Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

COVID-19 Comprehensive PlanExposure Control, Mitigation, and RecoverySt. Paul’s Episcopal Church2117 Walnut StreetBellingham, Washington360-733-2890November 2, 2020Table of ContentsPreambleGeneral Considerations and Requirements – Page 4Situation Narratives Sunday Worship Service – Page 7Meetings and Gatherings – Page 12Alms Ministry – Page 13AppendicesAppendix 1 - Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate (Waiver) Appendix 2 - Usher Ministry: COVID-19 ProtocolAppendix 3 – Gathering ChecklistAppendix 4 - Campus Cleaning ProtocolAppendix 5 - Cleaning Supplies Inventory/LocationAppendix 6 - Restroom/Kitchen Use ProtocolAppendix 7 - Altar Guild/Flower Guild ProtocolsAppendix 8 - Protocols and Guidelines for the distribution of EucharistAppendix 9 - Protocol for administering Baptism Appendix 10 - Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 Religious andFaith-based Organization COVID-19 Requirements (Office of Governor)Appendix 11 - A Guide to Gathering in Person from Office of Bishop (Web address only)Preamble“Gathered by the Holy Spirit we worship God,and transformed by Christ’s love we go forth into the world to love and serve with joy.”We want to keep people healthyThe underlying goal in all we do is to help slow the spread of the virus, keeping both parishioners and the network of our relationships healthy.We will communicate effectively The circumstances of this crisis are developing rapidly, naturally leading to fear and anxiety. Therefore, we must act swiftly to develop effective methods of communication that provide useful information and resources that are clear and accurate.We will be particularly attentive to the needs of seniors and other vulnerable people in isolationProlonged isolation is devastating for physical, mental, and spiritual health. We must remain mindful of this reality and pursue creative ministries to address it.We believe everything is worth consideringIn order to provide the best ministry possible in these circumstances, any new idea is worth considering; the continuation of any established practice can be reconsidered.We commit to the welfare of community groups and ministries will remain within the sphere of our concernGroups such as Gardenview, Al-anon, AA, Echo, CRN, Columbia Neighborhood, Family Promise, Maple Alley Cafe, are part of who we are and, therefore, the decisions we make must include a commitment to their well-being.We want to emerge from this challenge to our lives in the church as a healthy and vibrant communityThe changes and choices we’re making during this crisis should foster the ongoing growth and formation so that – when it is over – we have not only survived, but we have emerged stronger and more vibrant.This document should be considered a “living” document and will be updated and upgraded as conditions and resulting guidance from both the Governor’s Office and/or the Office of the Bishop change, and as St Paul’s returns to its historic and new ministries serving both parishioners and the community.General Considerations and RequirementsNote: This protocol is based on instruction from the Office of the Governor’s document entitled Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 Religious and Faith-based Organization COVID-19 Requirements (August 10, 2020) and A Guide to Gathering in Person from the Office of the Bishop, dated 5/07/2020 and on subsequent updates from either authority, and is part of the Comprehensive Plan for COVID-19 Exposure Control, Mitigation, and Recovery Plan for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.I. PEOPLEA. Physical Distancing. To ensure clergy, staff, parishioners and guests comply with physical distancing requirements, we will do the following:Maintain minimum six-foot separation in all interactions at all timesTightly enclosed spaces or small rooms will be occupied by only one individual at a time, unless all occupants are wearing cloth face coverings, masks or respirators. If occupied by more than one person, will keep occupancy under 50% of maximum capacity.Post social distancing markers using tape or signs that denote 6 ft. of spacing in commonly used and other applicable areas. Limit in-person gatherings as much as possible and use tele- or video-conferencing whenever possible.Essential in-person gatherings (e.g. meetings) should be held in open, well-ventilated spaces with appropriate social distancing among participants.II. PLACESA. Protective Equipment. To ensure clergy, staff, parishioners, and guests comply with personal protective equipment requirements, we will do the following:Provide and require the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, goggles, face shields and facemasks as appropriate or required by the activity. All clergy, staff and parishioners when with others on campus or representing St Paul’s in the community must wear cloth face coverings. Clergy, staff, parishioners and guests may choose to wear their own coverings at work, provided it meets the minimum requirements. Cloth face coverings are described in the Department of Health guidance.All clergy, staff, parishioners and guests will be required to wear a cloth facial covering, with the following exceptions: when working alone; if the individual is deaf or hard of hearing, or is communicating with someone who relies on language cues such as facial markers and expression and mouth movements as a part of communication; if the individual has a medical condition or disability that makes wearing a facial covering inappropriate. Provide “crates” (40) containing PPE, hand sanitizer, and cleaning supplies strategically placed throughout the campus.Post signs requiring clergy, staff, parishioners and guests to wear cloth facial coverings in compliance with the state-wide facial covering order and Proclamation 20-25, and to remind all to use basic sanitation procedures of washing hands frequently and/or using hand sanitizers. Ensure signage is prominently displayed at the entrance to all church buildings and community ministries in alternate venues.Ensure that some of these safety signs are those from the CDC or DOH and that they are posted inside and outside of the churchFace coverings must be cleaned or replaced after use or when damaged or soiled, may not be shared, and should be properly stored or discarded.All masks provided by the church must be discarded following use.Limit the sharing of objects and discourage touching of shared surfaces; or, when in contact with shared objects or frequently touched areas, wear gloves (trade-appropriate or medical); or, sanitize or wash hands before and after contact. Be aware of and follow the Restroom and Kitchen Use Protocol (Appendix 6)B. Hygiene and Cleaning. To ensure clergy, staff, parishioners and guests comply with hygiene and cleaning requirements, we will do the following:Establish an increased frequency janitorial schedule that includes frequent cleaning and sanitizing with a particular emphasis on commonly touched surfaces. Adhere to hygiene and sanitation requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH).Be aware of and follow the Nave, Office, Restroom, and Great Hall/Classroom Protocols (Appendix 4, 6).Ensure frequent and adequate hand washing with adequate maintenance of supplies. Use disposable gloves where safe and applicable to prevent virus transmission on tools or other items that are shared.Be aware of the location of cleaning supply stations (Appendix 5). If supplies need replenishing, inform the Communications/Operations Manager or the Building Manager,Conduct regular cleaning and disinfection after each room or facility use, including the Nave. Restrooms should be cleaned daily.C. Communication. To ensure the business and its employees comply with communication requirements, we will do the following:Educate clergy, staff, parishioners and guests in the language they understand best about coronavirus and how to prevent transmission, and the church’s COVID-19 policies. Post signage and protocols (where appropriate) throughout the campus to remind all to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate use of PPE, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols.Establish a communication plan for staff, parishioners, and guests with a consistent means to provide updated information. Assure all parishioners and guests, excluding deliveries, sign the Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate waiver form (Appendix 1) each time they enter the facility. All guests must provide contact information on the back of the waiver form for the purpose of contact tracing, if necessary.With the exception of Sunday services, if parishioners have previously signed the referenced waiver form, they may simply sign-in at the visitor’s desk.Maintain a Waiver Log and retain for at least 30 days to serve as input in the case of contact tracing and will be maintained by the Site Supervisor. The Site Supervisor is responsible for notifying state and local health departments within 24 hours if clergy, staff, parishioner, or guest has tested positive for COVID-19. Staff and the Site Supervisor will convene to discuss the incident, remedial action(s) and the ongoing operation of the church.For security, a copy of the of Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate waiver from each individual who has entered the church or has participated in a Community Ministry must be retained. It is suggested that a record of who has provided a signed document be retained in Realm.A supply of Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate waiver forms should be available in the Workroom, in the Narthex on Sundays, and the Welcome Desk, and available through the church’s website.III. ScreeningTo ensure the church complies with protective equipment requirements, we will do the following:Screen clergy, staff, parishioners, and guest for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 upon entering church facilities. Anyone exhibiting at temperature of 100.4 degree F or greater will not be admitted into the building, and should be directed to their primary care physician. Secure parishioners, and visitors signatures on the Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate (Waiver) form prior to each Sunday service. All guests must provide contact information on the front of the waiver form for the purpose of contact tracing, if necessary.All clergy must sign-in.For all other activities at church, or formal community activities, those who have previously provided a signed copy the waiver form may use the sign-in sheet referenced aboveMake sure sick members of clergy, staff, and parishioners stay home or immediately go home if they feel or appear sick. Cordon off any areas where a person with probable or confirmed COVID-19 illness touched surfaces, etc. until the area and equipment is cleaned and sanitized. Follow the cleaning guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control to deep clean and sanitize. Reference: The CDC page on how to disinfect: Parish Nurses train appropriate people on taking temperatures.Situation NarrativesSunday Worship ServicePreparationDeep clean the Nave and NarthexPlan for continuous cleaning after each service held in the churchRemove bibles, prayer books, pens and pencils, pew cards, etc. from pews and remove to locked storage in basement storage room.Determine/purchase/place (Appendix 5) necessary cleaning supplies, tissues, trash receptacles, and hand sanitizer.Purchase masks, gloves and PPE. PPE specifically for cleaning staff. Obtain and install appropriately COVID-19 informational postersInstall audio-visual presentation for bulletins/orders for worshipDevelop seating chart and movement plan/schematicBlock appropriate pews from use Develop participant reservation plan Inform congregants on what to expect, church’s expectations, and the reservations process. Special mention of waiver requirement. (Develop a communication piece that includes the Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate waiver and expectations from pre-arrival through arrival through end of service and departure.) Make the Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate waiver form available through the church website.Place basket on Usher’s table for pledge/plate contributions and another on a table in the aisle. There will be no passing of offering plate.Be sure Canterbury Room restroom and those in Great Hall Entrance are supplied with toilet tissue, tissues, and hand sanitizer. Follow instructions/protocols for those using the restroom. (Appendix 6)Provide gloves to ushers, to be worn throughout serviceHealth monitoring training and procedures for volunteers by Parish Nurses, recruitment of volunteersTemperature Checks before leaving home.Temperature Checks upon arrival (No-touch thermometers)Instruction on how to decline entry if necessaryProvisions in case we find we have a person with COVID-19 in our midstEstablish and maintain physical distancing standards and practicesMake a fixed plan for seating to maintain safe distance, people sitting six or more feet apart. People (households or families) who live together can sit together. Plan for dismissing congregants in an orderly way that ensures social distancing.Signage and all messaging must stress no-touch greetings.Handshakes, fist or elbow bumps and hugs are not permittedThere will be no touching of objects that the community customarily handles communally. No passing of the collection plate. Use stations where people can drop off an offering. Encourage use of online givingThere will be no service bulletins, a projector and screen to will enable congregational participation in the prayers of the servicesEncourage Healthy Hygiene Among Participants Provide anti-bacterial dispensers with sanitizing solution at theentrance and in the worship spacePlace disposable face tissues within easy reach and closed bins for used tissues. Require people to wear non-surgical face coverings and supply ones to those who arrive without them.Provide visual displays of advice on physical distancing, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette. Empower ushers to enforce the guidelines set out by congregational/diocesan leadership.Recruitment of Appropriate Volunteers for Ushering, Greeting, and Cleaning - Encourage volunteers with no underlying health issues and are less than 60 years of age.Considerations for All Clergy, Staff and Volunteers All clergy, staff, and volunteers must wear a mask throughout the service with exception of certain instrumentalists. All clergy, staff, must sign–in. All attendees must have their temperature checked and provide a signed the Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate waiver prior to the service.For families attending church, an adult can sign the referenced waiver but must include the names of each family member in attendance.Sunday Morning Narrative Prior to Leaving Home - Because attendance has to be limited, a registration system will be enacted to determine attendance. Each person from your household who is registered to attend a worship service and who is planning to do so must read in its entirety and sign the Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate document which will be provided to you by e-mail or which is downloadable from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church’s website. Your signature commits you and your family to follow the Cooperative Mitigation Policy outlined in this document and to release St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Bellingham from any liability. If you are registered to attend but are not able to bring this signed document with you, a document will be provided for your signature at the door.This document gives information about the COVID-19 virus, how it is spread, and what the symptoms are. Those symptoms may be mild to severe, and include:CoughShortness of breath or difficulty breathingA fever of 100.4 °F or higher or a sense of having a feverSore throatChillsNew loss of taste or smellMuscle or body achesNausea/vomiting/diarrhea/running nose – not related to seasonal allergiesFatiguePlease stay home if your answer is “yes” to any of the following questions:Do you or anyone in your household have any of the above symptoms?Have you been in close contact with anyone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19?Have you taken any medication to reduce a fever?Please note that while all people are potentially at risk of contracting COVID-19, older people (over the age of 60) and those with underlying health conditions (heart or lung disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension etc.) are at greater risk and are strongly encouraged to stay home.If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have come into contact with anyone who has shown signs of these symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19, please contact your medical care providerUpon ArrivalA single entrance and a single exit will be designated for access to and exit from the worship space. The entrance will be the tower entrance on Walnut Street, and the exit will be the so-called “bride’s entrance” leading out of the back of the nave to the alley. An exception will be made in the case of people whose mobility issues require the ramp entrance through the Memorial Garden area into the hallway by the Sacristy.You will arrive with your mask on. The mask must cover both nose and mouth.If you arrived without a mask, you will be required to put on a mask before entry. A mask will be provided for you if you arrived without one.A letter from a physician indicating that wearing of a mask presents a medical risk must document any exceptions to this policy. Young children under the age of five will be an exception to this policy. A full face shield will be required if you cannot wear a mask.You will present your signed Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate document to an usher.You will have your temperature taken and recorded.Anti-bacterial dispensers with CDC-approved sanitizing solution will be provided at the entrance to the church and at other stations in the worship space.You will be shown to a designated seat. Seating will be made from front to back. All seating is planned for proper social distancing, and your cooperation is required. Members of households who live together may be seated together, but a proper social distance will be maintained.During the Worship Service:Shaking hands is not allowed, nor is touching or embracing at the sign of peace or at any other time. The sign of peace will be enacted with a bow in the direction of others.So that there will be no touching of objects that the community is accustomed to handling, If Communion is offered, it will follow the current guidelines as proscribed by the Bishop (Appendix 8). _No collection plate will be passed. There will be stations in which you can drop off a contribution, or you may give onlineNo bulletins will be issued.Bibles, prayer books, hymnals, pew cards, and pens will have been removed from the pews to storage.Worship texts and announcements will be projected onto a screen.External doors to the nave will be kept open before, after, and between services so as to assist in ventilation.Restrooms will be designated, and an usher will supervise access to the restrooms. No more than two people at once will be permitted in a restroom facility, and any line of persons waiting to use the restroom must keep social distance of at least six feet.All who use the restroom are required to wash hands with soap and water for twenty seconds, the time equivalent to that needed to recite the Lord’s Prayer at a moderate pace.Music – No choir shall perform during the service. Soloist musical performances are permitted so long as the performer wears a face covering. In the event the soloist is performing on a woodwind or brass instrument, the soloist may remove their face covering only during the performance. Musical performances that include a soloist and piano accompanist are permitted, but musical performances of more than two individuals are prohibited. Congregational singing indoors is currently not permitted. This document will be updated when the Bishop concludes it is safe to do so. Post-Service - When the worship service is overTake all personal belongings with you. The ushers, back to front, will dismiss you.Exit from the nave will be through the doors in the rear of the church.Because of all the requirements of social distancing precautions, we will not be having coffee hours.Meetings and GatheringsOutside the Buildings including Community MinistriesMask and social distancing protocols must be adhered to at all times.The Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate waiver, or sign-in sheet for those having a signed waiver, on file must be signed.The sign–in sheet is available at the visitor’s desk and waiver forms are available in the workroom. Return the latter to the workroom.Classroom, Offices, Great HallAll regularly scheduled meetings must be noted on the church calendar.Ad hoc meetings and location must be cleared through the Communications/Operations Manager.Each participant in a classroom meeting must sign the Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate waiver form or sign-in sheet for those having a signed waiver on file. All guests must provide contact information on the front of the waiver form for the purpose of contact tracing, if necessary. (A supply of Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate waiver forms should be available in the Workroom and at the Welcome Desk.)Note the placement of furniture and meeting aids at the start of the meeting.All participants must wear masks and observe appropriate social distancing (six feet apart). A supply of masks is included in the cleaning supply crate.The number of participants in a room is dictated by the social distancing protocol.)Care should be taken not to share paper, writing instruments etc. If necessary, sanitize before sharing.Use hand sanitizer frequently.At the conclusion of the meeting:Return furniture and meeting aids to their original position.Sanitize all touched services including pens to be shared with future users of the room.Return completed waivers to Welcome Desk.Temperatures must be checked prior to any gathering, regardless of location. Touch thermometers may be found at the Welcome Desk in the Great Hall lobby.Alms MinistrySt. Paul’s Alms Ministry seeks to serve those who come to express their needs by providing small amounts of financial assistance and appropriate referrals to additional sources of help. Each person served meets with a team of three to discuss the need and possible resources. The Ministry is offered each week on Tuesday mornings only. It is part of a wider network of five churches that work together to meet needs greater than any one can do individually. Following is a plan to reopen that ministry at the former Lighthouse Mission Drop-In Center (DIC), since the building in which Alms has historically been held, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, is still closed according to COVID-19 Phase 2 and Phase 3 guidelines. The plan will first describe the space and how it is to be used. Then the provisions for the “staff”/volunteers are addressed. The third section details the process whereby the ministry operates, and the final one focuses on the “customers”/the guests being served, and the provisions for their safety.The Former LHM Drop-In Center (DIC)Since Bridget Reeves (Assistant Director) has mentioned that the Health Department has been through the DIC several times as it was setting up as an “essential need” at the beginning of the pandemic lockdown, we will assume the space is familiar. Bridget says it is about 4500 square feet. It’s roughly rectangular, with an E-W dimension of near 70 feet, and a N-S dimension near 60 feet. Ventilation windows line the N and S walls. There is an entry/exit on the E end and an emergency exit (alarmed) at the W end. The entire east end of the area, on both sides of the entry is used for an office/entry port to the north and bathrooms—unisex, male and female—to the south. In addition, part of the southeast corner outside the bathrooms has a counter area with a sink. The rest of the area is open for placement of tables and chairs.One volunteer (staff), the entry supervisor, will be stationed outside the entrance on Holly St. to admit guests, as numbers permit, and to remind those waiting of the need for masks and social distancing. If needed, the guest will be provided a mask, required for entry to the DIC (see below). The entry supervisor will use a thermal scanner thermometer to check each guest before admission to the facility. Guests who refuse to wear a mask or have a temperature above 100.4 F will not be admitted. Volunteers may want to make marks on the walk outside to help those waiting remain socially distanced while in line.To the right when one enters the space is a Plexiglas-shielded window with an open slot to allow paper to be passed through. A guest will give all pertinent information to the reception volunteer stationed there and sign a sheet with both contact-tracing and waiver information. Guests need to provide contact information on the back of the waiver form to facilitate contact tracing, if necessary. Used pens will be decontaminated after each signing, and a supply of “clean” pens will be provided. The guest will then be directed to one of six chairs (spatially distanced) along the N wall and windows to await an invitation to an interview table. A second volunteer share the entry/office space (appropriately distanced), working on record-keeping and vetting the eligibility of the guest.There will be a maximum of three interview tables in the opposite (S) side of the hall. Each will have 4 chairs, three for Alms interviewers, and one for the guest. The chairs are spaced so that social distancing is preserved. The tables will be cleaned and disinfected before guests are received, as well as between guests, and hand sanitizer will be available on each table. Interviewers will be masked and will be required to wash hands between guests at the sink in the SE corner of the space. Hand sanitizer will be available on the counter around the sink. Although there are 3 restrooms in the DIC space, two will be closed, and the unisex one will be used only for the Alms volunteers. Guests will be told outside the facility that a restroom will not be available, due to COVID restrictions. Portable facilities are available outside.Protecting the VolunteersVolunteers (staff) will gather about 8:30, before a 9:00 opening. Each must also sign the same waiver as the guests, and each Tuesday we will review the rules for recognizing symptoms, mask requirements, hand-washing, and social distancing. Specifically, the required practices includeNot touching the face with unwashed hands or with gloves; Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; Using hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol alcohol or 70% isopropanol; Cleaning and disinfecting frequently-touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, doors and doorknobs; and Covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing as well as other hygienic recommendations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Anyone—guest or volunteer—who does not have a mask will be given one to use for that day.Sidewalk and DIC floor will be mark to indicate proper social distancing.COVID safety signs from CDC and DOH will be posted inside and outside the DIC.The entire space will be cleaned and disinfected after the ministry activities are finished.The Alms Ministry ProcessThose who wish to make a request of the Alms Ministry will be asked by the entry supervisor to keep an orderly, spaced line on the sidewalk in front of the DIC. Each will be temperature-scanned and advised of the Alms procedure and requirements. The guest will provide identity information to the reception volunteer and sign the instruction and waiver form. Then each guest will be assigned one of the six chairs on the N side until an interview table is ready to proceed. As each is invited to a table, another will be allowed to begin the entry process, culminating in taking the now-empty chair. The chairs will be disinfected between guests. Consequently, a maximum of nine (ten, if one is exiting) guests will be in the area at any one time.At the interview table, the volunteers review the information received from the record-keeper. Then, one volunteer invites the guest to use hand sanitizer and join the others at the table (again, appropriately distanced). After discussion and a decision, and a joint prayer if it suits the guest, one of the table volunteers escorts the guest to the exit. There will be no physical touching in greeting, interview, prayer, or ending.Protecting Our GuestsGuests will be told of the rules—sanitizing, social distancing, masks--by which Alms operates, before entering the DIC. If one doesn’t have a mask, one will be supplied by the volunteer supervising the line. If someone declines to abide by the rules, they will not be served. Each will be admitted by the entry supervisor, as space permits, will register with the receptionist (behind the shield), sign the waiver and list of rules, and be directed to one of the chairs to wait until a spot at a table is ready. Use of hand sanitizer will be required before taking the seat. As the six “waiting chairs” are distanced along the N wall, guests are protected from each other and from the volunteers while waiting.When the guest is called to a table, where the four seats are distanced, there is a discussion with the volunteers about the guest’s needs. After resolution—and implementation (e.g., check, bus pass, etc.), as appropriate—the guest is escorted to the entry/exit area, once it is cleared with the entry supervisor that the space is available.Alms Intake at Hope HouseOne of the intake rooms at Hope House is used 3 of the 4 days per week they’re open for intake for financial assistance applicants. The room contains a desk with computer, and chair, and two other chairs. The Hope House desk is fully protected by a?desk-wide front and sideways plexiglass shield, about 2 feet high, and the chairs are about 7 feet from the front of the desk/shield. The room has been offered to the Alms Ministry on Tuesdays—the one day Hope House does not have financial aid available—to use for intake of Alms guests who cannot access the text-message Alms line currently used, due to lack of phone, ID, or some other reason.Alms volunteer—properly masked-- would be stationed at that desk on Tuesday mornings while Hope house is open—from 9:00 to 11:00. The person would take?walk-ins. ?If the intake person thought that Alms might be able to help, a three-way telephone conversation could be set up then and there with two other Alms volunteers to interview the guest. If financial assistance were granted, the intake person could use the credit card on the computer or request that check be available the next Thursday—on Wednesdays, Hope House is closed—that the guest could pick up during open hours (9-11).All spaces will be cleaned and disinfected after the ministry activities are finished.Appendix 1Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate(Waiver)Church/Organization: St. Paul’s Episcopal ChurchEvent/Activity:Date of Event:Name of Participant:Phone Number:Email Address:Considering recent events, the health and wellbeing of our community is our paramount concern. Therefore, all participants at the above event are required to sign one of these forms and agree to voluntarily assume any risk of physically participating at this event and attest to the release of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church from any liability in the event of exposure or sickness.Before attending, you agree that: I understand my attendance and participation in the above event can pose a risk of COVID-19 or other contagious or infectious diseases to me, and if I am a high-risk person, as defined by the CDC, I should stay home and avoid participation;If I have been recently exposed to COVID-19, I understand that I may pose a risk to others;I agree that none of the following applies to me:To my knowledge, I have not been in close or proximate contact with anyone who has had symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days. I have not nor has anyone in my household tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.I have not experienced symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, including but not limited to fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, or dry cough. I have not attended gatherings where those attending did not practice social distancing or wear masks.If there is an outbreak, my information may be shared with Public Health officials to engage in an approved contact-tracing program. I understand that my information will be saved, and my information may be released to such Public Health Officials in the event it is needed for such a program. I agree to follow all social distancing protocols in place at this event or activity and agree to wear a facemask while attending this event. Your participating in person at this event is conditioned upon your acceptance and agreement to the above. Thank you for helping us keep our community safe and healthy, we are all in this together! Signature:Date:Appendix 1ContinuedSt. Paul’s Sign-In LogBy signing below, you agree to the following statements: I have signed the St. Paul’s Covid-19 Individual Attestation and Consent to Participate waiver and it is on file at the church (forms are kept in the back of the notebook if you need to check).I agree that none of the following applies to me:To my knowledge, I have not been in close or proximate contact with anyone who has had symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days. I have not nor has anyone in my household tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.I have not experienced symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, including but not limited to fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, or dry cough.I have not attended gatherings where those attending did not practice social distancing or wear masks.If there is an outbreak, my information may be shared with Public Health officials to engage in an approved contact-tracing program. I understand that my information will be saved, and my information may be released to such Public Health Officials in the event it is needed for such a program. I agree to follow all social distancing protocols in place at this event or activity and agree to wear a facemask while attending this event. St Paul’s Episcopal ChurchSign-in LogDateName (Print and Signature)PhoneTemp @ homeTemp on arrivalTime InTime OutAppendix 1 ContinuedIndividual Attestation and Consent to Participate (Waiver)ExplanationIn compliance with the State of Washington’s “Safe Start” plan and the Diocese of Olympia’s “Guide to Gathering in Person,” St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Bellingham requires that you be informed of the symptoms, and mechanisms of spread, of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19); attest to be symptom free at time of entering the premises, consent to the risks of working, volunteering, or participating in any activity on the premises, and to release St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Bellingham from liability in the event of exposure or sickness. What is the Coronavirus and how does it spread?COVID-19 is an illness caused by a virus that is spread person-to-person or by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose, mouth, or face. The virus is spread primarily through respiratory droplets. Those who have been infected have reported mild to severe symptoms, and can include: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.While all people are potentially at risk of contracting COVID-19, older people (over the age of 65) and those with underlying health conditions (heart or lung disease, diabetes, etc.) are at greater risk and are strongly encouraged to stay home.If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or have come into contact with anyone who has shown signs of these symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19, please vacate the premises immediately and contact your medical care provider.Cooperative Mitigation PolicyTo ensure the health and well being of all parishioners, staff, volunteers, any person entering the premises of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Bellingham for worship or work must consent to the following practices:A cloth face covering must be worn at all timesPhysical distancing of at least six (6) feet must be maintained between all persons not from the same householdWash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer (provided) upon entry, after using the restroom, and before and after consuming any food or drink, or coming into contact with high-touch surfacesRefrain from physical contact and sharing items with others (e.g., books, leaflets, pens, etc.)For staff and volunteers: wipe down high-touch surfaces before and after use (e.g. light switches, doorknobs, copier and printer equipment, etc.)Sign an Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/ParticipateAttestation and ConsentEach time you are present at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Bellingham you will be asked to complete a consent form declaring: That you have not exhibited any symptoms of COVID-19 or come into contact with anyone who has or has tested positiveThat you have followed the CDC and Washington Health officials’ guidelines of maintaining physical distancing, wearing facial coverings, and refrained from participating in gatherings that do not observe these guidelinesThat you have not been in proximate contact with anyone who has had symptoms in the past 14 daysAnd you consent:To our keeping this document on file for 21 days for the purpose of contact tracing, should an exposure event occurTo the risks associated with community transmission of COVID-19 and the potential for exposure even with proper mitigation protections To comply with the stated Cooperative Mitigation PolicyTo release St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Bellingham from any liability in the event that you are exposed and/or become illAppendix 2Usher MinistryCOVID-19 Protocol“Gathered by the Holy Spirit we worship God,And transformed by Christ’s love We go forth into the world to love and serve with joy.”PurposeTo extend Christian hospitality by serving as a St. Paul's Usher assuring that the use of our worship time together is a meaningful experience for all involved. Usher DutiesBe a welcome presence.Be first responders to emergency situations.Model respect and silence in the rear of the church prior to the start of service.Be available to answer questions and provide assistance to parishioners.Identify parishioners having special needsNote number of congregants not participating fully in the Eucharist. Sunday Morning Narrative – UshersPrior to Sunday Service: Read entirely and sign the Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate waiver.Be trained to follow the seating chart and movement plan/schematic that will be set in place for the space that holds the worship service (presumably the Nave, unless another space is designated within St. Paul’s campus.B. On the Day of the Service:Make sure the provisions of the seating chart are in place with appropriate signs, barriers, seating designations all indicated clearly to attendees.Place collection baskets for the offering on a table at the rear of the nave and on a table in the middle of the aisle further toward the front of the nave.Open Narthex doors on both sides of Nave and, weather permitting keep them open for the length of the service (Fresh air circulation).Set up a reception area outside the nave entrance (or in the tower entry narthex if weather is inclement) at which attendees will be greeted and prepared for entry. This reception area should be equipped with:Trays for signed Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate waiversA supply of blank waivers for those who may arrive without oneA binder in which to store completed waivers. (This binder should be equipped with tabs to separate waivers by date).A supply of pens or pencils. One container for decontaminated unused instruments, another for contaminated instruments touched in the signature process.An ample supply of CDC-approved hand sanitizer.An ample supply of masks to provide to those who may arrive without a maskAttendees will be greeted and go through the following stations, in order:TemperatureHand sanitizerContainer of decontaminated pensWaiver (If necessary)Container for contaminated pensSupply of masksPut hand sanitizer on table in NarthexAssure all participants are masked and have used hand sanitizer before entering the Nave. Assure social distancing on entering the Narthex/Nave.Seating front to back. Ushers to assure social distancing and assist with congregant seating.Place basket on Usher’s table for pledge/plate contributions and another on a table in the aisle. There will be no passing of offering plate.Be prepared in a spirit of both kindness and firmness to help attendees observe the guidelines. No attendee is permitted to enter the church without a mask. If attendee refuses to comply, seek a Clergy for support. C. Attendees Arrive for the Service:Assure all attendees arriving wearing masks covering both the nose and mouth, then welcome them to reception station where they will go through the reception stations in order, and assure that people in any line that forms are keeping social distance.Receive signed Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate waivers from attendeesMake sure the all waivers are signed. Be ready to greet and properly instruct and equip any persons who may arrive in the category of “guests”.Be ready to diplomatically and firmly refuse entry to St. Paul’s premises to those who show resistance to or demonstrate refusal to comply with the signing of an Individual Attestation and Consent to Work/Participate waiver or to comply with the guidelines.Seat attendees from front to back according to the pre-determined seating chart/schematic. Those who are members of the same household may be seated together. D. During the Worship Service:Do the usual diligence in keeping an eye on the entrances and exits for any unusual activity.Be ready to diplomatically turn away those who may arrive unannounced, and those whose presence would drive the attendance above the required limitsKeep an eye out for people who may get up to go to the restroom and accompany them, opening doors for them.Assist people to the bathroomCanterbury Room bathroom availableGreat Hall Lobby bathroomAccompany individual to Great Hall by exiting through the NarthexUnlock lobby door, check bathroom for occupancy.Return to Nave from the outsideCHECK TO BE SURE LOBBY DOOR IS LOCKED. E. Close of the Worship Service:Dismissed by pew from back to front allowing for social distancing. Parishioners on the Epistle Side through Walnut Street Narthex, those on Pulpit side through alley Narthex. Disassemble reception table and store, with components, in Walnut Street NarthexPut completed waivers in Waiver BinderRemove detritus from pewsPut waiver binder and collection baskets in the Work RoomCheck the building is empty and doors are LOCKED.Appendix 3St Paul’s Episcopal ChurchComprehensive PlanGathering ChecklistPlease complete this checklist every time you meet. Return it to the Welcome Desk In the Great Hall Lobby.Date: __________ Group: ______________ Meeting Place: _______________?Choose a designated Site Supervisor.?Has each attendee filled out a waiver form, or signed in if prior waiver form is on file??Is necessary COVID-19 safety and information posters visibly posted??Is everyone wearing a facemask before, during, and after the gathering??Is everyone refraining from physical contact, maintaining at least 6 feet of social distancing??Have all participants had their temperatures check??Has a cleaning supply/PPE crate been brought into the room??By maintaining social distancing, is there sufficient room for all participants? If not, is there an alternate venue??Is the number of people in bathroom at one time consistent the number of stalls??Following the meeting, has the clean supply crate been returned to its original location??Have all “high touch areas” been cleaned??Has the furniture and meeting aids been returned to their original position??Has all paper work been returned to the Welcome Desk??Have the lobby doors been locked???Appendix 4Campus Cleaning ProtocolNaveAfter each service use Morning Mist spray and paper towels to disinfect all surfaces that may have been touched:??doorknobs, light switches, all pew surfaces, all areas in chancel that were touched by soloists and clergy.??Do not use disinfectant on the organ or the piano.Empty all waste containers to the alley dumpsterRefill hand sanitizer, tissues, masks as needed. Notify building manager if supplies need to be replenishedBathroomsDisinfect all surfaces with Morning Mist and paper towels or cloth??Spray toilet seats, urinals and stall latchesRefill toilet paper and paper towels as needed*?Empty refuse containers as needed to alley dumpster*Workroom/Classrooms/Great Hall/Sport Hall?Disinfect all areas that could be touched with Morning Mist and paper towels: tables, door handles, light switches, etc.If cleaning supplies need to be replenished, notify building managerEntrance/Exit areasDisinfect all door handles, handrails, light switches with Morning Mist?Sweep floors or vacuum as necessary*Night custodial staff will take care of these regularlyAppendix 5Cleaning Supply Inventory/LocationsThere will be 4 cleaning caddies with necessary supplies in the NaveThere will be cleaning caddies in all other gathering spaces in the church building.These caddies are for the use of the designated cleaners.Replacement supplies will be acquired and stored by the Building Manager.Quantities in each caddy will be monitored weekly.Caddies contain:DisinfectantPaper towelsGlovesMasks?SanitizerSee attached location diagramsAppendix 6Restroom/Kitchen Use ProtocolRestroomAll church activities will provide access to restrooms, provided that access is controlled and capacity is limited to no more than the number of stalls in the restroom.Individuals waiting to use the restroom must maintain at least six feet of distance between each person.Wash your hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer both before and after using the toilet.Upon exit, once your hands are thoroughly washed or sanitized, avoid touching any other surface on exit. For example use paper towel to open the exit door.KitchenNo food can be prepared at this time.Individual commercial packed offerings can be provided and distributed. All home prepared meals and snacks are prohibited, as are potluck meals.No coffee will be served at this time.If kitchen is used for any reason, refer to Appendix 3 for cleaning/decontamination instructions.Appendix 7Altar Guild Guide for COVID-19 Protocol The present practice of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Phase 2 under the administration of the rector is that only services of the Word are offered, and those are online through Facebook Live. There are no celebrations of Holy Eucharist being offered at this time, which means that there is no distribution of communion. The duties of Altar Guild under those circumstances are to keep the altar candles and torches filled with oil and to change out Peraments in accordance with the color of the season.If under a future administration the interim rector or rector chooses to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, the protocols and procedures for that celebration will be according to the direction given by the Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia.The Altar Guild directions will be written accordingly to conform to those specific directives, which will lay out how the distribution of communion will be practiced in a way that maximizes the safety of all participants.Flower Guild Guide for COVID-19 Protocol In the event of in-person worship services at St. Paul’s, Flower Guild members are free to refrain from participation if they so choose. The personal health and safety of St. Paul’s members remains our priority. The option of virtual online services will remain for all members. If members do choose to participate in worship and in Flower Guild activities, they are required to practice all safe-distancing practices and hygiene practices as outlined in this document. Appendix 8Protocols and Guidelines for the distribution of Eucharist through Phase III.All in the chain of work should follow proper precautions and all PPE and distancing guidelines. Altar Guild, and all in the chain need to carefully sanitize all surfaces, wash and sanitize hands, wear masks, etc. All linens, including the pall should be cleaned thoroughly after each use and certainly before each use. Everyone in the service, and in the altar party, should always wear masks. Only the one speaking at any time may remove their mask. The Presider alone will set the table. Try to keep all other hands out of this, including any altar assistants. This includes bringing items from the credence table. The Presider should simply go to retrieve all the elements, vessels, etc. Presider should vigorously wash and sanitize hands before the service, and multiple times throughout the service, most especially just before setting the table and beginning the consecration prayer. This should not be ceremonial washing but vigorous washing. In setting the table, the Presider should use the pall to cover all wafers, and only expose the priest host. If you want to use an additional covering you may but at least the pall. The main point here is to stop droplets that may come from the Presider. Priest host will only be touched and consumed by the Presider. No one else should stand near the Presider at the altar. For distribution, the presider will either consume the priest host before distribution or set it aside to consume after all have received. Wafers are then placed at least 6 inches apart in a line around the side and front of the altar. Presider should make every effort not to touch the linen if possible. If there are steps or a concern about accessibility you can consider another table put at floor level upon which the Presider could also place wafers. This could also be used in larger settings to offer multiple access points to communion. After Presider has placed these first wafers on the table, the ushers can begin to allow the congregants to come forward one at a time, all the while keeping social distance. You might consider putting marks with tape on the floor to show six feet distance and offer some guidance. Before approaching the altar EVERY PERSON receiving should sanitize their hands, allowing them to dry, before going forward. Every person should take one wafer, and NOT consume it until back at their seat. At that point they can remove their mask and consume the wafer. If possible, sanitizer could be in every pew or aisle so that people could sanitize after consumption if possible and if desired. You are highly encouraged NOT to use real bread during this time. If you choose to you must follow the above guidelines but can only distribute by putting bread into a Dixie cup or similar container.Appendix 9Protocol for administering baptism through Phase IIIFor baptism, only one Presider is allowed for all manual acts, blessing the water, baptizing, anointing, etc. Water should not be put into the font until the actual blessing of the water. Only the Presider may touch the water. Presider will vigorously wash their hands and sanitize before the Blessing of the Water, and will repeat this action before and after each baptism. If aspersions are planned for the congregation, the Presider should extract that water from the font, in a dedicated bowl, before any baptisms take place and set aside for use for this. If there are multiple baptisms, you have several options when baptizing. You may take water in your hands and move away from over the font, and pour the water over the candidate’s head. Or you could use a separate bowl and walk to the candidate to baptize, trying not to let water fall off the head of the person, back into the bowl. If this does happen, please use a new bowl. In fact, it would be best to have a new bowl for each candidate. Presider only anoints. Wearing mask. Candles should either be not used during this time, OR, you may light the candle, show it to the person, then blow it out and keep this to be sanitized after the service and given to the candidate. You could do all of this after the service if you wish. During this time there is to be no sprinkling of the congregation with the water in font or bowls used for baptisms. Only use the water set aside in the beginning. All water, in all bowls and the font should be discarded BEFORE the ending of the service Prior to the baptism you could send a link to the congregants with a card whereby people could download and print that includes the line, "Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support this person in her life in Christ? We will." and ask people to write a message and mail it to the baptismal candidate, affirming their participation in the liturgy and the covenant and whatever other message of welcome and support they want to give. Appendix 10 Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 Religious andFaith-based Organization COVID-19 RequirementsWith continuing reports of COVID-19 outbreaks at spiritual gatherings as counties have advanced to Phases 1.5, 2, and 3 of the Safe Start Plan, the Governor still strongly encourages religious leaders and communities to conduct services remotely. Alternatively, drive-in services are permitted in all phases and capacity limits do not apply. Counseling services are essential and may be permitted in-person, if remote counseling is not viable. In addition to remote and drive-in services, religious and faith-based organizations are permitted to conduct the following activities, provided all requirements in this document are met: Phase 1 Hold outdoor services on the organization’s property (or immediately adjacent property if explicitly permitted by the local jurisdiction) with up to 100 individuals, so long as six feet of physical distancing can be achieved between households. Cloth face coverings are required for all participants. Outdoor services may be conducted under an outdoor structure (temporary or permanent) so long as the structure is not walled/enclosed on more than two sides to provide appropriate ventilation. Phase 2 Hold indoor services at a place of worship with up to 25% of room capacity or up to 200 people, whichever is less, so long as six feet of physical distancing can be achieved between households. Cloth face coverings are required for all participants. Additional attendees are permitted to attend simultaneous services if the organization has a separate freestanding building or separate rooms within the main building, provided that each separate building or room used must have its own accessible (1) outdoor entrance/exit; and (2) bathrooms for all participants. The entrance/exit and bathrooms must be separate from those used for the main building or room and from all other buildings or rooms used by the organization for simultaneous services. If the above requirements are met, the organization may conduct simultaneous services (whether by live stream or otherwise) with up to 25% of the room’s capacity or up to 200 people, whichever is less, so long as six feet of physical distancing between households can be (and is) maintained at all times. Hold outdoor services on the organization’s property (or immediately adjacent property if explicitly permitted by the local jurisdiction) with up to 200 individuals, so long as six feet of physical distancing can be achieved between households. Cloth face coverings are required for all participants. Outdoor services may be conducted under an outdoor structure (temporary or permanent) so long as the structure is not walled/enclosed on more than two sides to provide appropriate ventilation. Hold or provide in-home services inside a person’s residence with up to five total individuals (excluding organization staff). Cloth face coverings are required for all participants. Phase 3 Hold indoor services at a place of worship with up to 50% of room capacity or up to 400 people, whichever is less, so long as six feet of physical distancing can be achieved between households. Cloth face coverings are required for all participants. Additional attendees are permitted to attend simultaneous services if the organization has a separate freestanding building or separate rooms within the main building, provided that each separate building or room used must have its own accessible (1) outdoor entrance/exit; and (2) bathrooms for all participants. The entrance/exit and bathrooms must be separate from those used for the main building or room and from all other buildings or rooms used by the organization for simultaneous services. If the above requirements are met, the organization may conduct simultaneous services (whether by live stream or otherwise) with up to 50% of the room’s capacity or up to 400 people, whichever is less, so long as six feet of physical distancing between households can be (and is) maintained at all times.Hold outdoor services on the organization’s property (or immediately adjacent property if explicitly permitted by the local jurisdiction) with up to 400 individuals, so long as six feet of physical distancing can be achieved between households. Outdoor services may be conducted under an outdoor structure (temporary or permanent) so long as the structure is not walled/enclosed on more than two sides to provide appropriate ventilation. Hold or provide in-home services inside a person’s residence with up to ten total individuals (excluding organization staff). Cloth face coverings are required for all participants. Staff is excluded from the maximum number of individuals, but any organization volunteers are included in the maximum number of permissible individuals. The services covered in these operational guidelines include all worship services, religious study classes, religious ceremonies, and religious holiday celebrations. Religious weddings and funerals are not covered under this document and must follow the guidance in this memo. Organizations are strongly encouraged to keep a log of attendees at each service or counseling session, and to retain that log for at least two weeks. If an outbreak occurs, this information may be critical to help save lives. Safety and Health RequirementsAll organizations (including religious and faith-based organizations) have a general obligation to keep a safe and healthy facility in accordance with state and federal law and safety and health rules for a variety of workplace hazards. In addition, they must comply with the following COVID-19 organization-specific safety practices, as outlined in the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy Proclamation 20-25, et seq., and in accordance with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries General Requirements and Prevention Ideas for Workplaces and the Washington State Department of Health Workplace and Employer Resources & Recommendations at . Religious and faith-based organizations must specifically ensure operations follow the main L&I COVID-19 requirements to protect employees: Educate all employees in the language they understand best about coronavirus, how to prevent transmission, and the owner’s COVID-19 policies. Screen employees for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 at the start of every shift. Make sure sick employees stay home or immediately go home if they feel or appear sick. Cordon off any areas where an employee with probable or confirmed COVID-19 illness worked, touched surfaces, etc., until the area and equipment is cleaned and sanitized. Follow the cleaning guidelines set by the CDC to deep clean and sanitize. Maintain minimum six-foot separation between all persons in all interactions and at all times. When strict physical distancing is not feasible for a specific task, other prevention measures are required, such as use of barriers, minimization of individuals in narrow, enclosed areas and waiting rooms, staggered breaks, and work shift starts. Provide (at no cost to employees) and require the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, face shields and face covering masks as appropriate or required for the work activity being performed. Every employee not working alone at the location unless their exposure dictates a higher level of protection under Department of Labor & Industries safety and health rules and guidance must wear cloth face coverings. The facial covering requirement does apply to the individual(s) leading the service. Exceptions to this requirement for cloth face coverings include when working alone in an office, vehicle, or at a job site; if the individual is deaf or hard of hearing and is communicating with someone who relies on language cues such as facial markers and expression and mouth movements as a part of communication; if the individual has a medical condition or disability that makes wearing a facial covering inappropriate; or when the job has no in-person interaction. Refer to Coronavirus Facial Covering and Mask Requirements for additional details. A cloth facial covering is described in the Department of Health guidance, Department of Health guidance. Ensure frequent and adequate hand washing with adequate maintenance of supplies. Use disposable gloves, where safe and applicable, to prevent virus transmission on items that are touched frequently or shared and discard after a single use.Establish a housekeeping schedule that includes frequent cleaning and sanitizing with a particular emphasis on commonly touched services. Post a sign at the entrance to the organization that says face coverings are required. A location-specific COVID-19 supervisor shall be designated by the organization at each location (indoor and outdoor) to monitor the health of employees and enforce the COVID-19 safety plan. An employee may refuse to perform unsafe work, including hazards created by COVID-19. And, it is unlawful for the employer to take adverse action against an employee who has engaged in safety-protected activities under the law if the individual’s work refusal meets certain requirements. Information is available in these publications: Safety and Health Discrimination in the Workplace brochure and Spanish Safety and Health Discrimination brochure. Employees who choose to remove themselves from a worksite because they do not believe it is safe to work due to the risk of COVID-19 exposure may have access to certain leave or unemployment benefits. Employers must provide high-risk individuals covered by Proclamation 20-46, et seq., with their choice of access to available employer-granted accrued leave or unemployment benefits if an alternative work arrangement is not feasible. Other employees may have access to expanded family and medical leave included in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, access to unemployment benefits, or access to other paid time off depending on the circumstances. Additional information is available at Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) Resources and Paid Leave under the Washington Family Care Act and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. All religious and faith-based organizations are required to comply with the following COVID-19 organization-specific safety practices: Prior to beginning operations as described in this document, all religious and faith-based organizations are required to develop for each location (indoor and outdoor if applicable) a comprehensive COVID-19 exposure control, mitigation and recovery plan. The plan must include policies regarding the following control measures: PPE utilization; on-location physical distancing; hygiene; sanitation; symptom monitoring; incident reporting; location disinfection procedures; COVID-19 safety training; exposure response procedures and a post-exposure incident project-wide recovery plan. A copy of the plan must be available at the location for inspection by state and local authorities, but state and local authorities do not preapprove the plan. Failure to meet planning requirements may result in sanctions, including the location being shut down. COVID-19 safety information and requirements, such as CDC, DOH, OSHA posters shall be visibly posted at each location (indoor and outdoor). Face Coverings and Exemptions - All employees, members, and visitors in attendance shall wear face coverings before, during, and after the service (whether indoor or outdoor). The face-covering requirement does apply to individual(s) leading the service and others who speak during any live service. There are exemptions to wearing face covering, so please refer to the Department of Health’s Order on Face Coverings. If the speaker needs an accommodation due to a medical exemption, then a Plexiglas 3-sided barrier may be used during the service. The barrier must be disinfected after every use. For services that are recorded or filmed without a live audience, then face coverings are not required for individuals while they are speaking. There may be no direct physical contact between servers and members or visitors. Anything to be consumed may not be presented to the members or visitors in a communal container or plate. Music – No choir shall perform during the service. Congregational singing is permitted, but individuals must not remove their face coverings to sing – it must stay on for the duration of the service. Soloist musical performances are permitted so long as the performer wears a face covering. In the event the soloist is performing on a woodwind or brass instrument, the soloist may remove their face covering only during the performance. Musical performances that include a soloist and piano accompanist are permitted, but musical performances of more than two individuals are prohibited. All services may provide access to restrooms, provided that access is controlled and capacity is limited to no more than the number of stalls in the restroom. Individuals waiting to use the restroom must maintain at least 6 feet of distance between each person. Soap and running water shall be abundantly provided at locations for frequent hand washing. Employees should be encouraged to leave their workstations to wash their hands regularly, and required to do so before and after going to the bathroom, before and after eating and after coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol should also be provided and used, but are not a replacement for the water requirement. Disinfectants must be available to employees, members, and visitors throughout the location (indoor and outdoor) and ensure cleaning supplies are frequently replenished. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces after each use—including personal work stations, mirrors, chairs, headrests and armrests, doorknobs, handrails, restrooms and break rooms—using soapy water, followed by the appropriate disinfectants. If these areas cannot be cleaned and disinfected frequently, the organization shall be shut down until such measures can be achieved and maintained. All organizations must adhere to physical distancing requirements and have six feet of space between workstations or have physical barriers between them. All organizations must adhere to physical distancing requirements and have six feet of space between the congregation’s seats, pews, and benches or have physical barriers between them. Members of the same household may be seated together as a single unit. This may require the organization to reconfigure the congregation’s seats, pews, and benches or have physical barriers between them. The organization must place markings on the floors and seats indicating a six feet radius to help guide members and visitors. Increase ventilation rates where feasible. Ensure that tissues and trashcans are placed throughout the location (indoor and outdoor). Inform all employees, members, and guests that they must self-screen for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before arriving at the location.Request employees, members, and visitors to take their temperature before attending a service. Any individual with a temperature of 100.4°F will not be permitted to attend the service or attend work at the organization. 15. Any individual with a household member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or with symptoms of COVID-19 (including a fever above 100.4°F) may not attend the service or attend work at the organization. For in-home services, religious and faith-based organizations are permitted to convene up to five individuals in Phase 2 and ten individuals in Phase 3, excluding organization staff. These individuals do not need to be from the same household. However, individuals must wear face coverings when individuals from outside of the household participate. All issues regarding worker safety and health are subject to enforcement action under L&I’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH).Employers can request COVID-19 prevention advice and help from DOSH. Employee workplace safety and health complaints may be submitted to the DOSH Call Center: (1-800-423-7233) or via e-mail to adag235@lni.. General questions about how to comply with the agreement practices can be submitted to the state’s Business Response Center at . All other violations related to Proclamation 20-25, et seq., can be submitted at . Update: August 8, 2020Appendix 11 A Guide to Gathering in Person from Office of Bishop: Cut and paste into your browser, click “VIEW OR DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT” dated May 7, 2020, twenty-seven pages. ................

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