54546512827000-2444756115050AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II00AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II-5016508407400TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYEast Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila00TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYEast Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila-914407312660AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERY SECTOR00AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERY SECTOR1371600TRAINING REGULATIONS00TRAINING REGULATIONS;132TABLE OF CONTENTSAGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERY SECTORAGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC IIPage/sSection 1AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II QUALIFICATION2Section 2COMPETENCY STANDARDSBasic CompetenciesCommon CompetenciesCore Competencies3- 533 - 1920 - 3738 - 53Section 3TRAINING ARRANGEMENTSCurriculum DesignBasic CommonCoreTraining DeliveryTrainee Entry RequirementsList of Tools, Equipment and MaterialsTraining FacilitiesTrainers’ QualificationsInstitutional Assessment54 - 885456-6263-7273-82838585878888Section 4NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS89COMPETENCY MAP 92DEFINITION OF TERMS93ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS99TRAINING REGULATIONS FORAGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC IISection 1AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II QUALIFICATIONThe AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to assess market opportunities, establish farm production plan, handle finances, and market produce.This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Sector as shown in Annex A.The units of competency comprising this qualification includes the following:CodeBASIC COMPETENCIES500311105Participate in workplace communication500311106Work in team environment500311107Practice career professionalism500311108Practice occupational health and safety proceduresCodeCOMMON COMPETENCIESAFF321201Apply Safety Measures in Farm OperationsAFF321203Perform Estimation and Basic CalculationHCS421201Provide Quality Customer ServiceHCS315202Comply with Quality and Ethical StandardsCodeCORE COMPETENCIESAFF243301Assess Market OpportunitiesAFF243302Establish Farm Production PlanAFF243303Handle FinancesAFF243304Market ProduceA person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:Marketing CoordinatorProduction CoordinatorSECTION 2COMPETENCY STANDARDSThis section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units of competency required in AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II.BASIC COMPETENCIESUNIT OF COMPETENCY:PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONUNIT CODE:500311105UNIT DESCRIPTOR:This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range of VariablesREQUIREDKNOWLEDGEREQUIREDSKILLS1. Obtain and convey workplace information1.1Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources 1.2Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey information1.3Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas1.4Appropriate non- verbal communication is used1.5Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed1.6Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used1.7Personal interaction is carried out clearly and conciselyProcedure of gathering workplace informationTechniques in gathering informationEffective methods of conveying informationWritten communication methodsTechniques in conveying communicationDifferent modes of communication Organizational policiesCommunication procedures and systemsTechnology relevant to the enterprise and the individual’s work responsibilitiesGathering of workplace information skillsSourcing of information skillsSorting of information skillsObtaining workplace information skillsConveying workplace information skillsGathering and providing information in response to workplace Requirements2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions2.1Team meetings are attended on time2.2Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption2.3Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols2.4Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner 2.5Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to2.6Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implementedEffective communicationDifferent modes of communication Written communicationOrganizational policiesCommunication procedures and systemsDecorum in participating workplace meetings and discussionsParticipating skills in workplace meetings and discussionsFollowing simple spoken languageCompleting work related documentsEstimating, calculating and recording routine workplace measuresRelating to people of social range in the workplaceGathering and providing information in response to workplace Requirements3. Complete relevant work related documents3.1Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly3.2Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents3.3Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations3.4Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are identified and properly acted upon3.5Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelinesMethods of making/completing work related documentsCompany standards and procedures in making work related documentsEffective communicationDifferent modes of communication Written communicationOrganizational policiesCommunication procedures and systemsTechnology relevant to the enterprise and the individual’s work responsibilitiesDocumenting skills Report writing skillsMaking/developing work related documentsPerform routine workplace duties following simple written noticesCompleting work related documentsEstimating, calculating and recording routine workplace measuresAbility to relate to people of social range in the workplaceRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. Appropriate sources1.1 Team members1.2 Suppliers1.3 Trade personnel1.4 Local government1.5 Industry bodies2. Medium2.1 Memorandum2.2 Circular2.3 Notice2.4 Information discussion2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions2.6 Face to face communication3. Storage3.1 Manual filing system3.2 Computer-based filing system4. Forms4.1 Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety reports5. Workplace interactions5.1 Face to face5.2 Telephone5.3 Electronic and two way radio5.4 Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms, non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and diagrams6. Protocols6.1 Observing meeting6.2 Compliance with meeting decisions6.3 Obeying meeting instructionsEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Prepared written communication following standard format of the organizationAccessed information using communication equipmentMade use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectivelyConveyed information effectively adopting the formal or informal communication2. Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided:Fax machineTelephoneWriting materialsInternet3. Methods of AssessmentCompetency in this unit may be assessed through:Direct ObservationOral interview and written test4. Context for AssessmentCompetency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited institutionUNIT OF COMPETENCY:WORK IN TEAM ENVIRONMENTUNIT CODE:500311106UNIT DESCRIPTOR:This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range of VariablesREQUIREDKNOWLEDGEREQUIREDSKILLS1. Describe team role and scope1.1The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information1.2Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sourcesOrganization vision/mission statementsCompany policies and employee code of conduct Communication processTeam structureTeam rolesGroup planning and decision makingCommunicating skills appropriately and consistent with the culture of the workplaceAdopting skills to team role and scope of responsibilities2. Identify own role and responsibility within team2.1Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified2.2Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized2.3Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identifiedOrganization vision/mission statementsOrganization policies and employee code of conduct Communication processTeam structureTeam rolesGroup planning and decision makingMethods and techniques of role and responsibility identification with a teamCommunicating skills appropriately and consistent with the culture of the workplaceRole and responsibility identification skills3. Work as a team member 3.1Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives3.2Effective and appropriate contributions are made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context3.3SOP/Protocols in reporting are observed 3.4Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the membersApproaches of interacting with team membersTypes of communications used in effective interaction with team membersMethods of working as a teamTechniques in working as a teamTeam working skillsCommunicating skills appropriately and consistent with the culture of the workplaceSkills in observing protocols when making reportsUsing standard procedures when making reportsDeveloping teamwork plans based on team’s role and objectivesRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. Role and objective of team Work activities in a team environment with enterprise or specific sectorLimited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a team environment2. Sources of informationStandard operating and/or other workplace proceduresJob proceduresMachine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructionsOrganizational or external personnelClient/supplier instructionsQuality standardsOSH and environmental standards3. Workplace contextWork procedures and practicesConditions of work environmentsLegislation and industrial agreementsStandard work practice including the storage, safe handling and disposal of chemicalsSafety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelinesEVIDENCE GUIDECritical aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Operated in a team to complete workplace activityWorked effectively with othersConveyed information in written or oral formSelected and used appropriate workplace languageFollowed designated work plan for the jobReported outcomes Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided:Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take placeMaterials relevant to the proposed activity or tasksMethods of AssessmentCompetency in this unit may be assessed through:Observation of the individual member in relation to the work activities of the groupObservation of simulation and or role play involving the participation of individual member to the attainment of organizational goalCase studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in teamworkContext for AssessmentCompetency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace settingAssessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in groupUNIT OF COMPETENCY :PRACTICE CAREER PROFESSIONALISMUNIT CODE:500311107UNIT DESCRIPTOR:This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range of VariablesREQUIREDKNOWLEDGEREQUIREDSKILLSIntegrate personal objectives with organizational goals1.1Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession1.2Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation1.3Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties Work values and ethics (e.g., Code of Conduct; Code of Ethics; Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Farmers)Organizational policiesOrganizational operations, procedures and standards Organizational mission/vision statementsWays of integrating personal objectives with organizational goals Integrating skills of personal objectives with organizational goalsPursuing personal growth and work plansDemonstrating commitment to the organization and its goalsIntra and Interpersonal skillsSet and meet work priorities2.1Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.2.2Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments2.3Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established proceduresOrganizational policiesprocedures and standards Organization and departmental goals and priorities Managing priorities and commitmentsEconomic use and maintenance of equipment and facilitiesWays and means of practicing economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilitiesSetting skills of work prioritiesMeeting with work prioritiesIntra and Interpersonal skillsCommunication skillsMaintain professional growth and development3.1Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements3.2Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement3.3Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewedWays of identifying trainings and career opportunitiesTechniques of seeking and receiving recognitionsProcedures of obtaining licenses and/or certifications relevant to the jobIdentifying trainings and career opportunitiesSeeking recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancementObtaining and renewing Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and careerRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. EvaluationPerformance AppraisalPsychological ProfileAptitude Tests2. ResourcesHumanFinancialTechnologyHardwareSoftware3. Trainings and career opportunitiesParticipation in training programsTechnicalSupervisoryManagerialContinuing EducationServing as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops4. RecognitionsRecommendationsCitationsCertificate of AppreciationsCommendationsAwardsTangible and Intangible Rewards5. Licenses and/or certificationsNational CertificatesCertificate of CompetencySupport Level LicensesProfessional LicensesEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs)Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluationCompleted trainings and career opportunities which are based on the requirements of the industriesAcquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications according to the requirement of the qualification2. Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided:Workplace or assessment locationCase studies/scenarios3. Methods of AssessmentCompetency in this unit may be assessed through:Portfolio AssessmentInterviewSimulation/Role-playsObservationThird Party ReportsExams and Tests4. Context for Assessment4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place settingUNIT OF COMPETENCY:PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURESUNIT CODE :500311108UNIT DESCRIPTOR :This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety. ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range of VariablesREQUIREDKNOWLEDGEREQUIREDSKILLS1. Identify hazards and risksSafety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization proceduresHazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization proceduresContingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization proceduresCompany workplace safety regulationsIndustry hazard control practices and proceduresInternationally recognized OSH procedures and practices and regulationsPPE types and usesPersonal hygiene practicesHazards/risks identification and controlThreshold Limit Value -TLVOSH indicators Organization safety and health protocolSafety consciousnessHealth consciousnessClarifying and explaining safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard controlIdentifying hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicatorsRecognizing contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergenciesPractice of personal hygiene Interpersonal skillsCommunication skills2. Evaluate hazards and risksTerms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)Effects of the hazards are determinedOSH issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OSH legislationMethods of identifying terms of maximum tolerable limits Hazard effectsReporting methods on OSH issues/concernsOSH procedures and practices and regulationsPPE types and usesHazards/risks identification and controlThreshold Limit Value -TLVOSH indicators Organization safety and health protocolSafety consciousnessHealth consciousnessIdentifying terms of maximum tolerable limitsDetermining effects of hazards and risksReporting OSH issues and/or concerns Identifying safety hazardsHazards/risks identification and control skillsInterpersonal skillsCommunication skills3. Control hazards and risks Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently followedProcedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OSH policiesPersonal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OSH procedures and practicesAppropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocolWays of following Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplaceWays of following procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergenciesTypes and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)OSH procedures and practices and regulationsMethods and techniques in providing appropriate assistance in the event of a workplace emergencyHazards/risks identification and controlFollowing occupational health and safety (OSH) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplaceFollowing procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergenciesUsing correctly personal protective equipment (PPE)Providing assistance in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol 4. Maintain OSH awarenessEmergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and proceduresOSH personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements Participation procedures in emergency-related drills and trainings Ways of completing and updating OSH personal recordsOSH procedures and practices and regulationsOSH indicators Participating in emergency-related drills and trainingsCompleting and updating OSH personal recordsRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. Safety regulationsMay include but are not limited to:Clean Air ActBuilding codeNational Electrical and Fire Safety CodesWaste management statutes and rulesPhilippine Occupational Safety and Health StandardsDOLE regulations on safety legal requirementsECC regulations2. Hazards/RisksMay include but are not limited to:Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise, vibration, temperature, radiation Biological hazards - bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites, mites, molds, fungi, insectsChemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke, gasses, vaporsErgonomicsPsychological factors – over exertion/ excessive force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct pressure, varying metabolic cyclesPhysiological factors – monotony, personal relationship, work out cycle3. Contingency measuresMay include but are not limited to:EvacuationIsolationDecontamination(Calling designed) emergency personnel4. PPEMay include but are not limited to:MaskGlovesGogglesHair Net/cap/bonnetFace mask/shieldEar muffsApron/Gown/coverall/jump suitAnti-static suits5. Emergency-related drills and trainingFire drillEarthquake drillBasic life support/CPRFirst aidSpillage controlDecontamination of chemical and toxicDisaster preparedness/management6. OSH personal recordsMedical/Health recordsIncident reportsAccident reportsOSH-related training completedEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Explained clearly established workplace safety and hazard control practices and proceduresIdentified hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators in accordance with company proceduresRecognized contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergenciesIdentified terms of maximum tolerable limits based on threshold limit value- TLV.Followed Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplaceUsed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with company OSH procedures and practices Completed and updated OSH personal records in accordance with workplace requirements 2. Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided:Workplace or assessment locationOSH personal recordsPPEHealth records3. Methods of AssessmentCompetency may be assessed through:Portfolio AssessmentInterviewCase Study/Situation4. Context for AssessmentCompetency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place settingCOMMON COMPETENCIESUNIT OF COMPETENCY:APPLY SAFETY MEASURES IN FARM OPERATIONSUNIT CODE:AFF321201UNIT DESCRIPTOR:This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures Work tasks are identified in line with farm operationsPlace for safety measures are determined in line with farm operationsTime for safety measures are determined in line with farm operationsAppropriate tools, materials and outfits are prepared in line with job requirementsDifferent work tasks in farm operationsPlace and time for implementation of safety measuresDifferent hazards in the workplaceTypes of tools, materials and outfits Preparation of tools, materials and outfitsIdentifying work tasks in farm operationsDetermining place and time for implementation of safety measuresReading labels, manuals and other basic safety informationIdentifying effective/ functional tools, materials and outfitPreparing tools, materials and outfitsDiscarding defective tools, and materials2. Apply appropriate safety measuresTools and materials are used according to specifications and proceduresOutfits are worn according to farm requirementsEffectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials are strictly observedEmergency procedures are known and followed to ensure a safe work requirementHazards in the workplace are identified and reported in line with farm guidelinesUses and functions of tools Outfits and how to wear it.Expiration/shelf life of materialsProper disposal of expired materialsEnvironmental rules and regulationsDisaster Risk and Reduction ManagementEmergency proceduresHazards identification and reportingClimate Change Adaptation and MitigationCommunication skillsOSHSUsing tools and materials in the workplaceWearing of outfitsObserving expiration/shelf life of materialsDisposing of expired materialsFollowing emergency proceduresIdentifying and reporting of hazards in workplace area3. Safekeep/ dispose tools, materials and outfitUsed tools and outfit are cleaned after use and stored in designated areasUnused materials are properly labeled and stored according to manufacturer’s recommendation and farm requirementsWaste materials are disposed according to manufacturers, government and farm requirements.Procedures of cleaning used tools and outfitsLabel and storage unused materialsDisposal of wastes materialsManufacturers’ recommendation on keeping materials Environmental rules and regulationsCleaning used tools and outfit Labelling and storing unused materials Disposing waste materialsRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. Work tasksWork task may be selected from any of the subsectors:Crop ProductionPost-harvestAgri-marketingFarm Equipment2. PlaceStock room/storage areas/warehouseField/farm/orchard3. TimeFertilizer and pesticides applicationFeed mixing and feedingHarvesting and hauling4. Tools, materials and outfitsToolsWrenchesScrew driverPliersOutfitMasksGlovesBootsOverall coatsHatEye goggles5. Emergency proceduresLocation of first aid kitEvacuationAgencies contractFarm emergency procedures6. HazardsChemicalElectricalFallsEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical Aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Determined areas of concern for safety measuresApplied appropriate safety measures according to industry requirementsPrepared tools, materials and outfit neededPerformed proper disposal of used materialsCleaned and stored tools, materials and outfit in designated facilities 2. Method of AssessmentCompetency in this unit must be assessed through:Practical demonstrationThird Party Report3. Resource ImplicationsFarm locationTools, equipment and outfits appropriate in applying safety measures4. Context of AssessmentAssessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited supervision UNIT OF COMPETENCY: PERFORM ESTIMATION AND BASIC CALCULATION UNIT CODE : AFF321203UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform basic workplace calculations.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Perform estimationJob requirements are identified from written or oral communicationsQuantities of materials and resources required to complete a work task are estimatedThe time needed to complete a work activity is estimatedAccurate estimate for work completion are madeEstimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate person Job requirements/labor needsCalculation of quantities of materials and resources requiredCalculation of time for job completionPreparation of estimate reportBasic mathematical operationsPercentage and ratiosUnit ConversionIdentifying job requirements/laborEstimating quantities of materials and resources requiredEstimating time for job completionPerforming basic calculationCompute percentage Convert English to metric systems of measurement Preparing estimate report2. Perform basic workplace calculationSystem and units of measurement to be followed are ascertainedCalculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic mathematical operationCalculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to complete the instructionsNumber computed is checked following work requirementsFour basic mathematical operation System and units of measurementFraction, percentage and ratioMaterial takeoffMaterials costing Compute bill of materials Compute project cost RANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. Four basic mathematical operation AdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivision2. System of measurementEnglishMetric3. Units of measurementAreaVolumeWeightLengthEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical Aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Performed estimationPerformed basic workplace calculationApplied corrective measures as maybe necessary2. Method of AssessmentCompetency in this unit must be assessed through:Practical demonstrationWritten examination3. Resource ImplicationsRelevant tools and equipment for basic calculationRecommended data4. Context of AssessmentAssessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited supervisionUNIT OF COMPETENCY:PROVIDE QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICEUNIT CODE:HCS421201UNIT DESCRIPTOR:This unit covers the knowledge, skill and attitudes required to provide effective and efficient services to the clients of the microfinance industry. ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Update knowledge of products and servicesProducts and/or services to be marketed are identified, familiarized with and fully understoodInformation on programs is accessedKnowledge on products, services and programs are updatedAdditional information on products, services and programs are preparedIntroduction to MicrofinanceTerms and definitionsOrganization profileMFIs products and services (financial and non-financial): LoansSavingsInsuranceTrainingsMarketing AssistanceMFIs programsOrganization procedures and processes in providing quality customer serviceWork values and ethics:Quality consciousnessProactivePatienceInformation awarenessEffective oral communication skillsListening skillsMotivational skillsInterpersonal skillsPresentation skillsDemonstrating cost/benefits/ value to clients based on client’s expectations and needsGenerating several alternative solutions that will meet customer’s needsData gathering skillsComputer literacy2. Assess needs of new and existing clientsActive listening is used to gather information from clientsOrientation on products/services, program and policies are conductedIdentified related or applicable needs of clients based on the products/services and program being offeredProvided clients with courteous and professional treatment throughout the interaction using interactive communicationInquiries, concerns and comments are responded to promptly and accurately in accordance with organization’s policiesRecorded all the gathered information given by the clientsTerms and definitionsMethods of assessing needs of new and existing client’s:InterviewingObservationFocus Group DiscussionNeeds SurveyProcedures in conducting product and service orientation of clientsProcedures in assessing needs of new and existing client’sProcedure in innovating products and services Guidelines on recording and reporting clients’ needsWork values and ethics:Quality consciousnessProactiveClients focusPatienceVigilanceSincerityIntegrityCommitment3. Conduct client satisfaction surveyClient satisfaction survey is administeredSurvey results are collated and analyzedPositive and negative results are definedNegative feedbacks are well addressed immediately through appropriate communication strategiesTerms and definitionsClient satisfaction survey methodologies:InterviewingObservationFocus Group DiscussionStructured Field SurveySurvey Process:Purpose of surveyDesigning survey instrumentsDesigning interview and FGD guidesAdministering survey instrumentsInterviewing target respondentsConducting FGDData processing, analysis and presentationRecommendationsHow feedback from survey results are address Work values and ethics:Quality consciousnessProactivePatienceSincerityIntegrityCommitment Courteous ProfessionalRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. Product/services and programsIncludes the following but are not limited to:Financial servicesNon-financial services2. ClientsEntrepreneurial poor3. NeedsDesigning clients satisfaction survey instrumentsProcedure in administering clients satisfaction surveyProcessing clients satisfaction survey dataProduct/service knowledgeKnowledge of programs4. Interactive communicationInformation is gathered in a courteous and professional mannerProbing skillsSkills in effective questioningConsistent service quality for all types of customersAvoiding controversial issues like politics and religion5. Communication strategiesOne-on-one interactionGroup meetingsEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical aspects of competencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Received, assessed and responded to client needsApplied organizational quality procedures and processes in providing quality service2. Resource implicationsThe following resources MUST be provided:Meeting venue/sEquipment and furnishings appropriate to a microfinance set-upComplete information on products, services and programsProducts, services and programs brochuresOrganization’s standard forms for clients3. Method of assessmentCompetency may be assessed through:Oral questioningWritten testPractical demonstration4. Context for assessmentCompetency may be assessed in the workplace or in a simulated workplace environmentUNIT OF COMPETENCY:COMPLY WITH QUALITY AND ETHICAL STANDARDSUNIT CODE:HCS315202UNIT DESCRIPTOR:This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to apply quality and ethical standards in the workplace. The unit also includes the application of relevant safety procedures and regulations, organization procedures, client and industry requirements.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Assess quality of received materialsWork instruction is obtained and carried out in accordance with standard operating proceduresReceived materials are checked against workplace standards and specificationsDefective materials are identified, reported and isolatedDefective materials are repaired/replaced in accordance with workplace proceduresDefects and any identified causes are recorded and/or reported to the concerned personnel in accordance with workplace proceduresStandard operating procedures on receiving materialsMaterial descriptions and specificationsProper handling of received materialsProcedures on assessing quality of received materialsMaterial defects and their causesDealing with defective materialsReporting defective received materialsTotal Quality Management/ImprovementWork values and ethics:Quality consciousnessHonestyIntegrityConcern for detailsComprehension skillsCommunication skillsCritical thinking, problem solving and decision-making skillsTechnical skillsInterpersonal skillsCommunity organizing skillsAnalytical skillsQuantitative skillsQualitative skills2. Assess own work/outputDocumentation relative to quality within the company is identified and usedCompleted work is checked against workplace standardsDefects are identified and corrected in accordance with the company quality standardsOrganization’s vision, mission, goals and objectivesOrganization standards on quality of work/outputRights, roles and responsibilities of farmersAssessment methods on quality of work/outputProcedures on assessing quality of work/outputProcedures on identification of work defects/deviationsCommon work/output defects/deviations from standardsWays of rectifying work/output defects/deviationsTotal Quality Management/ImprovementWork values and ethics:HonestyIntegrityCommitment3. Submit oneself to third party assessment Information on the quality and other indicators of performance are recorded in accordance with workplace proceduresIn cases of deviations from specific quality standards, causes are documented and reported in accordance with the workplace’s standards operating proceduresIn cases of objections/ disagreements, reasons are expressed thru written documentationSettlements are sought in accordance with company policiesOrganization’s vision, mission, goals and objectivesPerformance evaluation system and procedurePerformance key result areas and indicatorsProcedures on third party assessment of performance Documentation of work defects/ deviations Rectification of work/output defects/deviations and their causesTotal Quality Management/Improvement Measures to improve work performanceWork values and ethics:HumilityFairnessIntegrityQuality consciousness4. Engage in quality improvementProcess improvement procedures are participated in relative to workplace assignmentWork is carried out in accordance with process improvement proceduresServices are delivered in accordance with ethical standardsQuality service is monitored to ensure client satisfactionClient’s needs are assessed through conduct of researches, focus group discussions, and satisfaction surveys/interviewsTrainings, orientations, and exposures are rendered to ensure their understanding/ familiarization on products, services and programsTotal Quality Management/ImprovementMethods of quality improvementMethods of monitoring customer satisfactionProcedures in improving quality of customer service: Assessment of clients’ needsMonitoring quality of service Identification of needed improvement of qualityReporting of findings and recommendations e.Intervention to improve quality service to clients Professional and ethical standards in delivering services to clientsWork values and ethics:Quality consciousnessIntegrityCommitmentRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. MaterialsMaterials may include but are not limited to:Manuals, brochures, flyers, flipcharts, signages and tarpaulinWork ordersStandard formsRecorded voice files/audio video presentationsPowerPoint presentation materialsDocumentations SoftwareHardwareOffice supplies Office equipmentHoly Scriptures2. Defects/IrregularitiesDefects may include but are not limited to:Deviation from the requirements of the client Deviation from the requirements and standard operating procedures of the organization/institutionManuals containing incorrect/outdated informationSoftware/hardware defectsPoor employee interpersonal relationships/conflicts among employees Loose implementation of organizational policies and proceduresPoor/inappropriate training designsNon-compliance of selection and recruitment procedures of employeesWork fatigue and lost of interest to work being experience by the employee/sLack of clear understanding about one’s role and responsibilities Non-compliance of selection and recruitment procedures of clientsUndesirable work behavior of employeesBreakdown of/barriers to communicationOutdated work plans and schedules3. DocumentationIncludes the following but are not limited to:Standard Operating Procedures Quality checklistMonitoring feedback sheetForms such as Loan Applications, CCI/BI, Cash Flows, Loan Utilization Checks, Client Exits/Withdrawals, Work/Job Order, Client Feedback Notice, Material Requisition Form, Performance Appraisal Report, Training Evaluation FormsReports such as Financial Statements, Operational Assessments/Highlights and Plans, Cash Position ReportsMinutes of meetings (Board, Branch, Department/Units/Groups)Special orders, memorandums, notices, announcementsEmployee movements (promotion, demotion, discharge, termination, suspension)Linkages such as Loan Verification, SSS and Philhealth anizational Profile (Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives)Electronic documentations e.g. WebsiteFiles/Employees’ Profile4.Quality standardsQuality standards may be related but are not limited to the following:MaterialsSoftwareOffice suppliesOffice facilitiesOffice equipment Office standard formsWork processesCustomer serviceProducts and servicesWork outputsCommunication processEthical and professional ethicsTraining program design and deliveryValue added services/product innovationsOrganization’s policies and procedures manual5.ClientIncludes the following but are not limited to:External clients (customers, partners, members, subscribers, end users, investors/funders, service providers, agencies)Internal clients (within the organization/co-employees, immediate superiors, board of trustees)EVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical aspects of competencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Performed work in accordance with the organization’s standard operating procedures and specificationsIdentified and reported defects in accordance with standard operating proceduresCarried out work in accordance with the process improvement procedures2. Resource implicationsThe following resources MUST be provided:Product manuals and brochuresMarketing and promotional materialsOrientation and presentation materialsOffice standard forms and documentationOperational handbook/manualsWork plans and schedulesHardwareSoftwareMethod of assessmentCompetency may be assessed through:Written examinationInterviewsAudit reportMonthly reports Practical demonstrationPerformance evaluation4.Context for assessmentAssessment may be conducted in the workplace or in a simulated workplace environmentCORE COMPETENCYUNIT OF COMPETENCY:ASSESS MARKET OPPORTUNITIESUNIT CODE:AFF243301UNIT DESCRIPTOR:The unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of farmer owner/agro entrepreneurs to conduct market visits, determine value adding activities and prepare market plan.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Conduct market visits1.1Buyers are identified in the local market following industry practice1.2 Buyers are interviewed according to industry practice1.3 Buyers are selected based on result of the interviewMarketing and market chainKinds of buyers Market mappingProcedures in conducting informal interview Basis for choosing buyersAttitudes:ResourcefulOpen-mindedEnthusiasticPatienceDrawing a market mapIdentifying buyersConducting buyer interviewSelecting buyers2. Determine value adding activities2.1 Flow of produce from farm to the selected buyer is determined based on the established industry practices.2.2 Value adding activities are identified based on requirements of selected buyer requirements 2.3 Comparative prices and costs of value adding activities are computed based on industry practice2.4 Value adding activities are selected based on buyers’ requirementSupply and demandProduct flow and value additionMarketing arrangementsComputation of sales, cost and profitSelection of value adding activitiesAttitude:Business mindedOpennessPracticalDecisiveEnthusiasticDetermining value adding activities in the product flowComputation skillsCommunication skillsSelecting value adding activities to perform3. Prepare market plan3.1 Marketing objective is prepared according to the result of market research3.2 Steps in the delivery of the product to selected buyers are established based on objective set3.3 Targeted sales, costs and marketing profit is estimated based on objective set3.4 Contingency plan is formulated based on market risks3.5 Details of marketing plan is compiled according to industry procedureMarketing objective Procedures in making a marketing objectiveSteps in product deliveryComputation and estimation of sales, cost and profitProcedure in compiling details of marketing planContingency planMarket risksAttitude:Business mindedDiligent for detailed workRealisticMotivatedDecisiveMaking marketing objective Establishing steps in the delivery of the product to buyers Computation skillsEstimating targeted sales, cost and profitCompiling details of marketing planIdentifying market risksFormulating contingency planRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. BuyersBuyers include traditional buyers such as but not limited to:Traderstraders agentsinstitutional buyersconsolidatorsprocessorswholesalerretailerlocal/ public marketconsumers2. Value addingValue adding includes but is not limited to:cleaningsortingpackagingprocessingtransportingproduct consolidationEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical Aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Conducted market visitsDetermined value adding activitiesPrepared market plan2. Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided:Simulated workplaceCalculatorPhone CameraPortable Speaker with microphoneScissorPens (permanent & white board)/ChalkPencilsBallpensFlip charts Manila paperCartolinaBond paperStaplerStaple wirePuncherMasking tapeNotebookRecord bookWhite/Black boardCrayonsReference Materials3. Method of AssessmentCompetency in this unit may be assessed through:3.1 Written examination3.2 Oral questioning3.3 Demonstration4. Context of Assessment4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center in a simulated workplace setting.UNIT OF COMPETENCY:ESTABLISH FARM PRODUCTION PLANUNIT CODE:AFF243302UNIT DESCRIPTOR:This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to review, prepare and improve farm production plan. It also includes competencies in monitoring activities, record keeping and information gathering.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Review farm production plan1.1Farm production performance are monitored according to industry standard.1.2 Information and feedback are gathered following industry practices.1.3 Record keeping is practiced following workplace procedures.1.4 Farm records are used according to industry procedures.1.5 Improvements are selected based on the result of the review.Basic self/farm assessment guideImportance of gathering feedbackTypes of recordsImportance of record keepingUse of recordsDiversification of farm productsType of diversificationAttitudes:honestyacceptancehumility Open-mindedMonitoring farm production performanceGathering information and feedback from buyers, other farmers, old records and other authoritiesPracticing record keeping Utilizing farm recordsSelecting improvements on production, post production and other related farm activities2. Prepare farm production plan2.1 Farm production requirements are identified based on market demand.2.2 Farm Production activities and cost are determined based on accepted farming practices.2.3 Volume of harvest is computed according to actual production capacity.2.4 Alternative farm products are selected based on market demand.2.5 Contingency plan is formulated based on farm production risks.2.6 Suppliers and providers are selected based on preference/ponents of farm production planTarget volume for succeeding cropping seasonSelection of other appropriate farm productIdentify different production riskProduction module conceptProduction risksContingency planAttitude:ResourcefulCreativeProactiveInformation seekingPatientObservantIdentifying farm production requirementDetermining farm production activities and costEstimating volume of harvest in a given seasonSelecting alternative farm productsIdentifying farm production riskComputing farm production cost NetworkingSelecting Suppliers and ProvidersAnalyzing simple criteriaMaking Simple decision3. Improve farm production plan3.1 Farm production activities and costing are adjusted based on the result of review.3.2 Selected improvements are applied based on the result of review.3.3 Projected volume target is adjusted based on the result of review.3.4 Corrective measures are applied based on the result of review.Result of reviewAdjustment of farm production activities and costingApplication of selected improvementsAdjustment of projected volume targetApplication of corrective measures in line with improvementAttitude:ProactiveInformation seekingPatientObservantAdjusting farm production activities Applying farm production plan improvementsAdjusting projected volume targetApplying corrective measuresRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. InformationInformation may include but not limited to: Farm production and income from farm recordsgood farm practices as benchmark from other farmersfeedback from buyersInformation from other authorities (government & non-government)2. RecordsRecords includes but not limited to:business recordsfarm production records3. ImprovementsImprovements may include but not limited to:best farm practicesproduct diversificationvalue adding4. Farm production requirementsFarm production requirements include: inputslaborfarm machineries5. Farm production activitiesFarm production activities may include but not limited to:Land preparationPlantingMaintenance HarvestingPost-harvesting6. Farm ProductsFarm products may include but not limited to:LivestockPoultryCropsFisheriesAquatic Resources7. Production riskProduction risk may include but not limited to:Quality riskYield riskContract riskProduct liability riskRelationship risk8. CriteriaCriteria may include but not limited to:Terms of paymentCostQualityEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical Aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Reviewed farm production planMonitored farm production performanceGathered information and feedbackPracticed record keepingPrepared farm production planComputed farm production costComputed cost and returnComputed target volume of harvestImproved farm production planApplied corrective measure2. Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided: Simulated workplaceCalculatorPhone CameraPortable Speaker with microphoneScissorPens (permanent & white board)/ChalkPencilsBallpensFlip charts Manila paperCartolinaBond paperStaplerStaple wirePuncherMasking tapeNotebookRecord bookWhite/Black boardCrayonsReference Materials3. Method of AssessmentCompetency in this unit may be assessed through:3.1 Written examination3.2 Demonstration3.3 Oral examination4. Context of Assessment4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center in a simulated workplace setting.UNIT OF COMPETENCY:HANDLE FINANCES UNIT CODE:AFF243303UNIT DESCRIPTOR:The unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the individual farmer to prepare budget plan, apply budget plan and invest farm income.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Prepare budget plan1.1Farm Cost are computed based on farm activities1.2 Financial Service Providers are identified based on requirement1.3 Sources of Financial Services are selected based on requirement1.4 Details of budget plan are compiledBudget PlanComputation of farm budgetDifferent Financial Service ProvidersCriteria in selecting Financial Service ProvidersSimple AnalysisCompilation of details of budget planAttitude:PatientHardworkingDetail OrientedCost-efficientResourcefulComputing farm costIdentifying Financial Service ProvidersSelecting Financial Service ProvidersCompiling details of budget plan2. Apply budget plan2.1 Membership requirements in an organization is complied based on standard procedures2.2 Loan application documents and requirements are submitted based on industry procedures2.3 Financing is availed based on farm plan schedule2.3 Financial obligations are settled based on budget allocationMembership requirements in an organizationLoan process and paymentPayment of financial obligationFinancing terms and conditionsAttitude:HardworkingDisciplinedDiligentAccuracyDiplomaticAppreciativeBusiness mindedDetail OrientedComplying with membership requirementsFilling-up of required formsSubmitting of basic loan requirementCommunication skillsSettling loan amortization and other financial obligations3. Invest farm income3.1 Saving is practiced following budget plan3.2 Assets are acquired 3.3 Farm expansion and diversification is funded following budget planComputation of net income, dividend, patronage refund, and interest on savingsInvestment optionsAttitude:Calculated risk takerDisciplinedCost-efficientBusiness mindedSaving money regularlyAcquiring additional assets Investing in farm expansion and diversificationMaximizing use of resourcesRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. Farm activitiesFarm activities may include but not limited to:Land preparationFertilizer Application PlantingWeedingPest managementHarvestingPost-harvest2. Financial service providersFinancial service providers may include but not limited to:RetailersRural Financial Institutions (i.e. rural banks, cooperatives, NGOs)Business development service providers 2.2.2 trucking service- warehousing service3. Loan application documents and requirementsLoan application documents and requirements may include but not limited to:Farm Production Plan Supply planBarangay clearance or certificationProof of billing4. SavingsSavings may include:Compulsory (CBU)Voluntary (deposits)5. AssetsAssets may include:Farm landFarm machineriesFarm inputs or implementsEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical Aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:1.1 Prepared budget plan specifically the allocation of funds to farm activities1.2Applied budget plan in terms of sourcing of financial support and settlement of financial obligations1.3Invested farm income either through savings, asset acquisition, or farm business expansion and diversification2. Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided:Simulated workplaceCalculatorPhone CameraPortable Speaker with microphoneScissorPens (permanent & white board)/ChalkPencilsBallpensFlip charts Manila paperCartolinaBond paperStaplerStaple wirePuncherMasking tapeNotebookRecord bookWhite/Black boardCrayonsReference Materials3. Method of AssessmentCompetency in this unit may be assessed through:3.1 Written Examination3.2 Demonstration3.3 Oral Questioning3.3 Interview4. Context of Assessment4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center in a simulated workplace setting.UNIT OF COMPETENCY:MARKET PRODUCE UNIT CODE:AFF243304UNIT DESCRIPTOR:The unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of farm owner/agro-entrepreneur to monitor prevailing price of produce, apply marketing strategies and trade produce.ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range StatementREQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDEREQUIRED SKILL1. Monitor prevailing price of produce1.1 Major buyers and trading centers of the produce is determined according to industry practice1.2 Information on price is gathered following industry standard procedure1.3 Price information is recorded following industry standard procedureTypes of buyers and trading centersCriteria in determining major buyersSupply and demand in relation to price movementsSources of price informationMethods to monitor pricesProcedures in recording price informationDetermining major buyers and trading centersGathering price informationRecording price informationCoordinating skillsMonitoring skillsCommunication skills2. Apply marketing strategies2.1 Collected information is used in strategizing to optimise sales and profit according to standard marketing procedure2.2 Value adding activities are applied to increase sales and profit based on market plan2.3 Services of Business development service (BDS) providers are identified based on industry practices2.4 Consolidation of produce and group marketing is done following industry practices.Types of collected informationMarket strategizing Computation on sales, cost and profitValue additionKinds of Business service providersAdvantages and benefits in group marketingTypes of collaboration through coops, associations, informal clustersAttitude:Business mindedTeam workWork orientedCooperativeCommittedOpen mindedUsing collected information in market strategizingApplying value adding activitiesIdentifying services of business development service (BDS) providersConducting consolidation activitiesCoordinating skillsComputation skillsRecord keeping3. Sell produce3.1 Negotiation with buyers and business development service providers are performed according to industry practice3.2 Sales terms and conditions are established and agreed following marketing practices3.3 Produce for selling is prepared according to market requirements3.4 Produce are delivered to buyers based on agreement3.5 Marketing operation is assessed based on marketing practices3.6 Details of marketing transaction are recorded and kept as reference following industry practiceMarket negotiationMarketing arrangementsPreparation of produce Product delivery process with quality handling and traceabilityComputation of sales, cost and profitRecord keeping of details of marketing transactionAttitude:Business mindedTeam workWork orientedDisciplinedCooperativeCommittedNegotiation skillsComputation skillsEstablishing sales terms and conditionsPreparing produceHandling of product Consolidating and selling of products Recording of Details of marketing transactionRANGE OF VARIABLESVARIABLERANGE1. BuyersBuyers may include but not limited to:Processor or ManufacturerSupermarketLocal tradersTrading centersPublic marketWholesalerRetailer2. PricePrice includes:FarmgatePrice at the trading centersLocal market3. Collected informationCollected information may include but not limited to:BuyersValue adding activitiesPriceVolumeQualityTerms of paymentMode of deliveryTime4. Value adding activitiesValue adding activities may include but not limited to:ProcessingPackagingSortingCleaning,Peeling,Standard on size, length, and weight5. Business development service (BDS)Business development service (BDS) may include but not limited to:TruckingWarehousingTrainingPre &post-harvest facilitiesCold storage providerPackaging provider6. Details of marketing transactionDetails of marketing transaction may include but not limited to:ProductdeliveriesSalesCostsProfitEVIDENCE GUIDE1. Critical Aspects of CompetencyAssessment requires evidence that the candidate:Monitored prevailing price of produceApplied marketing strategiesSold produceNegotiated with buyers and business development services (BDS) providers2. Resource ImplicationsThe following resources should be provided:Simulated workplaceCalculatorPhone CameraPortable Speaker with microphoneScissorPens (permanent & white board)/ChalkPencilsBallpensFlip charts Manila paperCartolinaBond paperStaplerStaple wirePuncherMasking tapeNotebookRecord bookWhite/Black boardCrayonsReference Materials3. Method of AssessmentCompetency in this unit may be assessed through:3.1 Written examination3.2 Oral questioning3.3 Demonstration4. Context of Assessment4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center in a simulated workplace setting.SECTION 3. TRAINING STANDARDSThese guidelines are set to provide the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II.3.1 CURRICULUM DESIGNCourse Title: AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC Level NC IINominal Training Duration: 20hrs–Basic Competencies 75hrs– Common Competencies 144hrs– Core Competencies ----------- 239hrs – Total Course Description:This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of marketing and production coordinator. It includes competencies in assessing market opportunities, establishing farm production plan, handling finances and marketing produce.BASIC COMPETENCIES20 HoursUnit of CompetencyLearning OutcomesLearning ActivitiesMethodologyAssessment ApproachNominal Duration1. Participate in workplace communication1.1Obtain and convey workplace informationDescribe Organizational policiesGroup discussion Oral evaluation4 HoursRead:Effective communicationLectureWritten examinationWritten communicationCommunication procedures and systemsIdentify: Different modes of communication Medium of communicationFlow of communicationAvailable technology relevant to the enterprise and the individual’s work responsibilities Prepare different Types of questionDemonstrationObservationGather different sources of informationApply storage system in establishing workplace informationDemonstrate Telephone courtesy1.2Complete relevant work related documentsDescribe Communication procedures and systems Group discussion Oral evaluationRead:Meeting protocolsLectureWritten examinationNature of workplace meetingsLectureWritten examinationWorkplace interactionsBarriers of communicationComplete work related documents DemonstrationObservationRead instructions on work related forms/documentsLectureWritten examinationPractice:Estimate, calculate and record routine workplace measuresDemonstrationObservationBasic mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, division and multiplicationDemonstrate office activities in:workplace meetings and discussions scenarioRole playOral evaluationObservationPerform workplace duties scenario following simple written notices Role playOral evaluationObservationFollow simple spoken languageDemonstrationObservationIdentify the different Non-verbal communicationLectureWritten examinationDemonstrate ability to relate to people of social range in the workplaceDemonstrationObservationGather and provide information in response to workplace requirements1.3Participate in workplace meeting and discussionIdentify:types of workplace documents and formsLectureWritten examinationkinds of workplace reportAvailable technology relevant to the enterprise and the individual’s work responsibilities Read and follow instructions in applying basic mathematical conceptsFollow simple spoken languageDemonstrationObservationDemonstrate ability to relate to people of social range in the workplaceDemonstrationObservationGather and provide information in response to workplace requirements2. Work in a team environmentDescribe and identify team role and responsibility in a team.Describe the team role and scopeGroup discussion Oral evaluation4 HoursReadDefinition of TeamLectureWritten examinationDifference between team and groupObjectives and goals of teamIdentify different sources of informationDescribe work as a teamDescribe team goals and objectivesGroup discussionOral evaluationPerform in setting team goals and expectations scenarioRole playOral evaluationObservationIdentify individual role and responsibilityLectureWritten examinationPractice Interacting effectively with othersGroup discussionOral evaluationRead:LectureWritten examinationFundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity Understanding individual competencies relative to teamworkTypes of individualsRole of leaders3. Practice career professionalism3.1Integrate personal objectives with organizational goalsDescribe performance evaluationGroup discussionOral evaluation6 HoursRead:LectureWritten examinationWork values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.)Understanding personal objectivesUnderstanding organizational goalsDemonstrate Intra and Interpersonal skills at workDemonstrationObservationDemonstrate personal commitment in work3.2Set and meet work prioritiesDescribe company policies, operations, procedures and standards Group discussionOral evaluationRead:LectureWritten examinationTime ManagementBasic strategic planning conceptsResource utilization and managementApply managing goals and timeDemonstrationObservationPractice:economic use of resources and facilitiesDemonstrationObservationtime management3.3Maintain professional growth and developmentDescribe company recognition and incentivesGroup discussionOral evaluationRead:LectureWritten examinationCareer development opportunitiesInformation on relevant licenses and or certificationspersonal career development needsIdentify career opportunitiesDetermine personal career development needsGroup discussionOral evaluation4. Practice occupational health and safety4.1Identify hazard and risksDescribe OSH procedures, practices and regulationsGroup discussionOral evaluation6 HoursReadLectureWritten examinationOSH indicatorsOrganizational contingency practices4.2Evaluate hazard and risksPractice hazards/risks identification and control Describe effects of safety hazardsGroup discussionOral evaluationReadLectureWritten examinationThreshold Limit Value –TLVPractice reporting safety hazardsRole playObservationDemonstrate evaluating hazards and risks using communication equipmentDemonstrationObservation4.3Control hazards and risksDescribe :Organization safety and health protocolGroup discussionOral evaluationCompany emergency procedure practicesPractice personal hygieneDemonstrationObservationPractice drills on responding to emergencyDemonstrationSimulationObservation4.4Maintain occupational health and safety awarenessIdentify emergency-related drills information LectureWritten examinationPractice occupational safety and health standards on personal records in the workplaceRole playObservationPractice emergency related drills in the workplaceDemonstrationSimulationObservationCOMMON COMPETENCIES75 HRSUnit of CompetencyLearning OutcomesLearning ActivitiesMethodologyAssessment MethodNominal Duration1. Apply safety measures in farm operations1.1 Determine areas of concern for safety measuresIdentify work tasks in farm operationsLectureDiscussionIncomplete worksheetPower point presentationVideo presentationWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hrDiscuss safety measures in a workplace during farm operationsLectureDiscussionIncomplete worksheetPower point presentationVideo presentationRole playingWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hrExplain farm operations situations and period when to observe safetyLectureDiscussionIncomplete worksheetPower point presentationVideo presentationRole playingWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hrIdentify appropriate tools, materials and outfits to be usedLectureDiscussionIncomplete worksheetPower point presentationVideo presentationWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration2 hrsPrepare tools, materials and outfits for the farm operationLectureDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationDemonstrationWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration2 hrs1.2 Apply appropriate safety measuresEnumerate uses and functions of tools and materialsDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationDemonstrationWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hrExplain procedures of wearing personal protective equipmentDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioning1 hrDiscuss topics on effectivity, shelf life and expirations of materials to be used.DiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioning1 hrIdentify the emergency proceduresDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioning2 hrsIdentify hazards in a farm workplaceDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioning2 hrsUse tools and materials DiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetDemonstrationHands-onWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration2 hrsWear personal protective equipmentDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetDemonstrationWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration0.5 hrPrepare report on hazards in the workplaceDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hrReport on hazards in the workplaceDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetRole playingWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration0.5 hr1.3 Safekeep/dispose of tools, materials and outfitExplain cleaning and storing procedures of the used tools and outfitDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioning1 hrState labelling and storing procedures for unused materials DiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioning1 hrExplain proper wastes disposalDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetWritten examinationInterviewOral questioning1 hrClean and store used tools and outfitDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetDemonstrationHands-onWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hrLabel and store unused materialsDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetDemonstrationHands-onWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hrDispose waste materialsDiscussionPower point presentationVideo presentationIncomplete worksheetDemonstrationHands-onWritten examinationInterviewOral questioningDemonstration1 hr2. Perform estimation and basic calculation2.1 Perform estimationIdentify job requirements and work task/activityLectureDiscussionWritten examOral questioning1 hrIdentify materials and resources of job requirementsLectureDiscussionWritten examOral questioning1 hrEstimate time to complete work task/activityLectureDiscussionDemonstrationVideo presentationWritten examOral questioning2 hrsEstimate quantities of materials and resourcesLectureDiscussionDemonstrationWritten examOral questioning2 hrsPrepare and submit bill of materialsLectureDiscussionDemonstrationWritten examOral questioningDemonstration2 hrs2.2 Perform basic workplace calculationDescribe different types of calculationLectureDiscussionWritten examOral questioning1 hrDiscuss different methods of calculationLectureDiscussionWritten examOral questioning1 hrDescribe system and unit of measurementLectureDiscussionWritten examOral questioning2 hrsCompute quantity of feeds, amount of fertilizer and amount of medicines using methods of calculation, system of measurement and units of measurementLectureDiscussionDemonstrationWritten examOral questioning4 hrs3. Provide quality customer service3.1 Update knowledge of products and servicesIdentify products and/or services to be marketedAccess information on programsUpdate knowledge on products, services and programsPrepare additional information on products, services and programsSelf-pace/modularLectureDiscussionCase studyRole-playPracticumWritten examinationAssertion and reason17 hours3.2 Assess needs of new and existing clientsGather information from clientsConduct orientation on products/services, program and policies Identify related or applicable needs of clientsProvide clients with courteous and professional treatmentRespond inquiries, concerns and comments promptly and accuratelyRecord gathered information from clientsSelf-pace/modularLectureDiscussionCase studyRole-playPracticumWritten examinationAssertion and reason3.3 Conduct client satisfaction surveyAdminister client satisfaction surveyCollate and analyze survey resultsDefine positive and negative resultsApply appropriate communication strategiesAddress negative feedbacksSelf-pace/modularLectureDiscussionCase studyRole-playPracticumOral and written examinationPractical demonstration4. Comply with quality and ethical standards4.1 Assess quality of received materialsCarry out work instructionCheck received materialsIdentify, report and isolate defective materialsRepair/replace defective materialsRecord and report materials’ defects and any identified causes of defectsSelf-pace/modularLectureDiscussionRole-playPracticumWritten examinationDemonstration of practical skillsAssertion & reason18 hours4.2 Assess own work/outputUse documentation relative to qualityCheck completed workIdentify defects of work/outputCorrect defects of work/outputSelf-pace/modularLectureDiscussionCase studyRole-playPracticumWritten examinationDemonstration of practical skillsAssertion & reasonCase study/ records4.3 Submit oneself to third party assessmentRecord information on quality and other indicators of performanceDocument and report deviations from specific quality standards and its causesPrepare written report of objections/ disagreements, and reasonsIdentify appropriate settlementsSelf-pace/modularLectureDiscussionCase studyRole-playPracticumWritten examinationDemonstration of practical skillsAssertion & reasonCase study/recordsPerformance evaluation report4.4 Engage in quality improvementParticipate in the improvement of process’ proceduresCarry out improved process proceduresDiscuss ethical standardsDeliver services with ethical standardsMonitor quality serviceDescribe different methods of assessing client’s needsAssess client’s needsFacilitate orientation in understanding/ familiarization of products, services and programsSelf-pace/modularLectureDiscussionCase studyRole-playPracticumWritten examinationDemonstration of practical skillsAssertion & reasonCase study/recordsInterviewsCORE COMPETENCIES144 HoursUnit of CompetencyLearning OutcomesLearning ActivitiesMethodologyAssessment ApproachNominal Duration1. Assess market opportunities1.1 Conduct market visitsExplain the basic concept of marketing, market chain and flow of products, and kinds of buyersDraw the market map from farmer to buyers/consumers showing the product flowExplain methods of data gatheringDiscuss the interview questions and tips in conducting the interviewExplain the basis for choosing buyers to engage based on interview resultsIdentify buyersInterview buyersChoose buyersLectureDiscussionVisual presentation Audio/Video presentationExercisesField visit (bring sample products)Role playWritten examinationOral questioningDemonstrationTotal: 40 hoursC: 12 hrsF: 28 hrs1.2 Determine value adding activitiesExplain marketing concepts to include supply and demand, product flow, and value additionDiscuss various marketing arrangements with buyers that involve value adding activitiesExplain marketing projections of sales, costs and profitExplain the process of deciding on value adding activities to perform based on marketing projections of cost and profitdetermine flow of produce from farm to selected buyeridentify value adding activitiescompute comparative prices and costs of value adding activitiesselect value adding activitiesLectureDiscussionVisual presentation ExercisesField visitWritten examinationOral questioningDemonstration1.3 Prepare market planExplain the importance of having a marketing objectiveDiscuss how to make a marketing objectiveDetermine/ Identify the steps necessary to successfully deliver the product from the farm to the selected buyersDiscuss the process in computing the financial targets of marketing profitPrepare marketing objectiveEstablish steps in the delivery of the product to selected buyersEstimate targeted sales, costs and marketing profitCompile details of marketing planDiscuss market risksExplain contingency planFormulate contingency planLectureDiscussionHands-on ExercisesWritten examOral questioningDemonstration2. Establish farm production plan2.1 Review farm production planExplain the Basic farm assessment guideDiscuss the basic data gathering proceduresExplain the importance of gathering feedbackEnumerate and explain types of recordImportance of record keepingPractice record keepingMonitor Farm Production PerformanceGather information and feedbackUtilize Farm recordsEnumerate types of farm recordsEnumerate type of DiversificationDiscuss the advantages of farm product diversificationLectureDiscussionAudio/Video PresentationExercisesField visitInterviewOral QuestioningDemonstrationWritten ExamTotal = 32 hoursC: 8 hrsF: 24 hrs2.2 Prepare farm production planDiscuss the different farm production requirementsDiscuss farm production activities and how to compute cost.Discuss computation of Cost and Return and its importanceDiscuss cropping season/ duration per farm productDiscuss Target settingDiscuss farm product options appropriate to different areasDiscuss different production risk and preventive measures/ solutionsDetermine reference of suppliers and providersIdentify Farm production requirementsDiscuss Production module conceptDetermine Farm Production activities and costCompute volume of harvestFormulated contingency planPrepare criteria of suppliers and providersSelect suppliers and providersDiscussionAudio/ Video PresentationLectureDemonstrationField visitHands-onOral ExamDemonstration2.3 Improve farm production planExplain adjustment procedures on:farm production activities and costingproduct diversificationprojected volume targetapplying corrective measuresAdjust Farm production activities and costingAdjust projected volumeAdjust corrective measures in the planSelect improvementsAdjust improvements in the planDiscussionAudio/Video PresentationLectureOral ExamDemonstration3. Handle finances3.1 Prepare budget planExplain budget planEnumerate and discuss types of financial servicesDiscuss criteria in selecting financial service providersCompute farm costsIdentify and select financial service providersCompile details of budget planAudio/ Video PresentationHands-onLectureDiscussionExercisesDemonstrationOral QuestionWritten ExamTotal = 24 hoursC: 8 hrsF: 16hrs3.2 Apply budget planEnumerate and discuss types of OrganizationDiscuss membership proceduresDiscuss procedure on securing loanEnumerate loan documents and requirementDiscuss financing terms and conditions of different financial service providersComply membership requirements in an organizationSubmit loan requirementsList down financial obligations and their schedulesSettle loan amortization and other financial obligationsLectureDiscussionAudio/Video PresentationExercisesRole playHands-onOral ExamWritten examDemonstration3.3 Invest farm incomeDiscuss the concept of net income, dividend, patronage refund, and interest on savingsEnumerate possible areas of investmentsExplain the procedures in saving, asset acquisition and farm business expansion or diversificationLectureDiscussionAudio/Video PresentationExercisesOral ExamWritten ExamDemonstration4. Market Produce4.1 Monitor prevailing price of produceDiscuss different types of buyers and trading centersExplain monitoring and its value in market negotiation with buyersExplain the sources of price informationDiscuss the methods in gathering price informationExplain record keeping of price informationDetermine major buyers and trading centers of the produceGather information on priceRecord price informationLectureDiscussionExercisesHands-onField visitWritten examOral questioningDemonstrationTotal = 48 hrsC: 16hrsF: 32hrs4.2 Apply marketing strategiesEnumerate different types of informationDiscuss the importance of marketing strategies to attain the marketing objectiveDiscuss the application of value adding activitiesExplain the role and function of business service providers for sustained marketingDiscuss product consolidation and group marketingPresent examples of farmer collaboration in marketing the productsUse collected information in market strategizingApply value adding activitiesIdentify services of business development service (BDS) providersDemonstrate (Explain) consolidation of produce and group marketingLectureDiscussionExercisesField visitPresentationRole playWritten examOral questioningDemonstration4.3 Sell produceExplain market negotiationDiscuss the kinds of marketing arrangementsDiscuss preparation of produce for sellingExplain product quality, handling and traceability in selling the produceExplain recordkeeping of details of marketing transactionNegotiate with buyers and business development service providersEstablish sales terms and conditionsPrepare produce for sellingDeliver produce to buyersSell the consolidated productsRecord and keep details of marketing transactionLectureDiscussionExercisesField visitRole playingPresentationAudio/Video PresentationWritten examOral questioningDemonstrate3.2TRAINING DELIVERY1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies written to industry standards)Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and self-paced learning strategies;Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a workplace and/or through adoption of modern technology. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to the industry required standards;Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the primary source of evidence.Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies;Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified competencies. 2. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities and their variations/components may be adopted singly or in combination with other modalities when designing and delivering training programs: 2.1 School/Institution- Based:Dual Training System (DTS) / Dualized Training Program (DTP) which contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components.Supervised Industry Training (SIT) or on-the-job training (OJT) is an approach in training designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the workplace to acquire specific competencies as prescribed in the training regulations. It is imperative that the deployment of trainees in the workplace is adhered to training programs agreed by the institution and enterprise and status and progress of trainees are closely monitored by the training institutions to prevent opportunity for work exploitation.Project-based instruction is an authentic instructional model or strategy in which students plan, implement and evaluate projects that have real world applications.2.2 Enterprise-Based:Enterprise-based training may also be taken to mean a school or training center with one or more partner enterprise or an enterprise or group of enterprises setting up a common training facility or partnering with a school or training center.Enterprise-based Training - where training is implemented within the organization/institution in accordance with the requirements of the specific organization/munity-Based –refers to a short program conducted or coordinated by NGOs, LGUs, training centers and other TVET providers which are intended to address the specific needs of a community. Such programs are usually conducted in informal settings such as barangay hall, basketball courts and other available venues in a community.Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are given the opportunity to assist the slow learners.3.3TRAINEE ENTRY REQUIREMENTSTrainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the following requirements:Able to read and write;Able to communicate, both orally and in writing; and Basic mathematical skills3.4LIST OF TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALSAGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC IIRecommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25 trainees for Agroentrepreneurship NC IITOOLSEQUIPMENTMATERIALSQTY.QTYQTY.ASSESS MARKET OPPORTUNITIES1 pairScissor1 setPortable speaker with microphone10pcsMarking pen (permanent)1 pcStapler1 unitcamera phone10pcsMarking pen (white board)/ chalk1Puncher1 unitWhite / Black Board25 pcsBallpen25 pcsPencil5Calculators25 pcsNotebook5 pcsMasking tape (1 inch)1 rollFlipchart100 pcsManila paper25 pcsCartolina1 pcRecord book2 reamsBond paper1 boxStaple wire5 pcsReference materials (manual, guide book)5 boxesCrayons (8 pcs/box)ESTABLISH FARM PRODUCTION PLAN1 pairScissor10 pcsMarking pen (permanent)1 pcStapler10pcsMarking pen (white board)/ chalk1Puncher25 pcsBallpen25 pcsPencil5Calculators1 setPortable speaker and microphone25 pcsNotebook1 unitcamera phone5 pcsMasking tape (1 inch)1 unitWhite / Black Board1 rollFlipchart100 pcsManila paper25 pcsCartolina1 pcRecord book2 reamsBond paper1 boxStaple wire5 pcsReference materials (manual, guide book)5 boxesCrayons (8 pcs/box)HANDLE FINANCES1 pairScissor1 setPortable speaker and microphone10pcsMarking pen (permanent)1 pcStapler1 unitcamera phone10pcsMarking pen (white board)/ chalk1Puncher1 unitWhite / Black Board25 pcsBallpen25 pcsPencil5Calculators25 pcsNotebook5 pcsMasking tape (1 inch)1 rollFlipchart100 pcsManila paper25 pcsCartolina1 pcRecord book2 reamsBond paper1 boxStaple wire5 pcsReference materials (manual, guide book)5 boxesCrayons (8 pcs/box)MARKET PRODUCE1 pairScissor1 setPortable speaker and microphone10pcsMarking pen (permanent)1 pcStapler1 unitCamera phone10pcsMarking pen (white board)/ chalk1Puncher1 unitWhite/ Black Board25 pcsBallpen25 pcsPencil5Calculators25 pcsNotebook5 pcsMasking tape (1 inch)1 rollFlipchart100 pcsManila paper25 pcsCartolina1 pcRecord book2 reamsBond paper1 boxStaple wire5 pcsReference materials (manual, guide book)5 boxesCrayons (8 pcs/box)3.5 TRAINING FACILITIESAGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC IIBased on a class size of 25 students/traineesSPACE REQUIREMENTSIZE IN METERSAREA IN SQ. METERSTOTAL AREA IN SQ. METERSGRAND TOTAL AREA IN SQ. METERSA. Building (permanent)125.00Student/Trainee Lecture Area2.00 x 1.00 per student/trainee2.00 per student50.00Learning Resource Center3.00 x 5.0015.0015.00Activity Room including facilities: - wash room - store room- rest room (male, female & PWD)2 x 14 x 43 x 430.002.0016.0012.00B. Demo Area*500.00TOTAL:625.00Note: * Access to and use of equipment/facilities can be provided through cooperative arrangements of MOA with other partner enterprises/organizations/institutions. 3.6 TRAINER’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURE SECTORTrainers who will deliver the training on AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II should have the following:Must be a holder of NTTC I (NC + TM1) in Agroentrepreneurship NC II andMust have at least 2 years job/industry experience for the last five (5) years3.7INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENTInstitutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their achievement of units of competency . A certificate of achievement is issued for each unit of competency.SECTION 4ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTSCompetency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as expressed in relevant competency standards.The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to prove achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to an employable unit(s) of competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the national qualification.4.1 National asSESSMENTAND CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTSTo attain the National Qualification of AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NC II, the candidate must demonstrate competence through a project-type assessment covering in all units listed in Section 1. Successful candidates shall be awarded a National Certificate signed by the TESDA Director General.BASIC COMPETENCIESParticipate in workplace communicationWork in team environmentPractice career professionalismPractice occupational health and safety proceduresCOMMON COMPETENCIESApply Safety Measures in Farm OperationsPerform Estimation and Basic CalculationProvide Quality Customer ServiceComply with Quality and Ethical StandardsCORE COMPETENCIESAssess Market OpportunitiesEstablish Farm Production PlanHandle FinancesMarket ProduceThe Qualification of AGROENTREPRENEURSHIP NCII may also be acquired through the accumulation of Certificates of Competency (COC’s) in the following units of competency.COC 1.CONDUCT MARKETING ACTIVITIESAssess Market OpportunitiesMarket ProduceCOC 2.PREPARE FARM PLAN AND BUDGETEstablish Farm Production PlanHandle FinancesUpon accumulation and submission of all COCs acquired, an individual shall be issued the corresponding National CertificateIndividuals wanting to be certified will have to be assessed in accordance with the requirements identified in the evidence guide of the relevant unit/s of competency. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:Graduating students/ trainees of WTR-registered programs or graduates of NTR programs related to agro-entrepreneurship or graduate of enterprise-based training programs or At least two (2) years work experience in implementing Agroenterprise development or any related field (wage employed or self-employed)Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who have gained competencies through informal training, previous work or life experiences may apply for recognition in a particular qualification through competency.The industry shall determine assessment and certification requirements for each qualification with promulgated Training Regulations. It includes the following:entry requirements for candidatesevidence gathering methodsqualification requirements of competency assessorsspecific assessment and certification arrangements as by industry. 4.2 Competency Assessment RequisiteSelf-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is accomplished by the candidate prior to actual competency assessment. SAG is a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate and the assessor determine what evidence is available, where gaps exist, including readiness for assessment. This document can:Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledgeHighlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledgeProvide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the evidence that need to be presentedAssist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is needed or additional information or skills that should be gained priorAccredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center accredited by TESDA is authorized to conduct competency assessment. Assessment centers undergo a quality assured procedure for accreditation before they are authorized by TESDA to manage the assessment for National Certification.Accredited Competency Assessor. Only accredited competency assessor is authorized to conduct assessment of competence. Competency assessors undergo a quality assured system of accreditation procedure before they are authorized by TESDA to assess the competencies of candidates for National Certification.42100501402715Practice occupational health and safety procedures00Practice occupational health and safety procedures31343601491615Practice career professionalism00Practice career professionalism21526501488440Work in a team environment00Work in a team environment10483851431290Participate in workplace communication00Participate in workplace communication41611551364615003088005135509000201803013392150094043513296900034290073660000-2527301398269BASICCOMPETENCIES00BASICCOMPETENCIES85725260350Supermarket of CompetenciesAGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERY SECTOR00Supermarket of CompetenciesAGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERY SECTOR95250212725004000504022090CORECOM PETENCIES00CORECOM PETENCIES3517902641600COMMON COMPETENCIES00COMMON COMPETENCIES11112502956560Apply Safety Measures in Farm Operations00Apply Safety Measures in Farm Operations19424652956560Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation00Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation37477702968625Comply with Quality and Ethical Standards00Comply with Quality and Ethical Standards363410528498800028397202967355Provide Quality Customer Service00Provide Quality Customer Service2726055284861000182880028473400036207704522470MarketProduce00MarketProduce27222454662170HandleFinances00HandleFinances18745204522470Establish Farm Production Plan00Establish Farm Production Plan19196054595495009982204493895Assess Market Opportunities00Assess Market Opportunities18148304471670009410704465320002691130447167000356743044716700032893039985950036245804614545009182102842260003276602594610003628390483235AGRI-FISHERY Sector00AGRI-FISHERY Sector3366135322580Supermarket of Competencies00Supermarket of CompetenciesDEFINITION OF TERMSAgroenterpriseRefers to the business of organized farmers that actively work with market actors, having relationships with buyers of their products and business service providers that support the movement of their products in the market chain at a profit.Budget PlanDocument which covers the farm activities with corresponding cost and a plan where to source and allocate the funds.Business Development Service Providerssupport the market chain to function but they do not directly handle the product. This includes micro-credit providers, transportation providers, market information service, trainings, transportation services, warehouse and cold storage facilities providers, pre-postharvest facilities providers and input suppliers.Buyer/ traditional local buyerA person who makes a purchase;Have no formal arrangements with farmers before buying their product;Take part in spot trading – prices change daily or hourly based on supply and demand;Are accessible to farmers in rural areas.a party?which acquires, or agrees to?acquire,?ownership?(in case of?goods),or?benefit?or?usage?(in case of?services),in exchange?for?money?or other?consideration?under a?contract of sale. This includes but not limited to processor or manufacturer, supermarket, local traders, trading centers, public market, wholesaler, retailer.Classroom TrainingThis type of?training?is facilitated by an instructor either on-line or in a?classroom setting. Instructor-led?training?allows for learners and instructors or facilitators to interact and discuss the?training?material, either individually or in a group setting.Collected informationis the process of gathering of data on targeted variables in an established systematic fashion, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomesIt is a systematic approach to gathering?data?from a variety of sources to get a complete and accurate picture of an area of interest.ConsolidatorsA frim which groups together orders from different companies into one shipmentContingency PlanA contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan. It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences.Designed to take a possible future event or circumstance into account.Contract riskis the risk of contract default by the producer or the contractor.Corrective measuresare the actions taken to prevent the recurrence of an event that caused the problem initially.Criteriaa principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.Diversificationprimarily involves a substitution of one crop or other agricultural product for another, or an increase in the number of enterprises, or activities, carried out by a particular farm.Farm diversification/ expansionA business decision for farmer to engage in more agricultural products in addition to the existing.A business decision for farmer to increase production capacity with implications to funding requirements in terms of farm inputs and land areaFarm gate pricethe price for the sale of farm produce direct from the producer.Farm Plan ScheduleDetailed period or time frame of farm production activities specifying the need for financingFarm Production activitiesare specific farm tasks to be undertaken in producing from components or raw materials.Farm production planEncompasses all the details surrounding how your farm operation will produce products for market.Farm production requirementsThese are requirements used during crop production such as inputs, labor, farm machineries and equipment.Farm recordsare books used to record all farm events, happenings and operation on the farm.Feedbackinformation about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement.Field activities/ field workpractical work/activities conducted by a student/trainee in the natural environment, rather than in a room.Financial Obligationrefers to an obligation to pay money to another party that may arise from borrowing funds or as a result of a legal compromise.Financial Service Providersinstitutions or individuals that extend financial assistance either in form of loans or grants intended for a specific purpose.Industry PracticeA?method,?procedure,?process, or?rule?employed?or followed by a?organization, group, niche?in the pursuit of its?objectives. It is a practice may also refer to these collectively.Industry standardGenerally accepted requirements followed by the members of an industry.Institutional buyersRefers to a company or organization that purchases very large quantities of food.Have formal arrangements with farmers before buying their product. They negotiate on pricing-agreed before purchase.Are accessible to farmers that can pre-plan as part of formal arrangements, and sometimes supplier accreditation as well.Local MarketLocal market includes customers located within the region the product or service is produced or made available.Marketis the place where people, and institutions buy and sell for their agents. A market can be organized as a physical market place where products are exchanged.Marketingis “the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers or users”. marketing - as “the development and efficient distribution of goods and services for chosen consumer segments”;is the series of activities involved in finding out what customers want and moving those products profitably from the point of production to the point of consumption (is the series of activities involved in finding out what customers want and moving those products profitably from the point of production to the point of consumptionMarketing strategyAn organization's strategy that combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the right product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing planMarket MappingA study of various market conditions that is plotted on a map to identify trends and corresponding variables between the consumers and products. Market RisksMarket risk is the risk of losses in positions arising from movements in market prices and calamitiesMarketing Transactionis a business strategy that focuses on single, "point of sale" transactions. The emphasis is on maximizing the efficiency and volume of individual sales rather than developing a relationship with the buyer.A strategy used in business targeting customers in making "one off" or point of sale transactions.Transactional marketing has the purpose of maximizing a business's sales efficiency by boosting the volume of individual sales instead of developing an ongoing relationship with the consumer.Marketing arrangementA contract or agreement whether written or verbal between producers and buyersMarketing objectiveAre goals set by a business when promoting its products or services to potential consumers that should be achieved within a given time frameMarketing Operationbuilds accountability, alignment, and agility. The?marketing operations?(MO) function has emerged due to the need for a more transparent, efficient, and accountable view of?marketing.Marketing planA marketing plan sets out how you are going to put your marketing strategy into practice;Product specific or market specific or company-wide plan that describes activities involved in achieving specific marketing objectivesMode of deliveryby which a shipment is moved from point 'A' to point 'B', such as by air, rail, road, or sea.Monitoring priceis the act of observing and checking the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; and what happens to market prices in order to obtain useful knowledge and insights that may help decision makers, families or society at large in understandingNegotiationBargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict.Practicuma specialized field of study, that is designed to give students/ trainees supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory.Preferencea greater liking for one alternative over another or others.PriceA?value?that will purchase a finite quantity, weight, or other measure of a good or service. It is the cost or value of a good or service expressed in monetary terms, the price you can pay: tuition for receiving an education, interest for receiving a loan, rent for living in a house or using a piece of equipment, salaries or wages for employing workers.ProcessorsA person or entity that converts raw materials or semi-finished goods for another companyProduceis a generalized term for a group of farm-produced?crops and goods, including fruits and vegetables – meats, grains, oats, etc. are also sometimes considered?produce.Product liability riskis the risk that a producer may be liable for any problems associated with the grain they have sold.Production moduleis a guide to create standardized units of production.Production risksany production related activity or event that is uncertain is a production riskProjected volumeassumed quantity of produce to forecast sales. Factors considered are land area size, variety of seeds/ breed of livestock and production risk calculated for a particular cropping season.Quality riskis the risk of an unexpected quality level in the grain that affects the grain’s value through discounts or reduced premiums. Quality risk also includes the risk of the grain being rejected by the buyer due to low quality or contamination.Relationship riskis the risk of adversely affecting relationships with buyers, suppliers, or other resource providers that are critical to the success of the farm operation.RetailerA businessman or person that sells goods to the consumerSales terms and conditionsGeneral and special arrangements, provisions, requirements, rules, specifications, and standards that form an integral part of an agreement or contract.An agreement of sale constitutes the terms and conditions of sale of a property by the seller to the buyer. These terms and conditions include the amount at which it is to be sold and the future date of full payment.TradersIn farming community, a person who comes in the barangay who buys products produce of the farmers.Traders AgentsMiddleman between the traders and farmers who sells his produce.Value adding activitiesAre any activities that add value to the customer and meet the three criteria for a Value Adding Activity. The three criteria for a Value Adding Activity are: The step transforms the item towards completion;Are activities that increase the value of a product along the market chain.It includes but not limited to processing, packaging, sorting, cleaning, peeling, standard on size, length of produce, weight.WholesalerA person or firm that buys large quantity of goods from various producers or vendors, warehouse them, and resells to retailers.Yield riskis simply the risk of lower than expected production.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to extend gratitude and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and government agencies and labor groups who donated their time and expertise to the development and validation of these Training Regulations.This undertaking was also made possible through the collaborative project between TESDA and Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR). THE TECHNICAL EXPERT PANEL (TEP)ARNOLD G. AGBADATechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CityFERNANDO G. LLABORETechnical ExpertSta. Josefa Agusan del Sur United Farmers Assn (SJASUFA)Poblacion. Sta. Josefa, Agusan del SurANDREA L. AQUINOTechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)MabiniExtention, Cabanatuan City, Nueva EcijaDENIZA J. LONGINOTechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Rd. Diliman, Q.C.CHONA L. BAHIANTechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)M. Suniel-YakalSts., Carmen, Cagayan de Oro CityBEATRIZ A. PABROSTechnical ExpertUmingan Farmers Agrarian Reform Coop (UFARCO)Brgy. Luna Este, Umingan, PangasinanMA. ELENA C. CABA?ESTechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CityCARMELA O. PAGULONGTechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CityONESIMO L. CUYCOTechnical ExpertNational Livelihood Development Corporation (NLDC)845 Arnaiz Ave., Makati CityRICARDO P. PERALTA JR.Technical ExpertUmingan Farmers Agrarian Reform Coop (UFARCO)Brgy. Luna Este, Umingan, PangasinanREGENTE D. DIONEDATechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CityNORBERTO S. QUITETechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CityRONNEL VICTOR J. DELA CRUZTechnical ExpertCatholic Relief Services (CRS)4F, Philamlife Bldg., Rizal St., Davao CityAGNES U. ROJASTechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CityJOEY V. ESTEBANTechnical ExpertLocal Government Unit-LlaneraVictoria, Llanera, Nueva EcijaJOAN ANNA C. UYTechnical ExpertCatholic Relief Services (CRS)Main Office, Intramuros, ManilaRONILO E. GINESTechnical ExpertCaridad Sur Farmer MPC/ Irrigators AssociationCaridad Sur, Llanera, Nueva EcijaDAVEN D. UYTechnical ExpertFoundation for Rural and Industrial Equipment for National Development (FRIEND Foundation, Inc.)PBC Building, Lapinigan, BS, San Francisco, Agusan del SurWENCELITO F. GOMEZTechnical ExpertKalasag Farmer Producers Cooperative (KFPC)Z-1B San Agustin, San Jose City, Nueva EcijaMA. CYNTHIA A. ZACATETechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CitySUSANA E. LEONESTechnical ExpertDepartment of Agrarian Reform (DAR)Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon CityThe VALIDATORS:MAURO R. ALCIBARLinabu, Agrarian Multi-purpose Cooperative (LAMPCO)Linabu, Balingasag, Misamis OrientalLEIMIWEL Q. QUIAOITPamayanangUmuunladnaLakas Ani (Punla-MPC)Brgy. Bosque, Llanera, Nueva EcijaJESSIE L. CALLANOHinatuan, Tagbina United Farmers Assn. (HUFA)Tagbina, Surigao del SurARBY A. VENTURAVegetable GrowersCaridad Sur, Llanera, Nueva EcijaLOVELYN B. CATALANCatholic Relief ServicesGuimba, Nueva EcijaThe Members of the TESDA Board and SecretariatThe MANAGEMENT and STAFF of the TESDA SecretariatQualifications and Standards Office (QSO) TESDA – QSO Technical FacilitatorsCompetency Standards Development DivisionMS. BERNADETTE N. SERVAZ- AUDIJE Ms. CHERRY l. TORALDEMs. MELCHRIS A. ATISCompetency Programs and Standards Development DivisionMS. MERCEDES E. JAVIERMS.FORTUNATA L. BACO ................

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