre-reading. (AB, pages 46 to 48).

▪ Begin to manage effectively a set of strategies, resources of intelectual work: Picture Dictionary.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be responsible with the work and activities of the Unit, by organizing their personal work as a strategy for learning (AB, pages 46-48).

▪ Use the reference material of theUnit: reference bars and the bottom of each page.

▪ Develop social skills and character traits like respect, cooperation and team work: (Juegos del Board Game, TRM pages 185-192).

▪ Choose with their own criteria and be able to carry on projects and activities:

- (Halloween Worksheets, TRM pages 63 and 64, Worksheets to copy 61 and 62).

- (Christmas Worksheets, TRM pages 65 and 66, Worksheets to copy 63 and 64).

- (Easter Worksheets, TRM pages 67 and 68, Worksheets to copy 65 and 66).

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Recognize places where other cultures take place, developing an inquisitive mind of reality of the culture and traditions of the English speaking world(Halloween, Chritmas and Easter traditions, PB page 64 to 66).

- Show respect toi others and themselves. (Dialogues and games of the Unit, Board Games, TRM pages 185-192).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Count and express numbers orally (PB page 64 and AB pages 47 and 48).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Active Book; interactive games and activities to practice the language.

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Festivals, pages 46 to 48).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Flascards and Wordcards (characters and vocabulary).

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- (Halloween Worksheets, TRM page 63 and 64, Worksheets to copy 61 and 62).

- (Christmas Worksheets, TRM page 65 and 66, Worksheets to copy 63 and 64).

- (Easter Worksheets, TRM pages 67 and 68, Worksheets to copy 65 and 66).


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the AB exercises. (Festivals, pages 46 to 48).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactionsabout familiar topics in common and predictable situations:


- Identify and name Halloween objects.

- Ask and answer questions using How many...?

- Sing a song (Five scary pumpkins).


- Identify and name Christmas objects.

- Ask and answer questions using How many...?

- Cantando el villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas!).


- Identify and name Easter objects.

- Ask and answer questions using How many...?

- Sing a song (Ten little Easter eggs).

▪ Understanding the main idea and most relevant details in oral texts with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the Unit:


- Recognize Halloween objects.

- A song (Five scary pumpkins).


- Recognize Christmas objects.

- Un villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas!).


- Recognize Easter objects.

- A song (Ten little Easter eggs).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify simple phrases presented orally, about familiar and interesting topics:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about festivals: Halloween, Chritsmas and Easter.

▪ Write words and common phrases with a purpose based on a model:

- Be able to trace and copy words and phrases related to: Halloween, Chritsmas and Easter.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Recognize and use the vocabulary and structures learned in the festival lessons.


Halloween: Wicth, pumpkin, ghost, cat.

Christmas: Christmas tree, star, stocking, card, holly, present.

Easter: Easter egg, bunny, chick, basket.


Understand and use correctly grammar structures learned in teh festivals lessons:

Halloween: How many (pumpkins)?

Christmas: Merry Christmas!, How many (presents)?, We wish you a Merry Christmas.

Easter: Happy Easter!, How many eggs?, Ten little Easter eggs.


Recognize and use sounds, rhythms and intonation.

Reflection on learning.

Use basic strategies on learning to learn, like asking for help, use gestures while communicating, use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects that might help them learn.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lifes.


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