Workday Support Catalog -

[Pages:12]Workday Support Catalog

This catalog lists the resources available to support managers and employees with their use of Workday.

How to use this resource:

? Click on the topic name below to view a summary table of the job aids and videos available for the selected topic. ? View a high-level summary of content and a link to the tool on our Workday SharePoint site. ? Enter a keyword in the search bar to look for a job aid or video that may address your question.


Benefits (US ONLY) Compensation Contingent Workers Learning Navigation & Setup Recruiting & Onboarding Staffing (Job/Status Change) Talent & Performance US Retail

Translated Job Aids

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Job Aids

[] .

Last updated Mar 13, 2020

Benefits (US ONLY)

Tool Name Annual Open Enrollment (US Only)

Change Benefits for Life Events

Audience Content Summary

Employees ? View Benefits Information ? Open Enrollment

Employees ? View Benefits Information ? Initiate Change Benefits for Life Event ? Change Benefit Elections for Life Event ? Change Dependent Relationship for Divorce or Loss of Domestic Partner

Edit/Update Dependents & Add Beneficiaries

Employees ? View Benefits Information ? Manage Dependents & Beneficiaries ? Edit / Update Dependents During Benefit Change ? Designate Beneficiaries During Benefit Change


Tool Name One-Time Payment

Audience Managers

Content Summary ? Manager Initiates One-Time Payment ? Manager's Manager Reviews & Approves ? HR Reviews & Approves ? Compensation Partner Reviews & Approves

*Additional job aids will be provided for TREK Rewards Administration and Annual Stock and Long-Term Cash Grants each year when the TREK Rewards process launches.

Contingent Workers

Tool Name Mass Position Upload Request

Service Center Representatives *only available on HR Secure Site for distribution by HRBPs Contingent Worker Reference Guide


Tool Name Workday Learning

Audience Managers

Content Summary ? Obtain Approval of New Positions ? Submit Create Position Template ? Submit Contract Contingent Worker Template

Managers ? Add Contingent Worker Contract ? End Contingent Worker Contract


? Create Position for Contingent Worker ? Add Contingent Worker Contract ? End Contingent Worker Contract ? Backfill Existing Position with New Contingent Worker ? Contingent Worker Onboarding and Offboarding

Audience Employees

Content Summary ? Open the Learning Application ? Workday Learning Home Page ? Search for a Course ? Enroll in a Course ? For Managers: Enroll a Direct Report in a Course

Navigation & Setup

Tool Name Delegate Task Email Notification Preferences Mobile App Access Navigation ? Employees

Navigation ? Managers

Report Navigation

Audience Managers

Content Summary ? Review and Acknowledge Delegation Policy ? Delegate Task ? Reference: Approved Task for Delegation

Employees ? Set Email Notification Preferences

Employees ? Download the Workday App ? Enter the Organization ID ? Login to the Workday App ? Navigating the Workday App Home Screen

Employees ? Workday Home Page ? Employee Profile ? Related Actions Icon ? Workday Inbox & Archive ? Applications ? Search ? Emergency Contacts ? Upload Photo


? Home Page: Manager-Specific Applications ? Transacting on Direct Reports ? Workday Inbox: Approve, Send Back, Deny, Cancel ? Workday Archive: Process Status & History ? Notifications ? Embedded Analytics ? Alerts

Employees ? Access & Generate Reports ? Report Navigation

Recruiting & Onboarding

Tool Name Apply for an Internal Job

Audience Content Summary Employees ? Apply for Internal Job

? View Your Job Application(s)

Candidate Management for Managers


? Review Candidate ? Bundle Candidate Resumes ? Give Interview Feedback ? View Candidate Ad Hoc ? Hiring Decision

Candidate Management for Recruiters


? Recruiter Hub ? Review Candidate(s) ? Phone Screen ? In Person Interview & Feedback ? Reference Check ? Move to Offer ? Initiate Offer Letter/Employment Agreement ? Generate Offer Letter/Employment Agreement ? Renegotiate Offer Letter/Employment Agreement ? (US & Canada Only) Candidate Task: Provide Government ID

and DOB ? (US Only) Background Check ? Ready for Hire ? Check for Duplicate Records ? Undo Move ? Revise Employee Hire ? Move a Candidate to Another Job Requisition

Candidate Management for Store Managers

Store Managers

? Recruiter Hub ? Review Candidate(s) ? Phone Screen ? In Person Interview & Feedback ? Move to Offer/Employment Agreement

Create and Manage Job Requisitions

Create a Job Requisition Evergreen Requisitions

? Initiate Offer Letter/Employment Agreement ? Generate Offer Letter/Employment Agreement ? (US & Canada Only) Candidate Task: Provide Government ID

and DOB ? (US Only) Background Check ? Ready for Hire ? Check for Duplicate Records ? Revise Employee Hire ? Undo Move ? Move a Candidate to Another Job Requisition

Store Managers

? Create a Job Requisition ? Post Job ? View Job Requisition ? Edit Job Requisition ? Edit/Update Job Posting ? Unpost Job ? Translate the Job Description (Optional) ? Co-Manage the Job Requisition ? Job Requisition Status ? Fill and Close


? Create a Job Requisition ? View Job Requisition ? Close Job Requisition

Store Managers


? Overview o What is an Evergreen Requisition? o How will CSC use Evergreen Requisitions? o Who can create an Evergreen Requisitions?

? Create an Evergreen Requisition ? Tie a Job Requisition to an Evergreen ? Candidate Management in an Evergreen Requisition ? Move a Candidate from an Evergreen Requisition to an open

Job Requisition ? Evergreen Requisition Governance

Hire and Onboarding Manage Job Requisitions

Refer a Friend Contingent Worker Apply Process


? Assign Organizations ? Onboarding Setup for Hire ? Cascade Goals (Optional) ? Monitor Onboarding Completion ? New Hire Experience Overview


? Recruiter Hub ? Post Job ? Edit/Update Job Requisition ? Edit/Update Job Post ? Translate Job Requisition ? View Job Requisition ? Unpost Job ? Freeze/Unfreeze Job Requisition ? Fill and Close Job Requisition ? Co-manage Job Requisition ? Job Requisition Fill Status

Employees ? Refer a Candidate ? Endorse a Candidate ? View My Referrals

Contingent ? Apply for Job Workers

Staffing (Job and Status Change)

Tool Name Business Process Approvals

Process flows with for business processes in Workday showing each approval required for completion

Audience Managers

Content Summary ? Change Job ? Request One Time Payment (OTP) ? Request Compensation Change ? Create Requisition (PRP) ? Create Position (PRP: Contingent Worker) ? Offer & Employment Agreement ? Termination: Voluntary ? Termination: Involuntary ? Business Title Change ? Legal Name Change ? Personal Data Change ? Divisional Vice President (DVP) List ? Exclusions from PRP

Change Business Title

Managers ? Identify new business title ? Change business title

Change Job - Manager Change


? Receiving Manager: Initiate the Transfer ? Current Manager: Confirm the Transfer ? Receiving Manager: Finalize the Transfer

Change Job - No Manager Change

Managers ? Change Job

Job Titling Guidelines Position Management Overview


? Job Title Consistency ? Best Practice of One Job Title ? Associate and Support Global Grade Titling ? Professional Global Grade Titling ? Manager Global Grade Titling

Managers ? Position Management Overview

& HR

? Position Management Scenarios


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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